Holly2003 26.04.2019 19:18 |
John felt uncomfortable doing Queen songs at the Tribute Concert without Freddie (at around 14:20) link |
people on streets 26.04.2019 19:25 |
Nice interview with George Michael. Gone too soon as well. |
mooghead 26.04.2019 20:45 |
But he did. So what is your point? |
bucsateflon 26.04.2019 20:59 |
knowing you will never play with your band to such a place and audience ever again.... |
Saint Jiub 27.04.2019 01:09 |
Holly2003 wrote: John felt uncomfortable doing Queen songs at the Tribute Concert without Freddie (at around 14:20) link.. To clarify, John felt uncomfortable playing Queen songs with other performers instead of Freddie ... |
Holly2003 27.04.2019 06:50 |
mooghead wrote: But he did. So what is your point?It's not my point, it's Brian May's. You can ask him about it in 1993 via this old email address: brian.may@geocities.com |
dysan 27.04.2019 10:30 |
He didn't like playing Wembley without his testicles popping out of his shorts. |
fras444 27.04.2019 10:48 |
Great interview and another little insight from the very beginning of the "post Freddie" years to suggest John was heading on a downward spiral and shows that John is a little more deep than some people may realize. John Deacon here on Queenzone is like a mythological prophet... Whatever everyone here likes to believe... Be he be "the one who had morals and quit Queen before Brian and Roger ruined Queen's legacy, wanting to retire for a very long time, everything falling perfectly together and Freddie's passing was just the perfect excuse (some say that songs he wrote were a very personal insight to what was going on in his mind.... Break Free... wanting to break free from the band), he just wanted to enjoy the peaceful life, was going to retire anyway regardless of Freddie' passing/not dying, grumpy old fart who gives two fucks for being bothered to pick up the bass or do a interview or two for his most beloved fans..... A potential and more plausible reason... A falling out with Brian during the MIH sessions and not having that....That certain someone.... who use to be there" The more we get the same pieces/ answers from Brian and Roger when asked about John and with what recently came out during the lead in to the movie regarding "where is John?" from.... All of those people... All of those people... Those who knew him the deepest from his family, friends, previous roadies and managers and the band members who lived and breathed his presence with all of those months and years on tour and being in studio. It's all there in what we read from THEM!!!! Yet people that only know him from a handful of interviews and from what we see of him on all of those music videos and live shows... We all become experts and love to make up our own fantasy why he is no longer flying the flag for Queen. Who said that they "felt like just a spare wheel" when there was no contact from all four during the 80s... Depression has many wicked forms and..... Who knows....... John Deacon may be playing us all out for fools and loving every moment of it.... As a wise man said.... "who needs you...?" |
fras444 27.04.2019 11:36 |
Regards to Holly2003 and the point Holly makes.... It's just a piece that they found. Just another piece in the puzzle explaining John's frame of mind from the very beginning of post Freddie, and where his mind was and most likely still is regards to life "for him" in the future of Queen and how he felt with the prospect of doing these songs without Freddie, regardless of it being for Freddie... Shit... Not meaning much then but.... Listening to what Brian said about John... Who know's... with far more insight on how depression works today.... That one sentence Brian said regarding how John felt while rehearsing songs that Freddie sung with other singers... A psychiatrist today would see that as a possible cry for help and that things were not going well emotionally, a potential beginning of a mental breakdown. John's body language during the one and only time in his whole life were he said anything on stage during the introduction and to introduce Metallica, as well as the first and only time Queen opened a show without Freddie, the three minutes when it was just the three of them, he looked okay, had a smile on his face... Then when Joe Elliot came on... A smile that was on John's face disappeared.... Then again... It was a huge show that had a party/rock star feel to it with so much going on both Roger and Bri feeding of the energy, which just shows how much of a quiet reserved person John was.... Then again... aspergers was thrown around by Queenzoners a couple of years back.... was that an example of a set routine that Freddie, John, Brian and Roger had, the loose randomest stage show nature that the tribute concert was....Was it just to much for John and that he needed structure.... just watching that whole show... interesting to watch John... well... the few snippets we had of John and his last full show.... It's actually quite sad to watch his final moments on the stage he was a little distant. P.S I wonder what Slash said to Brian after Tie your mother down?? |
dysan 27.04.2019 11:45 |
'I wonder what Slash said to Brian after Tie your mother down??' 'Can I borrow your straighteners?' |
Holly2003 27.04.2019 12:18 |
dysan wrote: 'I wonder what Slash said to Brian after Tie your mother down??' 'Can I borrow your straighteners?'"If we ever do this again, I'll start the solo in the right key." fras444, thank you. As you say, another piece of the puzzle. I posted this to show that John's concerns about playing with other lead singers date to much earlier than his eventual retirement from the music business. |
FMBMJDRT 27.04.2019 14:07 |
A lot I've read about John suggests he was a heavy drinker throughout the 80s (even an article about his trip to Korea on promotion refers to his extensive drinking habits and enjoyment of clubbing), not to mention the magic mushroom / Bali episode in 1984. He also appears to have suffered from depression a long time before Freddies death. Mack said in a German Tv special on queen that his reclusiveness was related to alcohol and anti depressants use over 30 years. Freddies illness (which he would have been forced to keep a secret from his family for a long time ) and death probably made them worse. However none of these problems were going to be cured by simply retiring and refusing to socialise with anyone outside his family |
Holly2003 27.04.2019 14:25 |
FMBMJDRT wrote: However none of these problems were going to be cured by simply retiring and refusing to socialise with anyone outside his familyThat's the thing though -- just because he's retired from public life doesn't make him a recluse, unsociable, a hermit etc. He could be, and probably is, living a perfectly normal and happy life, just not in the the public eye. |
Rick 27.04.2019 14:41 |
And still he spoke to the audience for the very first time. One of my favourite moments ever. You can see he is struggling but he manages to keep it cool. METALLICA! |
FMBMJDRT 27.04.2019 15:45 |
I used to think "recluse" was too strong a word but even Peter Hince has confirmed he is "virtually a recluse now". Roger Taylor has said John "doesn't like people" in Mark Blake's "kind of magic" book and whilst I think Roger may have his own agenda, the fact that John's offspring socialise with Brian and Roger but john doesn't suggest they accept B+R's assessment that their dad is "fragile" |
Star* 27.04.2019 17:08 |
Such a dumb thread by a dumb girl zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz |
Star* 27.04.2019 17:10 |
FMBM JDRT I think Roger & Brain have said some pretty cruel things about John, and to be honest its no ones business if John does not want to pretend been Queen with the other two greedy buggers. |
Holly2003 27.04.2019 17:22 |
Fab me wrote: Such a dumb thread by a dumb girl zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzI thought you had a stroke there but I see you've contributed twice now to my "dumb thread" so I guess IT is not so dumb but YOU clearly are. |
Star* 28.04.2019 08:40 |
Holly2003 When you have something constructive to say then we will all gasp with shock ! We know you are not capable of a decent thread. |
Holly2003 28.04.2019 10:02 |
You've contributed three times now to my "dumb thread", which proves you're getting dumber by the day. |
Star* 28.04.2019 12:11 |
Holly2003 Others have contributed to your dumb thread too, so does that make them dumb as well ? |
Holly2003 28.04.2019 12:33 |
Fab me wrote: Holly2003 Others have contributed to your dumb thread too, so does that make them dumb as well ?You tell me. You're the one who said the thread was dumb. Or are you too thick to remember what you said? |
Star* 28.04.2019 13:37 |
I know what i said but i dont think you ever did especially while your smoking that spice again. |
Vocal harmony 28.04.2019 13:39 |
Fab me wrote: Such a dumb thread by a dumb girl zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzDo you have a gender recognition problem you'd like to add to your string of un hinged deranged barriers. . . . Or are you just simply dumb. |
Vocal harmony 28.04.2019 13:42 |
Fab me wrote: I don't know what i said but i dont think i ever did especially while smoking that spice again.Makes sense to me. . . |
Holly2003 28.04.2019 14:21 |
Fab me wrote: I know what i said but i dont think you ever did especially while your smoking that spice again.What are you gibbering about now Walter? Did you forget to take your tablets again? |
Star* 28.04.2019 14:55 |
Oh my god look who's in the house its that sick mother fucker "Vocal Harmony" and her side kick gormless Holly2003 ! Otherwise known on Queenzone as "Mop & Bucket " |
Dougie 4 28.04.2019 15:17 |
I found it very strange that throughout the award season for Borhap John Deacon was not acknowledged much especially by Brian and Roger |
Star* 28.04.2019 15:27 |
Brian and Roger have become very hard nosed since taking on Adam Lambert and have rubbished John Deacon off big time. They now think they can still be relevant without John or Freddie, which is a narrow way of thinking as both of them have just made £28 million each because of Freddie and the film Bohemian Rhapsody. |
Holly2003 28.04.2019 16:18 |
Fab me wrote: Brian and Roger have become very hard nosed since taking on Adam Lambert and have rubbished John Deacon off big time. They now think they can still be relevant without John or Freddie, which is a narrow way of thinking as both of them have just made £28 million each because of Freddie and the film Bohemian Rhapsody.You've said all that shite before. There must be a cavernous echo between your ears. |
Star* 28.04.2019 19:00 |
Holly2003 I do not really expect you to understand as your only a little girl with half a brain tut tut.......... |
The Fairy King 28.04.2019 19:05 |
Fab me wrote: Holly2003 I do not really expect you to understand as your only a little girl with half a brain tut tut..........you're* |
Vocal harmony 29.04.2019 16:09 |
Fab me wrote: Oh my god look who's in the house its that sick mother fucker me and my side kick gormless Gerryhappyturd ! Otherwise known on Queenzone as "a right couple of twats"Nice to know you give Gerry some recognition after all he was a bit special and paved the way for your inane ranting |
dudeofqueen 29.04.2019 16:43 |
Fab me, re: >Holly2003 I do not really expect you to understand as your only a little girl with half a brain tut tut.......... Isn't that what you like so much, though? Dressed up in your mum's g-string, Dr. Martins and gimp mask, you must be struggling to find stuff to fill your day ;-) |
Star* 29.04.2019 17:20 |
Vocal Harmony No one cares if you put false quotes with my name on them, your a sad little ugly bitch who has nothing better to do. I pity your family having you for a daughter. |
Saint Jiub 30.04.2019 01:23 |
I love the VH and Holly rolling commentary about a certain troll twat that changes his username every week. Fab Me, "your" obnoxious. |
Star* 30.04.2019 06:23 |
Saint Jiub: It is none of your business if i change my user name every second, do you have a problem with that or are you playing moderator on here too? Get a life saddo. |
Vocal harmony 30.04.2019 11:10 |
Fab me wrote: do not really expect me to understand as I'm only a little girl with half a brain tut tut..........You can tut tut all you want, you won't appear to be so much of a little girl if you remove yourself from grown up conversations. |
Vocal harmony 30.04.2019 11:14 |
Fab me wrote: Saint Jiub: It is none of your business. . . . . . . . Get a life saddo.It's a public forum dip shit so it's everyone's business if they choose it to be. |
Star* 30.04.2019 12:55 |
Vocal Harmony Wrong because my use name is my affair not nosy cunts like you and your bullying gang. |
RS_Protos 30.04.2019 13:36 |
Watched the show must go on tv show last night. Funny how they quickly dissed John D, less than 30 seconds. Even when they showed the Wembley tribute they showed the BM and RT speech and totally ignored JD, it's so obvious what they are doing, it's embarrassing to Queen fans. |
Star* 30.04.2019 15:01 |
Not as embarrassing as watching May & Taylor touring the world as "Queen" which is bang out of order. John Deacon gets no respect from May or Taylor probably as he was close to Freddie, who knows? |
Dougie 4 30.04.2019 16:28 |
It is very sad that John Deacon is not being acknowledged as part of Queen by Brian and Roger...why is that? |
Star* 30.04.2019 16:37 |
Hi Dougie to be honest i have never heard Brian or Roger praise John in any way at all. We all know John is a brilliant bass player but no praise of anyone! May and Taylor have also never spoken to Mary Austin since Freddie's funeral either. Queen these days is a brand name except you are not getting Queen but the idiots who buy the tickets think they are. Two members from a famous 70s and 80s band does not equal Queen arguably. Queen was a four man british rock band a complete unit. Poor John has been treated appallingly by May & Taylor and they need to have more respect for John and get there noses down from the clouds. |
Dougie 4 30.04.2019 16:54 |
Brian speaks fondly of Mary...but Roger seems the most aloof |
Star* 30.04.2019 18:13 |
Brian has not been to see Mary in 27 years, now that to me says a lot about there friendship, and Roger has grudges i wonder why? I suspect Brian and Roger fell out with John and now we get comments from them both saying John was delicate in the band and he is a sociapath, nice words for a man they have been with for over 26 years. We just do not know what goes on behind closed doors, Brian might be a right ogre or Roger maybe a control freak who knows? Poor John has just closed down completely and will not open up to anyone now, he will however take his secrets to the grave. |
Dougie 4 30.04.2019 18:16 |
What grudges does Roger have? Could you please explain |
bucsateflon 30.04.2019 18:22 |
TMZ generation of snowflakes |
Star* 01.05.2019 06:21 |
Dougie Seems obvious Roger and Brian made John to feel like an outsider as he was last to join the band so maybe John never felt comfortable around those two unless Freddie was there, hence why he quit after that one of appearance with Elton and Brian and Roger. |
Holly2003 01.05.2019 07:33 |
"seems obvious" lol! Idiot. |
Chopin1995 01.05.2019 08:44 |
Fab me wrote: May and Taylor have also never spoken to Mary Austin since Freddie's funeral either. Fab me wrote: Brian has not been to see Mary in 27 years, now that to me says a lot about there friendship,Here is a pic of Mary and Brian in 2002: link |
Dougie 4 01.05.2019 11:27 |
Brian speaks think is in touch with Mary, talks of her fondly, but not Roger...both seem to ignore Deacon lately |
Dougie 4 01.05.2019 11:28 |
Sorry for typos |
Vocal harmony 01.05.2019 13:19 |
Fab me wrote: . . . We just do not know what goes on behind closed doors. . . . . .Exactly, so why do you keep posting your version of what happened as fact. You weren't there and you've never sat down with Brian, Roger or John to discuss any of this. The only thing you've posted that has any truth to it is the above line |
Star* 01.05.2019 14:21 |
Vocal Harmony: Keep your beak out i was not chatting to you and it is rude to but in. I was chatting to a decent Queen fan for a change and not a troll like you. |
Thistle 01.05.2019 23:32 |
It's a forum, anyone can chime in. Just so you know ;) |
Dougie 4 02.05.2019 02:43 |
@Thistle: common decency is still something to expect and strive for |
Star* 02.05.2019 06:38 |
Thistle: There is a difference from joining in and harassing and not sure if you have noticed but "Vocal Harmony" is harassing me at every level on every thread so that is not joining it that accounts to bullying and harassment. Every comment i make she deliberately attacks me. It is nice to chat to Dougie on here as he has been the only one not to be childish or immature and our posts are kind and considerate to each other. Vocal Harmony and the rest of the mafia on here need to sit up and learn. |
Holly2003 02.05.2019 10:38 |
Fab me wrote: Thistle: There is a difference from joining in and harassing and not sure if you have noticed but "Vocal Harmony" is harassing me at every level on every thread so that is not joining it that accounts to bullying and harassment. Every comment i make she deliberately attacks me. It is nice to chat to Dougie on here as he has been the only one not to be childish or immature and our posts are kind and considerate to each other. Vocal Harmony and the rest of the mafia on here need to sit up and learn.Your first comment on this thread was: "Such a dumb thread by a dumb girl zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz " You're a whining little bully boy who doesn't like getting a taste of your own medicine. |
Vocal harmony 02.05.2019 12:02 |
Fab me wrote: Vocal Harmony: Keep your beak out i was not chatting to you and it is rude to but in. I was chatting to a decent Queen fan for a change and not a troll like you.No I won't . If you choose to make idiotic comments on a public forum on a thread the you've already criticised I am free to comment any way I choose. If you don't like my replies think about what you're posting before you post it. There are many "decent" Queen fans on here. . . . You ain't one of them. |
aristide1 02.05.2019 12:12 |
In fact we don't really know how uncomfortable was John at that concert. According to Brian, the illustrious was not convinced by the idea of a concert without Freddie. (although even the chemical bassist in short trousers must have been aware that a Freddie tribute without Queen music is out of the question). Maybe you can change the fictional title with a real one: < Brian says that it was a very weird feeling to play Queen music with somebody else > (Assuming that logic issues should be more important to you than gender issues.) |
Thistle 02.05.2019 12:15 |
Fab me wrote: Thistle: There is a difference from joining in and harassing and not sure if you have noticed but "Vocal Harmony" is harassing me at every level on every thread so that is not joining it that accounts to bullying and harassment. Every comment i make she deliberately attacks me. It is nice to chat to Dougie on here as he has been the only one not to be childish or immature and our posts are kind and considerate to each other. Vocal Harmony and the rest of the mafia on here need to sit up and learn.That's how you see it, but you do the same by bringing VH into the conversation every time someone has a go at you, even when VH has kept out. You should practice what you preach, although that's not a personal attack - just some friendly advice. |
Thistle 02.05.2019 12:16 |
Dougie 4 wrote: @Thistle: common decency is still something to expect and strive forAye |
Star* 02.05.2019 15:47 |
Thistle : Vocal Harmony deserves all she gets, because i was quietly having a good chat on here about this John Deacon thread and Vocal Harmony lunged in again and attacked my comments, she does not do that to anyone else but me. Yes i bring her name up because she is damned well nasty to me and i like to name and shame her but she is that dense she has no conscience. |
Thistle 03.05.2019 01:04 |
And as I say, that's how you see it. Maybe VH sees it as you deserving what you get. There's always another side. Maybe if you back off, VH will back off. Practice what you preach Gerry. |
Saint Jiub 03.05.2019 01:39 |
The new user name reminds me of George Harrison penned Beatles song from the White Album: Savoy Trifle |
Star* 03.05.2019 06:24 |
Thistle i have backed off numerous times, but it always happens. I will not tolerate this from her and she will always get her pedigree from me always. Anything she can do i will always go that extra mile and plant her. |
Vocal harmony 03.05.2019 13:54 |
Well Gerry are you a building society, a town southwest of Leeds, Halifax Nova Scotia ( that's in that very big place called Canada, which of course you wouldn't know about) or a WW2 Royal Airforce bomber... Actually it doesn't matter. What matters is that you are going to plant me, do excuse me while a spend the next few minutes laughing at you. . . You do remember calling me out (HMV Oxford st) so that you could smack me in the face and kick my head in. You then claimed to have turned up with your gang of mates, proof as if it was needed that you, like me, are aware that you couldn't get the job done on your own. In fact those figments of your imagination ( Tom, Dick and Whoever) would have been as useless as you. You seem to have developed a gender recognition problem too, yet you're still threatening violence towards someone you believe to be female. What a twat. And on the subject of planting me, the truth is you couldn't plant a flower boarder. |
Dougie 4 03.05.2019 14:15 |
Calling upon the spirit of 'Freddie the peacemaker' I call all parties to announce truce and end this juvenile shit |
Star* 03.05.2019 14:43 |
Dougie4 Sorry about the obnoxious idiot "Vocal Harmony" can we carry on chatting about John Deacon because i am not wasting any more time on an attention seeker who probably has ADHD ! We can only sympathise with this individual. |
FMBMJDRT 03.05.2019 20:41 |
link The reference to JD in this article does make me question his mental health. I believe the incident was in 2002 |
Star* 04.05.2019 06:43 |
That sort of journalism is disgusting and how that ever made publication in The Guardian is a mystery. It is no wonder John Deacon hides away from the press if that sort of trash is written about him and there is no respect there for our John. Journalists these days are bitter, nasty, and print nasty things to get a reaction a bit like someone on here who keeps on harassing me, and oh it is a criminal offence to stalk or harass someone on social media so take that on board "Vocal Harmony" ! |
Dr Magus 04.05.2019 08:41 |
It is time for us all to stop calling the old band Queen and instead refer to it as Queen + Freddie Mercury (feat. John Deacon). THE QUEEN IS DEAD, EVERYONE. LONG LIVE THE QUEEN + FREDDIE MERCURY (feat. John Deacon). |
Star* 04.05.2019 08:52 |
How about calling them Freddie Mercury's Queen band! There that will piss Brian off lol |
Saint Jiub 04.05.2019 17:05 |
FMBMJDRT wrote: link The reference to JD in this article does make me question his mental health. I believe the incident was in 2002Overreact much? Having a sense of humor is the number one cause of mental illness ... ;p |
SkyeTV 06.05.2019 13:53 |
Still a lot of infighting. I'd have thought after a while it would have calmed down but obviously not so much, it's so gutting. |
matt z 06.05.2019 14:35 |
Dr Magus wrote: It is time for us all to stop calling the old band Queen and instead refer to it as Queen + Freddie Mercury (feat. John Deacon). THE QUEEN IS DEAD, EVERYONE. LONG LIVE THE QUEEN + FREDDIE MERCURY (feat. John Deacon).I suggested as much years ago, but it never caught on. |
Star* 06.05.2019 14:37 |
Ha ha The name Queen = ££££££££££ or $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ even though they are not 100% Queen. |
godfather2 06.05.2019 14:54 |
I seem to remember reading a letter from John in the fan club magazine, after the Freddie tribute concert. While I can't remember his exact words, he said something along the lines of needing a lot of persuading to go ahead with performing without Freddie. |
aristide1 06.05.2019 14:56 |
A lot of money maybe. Aren't you tired of venerating the relics of St.John the Righteous? |
Star* 06.05.2019 15:50 |
Lets face it Queen are corrupt now no argument there! People who have never been to a Queen show end up going and come away thinking they have been to a Queen show but they have not no way. A Queen show with two out of four original band members and a karaoke singer in Adam Lambert, surely that is cheese! Crime of the century in rock n roll terms! |
Holly2003 06.05.2019 15:54 |
You're doing a good job of contributing many times to my "dumb thread". It's a shame it's just your usual nonsense, repeated ad nauseam. |
Holly2003 06.05.2019 15:56 |
aristide1 wrote: A lot of money maybe. Aren't you tired of venerating the relics of St.John the Righteous?How much money did John make from the tribute concert? |
fras444 06.05.2019 18:52 |
I believe all earnings went to the aids/red ribbon fund didn't it? |
Ivo-1976 06.05.2019 20:58 |
I remember watching the tribute concert and noticing John was more in the background than in previous tours with Freddie. Some songs went by without a show/close up of John, making you wonder if he was still on stage. Of course a lot of attention went to the guests on stage but still I thought it was remarkable. The tribute concert and Made in Heaven were his last big Queen projects. A shame but I understand his wish to stop and enjoy a more private life. It had been 20+ years of madness. |
Saint Jiub 06.05.2019 23:43 |
fras444 wrote: I believe all earnings went to the aids/red ribbon fund didn't it?Nope ... Arseysnide1 has documented proof that John got all the earnings |
Dougie 4 07.05.2019 04:54 |
All the money from the tribute concert went to the Mercury Phoenix trust for AIDS ...it is well known and stated by Roger Taylor |
N0_Camping4U 09.06.2019 20:07 |
what is the john deacon magic mushroom incident in bali?? |
FMBMJDRT 09.06.2019 22:58 |
John fled Munich for Bali when Queen were finishing off the Works album (for reasons not disclosed). Based on various sources it appears he took magic mushrooms whilst there and returned to Munich after 10 days or or so stating that he had seen God. According to the memoir of an Australian record company executive a few weeks later whilst on a promotional tour in Sydney John disappeared for two days believing Rupert Murdoch was spying on him. Peter Hince states in his book that John was never the same again after this period. |
cmsdrums 10.06.2019 07:33 |
FMBMJDRT wrote: J whilst on a promotional tour in Sydney John disappeared for two days believing Rupert Murdoch was spying on him. .To be fair to John, whether he was off hit tits on mushrooms or not, there's a high possibility (albeit indirectly through his media organisations) of that being true! |