Interviewer: "So, this new Bohemian Rhapsody film. Do you think it's any good?" : "No it's a great big steaming pile of shit that is full of historical and factual inaccuracies as well as, effectively, revising the well-known history of the life of one of Rock music's greatest front men. I fully expect people to be walking out of theatres after about 25 minutes, scratching their heads and wondering why the fuck they've bothered splashing out on seeing this in IMAX."
Doesn't quite come across as well as the gushing, luvvie bollocks that these people always manage to trot out.
Even De Niro and Pacino managed to sound convincing about "Righteous Kill" even though it stank.....
dudeofqueen wrote:
Interviewer: "So, this new Bohemian Rhapsody film. Do you think it's any good?"
: "No it's a great big steaming pile of shit that is full of historical and factual inaccuracies as well as, effectively, revising the well-known history of the life of one of Rock music's greatest front men. I fully expect people to be walking out of theatres after about 25 minutes, scratching their heads and wondering why the fuck they've bothered splashing out on seeing this in IMAX."
Doesn't quite come across as well as the gushing, luvvie bollocks that these people always manage to trot out.
Even De Niro and Pacino managed to sound convincing about "Righteous Kill" even though it stank.....
Oh have you managed to get to an early screening? Is it really that bad then?
rockchic65, re:
>Oh have you managed to get to an early screening?
Deary me. Another member of the rose-tinted spex brigade. Will you be attending the very first 4 local screenings dressed as all four members of Queen separately?
Thought so.
rockchic65, re:
>wish I had one of those crystal ball thingy's you seem to have.
Mo Harris? Nah - just a well-informed, highly educated assumption based on what I +know+.