Had a flick through this in HMV today. A shameless cash grab with the movie out (like it was on it's run in 2011 with the 40th anniversary). A truly hopeless work - with totally subjective views on songs and no useful commentary to those wishing to dig deeper. Possibly scribbled down while listening to the records for the first time and with an out of date Wikipedia page open. Unlike, say, Nicolas Pegg's comparable Complete David Bowie (which it's obviously based on) which is well worth the cash.
Anyone got it? Any views?
I received the Complete Works (Revised and Updated) yesterday and I found that he added to the Mad the Swine song was performed live in 1971 and 1972, and even played once during the 1974 USA your, giving credit to Gary Taylor information about this. So I'm looking for more new facts.
Thanks for the review, dysan. Unlike what you claim, it wasn't a cash-grab; in fact, I make so very little money from the book that it's a labor of love. When it first came out in 2007, there was nothing going on in Queen's world. Every other update has been at my instigation, but not for cash. If you could see my bank statement from the royalties I get every six months, you would change your tune pretty quickly.
As for the research, it goes back to when I first became a fan in 1993 -- so that means about 25 years' worth of research went into the book.
And there is a lot of new stuff in the book. It's been seven years since the last update, so that means seven years' worth of information that's come out since then.
GAP wrote:
I received the Complete Works (Revised and Updated) yesterday and I found that he added to the Mad the Swine song was performed live in 1971 and 1972, and even played once during the 1974 USA your, giving credit to Gary Taylor information about this. So I'm looking for more new facts.
Is it worth getting the new updated edition? I enjoyed the 1st one a few years ago.
Thanks for replying. Glad I could be of assistance for the next reprint :)
I seem to be in the minority regarding the quality of the book so that's something for you to take away from this. And lets face it, it's still better than anything official out there :D
No, it's all me. And the objectiveness has been toned down for the third edition; I realized no one, not even me, cared about what I thought about the songs, what's good and what's bad. It's more neutral. Maybe instead of lambasting it while flicking through it, you could read it on your own time and come up with a more thorough review.
Not sure why you're getting a bee in your bonnet over this.
I was searching about the song Let's Make Love and find it on the book But about Let Me Live Purvis wrote: "A sticker on the second CD proudly boasted “featuring tracks from the upcoming BBC Sessions release”, which sadly never materialized."
It seems that he doesn't know the Queen At The BBC album: link
ajnc wrote:
I was searching about the song Let's Make Love and find it on the book But about Let Me Live Purvis wrote: "A sticker on the second CD proudly boasted “featuring tracks from the upcoming BBC Sessions release”, which sadly never materialized."
It seems that he doesn't know the Queen At The BBC album:
He's referring to the fact that Queen we're going to release ALL the BBC sessions in the 90s but it never happened. The Queen At The Beeb/BBC is only sessions one and three.