Hi there!
I have the most recent Queenconcerts Database downloaded, and wanted to start getting into downloading some of the recordings.
I wanted to ask: what are everyones favorite recordings/which are the best quality? Looking for some good recommendations on where to start with the immense amount that is so thankfully available!
Massive thanks to everyone who made the Database possible, by the way.
Looking forward to checking out people's favorites!
Thank you so much! I'll follow this list for audios :) And yes I have seen that website a lot, I love it.
By chance do you know of a list of what proshot videos are currently available? I have Hyde Park, Earls Court 77, Hammermsith 1979 and Buenos Aires 1981. Are there any further good ones out there? Thanks!
I don't have any list so I'll use my memory :)
Rainbow March 74 (only a few songs are available)
Rainbow November 74
Hammersmith 75
Houston 77
Munich 78 (2 songs)
a lot of stuff from Live Killers 79 tour (January-March 79)
Tokyo 79
Sao Paulo 81
Caracas 81
Montreal 81
Milton Keynes/Bowl 82
Saturday Night Live in New York 82
Tokorozawa 82
Rio de Janeiro 85 (2 shows)
Tokyo 85
Live Aid
Wembley 86 (2 complete shows)
Budapest 86
Knebworth 86 (not a proshot per se, but full video is available and it's the very last Queen concert. Go for Chinwonder's version here)
and some other bits/songs from all various shows