it's doing surprisingly well despite bad reviews.... why? The Queen brand. I don't think Rami Malek has enough starpower to explain it.
The Queen brand is right up there with The Beatles, Rolling Stones and Elvis.
Brian and Roger have done a great job with their legacy. Adam Lambert has not tarnished it, and may have helped enhanced it by attracting a younger fan-base. If they ended their activities back in 1995, the movie probably wouldn't have done as well. And Queen would have been relegated to the same place in history as, for example = Genesis, Foreigner, The Police, etc. Great bands but not quite household names. Even Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd don't have the same appeal they once did.
Of course, there's more to it... but hey - they're already on pace to exceed critically acclaimed music biopics such as Ray and Walk The Line.
You got to remember, a movie is successful if the box office doubles the budget and this is just opening weekend so congrats on the Bohemian Rhapsody team.
nothing could tarnish the bands legacy. Not lambert, not 5ive and not this Inaccurate movie that doen't Quite do Queen Justice. Queen are a top ten band regardless. I don't agree with most of what Brian and Roger have done with Queen since Freddie died, but will say they kept the music alive for the younger generation, and this movie Just adds to that...
250 is very likely now. Maybe more. The Cinemascore is very positive so it means word of mouth is good and that's the first indicator of the movie having "legs". The drop between week 1 and week 2 is the next big indicator. Let's see what that looks like in a week's time.
Not very many Queen fans post opinions on forums. Example: there are hundreds of thousands of Queen fans, and I would guess thousands of diehard fans, yet we have several threads on this site about the movie, and I see the same names over and over. Same on the Queen Online site. It’s about 20 people or so that post a lot, they enjoy it, and once in a while you spot a newbie, but most newbies come and go.
So I would guess that rather than representing the opinions of the masses of Queen fans, it is very possible that those who post on forums are unusual fans, and therefore do not reflect the majority of opinions of those fans (diehard or not) who don’t post on forums.
Donna13 wrote:
Sorry, I think I posted in the wrong thread -ha.
Anyway on this topic ... I think it will do well for a while due to people seeing it more than once.
I want my money back for the first and only time I saw this farcical parody of Freddie and Queen. The more I remember the more I hate it. The ending and Freddie/Mary's "you're gay Freddie" scene are the only scenes I'd watch again. I got choked up by the ending. I can't deny it was powerful film making. It got me. The rest of the movie is embarrassing crap. Rami Malek is severely overrated for this movie. Yes it's a box office hit....but so what? Not the first time an artistic flop was a commercial hit. In fact it happens all the time.
The Queen brand sells and that is why for 22 years Maylor have unleashed nothing but mediocrity (but for a very releases even they couldn't ruin like "Live At The Rainbow 1974") culminating in the monumentally uncool Queen + AL, WWRY musical and this insipid movie. Look at the charts- Queen are a greatest hits band. The hits will always sell.
I might go see it again today. My other brother said he saw it at an IMAX theater (he has a musician’s ears) and it was interesting during the Live Aid part to hear different directional sounds from the speakers in the theater. So now I want to go to the IMAX theater.
I could do without the non-musical scenes on the second viewing, because they get me too emotional, and I would just be able to enjoy the music on the big theater speakers, although it does sound jarring to hear the non-Freddie singing. So none of that please ...