this whole carrying on of the "queen" charade is ridiculous when will they ever give it a rest?? they are frigging soiling the queen legacy i mean what with this absolute trash movie and trying to make as much money out of anything they can as possible? after seeing rogers "ring" made out of his cymbals selling for like 400 dollars i actually had to sit down out of shock it is RIDICULOUS and HAS BEEN
Everyone wants a Rogerring as the Official Queen site shared the link...
(I actually DO want one. I think they're really cool! And we live in a consumerist society where there is that part inside us (well, me) that feels life is empty and dismal and meaningless and we're all gonna die, but at least if we can fill the VOID within with some shiny STUFF we may feel a modicum better.
But I don't have a handy £300+ quid, sadly for me! (Or perhaps for the best, ultimately?) So my VOID is destined to remain the chasm it is.)
It is super out of touch: Like "I'm a multi millionaire (I have no idea how much the Queen guys are worth) & here I shall sell you stuff at a price that I have no concept of how unaffordable it is for a normal person... and I can't imagine how there WILL be people out there who will spend money they don't have or can't afford to for this, money which I won't even notice on top of all my millions..."
I'm saving my hard earned money for the red special chopsticks.
The band is nothing but a brand at this point.
Last one to leave, please turn off the lights.
Why would they be desperate? They have enough money. And they are musicians. Performing and playing music is their life so why not keep doing it before they can't. Yes I wasn't a huge fan of the movie but it has opened up their music to a whole new generation with is a FANTASTIC thing. Good on them I say but like everyone else, I'd like to see them release some stuff now that the real fans want. And sure, $400 for a ring could be a little pricey, but if made out of Roger's cymbals they will be limited and unique. Each to their own but people will buy them.
But no, they are not desperate, they are marketing and doing what makes them happy. Some agree with it some don't. What we think is irrelevant
I don’t think they’re desperate. Someone in marketing brought the idea to the table. Roger went along with it. I think because their popularity is at an all time high, their market share has also expanded. Whatever they sell, will probably sell at this point.
Because of the movie, the Queen brand is bigger than the band.
And Adam Lambert riding around the stage in a tricycle like a little freak baby how fucking embarrassing is that for us Queen fans,
the man is a first class tit.
May & Taylor should be shot for letting this weirdo take over Queen.
Maylor have become the Simmons and Stanley of Queen. They would even sell Freddies ashes if they owned them. And the movie might have gotten them new fans but for the Price that everyone believes the lies they spread
^yes it's good for retaining an audience, and I'm not sure Howe their earnings are generated in these p2p & "streaming days.
I think selling a bunch of shit is a little tacky is all. Losing touch is regarding what "real" fans want. But bear in mind... we're not real fans anymore....we're "lesser audiences" and hard core aficionados
I'm genuinely trying to remember the last Queen thing I bought. I THINK it was Deep Cuts 3 in 2011. That's 8 years ago. I don't listen to them less than at any point in 35 years - it's just for me there is nothing to buy. Nothing has had the 'Dah DAH!!' value. Christ, I even found Deep Cuts 3 interesting enough to buy.
More new fans means that the same old stuff will sell. Great business model, but I kind of resent that it's become a vehicle for people who are, essentially, dicks.
I saw one grown woman comment on Roger's wife's instagram that she hoped she had enough of her paycheck leftover to buy one of the rings.
I told her to save her money and not line a millionaire's pockets and she simply couldn't understand why anyone would say that. The thought of someone who barely scrapes by paycheck to paycheck blowing their money on a stupid ring from a rich rock star makes me sick. It's tarnished their image for sure.
I don't think Freddie would have approved of this.
What’d the problem, nobody has it buy it.
What is far worse is making music archive material unobtainable or too expensive. The NOTW alternative takes should be available as a simple double album , not a box set. That’s mercenary. Forcing the genuine music fans to buy other stuff they don’t need in order to get something rare.
The merchandise is not music. “Real “ fans don’t need to buy it.
That was kind of my point - I am forced to locate the recordings I wish to hear by side stepping the traditional route purely on ethical grounds (and I don't want these boxes stinking up my house) despite still having the passion for the band and now having a huge accumulated wealth. Compare that to me 30 years ago where I'd not buy school dinners so I could save up to by a Queen recording.
I'll say that of course some of the product has been lovely to look at, but they're 'look at once' deals aren't they in reality? Perhaps I'm just a little jaded but it's not me making me jaded. It's the Queen machine. The Machqueen.
It’s not even commercially successful . On that NOTW release they could probably have recharted with an affordable format and sold a bucket load. Most of the rip off releases don’t do that well.
As you say some of it looks good and maybe I’d like that at tmes but it’s about choice
Yeah agreed - would've been interesting to see how a 2 disc version of the NOTW set would've fared. Album plus bonus on disc 1, raw and extras on disc 2. Of course, with a big sticker saying THE TIMELESS CLASSIC from 1977 contains the HITS WWRY and WATC. Would I have bought it? You know what - maybe.
Wasp. wrote:
And Adam Lambert riding around the stage in a tricycle like a little freak baby how fucking embarrassing is that for us Queen fans,
the man is a first class tit.
May & Taylor should be shot for letting this weirdo take over Queen.