HoekieWoutstra 17.08.2018 23:48 |
Hi all, Glad to be back after about ten years no activity on here. Just a curious question about Freddie's last day of recordings. If "Mother Love" is recorded between 13-16 May, why on earth did all the people close to Freddie tell it was the last thing he did, (Brian sang the last verse because Freddie wasnt able to do it), even Freddie hasnt YET recorded "These Are The Days Of Our Lives" because that happened on 30th May. This makes me so wonder. And why did they tell Freddie was working till 2 weeks before his death while others say he retired in June? Please can someone explain to me this time frame? Thanks in advance. |
MisterCosmicc 18.08.2018 01:28 |
You're thinking of the These Are The Days Of Our Lives VIDEO, not the recording of the song. |
Biggus Dickus 18.08.2018 06:20 |
I've not heard about him working two weeks before he died. According to Jim Hutton's book he was in Montreux few weeks before he died. Maybe he did some work there at that time but they never used the material. Who knows. |
Qubus 18.08.2018 06:58 |
"These Are the Days of Our Lives" is on Innuendo, which was recorded during 1989 and 1990. The 1991 video is not a live registration. |
emrabt 18.08.2018 08:05 |
I don't know where the "Working two weeks before he died" thing actually came from, but it's misinformation that is out there so it came from somewhere. Maybe someone lied to the press two weeks before Freddie died and said "he's fine, he's in the Studio right now." Basically After recording Innuendo was completed, They all waited around for days where Freddie felt well enough and they would go back into the studio, and recorded what ended up on Made in Heaven. He stopped working on recordings in May, presumably as he was no longer able to sing consistently, It's possible he tried after that but they were unusable. At the same time they were also doing the videos for Headlong (November - December 1990) I'm going slightly Mad,(February 91) and These are the days of our lives (May). |
Qubus 18.08.2018 08:31 |
According to Hutton, Mercury's health had deteriorated so much by this time that he was hardly able to walk without support and spent most of the time in Montreux lying down on the bed in his apartment. I think the idea of him recording songs at that stage is a heroic, but totally unrealistic one. |
Invisible Woman 18.08.2018 09:06 |
I don't think he was able to recording song at that time. |
Sebastian 18.08.2018 12:56 |
HoekieWoutstra wrote: If "Mother Love" is recorded between 13-16 May, why on earth did all the people close to Freddie tell it was the last thing he didBecause he didn't do anything (recording-wise) after that, thus fitting the agreed definition of 'last'. HoekieWoutstra wrote: (Brian sang the last verse because Freddie wasnt able to do it)Brian sang the last verse because Frederick never got around to do it. Apparently, he wasn't feeling too well and he left the studio. When David asked him about that last verse, Frederick replied 'Maggie can do it!' Keep in mind that, at the time, he did not know he'd die on the 24th of November... for all he knew, he could barely survive the Spring... so in his mind every single day could've been his last. HoekieWoutstra wrote: Freddie hasnt YET recorded "These Are The Days Of Our Lives" because that happened on 30th May.'Days of Our Lives' was recorded in 1990 and released in February 1991, long before May. What Frederick recorded at the end of the month was the video... but no actual singing was done for that. He mimed to the record whilst being filmed, with some crew members holding big signs with the lyrics so he knew what was next. That's how those things work. HoekieWoutstra wrote: This makes me so wonder. And why did they tell Freddie was working till 2 weeks before his deathBecause most of what anybody says about anybody is false. Reasons vary: memory slips, figures of speech, hyperbole, lies, sensationalism... Fans and press alike are prone to extracting literal meaning from non-literal utterances. Examples: - 'He kept working 'til the end': It meant, as far as the evidence tells us, he kept working until he couldn't do it anymore, but people love reading it as 'up until October/November he was still singing'. - 'That song was done when he had a few weeks to live': People love taking it as he had two or three weeks left, when in reality he had nearly 28 weeks left. 28 weeks is still 'a few' considering that's barely enough time to enjoy with your friends and relatives. Frederick's entire life lasted 2,359 weeks, which is not a lot either (in 1946, average life expectancy at birth was about 3,780 weeks, and Frederick only lived 62% of that). - 'He flew to Montreux in October/November': People (and I made that same mistake as well) tend to assume that meant he recorded, and that wasn't necessarily the case. HoekieWoutstra wrote: others say he retired in June?Because when June began he wasn't doing any more work, and wouldn't for the rest of his life, thus fitting the agreed definition of the verb 'to retire'. |
matt z 18.08.2018 16:03 |
Ah dear, ...Frederick. There are numerous threads on "Freddie's last recordings" "a timeline of Freddie's", "when was mother love recorded", "what was Freddie's" last recording etc. If you're already posting, you're a member. May do well to search for like terms around that sort of thing. I'm on mobile till my laptop is fixed so, cannot assist with the link. However Sebastian pretty much summed up the recording dates and rightly stated that what ur referring to was his final VIDEO recording (that has been released; which opens up talk of dubious video footage afterward) Gotta keep in mind what Sebastianerick said. HYPERBOLE, conjecture, fan fiction, lies, approximations, exaggerations. In some small article when Freddie passed they even created a notion that Freddie had filmed some sort of PSA for HIV/AIDS awareness to support the cause. However, it's likely a newspaper b.s. creation as no one has fessed up to it; it has never been released, and was likely a creation of the "reporter" used to pique more sales/profess a "scoop"/insider info. Seeing that that was 27.83 years ago; the story is likely a fabrication. |
user1 18.08.2018 16:05 |
Who's Frederick? |
Sebastian 18.08.2018 16:53 |
user1 wrote: Who's Frederick?Queen's co-founding member, lead singer, most prolific writer/arranger, keyboardist and frequent producer. He also designed their logo, chose their name and was involved with a couple of album covers. |
dave76 18.08.2018 18:41 |
The video shots of These Are The Days Of Our Lives were done on the 26th of june 1991. There are 11 versions available and all of them were made by DoRo and sent to Queen Productions. |
user1 19.08.2018 07:17 |
Sebastian wrote:That's Freddie.user1 wrote: Who's Frederick?Queen's co-founding member, lead singer, most prolific writer/arranger, keyboardist and frequent producer. He also designed their logo, chose their name and was involved with a couple of album covers. |
Biggus Dickus 19.08.2018 08:38 |
dave76 wrote: The video shots of These Are The Days Of Our Lives were done on the 26th of june 1991. There are 11 versions available and all of them were made by DoRo and sent to Queen Productions.Nope. May 30th. I believe Brian wasn't there at the initial video shoot and his parts were filmed later. |
emrabt 19.08.2018 10:21 |
According to Rudi It was filmed in 3 chunks, with most of Freddies close ups and stuff being done first, then Roger John and Freddie, then later Brian on his own, as he was doing the Radio tour. |
HoekieWoutstra 19.08.2018 13:34 |
Thanks for your kind reactions. I should have known theres a difference between actual recording and "video-acting". Keeping in mind ive watched the coloured version of "the making of tatdool" then it was so sad and powerful what Freddie (Frederik for official pronouncing, Frederick for Sebastian pronouncing) did. Barely able to walk, you can see his pain i think when he is walking towards the monitors and Rudi put his arm on him. But still no complaining. A true professional till the end. |
HoekieWoutstra 19.08.2018 13:37 |
Brian was not able to do the video with the other three as he was in the States at that time for a Radio promotion tour for his single "Driven by you". He even got the permission from Freddie. |
Sebastian 19.08.2018 17:13 |
user1 wrote:'Freddie' is short for 'Frederick', just like 'Rog' is short for 'Roger', 'Liz' is short for 'Elizabeth' and 'Walt' is short for 'Walter'.Sebastian wrote:That's Freddie.user1 wrote: Who's Frederick?Queen's co-founding member, lead singer, most prolific writer/arranger, keyboardist and frequent producer. He also designed their logo, chose their name and was involved with a couple of album covers. |
mr mason 19.08.2018 17:33 |
Brian was not able to do the video with the other three as he was in the States at that time for a Radio promotion tour for his single "Driven by you". He even got the permission from Freddie. Driven By You was released a day or 2 after Freddie died, he was doing promo for 'Hollywood Records' is what i seem to remember! |
emrabt 19.08.2018 17:55 |
Yes, He was going around US radio stations promoting Innuendo for Hollywood Records, playing along to old tracks and dodging questions about why there was no tour. I might be wrong but I think I remember in the these are the days documentary that it was at this point the Hollywood Records people were told how ill Freddie actually was, and why they weren't getting the whole band doing publicity. |
dave76 19.08.2018 20:18 |
I know what i said. Brian was indeed not present during the video shoot but it was shot on the 26th of june. If i wasn't sure then i wouldn't have said it here. There are images of a promo rushes tape in which the clock timer says june 26th. |
emrabt 19.08.2018 20:36 |
There was more than one shooting day. The clapperboard is show in the TATDOOL documentary, I can't be bothered to frame grab it and check. |
runner_70 02.09.2018 23:15 |
Sebastian why you talk about Freddie as Frederick? Is this supposed to be cool or intellectual? Noone ever called him that.... |
The Real Wizard 03.09.2018 00:22 |
dave76 wrote: Brian was indeed not present during the video shoot but it was shot on the 26th of june. If i wasn't sure then i wouldn't have said it here. There are images of a promo rushes tape in which the clock timer says june 26th.Brian's scenes were shot on June 15. The edit including his scenes was done on June 26. |
The Real Wizard 03.09.2018 00:23 |
Sebastian wrote:HA HA ! You're the best ever.HoekieWoutstra wrote: If "Mother Love" is recorded between 13-16 May, why on earth did all the people close to Freddie tell it was the last thing he didBecause he didn't do anything (recording-wise) after that, thus fitting the agreed definition of 'last'. |
Day dop 03.09.2018 00:50 |
Freddie never called himself Frederick. So in his case, Freddie isn't short for Frederick. It's irritatingly stupid referring to Freddie Mercury as Frederick. |
runner_70 03.09.2018 04:40 |
So why does he call him like that?? |
Chopin1995 03.09.2018 06:29 |
Day dop wrote: Freddie never called himself Frederick.He did link |
Sebastian 03.09.2018 17:40 |
runner_70 wrote: Sebastian why you talk about Freddie as Frederick?Because that was his name. 'Freddie' is short for 'Frederick', just like 'Bob' is short for 'Robert' and 'Seb' is short for 'Sebastian'. runner_70 wrote: Is this supposed to be cool or intellectual?It's not supposed to be anything. It's his name. If you want to call him 'Fred' or 'Freddie' (or even 'Freddy'), it's up to you. I don't care... you can call him whatever you choose. Likewise, I can call him whatever I choose, and I choose 'Frederick'. runner_70 wrote: Noone ever called him that....I do. And, presumably, so may have other people in some occasions, such as asking for his passport at an airport and then returning it ('have a nice flight, Mr Frederick Mercury' may have been uttered a few times considering how often he travelled). But even if only one person called him that, that would automatically render your 'no-one ever called him that' comment utterly false. Day dop wrote: Freddie never called himself Frederick.He did at least once. But even if he hadn't, that wouldn't stop me from referring to him as Frederick. Day dop wrote: So in his case, Freddie isn't short for Frederick.It is. He was legally 'Frederick Bulsara' by the time he first signed with Trident, and 'Frederick Mercury' some time afterwards. That's also the name on his death certificate. Day dop wrote: It's irritatingly stupid referring to Freddie Mercury as Frederick.No. What's irritatingly stupid caring so much about what someone you've never met decides to call him. Why am I such an important part of your life? runner_70 wrote: So why does he call him like that??Because that was his name. |
emrabt 03.09.2018 18:27 |
runner_70 wrote: Noone ever called him that....The bio page on the official website calls him Frederick. link Under his baby picture with his Mother: FreddieMercury.com wrote: "The life of Frederick Bulsara began on the East African island of Zanzibar on September 5, 1946." |
Sebastian 03.09.2018 20:08 |
I'm attaching the photo of the contract they signed with Neptune Productions on the 1st of November 1972. Note that he was, legally, Frederick Bulsara (at some point between his birth and this date he was no longer 'Farrokh'). |
Sebastian 03.09.2018 20:12 |
Here's the first page of the contract they signed with Trident Audio Productions on that same date (1st of November 1972). Again, his legal name was Frederick Bulsara rather than Farrokh (or Freddie, or Fred, or Freddy, or anything else for that matter). |
Sebastian 03.09.2018 20:13 |
Last page of the 1st of November 1972 contract with Trident. Note that it says 'Frederick Bulsara' (though his signature was indeed 'Freddie Bulsara'). |
Sebastian 03.09.2018 20:14 |
27th of March 1977, Queen and Trident Audio Productions finally get rid of each other. Note that his name was 'Frederick Mercury' by then. |
Sebastian 03.09.2018 20:17 |
On his death certificate, his name's written (by hand, by a qualified and certified professional - someone whose perspective is far more relevant for this than mine or 'a person online who got annoyed by it') as 'Frederick Mercury' and it also mentions 'Frederick Bulsara'. |
runner_70 03.09.2018 21:35 |
You are just an attention seeker. Look at the album Covers hard to spot "Frederick Mercury " anywhere . And now STFU with your nonsense you sad idiot |
Sebastian 03.09.2018 21:53 |
runner_70 wrote: You are just an attention seeker.If so, why are you giving me attention? Is your life so empty and pathetic? runner_70 wrote: Look at the album Covers hard to spot "Frederick Mercury " anywhereSo? Album covers don't mention John's Music Man bass. Does it mean it didn't exist? Album covers don't mention Brian's great-grandparents. Does it mean they never existed? Album covers don't mention Roger's Alfa Romeo. Does it mean he never drove one? runner_70 wrote: And now STFUI won't. But nice to see you're upset enough to use that kind of language without any provocation. Your arguments must be so sound! runner_70 wrote: with your nonsenseIt's not nonsense and I already provided evidence backing up why I refer to him as Frederick. Instead of insulting me, why don't you check it out? runner_70 wrote: you sadI'm not sad, but thank you for caring so much about my mood. Why am I such an important part of your life? runner_70 wrote: ...idiotWhat's 'sad' and 'idiot[ic]' is to try to offend somebody else just because they don't use the same name you're using to refer to a defunct musician. If you want to refer to him as 'Freddie', or 'Fred', or 'Freddy', that's absolutely fine. I won't be moaning and whining about it, since you're more than entitled to call him like that. Likewise, if I refer to him as 'Frederick' that's absolutely fine as well. Is your life so pathetic and empty that you've got to call me a 'sad idiot' just because I use a different (and completely valid) way to call him? It is you who are talking nonsense then, and once you're proved wrong (as you've been on this thread, repeatedly) you just go to personal insults. |
Wiley 04.09.2018 04:22 |
I too find the whole Frederick nonsense super annoying but I respect Sebastian squarely due to his vast knowledge on Queen's music and overall valuable contributions to this forum. Live and let live, I guess :). |
Sebastian 04.09.2018 07:33 |
I still don't understand why it's such a big deal. It's like getting upset over someone saying 'awesome' rather than 'great'. It's not like I'm trying to force everyone else to call him 'Frederick'... and, by the way, it's not nonsense: it's his name. It'd be nonsense to call him 'Steve' or 'Epaminondas', but 'Frederick' was his name, unlike those two. |
scallyuk 04.09.2018 09:49 |
To be accurate Seb under English Law anyone CAN call themselves whatever the hell they like (. link law, you can simply adopt a new name and start using it. There's no legal requirement to officially chamge ones name although it's of course possible and sometimes beneficial to do so. The only way to find out what he was legally called woudl be to check his passport or bank records. As far as we can tell there's no documentary evidence that F Bulsara ever did LEGALLY become F Mercury ( whatever that F stood for). We do know that been any suggestion that he legally became Fredetick Bulsara so the contract with trdent is ambigouos seeing as it lists 2 different names between first and last pages I'd suggest it may even be void as there's no "henceforth known as" to explain the difference. and the "Frederick mercury on the severance contract is also no guarantee that he ever LEGALLY changed his name only that at some point he was called FREDERICK in writing though it appears he still signed as Freddie. Just becasse someone typed his name as Frederick doesn't mean he ever used it. In fact the available information indicates that HE only ever called himself Freddie. |
emrabt 04.09.2018 10:15 |
scallyuk wrote: HE only ever called himself Freddie.Well there's a tape of him calling himself "Frederick" so it happened at least once. Remember when he first changed his name it was in Panchgani India not England. It's clear (to me at least based on the evidence) he used Frederick, at least early on, at a guess i'd say it was the name he picked right back at school, which was then shortened by others and stuck. |
Sebastian 04.09.2018 13:33 |
I know that you can change your name at anytime, but the point is that the name he changed it to was, at least on the day he signed with Trident, on the day he signed out of Trident and on the day he died, 'Frederick'. Let's assume, for the sake of argument, that the name on his passport was indeed 'Freddie' and not 'Frederick'. Still, in that case, whoever typed the contract wrote 'Frederick' (either 'Bulsara' or 'Mercury') and F. (whatever 'F.' stood for) signed it, therefore accepting that someone else was referring to him as 'Frederick'. Also, on his death certificate, his doctor wrote 'Frederick Mercury', which, again, is good enough for me. He even lists 'Frederick Bulsara' as his previous name. Again, that's good enough for me. I'm not trying to force anyone to call him 'Frederick', I just prefer to use the long form of people's names. I prefer 'James' to 'Jimmy', 'Matthew' to 'Matt' and 'Joseph' to 'Joey', simple as that. I'm not throwing a fit if someone says 'Matt', 'Joey', 'Jimmy' or 'Freddie', by the way - I'm absolutely fine with that and I won't call them a 'sad idiot' just for choosing a different pathway to the one I'd go for. In fact, I fall for that from time to time so you can easily find posts of mine mentioning 'Steve Howe' (not 'Stephen'), 'Rick Wakeman' (not 'Richard') and, indeed 'Fred(die) Mercury', and that's absolutely fine as well. A few years ago, I met someone whose name was 'Ricky'. Not Richard, but Ricky. That's what it said on his passport, his NHS documentation and his bus pass. Not Richard, Ricky. So, indeed, I called him Ricky. In Frederick's case, I go for the name on his contracts and his death certificate. If anybody else disagrees and wants to call him 'Fred' or 'Freddie', that's absolutely fine. But I don't see the point in calling me names just because I'm doing something else. It'd be as stupid as me insulting someone else for spelling 'mom' instead of 'mum' (or vice-versa... or for not hyphenating 'vice-versa'... or for calling it a 'dash' rather than a 'hyphen'... or for using ellipsis too often...) By the way, I do hate it when people write 'u' instead of 'you', but I don't throw a tantrum over that. But I suppose I'm the one who takes these things too seriously... |
matt z 04.09.2018 15:24 |
I've always been a fan of the book: A Narrative of the Life of Freddie Douglas.... It's essential reading when one wishes to understand the hemorrhaging crap of the U.S.A.. Also the Curtis Mayfield song Frederick's Dead. I don't see the problem here |
Vocal harmony 04.09.2018 16:43 |
scallyuk wrote: To be accurate Seb under English Law anyone CAN call themselves whatever the hell they like (. link law, you can simply adopt a new name and start using it. There's no legal requirement to officially chamge ones name although it's of course possible and sometimes beneficial to do so. The only way to find out what he was legally called woudl be to check his passport or bank records. As far as we can tell there's no documentary evidence that F Bulsara ever did LEGALLY become F Mercury ( whatever that F stood for). We do know that been any suggestion that he legally became Fredetick Bulsara so the contract with trdent is ambigouos seeing as it lists 2 different names between first and last pages I'd suggest it may even be void as there's no "henceforth known as" to explain the difference. and the "Frederick mercury on the severance contract is also no guarantee that he ever LEGALLY changed his name only that at some point he was called FREDERICK in writing though it appears he still signed as Freddie. Just becasse someone typed his name as Frederick doesn't mean he ever used it. In fact the available information indicates that HE only ever called himself Freddie.The point your making doesn't really prove anything. Whether or not you can find any evidence Freddie's name change was done legally or not, his name (Fredrick) appears on legal documentation as outlined by Seastian and there is recorded prove of him calling himself by that name. As for runner-70's responses. . . It's all he is capable of. The guy's a fool. |
cmsdrums 04.09.2018 20:32 |
Frddie’s death certificate showed his name as Frederick Mercury, and his Will is in the name of Freddie Mercury, both which would indicate he very possibly did change his name officially. |