Good evening everybody!,
I said a while ago that i'd try my best to subtitle a Interview from Music Box in 1979. And finally after being sick, i did some work and very happy to say that this Interview is now fully subtitles in english.
A little bit more about the interview:
The Interview comes from a show called Music Box, which was aired in germany back 1979. The Interviewer is Thomas Gottschalk (which many may know from the German TV show 'Wetten Dass..'). Not only does he interview queen, but many of the people that are working for queen to realize this amazing show!.
In this version i cut all of the live songs and songs to make it as short as possible.
I hope that the subtitles are fine and not contain any errors. If you find any please contact me.
Mega Link: link
Key: lUCStc3rQ8Jb_AVDcFnxEg
Hope you have fun!
P.S. Thanks to @The Kurgan for the Video link!