I was wondering, having recently picked up Video Hits 1 for it's surround sound, (which I found slightly underwhelming sound wise), whether NATO is the same sound source? I'd like to hear a truly surround piece using all the speakers but in an intelligent way, rather than just all 5 speakers playing the music all the time, as seemed to be the case with the QVH DVD. Is that what I'll get if I plump for it?
Both surround mixes for A Night At The Opera and The Game are completely different beasts. I'd reccommend you to get those old DVD-Audio of both albums. They sound great and you'll experience real surround sound.
I'm confused... there's some excellent use of discreet surround mixing on GVH1.
e.g. the middle guitar section of Bicycle Race. Truly discreet and all around you.
'Stereo is enough for music'?? The mono brigade said that about stereo in the early sixties!!
We hear in surround every day things so why not music as well?
Stereo instruments such as pianos, synths and drum kits - who usually come on stereo tracks, are the only real stereo components, the rest of mono tracks are just placed in the stereo space, like effects.
Adding more channels means more room for effects not for real surround, as stereo sources are NOT RECORDED IN SURROUND.
For music the benefit is highly subjective, depending on the type of music, the quality of the mix, and the tastes of the listener.