The ever lovely John Deacon wrote some amazing songs for Queen but what do you think was his greatest bass moment on those Queen albums?
For me it has to be "Dragon Attack" "Another one Bites the Dust" and "A Kind of Magic"
John could have easily gone on to guest on other artists albums even when he refused to be part of Queen without Freddie, but well we know the music could not go on for John without Freddie,
so choose your best John Deacon moment!
my favorite is his work on Innuendo. there are so many clever bass fills and bass lines throughout that album.
however, if i just pick one song - Millionaire Waltz is usually the first that comes to mind.
Knebworth 86' hurling the bass into his rig.
Musically though, Jimmy Dean u nailed it. Clever melodies like ever.
Fantastic player. He's pretty much the only reason i can listen to something like PAIN IS SO CLOSE TO PLEASURE.
Though the song may work with a girl group
Sail Away Sweet Sister
Fairy Feller
Nevermore (yes, Nevermore!)
Dragon Attack (obviously, especially the MK 1982 version. Probably the only live version where he does the solo like the album, because of Brian breaking a string!)
Plenty more. He was great with his melodic lines.
The Millionaire Waltz, without a doubt. Great duet with piano at the beginning and then tasteful and so creative throughout the rest of the song.
The way he plays staccato almost gives his bass the feel of a tuba.
All of the above, It's a beautiful day, the night comes down, live versions of Father to Son, the lead into Son and Daughter after the guitar solo, and a little moment In the lap of the Gods Revisited, when he does this great slide here: "No beginning, there's no ending, There's no meaning * " his best work is often in the ballades where he creates these lovely lines.
A Day at the Races and Jazz as albums are just full of incredibly tasteful, subtle and expertly executed and thought out bass parts....The Millionaire's Waltz, Jealousy, Teo Torriatte, Somebody To Love...
Other highlights are numerous, but include Sail Away Sweet Sister, These Are The Days of Our Lives, Radio Ga Ga, Play The Game......
Yeah i think many Queen fans never gave John the credit he truly deserved, as many were just interested in Brian's guitar licks as he provided the band with the heavy rock side of Queen.
John was always in the shade as Mercury & May took centre stage.
Mr Deacon was very reserved and never had much to say but i found a nice little Deaky moment from 2001 were John said he hated Robbie Williams version of "We are the Champions" from the film "A Knights Tale" so it makes me wonder what other opinions John has about Queen today? Very interesting.
Piers Morgan needs to get hold of John and squeeze some truths out !