Thanks for sharing! :) just out of curiosity, was it taken from the magazine "Pelo"?, because I know that magazine had several editions dedicated to the band.
El Marto wrote:
Exactly, this advert was taken from the "Pelo" magazine, I have several issues with Queen articles, wich mostly always refers to the rumour of splits.
Gracias por tu respuesta! :)
Thanks for your reply! :)
¡Gracias totales! Thank you very mucho!
Si tenés algo más relacionado a Queen y Argentina, todo es bienvenido.
If you have anything else regarding Queen and Argentina, it's absolutely welcome.
BETA215 wrote:
¡Gracias totales! Thank you very mucho!
Si tenés algo más relacionado a Queen y Argentina, todo es bienvenido.
If you have anything else regarding Queen and Argentina, it's absolutely welcome.