SpaceGrey 02.01.2019 13:08 |
Official twitter channel Bohemian Rhapsody says "Don't miss the full Live Aid recreation not seen in theatre" Available to watch on digital and Blu-ray 22 January and 12 February On DVD |
rhapsody8 02.01.2019 13:40 |
thanks... |
Golden Salmon 02.01.2019 13:52 |
Three weeks! :-D |
Wiley 02.01.2019 14:08 |
Is that when the BoRhap movie comes out on Bluray and Digital? (I thought it was March?) Or are they releasing the Live Aid gig as a standalone? |
Anton3283 02.01.2019 14:10 |
In order to avoid accusations of lying or fantasizing, here is a link to a tweet link |
Anton3283 02.01.2019 14:16 |
Wiley wrote: Is that when the BoRhap movie comes out on Bluray and Digital? (I thought it was March?) Or are they releasing the Live Aid gig as a standalone?Rather, the full version in the film and not separately from the movie. I also hope that other moments that were cut in theatrical version out will be added to the full version film. |
Anton3283 02.01.2019 14:16 |
Wiley wrote: Is that when the BoRhap movie comes out on Bluray and Digital? (I thought it was March?) Or are they releasing the Live Aid gig as a standalone?Rather, the full version in the film and not separately from the movie. I also hope that other moments that were cut in theatrical version out will be added to the full version film. |
gerbenletzer 02.01.2019 14:42 |
Amazon says it has 2 discs, so I'm hoping/expecting there are lots of extras. |
runner_70 02.01.2019 16:09 |
I hope they cut out everything after the fanfare until the DSMN original video plus SMGO Credits. BR was the worst nightmare of 2018 |
MackMantilla 02.01.2019 17:06 |
gerbenletzer wrote: Amazon says it has 2 discs, so I'm hoping/expecting there are lots of extras.Disc 1 is BD Disc 2 is DVD |
Lamebert whoehahaha 02.01.2019 17:52 |
I think you’re lying or fantasizing |
reesefallon 02.01.2019 22:30 |
Freddie rey 02.01.2019 23:35 |
So nobody will say anything about the poor extras? No deleted scenes |
Lamebert whoehahaha 02.01.2019 23:39 |
That movie should be one total deleted scene.... |
EMI2565 02.01.2019 23:42 |
matt z 03.01.2019 05:58 |
If it's a dual disc and DVD has a later release date it's likely BLU-RAY plus soundtrack *OR cheapness on the level of the exploitation of Michael Jackson'sdeathand it's a CLBLU-RAY FEATURE plus BLU-RAY EXTRAS (*running about 30 minutes and easily stackable on a single blu-ray disc) My guess would be one of those. And the DVD edition will be basics. Extras equal: 4-5 cut scenes, 4 extended scenes And the *FULL RECREATION OF THE LIVE AID SHOW - wow! ***NOT**** the original band! ... the full RECREATION of the original band! Or it could simply be a third option. 2nd disc IS the LIVE AID recreation with a few interview promo bits. |
dysan 03.01.2019 09:29 |
There was far too much Live Aid in the film. Fun to recreate, sure, but only cheapens the actual performance - like endless reconstructions of the Zapruder film. I said at the time that there should've been a few story lines going on away from the stage (Jim realising he loves Fred, the Bulsaras becoming proud, Mary finds out Freddie is ill) so we only hear the performance / see brief glimpses as a backdrop to the action so it acts to compliment the original performance in realtime. But you know that would've required some thought. |
SpaceGrey 03.01.2019 10:29 |
Poor release I must say |
rhapsody8 03.01.2019 10:33 |
link |
SpaceGrey 03.01.2019 10:38 |
rhapsody8 wrote: linkvery bad bonuses |
on my way up 03.01.2019 14:18 |
It is beyond me how they can think it is exciting for us fans to have the complete set mimed by actors and on the other hand deem original unheard Queen seventies live audio "not good enough" for release... 1 minute original Freddie audio/video is for me better than a 1000 4k blu rays with actors imitating FM... |
dysan 03.01.2019 14:56 |
This is not an item a true Queen fan would buy. |
Vali 03.01.2019 16:50 |
Won't be buying nor watching this movie ever again, so I don't care if the special features in the forthcoming home release are at the same level of the movie itself. But, hey, wasn't that expectable? |
Sweetandtenderhooligan 03.01.2019 18:08 |
Will it be on the digital version too? |
user1 03.01.2019 20:55 |
on my way up wrote: It is beyond me how they can think it is exciting for us fans to have the complete set mimed by actors and on the other hand deem original unheard Queen seventies live audio "not good enough" for release... 1 minute original Freddie audio/video is for me better than a 1000 4k blu rays with actors imitating FM...So true... |
matt z 03.01.2019 22:18 |
just as expected... But honestly... I'd hoped they'd include some actual stuff of the ACTUAL BAND... ... at least a complimentary soundtrack... geez that's bad Suppose Singer can't be tracked for a commentary |
FlorianS 03.01.2019 22:49 |
I just got home from the cinema. I am speechless. How could they create such a piece of junk? They have a great story to tell, fantastic music, awesome actors, a spectacular setting...and they just rewrite their history? And back to topic: Who wants to see the full mimed set in DVD while the original performance is available? |
shamar 03.01.2019 23:50 |
Funny... Any deleted scenes? |
runner_70 03.01.2019 23:50 |
FlorianS wrote: I just got home from the cinema. I am speechless. How could they create such a piece of junk? They have a great story to tell, fantastic music, awesome actors, a spectacular setting...and they just rewrite their history? And back to topic: Who wants to see the full mimed set in DVD while the original performance is available?That's what I ask myself as well. This movie is so bad it makes you cringe. I was shocked about the movie and equally shocked about how many pple really liked it. A Movie where Freddie is insulted |
GT 04.01.2019 05:53 |
Why on earth would anyone get excited about or want to see a recreation of Queen's performance at Live Aid, when you can watch the real thing? I don't understand how some fans are reacting to this film as though its as good as any of the many factual documentaries that have been made over the years. |
AudioSynthesis 04.01.2019 06:11 |
If you're not a fan of the film I wouldn't worry about it - you don't need to buy it, and nobody is demanding that you do. If you liked the film you can buy it. That's that. |
Anton3283 04.01.2019 06:27 |
GT wrote: Why on earth would anyone get excited about or want to see a recreation of Queen's performance at Live Aid, when you can watch the real thing? I don't understand how some fans are reacting to this film as though its as good as any of the many factual documentaries that have been made over the years.Well, no one's saying the movie is brilliant. But the film is not so bad, could be better of course. And no need to compare documentaries to feature films-they're different things, you know. |
FlorianS 04.01.2019 11:14 |
I doubt that there is any other Band which ist as much pointing out their "legany" as Queen is. So why are they mixing things that much up? We, as die hard Queen fans know the truth, but other people take the story in the movie for truth. |
dudeofqueen 04.01.2019 14:07 |
GT, re: >Why on earth would anyone get excited about or want to see a recreation of Queen's performance at Live Aid, when you can watch the real thing? Exactamundo. No better than watching an average tribute band (Queen+) and then telling all your friends that you've been to see Queen and forgetting to mention the plus bit. |
Dr Magus 04.01.2019 16:43 |
Just a desperate attempt to get everyone to buy the Blu ray/dvd. I'm sure most people will buy it anyway. Utterly pointless extra. |