runner_70 06.07.2018 13:54 |
Just read this on FB - bloody marvellous and spot on from Siggy Spatsky with permesion to copy: People seem to be defending this enterprise on the basis that "+ Adam Lambert" is tacked on to the bill. But that is wilfully missing the point. It's the "Queen" label that's the problem. Unfortunately, due to no fault of their own, Brian and Roger are the only ones left willing or able to play music. It's equally unfortunate for them that Queen were a democratic group of 4 equals. Now I'll freely admit that my grasp on quantum mechanical theory is sketchy at best, but if you take 2 away from 4, it can no longer be called 4. Simply put, Brian and Roger by definition are not Queen. They are no more Queen that a cup of flour and an egg are a cake. Really, for this "+ Adam" equation to work it needs a minus or two to be thrown in the mix as well. In the end, I feel for Brian and Roger. I also respect the fact that they want to play together, and it's only natural that they play Queen material. But as much we desperately want to relive our childhoods, or manufacture an artefact of history that we were unlucky never to experience, we know in our heart of hearts that this isn't Queen. And I'm sure there's a nagging part in the back of Brian and Roger's brains that recognises the disingenuity of using the name. |
Sealion 06.07.2018 14:17 |
It‘s just a name. They play almost exclusively Queen songs, so I‘m fine with it. „Queen-2+AdamLambert“ might be a cool sounding name as well. Almost a mathematic formular. But since Freddie appears more than once during a concert and the songs are also his and John‘s, that name wouldn‘t speak the truth either. |
SweetCaroline 06.07.2018 16:17 |
John appears also during the BoRhap video portion! Why are some people so bent out of shape over this magical collaboration? |
Raf 06.07.2018 16:30 |
Wow. Breaking news: Brian May has acknowledged the logic in this post and Queen + Adam Lambert have just announced they'll call themselves Princess from now on. A limited-edition sixpence with runner_70's face on it will be sold at the new group's launch party. |
dave76 06.07.2018 17:10 |
They know that the name sells. If it was announced as Brian May & Roger Taylor with Adam Lambert it would maybe sell way less. Ironic enough it was Brian who said in 1992 that they couldn't go out and be Queen anymore. It doesn't make sense where his words. If the boys wanna play live, that's fine with me. But it always will be bittersweet. |
Vocal harmony 06.07.2018 17:13 |
Sorry, I've just read through this thread and couldn't find The Best Posting on QAL. . . Ever. Though I did think some of the replies were good! ;) |
runner_70 06.07.2018 17:14 |
Just keep on lying to yourselves folks twist it and turn it as you want- QAL is a disgrace and stays a disgrace |
Star* 06.07.2018 17:25 |
ThIs was a clever marketing tool to get bums on seats so they call it Queen + and you think your getting a good deal of seeing two artists for the price of one but you are not really. What you get is two members from a previous rock band and a novice from a talent show who thinks he knows it all but he does not. Lack of ambience and the novice singer takes over the band with ridiculous costumes, screaming vocals and loses the Queen identity completely. This is not a Queen show in the slightest, it is a tribute of what they were back in the day with them trying to capture the magic but failing miserably. If you want to see a proper Queen tribute show go and see "Mercury" or " Magic" but excellent entertainment. |
rockchic65 06.07.2018 17:48 |
Raf wrote: Wow. Breaking news: Brian May has acknowledged the logic in this post and Queen + Adam Lambert have just announced they'll call themselves Princess from now on. A limited-edition sixpence with runner_70's face on it will be sold at the new group's launch party.Ha ha, nice one. The post that quote came from had some inane person posting that many comments saying they shouldn't use the name I lost IQ points just reading it. It's the same handful of people who seem to think they have a say in what Brian & Roger do. In the scheme of things they're a very small minority compared with all the positive comments from people who've seen the show but as usual they're the ones who shout loudest. |
reesefallon 06.07.2018 19:20 |
OhioMustapha 06.07.2018 21:52 |
If Brian and Roger are not going to stop, then they won’t. If you don’t like it, don’t watch it and don’t talk about it. |
Ale Solan 06.07.2018 22:10 |
SweetCaroline wrote: John appears also during the BoRhap video portion! Why are some people so bent out of shape over this magical collaboration?Magical? Wow, you just keep making the fool of yourself, over and over again. Please, don't stop. |
Iron Butterfly 07.07.2018 01:53 |
Ale Solan wrote:At least she didn't call it spectacular and magnificent this time xD.SweetCaroline wrote: John appears also during the BoRhap video portion! Why are some people so bent out of shape over this magical collaboration?Magical? Wow, you just keep making the fool of yourself, over and over again. Please, don't stop. |
Star* 07.07.2018 07:07 |
Magical? get a grip love i would have called it a car crash! The most ridiculous laughable collaboration of the millennium so far! |
rockchic65 07.07.2018 07:29 |
happystar wrote: Magical? get a grip love i would have called it a car crash! The most ridiculous laughable collaboration of the millennium so far!Not what the fans at Glasgow Green are calling it, just been wading and I do mean wading through the endless tweets all going crazy for them up there, seems they were blown away by them so a few naysayers in the scheme of things really don't matter. |
runner_70 07.07.2018 08:18 |
Wading thru endless tweets of sad Glamtarts praising their shit idol. QAL are not only the most laughable collaboration of the millennium but will be the most laughable collaboration EVER |
rockchic65 07.07.2018 08:28 |
runner_70 wrote: Wading thru endless tweets of sad Glamtarts praising their shit idol. QAL are not only the most laughable collaboration of the millennium but will be the most laughable collaboration EVERNo actually, wading through random tweets by people at the show, not glamberts. Fave ones are from other musicians like Dee Snider or the one from the metal head who's a massive Motorhead fan, find it quite funny that those guys were loving Adam since you and your ilk state only glamberts like him. |
runner_70 07.07.2018 08:32 |
Dee Snider? Really? SHould this be a proof for quality if a guy in his 60's calling himself a twisted sister loves lamebird? |
rockchic65 07.07.2018 08:42 |
runner_70 wrote: Dee Snider? Really? SHould this be a proof for quality if a guy in his 60's calling himself a twisted sister loves lamebird?I used him as the first name that came to mind after all the tweets I read, there were plenty more from TRNSMT and the London shows. And what does his age have to do with anything, will Bono and Joey Tempest's musical opinions have no value when they reach 60? What a strange mind you have. |
runner_70 07.07.2018 08:44 |
Lamebird is not takenseriously anywhere |
rockchic65 07.07.2018 08:46 |
runner_70 wrote: Lamebird is not takenseriously anywhereYou really should get some treatment for that confirmation bias you're suffering from, might make you a happier person. |
runner_70 07.07.2018 09:05 |
A Casting show parrott singing like a goat-thats all the tool is |
rockchic65 07.07.2018 09:06 |
^^^ I rest my case lol. |
runner_70 07.07.2018 09:15 |
better like this - this annyoing twat will always be laughed about while you think of him as a legend in the vein of Freddie and Bowie lol |
rockchic65 07.07.2018 09:21 |
runner_70 wrote: better like this - this annyoing twat will always be laughed about while you think of him as a legend in the vein of Freddie and Bowie lolWhere on earth did I call him a legend, or compare him to Freddie or Bowie? And yeah he does get laughed at or with, people find him funny. |
runner_70 07.07.2018 09:34 |
yes especially when he opens his ugly shit mouth |
Star* 07.07.2018 14:03 |
My god please do not insult Freddie & Bowie if Lambert can be regarded as a legend for that is laughable. The guy loves playing with make up and been a lady boy bless him but he is not a rock star or a legend. He loves pretending that he is and people probably laugh at him because he does look f*king ridiculous and takes Queen to freak land and back. |
rockchic65 07.07.2018 14:11 |
happystar wrote: My god please do not insult Freddie & Bowie if Lambert can be regarded as a legend for that is laughable. The guy loves playing with make up and been a lady boy bless him but he is not a rock star or a legend. He loves pretending that he is and people probably laugh at him because he does look f*king ridiculous and takes Queen to freak land and back.I know you and runner would like that to be true, though god knows why, but the fact is people actually like him regardless of the make up etc, maybe they see past that to the fun sweet person he is. He's makes people laugh but affectionately, maybe because he can laugh at himself. Whatever the reason no one cares about the clothes, make up etc, whenever people comment about him it's nearly always relating to his voice and tbh a lot of comments and reviews mention the flamboyance as a positive. |
snifflese 07.07.2018 14:35 |
It is a SHOW for goodness sakes! Shows involve makeup, outfits and all kinds of crazy, cool stuff. That is one of the reasons concert goers love the show as it is a fantastical, magical theatrical concert!!! Everyone on TV wears makeup and special clothing. Do you sit in a closet or what, since you don't have any idea of what constitutes show business and entertainment. Did the mighty Freddie not wear makeup and crazy clothes. I think he did! Just so you know, the entertainment business is pretending!! |
runner_70 07.07.2018 15:47 |
There are good shows and bad shows. Lamefart is a shit sho - he cpomes across as a complete twat - a retarded prick living on Maylors laurels and destroying the songs night after night after night .Painful. About time he is selling fries at KFC |
Ale Solan 07.07.2018 16:53 |
Iron Butterfly wrote:RLY? Did she? LOL, what a dipshitAle Solan wrote:At least she didn't call it spectacular and magnificent this time xD.SweetCaroline wrote: John appears also during the BoRhap video portion! Why are some people so bent out of shape over this magical collaboration?Magical? Wow, you just keep making the fool of yourself, over and over again. Please, don't stop. |
someonewholikesadam 07.07.2018 20:16 |
I just watched a movie based on a book called "My Friend Dahmer" about the disturbed childhood of serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. In my minds' eye, this is what Runner is like in real life. I bet his freezer is chock full! |
Star* 07.07.2018 20:55 |
I think you girls have had disturbed childhoods if you think Adam Lambert is great ha ha ha |
Your Fairy King 07.07.2018 21:07 |
happystar wrote: ThIs was a clever marketing tool to get bums on seats so they call it Queen + and you think your getting a good deal of seeing two artists for the price of one but you are not really. What you get is two members from a previous rock band and a novice from a talent show who thinks he knows it all but he does not. Lack of ambience and the novice singer takes over the band with ridiculous costumes, screaming vocals and loses the Queen identity completely. This is not a Queen show in the slightest, it is a tribute of what they were back in the day with them trying to capture the magic but failing miserably. If you want to see a proper Queen tribute show go and see "Mercury" or " Magic" but excellent entertainment.THIS is the best posting on QAL ever. |
runner_70 07.07.2018 21:15 |
someoewholikesadam: be careful what you post - you calling me a murderer asshole? |
The Fairy King 07.07.2018 21:34 |
Another post that ends in a flamewar. Great... Middle-aged balding men venting their frustration on an internet forum. You don't see that every day, wait.... xD |
Ken8 08.07.2018 00:55 |
Wow. Breaking news: Brian May has acknowledged the logic in this post and Queen + Adam Lambert have just announced they'll call themselves Princess from now on. A limited-edition sixpence with runner_70's face on it will be sold at the new group's launch party. We got the Cosmos rockin'! We got the Cosmos rockin'! We got the Universe rockin'! We got the Cosmos rockin'! We got the Cosmos rockin' to the mighty power of rock'n'roll! Cosmos Rockin? Who was the vocalist on that Raf? I'm lucky enough to have seen Freddie live twice in the 80s and the Lambert kid a few times now. To be honest, you get a lot of bang for your buck with the new shows and the lad can certainly sing but my biggest complaint was Adam's act was the same night after night. He never deviated from the script. Fred was without doubt much more spontaneous |
someonewholikesadam 08.07.2018 01:31 |
Runner - Well, you are quite scary. |
someonewholikesadam 08.07.2018 01:33 |
Runner, Check your punctuation. You are actually calling yourself an asshole in your post. Example: Bite me, asshole. (Grammatically correct) Bite me asshole (Kinky pirate) |
runner_70 08.07.2018 01:56 |
FUck You , Wanker - better?? With a name like someonewholikesadam i dont need to take you seriously you prick |
snifflese 08.07.2018 04:23 |
Are there no mods on this board? People shouldn't have to be verbally abused by the runner. This is outrageous the way he talks to people! Is there no possible way to get him banned? |
rockchic65 08.07.2018 09:37 |
Your Fairy King wrote:Actually it's mostly incorrect, especially the failing miserably part as you can plainly see, but whatever!happystar wrote: ThIs was a clever marketing tool to get bums on seats so they call it Queen + and you think your getting a good deal of seeing two artists for the price of one but you are not really. What you get is two members from a previous rock band and a novice from a talent show who thinks he knows it all but he does not. Lack of ambience and the novice singer takes over the band with ridiculous costumes, screaming vocals and loses the Queen identity completely. This is not a Queen show in the slightest, it is a tribute of what they were back in the day with them trying to capture the magic but failing miserably. If you want to see a proper Queen tribute show go and see "Mercury" or " Magic" but excellent entertainment.THIS is the best posting on QAL ever. |
Star* 08.07.2018 11:53 |
Well the "failing miserably" bit is where they have tried to be Queen but we all know they will never truly be Queen ever again. They can only pay tribute to themselves as a four piece rock outfit. It is not Queen in the slightest. it is good news then that we have the magic on cds and dvds so we can look back and compare how brilliant Queen were with the unmatched magnificent Freddie Mercury. Now take a look at a limp Queen on stage with a rock n roll wannabe, adam lambert its not the same and fans have left in there thousands disappointed. yes lots of little girls drool over him but he is a novelty for all to laugh at for he does look plastic like a barbie doll. |
SweetCaroline 08.07.2018 12:02 |
happystar, go to a live show and then give us your half-baked opinions! I dare ya! |
rockchic65 08.07.2018 12:17 |
happystar wrote: Well the "failing miserably" bit is where they have tried to be Queen but we all know they will never truly be Queen ever again. They can only pay tribute to themselves as a four piece rock outfit. It is not Queen in the slightest. it is good news then that we have the magic on cds and dvds so we can look back and compare how brilliant Queen were with the unmatched magnificent Freddie Mercury. Now take a look at a limp Queen on stage with a rock n roll wannabe, adam lambert its not the same and fans have left in there thousands disappointed. yes lots of little girls drool over him but he is a novelty for all to laugh at for he does look plastic like a barbie doll.I'm struggling to find where the fans have left in their thousands disappointed, from what I read the fans are loving it and more and more of them are asking for extra shows. As to being Queen again, well they aren't even trying, that's why they called it Queen + rather than do what a lot of band do and keep the name like for e.g AC/DC. They don't market themselves as Queen but a collaboration, no one goes expecting Queen and from the comments no one's disappointed that they don't get Queen, they accept that's over and this is a celebration of their music. |
Star* 08.07.2018 15:06 |
Many Queen fans have thrown in the towel to Queen so you wont hear from the masses who have stopped seeing them live. Brian knows exactly that he hacked off a lot of Queen fans when he issued a statement by saying" if you do not like the new boy then thank you and goodbye" Many Queen fans were outraged at his flippant comments as if it was not for them he would not be a millionaire. He never even asked the fans who THEY wanted to front Queen, he just went behind all the fans backs and picked who he wanted and that was regardless of what Roger thought. If they could not find anyone better than Freddie then why carry on with anyone? I think next year things will change and Queen will be very quiet. This freak show will be long forgotten and many ardent fans like myself will rejoice and be glad that this cheesy tour is long gone. |
rockchic65 08.07.2018 15:26 |
happystar wrote: Many Queen fans have thrown in the towel to Queen so you wont hear from the masses who have stopped seeing them live. Brian knows exactly that he hacked off a lot of Queen fans when he issued a statement by saying" if you do not like the new boy then thank you and goodbye" Many Queen fans were outraged at his flippant comments as if it was not for them he would not be a millionaire. He never even asked the fans who THEY wanted to front Queen, he just went behind all the fans backs and picked who he wanted and that was regardless of what Roger thought. If they could not find anyone better than Freddie then why carry on with anyone? I think next year things will change and Queen will be very quiet. This freak show will be long forgotten and many ardent fans like myself will rejoice and be glad that this cheesy tour is long gone.Firstly Brian & Roger should be the ones to choose the singer since they are the ones who have to be out on the road with them. Imagine if they had put it to a vote. Aside from the fact that everyone would have their own opinion and wouldn't have necessarily agreed who it should be but it could have ended up being someone they couldn't get along with, didn't enjoy working with and spent the entire tour wishing it was over. Seriously would you want to find yourself in that situation if you didn't have to? And what makes you think Roger wasn't ok with it? Secondly when Brian made that comment, if you listen to what he actually said it was clear he expected most of the original fans to not be onboard with it, he said "we'll be seeing new faces and hopfully a few old ones", he'd obviously seen negative feedback from the early shows and was probably annoyed that they were getting so much stick for essentially still wanting to play live. There may have been a lot of Queen fans who didn't like the collab at the beginning but things have changed, more and more have seen the shows and been won over. I've seen loads of comments on Twitter & Facebook from die hard fans who've seen Freddie loads of times and are still going to multiple shows now. I do think they will give it a break next year, Adam will most likely be doing solo stuff but unless they suddenly develop a health problem they will be back touring again after that, Brian said he'd be doing this until he drops. I'm guessing Roger feels the same although I haven't heard him actually say it. |
snifflese 08.07.2018 15:33 |
Happystar, why on god's green earth would Brian and or Roger consult the fans as to who they would like fronting the band? He went behind the fan's backs and picked out who he wanted? Really. So, if you are a storeowner and you are moving to another place, do you consult all the shoppers as to what they would prefer as far as a new location? I have never heard anything more ridiculous in my entire life. I think that qualifies as one of the most stupid statements I have ever read on here and that is saying a lot. When you make a personal decision, do you consult the world? No, you make it yourself for the most part, other than family or very close friend who might weigh in. I have no idea why you would ever think Roger was not on board as I have never read that. Seems to me it was Spike or Neill maybe, that sent them a video of Adam on Idol and Queen chose to come and sing with him and check him out at the Finale. I don't believe it was ever a Brian only decision. Then they much, they later did the EMA and then the IHeart show. Each one to carefully test the waters and vet him, which is what a proper band would do. Once Adam had passed all the vetting which was over a several year period, they decided to embark on their journey. Picking your band mate is not anyone else's business but Brian and Roger's (no clue what John said, but must not have nixed it!) and then the other members playing with Queen. If Brian had listened to die hard Queen fans, there would have been no QAL, which would have been a terrible shame seeing all the joy they have had playing as a band and all the job the million of fans have had in the last 160 plus shows. Brian is right about lump it, or leave it. If you don't like QAL, that is your right, but goodbye for now. It makes no sense to rant about QAL every day. But way more die hards have fallen in love with QAL, so your entire post is just ridiculous. |
rockchic65 08.07.2018 16:08 |
snifflese wrote: Happystar, why on god's green earth would Brian and or Roger consult the fans as to who they would like fronting the band? He went behind the fan's backs and picked out who he wanted? Really. So, if you are a storeowner and you are moving to another place, do you consult all the shoppers as to what they would prefer as far as a new location? I have never heard anything more ridiculous in my entire life. I think that qualifies as one of the most stupid statements I have ever read on here and that is saying a lot. When you make a personal decision, do you consult the world? No, you make it yourself for the most part, other than family or very close friend who might weigh in. I have no idea why you would ever think Roger was not on board as I have never read that. Seems to me it was Spike or Neill maybe, that sent them a video of Adam on Idol and Queen chose to come and sing with him and check him out at the Finale. I don't believe it was ever a Brian only decision. Then they much, they later did the EMA and then the IHeart show. Each one to carefully test the waters and vet him, which is what a proper band would do. Once Adam had passed all the vetting which was over a several year period, they decided to embark on their journey. Picking your band mate is not anyone else's business but Brian and Roger's (no clue what John said, but must not have nixed it!) and then the other members playing with Queen. If Brian had listened to die hard Queen fans, there would have been no QAL, which would have been a terrible shame seeing all the joy they have had playing as a band and all the job the million of fans have had in the last 160 plus shows. Brian is right about lump it, or leave it. If you don't like QAL, that is your right, but goodbye for now. It makes no sense to rant about QAL every day. But way more die hards have fallen in love with QAL, so your entire post is just ridiculous.Spike's wife called him in to watch Adam and then he called Roger and told him to check him out. Roger says he watched the Rock week and then they were called in to do the finale, they say it was co-incidence. Roger always talks like it was as much his decision to recruit Adam. |
Star* 08.07.2018 19:17 |
I do not read other replies from these army of Lambprick fans on here so where are they all then, or are you his only two fans getting paid to defend this novelty boy? Time & time again same 3 girls on here so if Lambprick has male admirers where are they then ? AC/DC confirmed with there fans when Brian Johnson was picked to the front the band and that worked out fine. Brian has become very arrogant and he thinks Queen is his business were Roger is the last to know about stuff. May was always jealous of Freddie as Mercury always dismissed Mays idea if they were ridiculous and i am sure Lambert would also get the thumbs down from Freddie. I know John Deacon is not fussed, because he even rejected Robbie Williams as lead singers for Queen. |
rockchic65 08.07.2018 20:14 |
happystar wrote: I do not read other replies from these army of Lambprick fans on here so where are they all then, or are you his only two fans getting paid to defend this novelty boy? Time & time again same 3 girls on here so if Lambprick has male admirers where are they then ? AC/DC confirmed with there fans when Brian Johnson was picked to the front the band and that worked out fine. Brian has become very arrogant and he thinks Queen is his business were Roger is the last to know about stuff. May was always jealous of Freddie as Mercury always dismissed Mays idea if they were ridiculous and i am sure Lambert would also get the thumbs down from Freddie. I know John Deacon is not fussed, because he even rejected Robbie Williams as lead singers for Queen.There's guys post on here, some earlier in the thread, you just choose to ignore them because it doesn't fit what you're trying to say. You still haven't said how Brian went over Roger's head about Adam? Also not sure why you say he was jealous of Freddie. And none of us know what Freddie would think of Adam since we can't exactly ask him. |
snifflese 08.07.2018 20:55 |
Most people are just sick and tired of dealing with you. I was a teacher, so I may have a lot more patience than the average person. Males are not really patient and probably have written you off. What is the point? Mus husband would have wasted about 5 mins reading your crap, called you a ... and then scrolled over anything with your name on it! Personally, I just think you do this for fun to spin people off and you have a hefty amount of hate in your soul. Queen is Brian's business, just in case you were confused. I don't get the feeling Roger is out of the picture. I have read tons of stuff about QAL over the years and you are the only person that has ever suggested such a thing. I am sure it is Fake News, just like all you other BS. If we all ignore you, will you go away, pretty please? Scrolling past you and runner might just be the answer! Will you get bored and leave if everyone pretends you are not there? |
Star* 08.07.2018 21:27 |
sniflesse We true Queen fans are bored of your shit too, if you are a teacher the you are not a smart one are you been a fan of a lady boy who cant sing to save his life. You never contribute to any other Queen threads that may refer to Freddie because you are not a Queen fan you are an adam fan clogging up this site with your drivel of the novice. As for your husband well i do pity him having to listen to Lambert every day in your house you must surely be heading for a divorce soon yeah ? Still you are American and ive heard your all a load of gobshites over there with no brains ha ha Does all your pupils know you worship a talent show reject ?? |
runner_70 08.07.2018 21:46 |
Mods should be on board when pricks on here call me murderer |
runner_70 08.07.2018 21:53 |
Good one happy-the always refer to some "twitter postings" of converted Freddie fans that they made up themselves or dont even exist. Pathetic as the fat ladyboy |
rockchic65 08.07.2018 22:31 |
runner_70 wrote: Good one happy-the always refer to some "twitter postings" of converted Freddie fans that they made up themselves or dont even exist. Pathetic as the fat ladyboyAs usual you've been arguing with most of them on facebook all day so what were you saying about made up and don't exist? Seriously, you really can't be that blinkered. Queen just posted a thanks and goodbye post on facebook and loads have posted comments about when's the next tour and come back soon etc. And why are you keep posting this is the last Europe tour on there? Know something we dont? |
snifflese 08.07.2018 23:52 |
I have always been a Queen fan, but not to the degree you people are. I have always bought their music, but it wasn't until QAL that I really became a fan, as now everything is online and I really like Adam singing. I also worked and didn't have time to hang out online. Now I am retired, I can look at things there just wan't time for before. I don't know enough about old Queen. You people would rip me apart and this thread is bad enough. I don't have to post on Queen threads to prove my bona fides. That is ridiculous. Why would my husband ever hear Adam sing???? I don't play much music at home. I listen online with ear phones and by the way, we have been married 46 years and doing well, thank you very much! I know who is pretty brainless from his ridiculous comments and it is certainly not I! |
someonewholikesadam 09.07.2018 01:52 |
Runner, I didn't call you a murderer. I said I "imagine" you to be like Jeffrey Dahmer during his disturbed childhood, by the nature of your posts you come across as disturbed and truly unhinged. |
Star* 09.07.2018 06:35 |
Strange how the girls are the only ones who defend the fat lady boy on here because the majority of true Queen fans are only interested in Brian & Roger. ! They even make there own lies up to make him sound like he is popular ha ha ha........ If fans are thanking them for the tour its only because they enjoy listening to actual true musicians playing real instruments and not the fat lady boy poncing around the stage like a cross dressing pervert who pretends (its) a rock star. |
rockchic65 09.07.2018 07:59 |
happystar wrote: Strange how the girls are the only ones who defend the fat lady boy on here because the majority of true Queen fans are only interested in Brian & Roger. ! They even make there own lies up to make him sound like he is popular ha ha ha........ If fans are thanking them for the tour its only because they enjoy listening to actual true musicians playing real instruments and not the fat lady boy poncing around the stage like a cross dressing pervert who pretends (its) a rock star.You need to get over to facebook and twitter, loads of people specifically mentioning Adam so we aren't making anything up and you know it. You can complain forever but it won't change the fact that people are loving the shows, why's it such a big deal? |
Star* 09.07.2018 09:35 |
It is a big deal because it is very embarrassing for the average Queen fan to have to stomach a talentless twit who think he is gods gift when in essence he is a nobody he is only pretending that he is this big icon who cross dresses and he will never be a rock n roller ever. He is unoriginal as far as the dressing up goes and he has the cheek to wear a crown at the end of the show so he is copying of Freddie to a certain degree. Queen used to be taken seriously as a respected rock band, now they are as respected as that spoof band spinal tap. Lambert is painful to watch and i am sorry for going on but he means nothing to me at all. As a long standing Queen fan i am offended that this buffoon is lead singer even if the sly project is called Queen + Adam Lambert to give us purist fans a softer blow it is still wrong why not go on facebook and see all the people who hate Lambert especially on Freddie Mercury sites. |
rockchic65 09.07.2018 10:26 |
happystar wrote: It is a big deal because it is very embarrassing for the average Queen fan to have to stomach a talentless twit who think he is gods gift when in essence he is a nobody he is only pretending that he is this big icon who cross dresses and he will never be a rock n roller ever. He is unoriginal as far as the dressing up goes and he has the cheek to wear a crown at the end of the show so he is copying of Freddie to a certain degree. Queen used to be taken seriously as a respected rock band, now they are as respected as that spoof band spinal tap. Lambert is painful to watch and i am sorry for going on but he means nothing to me at all. As a long standing Queen fan i am offended that this buffoon is lead singer even if the sly project is called Queen + Adam Lambert to give us purist fans a softer blow it is still wrong why not go on facebook and see all the people who hate Lambert especially on Freddie Mercury sites.There will always be some people who just don't like it but the vast majority are loving it, certainly enough to keep them touring and none of them are the least bit embarrassed, that's just a perception by a few people who really don't like Adam, for what reason I can't imagine since even if you don't like his voice he's a genuinely lovely guy. If you go to a Freddie site then you are gonna get the die hard purists who hate the idea of replacing him so yeah I dare say there is a lot of hate on there, but the actual Queen page where the majority of fans of the band as opposed to just Freddie fans are they tell a different story. No one's an original really, everyone is influenced by someone else, be it in dress sense or musical style whatever, but Adam has always dressed up and acted the way he does long before the Queen thing, it's not done to copy Freddie but he and Bowie and Prince were influences. I don't see any cross dressing going on, dressing in drag is not his thing but dressing up and acting a bit camp for fun is very much his thing. Regardless of anything else Brian & Roger are having an absolute blast and it would be selfish to deny them that when through no fault of their own they lost Freddie so early in their career, they're having a second bite of the cherry and I can't see any negatives in that. |
Star* 09.07.2018 16:08 |
Rockchic: You say you don't see any cross drag, then look at the recent wembley shows and see Lambert in huge stiletto boots and wearing a long red cape and wearing a lot of eye liner and slap he is similar to a thailand lady boy. Now that embarrasses me a lot especially when i wear my Queen T shirts now as people may think i support Lambert! |
Liliane 09.07.2018 16:43 |
It is funny how happystar claims to be a Freddie fan and yet is constantly throwing homophobic slurs at Adam. I can completely understand why some Queen fans don't take to Adam. To each their own. But you and runner take it to another level. Why not spend more energy on people and things that you love instead of wasting so much energy hating on someone every single day. You should stop wearing your Queen t-shirt, I have a feeling that all 4 of the Queen members would have been embarrassed to have you as a fan. |
Liliane 09.07.2018 16:45 |
Btw, rockchic and Snifflese, you both have the patience of a saint. There is no rationalizing with the irrational. |
runner_70 09.07.2018 17:48 |
Again those unbelievable postings mentioning Lamefart in one sentence with Freddie Bowie and other legends. He is not even worthy to lace their shoes this talentfree twat |
Star* 09.07.2018 18:54 |
Please tell me where the homophobic slurs where then? i am not homophobic but i do not like seeing fully grown men looking like freaks. It sickens my stomach. We are the one s who have the patience of a saint for the last 10 years Lambert has been in our faces with his crap singing and mincey clothes. |
rockchic65 09.07.2018 19:33 |
happystar wrote: Please tell me where the homophobic slurs where then? i am not homophobic but i do not like seeing fully grown men looking like freaks. It sickens my stomach. We are the one s who have the patience of a saint for the last 10 years Lambert has been in our faces with his crap singing and mincey clothes.So by your definition there's a whole host of singers who shouldn't be onstage or seen, Bowie for one, Brandon Flowers, Pete Wentz, Steven Tyler, Ozzy Osbourne, Jared Leto - the list goes on. High boots/shoes are worn by Kiss and all the glam rock bands of the 70's etc, and incidentally they aren't stiletto, being a girl I can tell the difference even if you can't, the long red cape is actually a sleveless coat, don't see how that is mean't to be cross dressing, in fact none of those things are. And that comment about wearing a Queen T Shirt says a lot about you. Out in the real world the majority of people have no problem with Adam whatsoever and wouldn't think anything of you wearing a Queen T Shirt, they would assume you're a fan of the original band. Instead of reading the Freddie facebook pages try looking on the Queen one, might stop you feeling so paranoid when you see all the people loving this collab and not in the least embarrassed by anything Adam does or wears. |
Star* 09.07.2018 20:15 |
Rockchic : If you think that is acceptable for Lambert to look like a freak then that is up to you but as you said earlier everyone laughs at him because he looks absolutely ridiculous. You take him serious as a performer well that says more about you been very immature indeed. Try discovering someone who has actual talent instead of looking like a muppet then you may get some respect on here. |
rockchic65 09.07.2018 20:25 |
happystar wrote: Rockchic : If you think that is acceptable for Lambert to look like a freak then that is up to you but as you said earlier everyone laughs at him because he looks absolutely ridiculous. You take him serious as a performer well that says more about you been very immature indeed. Try discovering someone who has actual talent instead of looking like a muppet then you may get some respect on here.I'm not immature, I just recognize talent and don't let external things that are petty in the scheme of things put me off. I don't care what he wears or if he makes silly jokes etc, I care that he sings well and that he's fun to watch and on those two points he never disappoints. He might like to have fun and be silly but when it comes to voice and performance he takes that very serious, always does extensive soundchecks, makes sure he takes care of his voice and makes sure he's fit enough for the show. That's why I take him seriously as a performer. |
runner_70 09.07.2018 20:41 |
He neither sings well nor is he fun to watch. Its just becuase you Glambird Housewives have a crush on the ladyboy but wont tell anyone so you come up with his "Talent" - bullshit. |
rockchic65 09.07.2018 20:50 |
runner_70 wrote: He neither sings well nor is he fun to watch. Its just becuase you Glambird Housewives have a crush on the ladyboy but wont tell anyone so you come up with his "Talent" - bullshit.Sorry, wrong again, at least in my case, can't speak for anyone else but I'm not into young guys and especially not gay ones. There are heaps of people who think he's talented, just because you don't doesn't make us all wrong. |
Star* 09.07.2018 21:12 |
i very much doubt Lambert could fill all the stadiums and arenas that he has been playing with Queen ! To be a credible performer he has to conquer that on his own and i doubt he ever will. Queen got the stadiums and arenas filled up because they are rock legends. |
rockchic65 09.07.2018 21:43 |
happystar wrote: i very much doubt Lambert could fill all the stadiums and arenas that he has been playing with Queen ! To be a credible performer he has to conquer that on his own and i doubt he ever will. Queen got the stadiums and arenas filled up because they are rock legends.I'd say currently you're right, he plays smaller venues when solo. Not sure what that proves though, there's a lot of artist who fill arena's and stadiums that aren't talented, Britney for instance can't sing live which to me is a total no no if you're performing live. |
runner_70 10.07.2018 03:55 |
Hahaha Glamtarts starting to backpaddle. The "Britney" example was done by me when the annyoing Ladyboyfans said "but they sell tickets". Now they come up with the same example saying that lametart is playing smaller audiences on his own so he must be more talented, How much more embarrassing can it get with them. Thank God this thing is over soon now and they are climb back under their Rock in their dreamworld for good. pathetic |
rockchic65 10.07.2018 06:40 |
runner_70 wrote: Hahaha Glamtarts starting to backpaddle. The "Britney" example was done by me when the annyoing Ladyboyfans said "but they sell tickets". Now they come up with the same example saying that lametart is playing smaller audiences on his own so he must be more talented, How much more embarrassing can it get with them. Thank God this thing is over soon now and they are climb back under their Rock in their dreamworld for good. patheticI'm not backpedaling at all I've never said Adam fills arena's solo. He has a very loyal fan base, is extremely well thought of as an incredible vocalist by the industry but for whatever reason that doesn't translate into huge numbers of fans. Some people with little talent get huge numbers of followers for whatever reason, like Britney. That to me doesn't denote talent. There are tons of talented singers/bands out there, indie bands for example who don't fill arena's. If they don't get the radio play of say Taylor Swift or Ed Sheeran etc then they aren't going to build up a huge following since a lot of people will never hear of them. I'm sure most singers/bands would love to tour big arena's and stadiums, some achieve it some don't but so long as they can make a living doing what they love I consider that being successful. Maybe being a girl I don't have that my teams better than yours mentality, to me there's room for lots of people's talent and I don't really care about who gets the most instagram followers or likes or any of that fake BS. I consider Adam lucky in that he gets to tour big arena's with Queen which he may or may not have done solo, no way to know since he pretty much put his solo stuff on hold to focus on Queen + but either way if he only tours smaller venues with his new album, so what, he'll still be happy. I saw Foreigner a couple of months ago at the Apollo Manchester, a lot smaller venue than the arena, 3500 capacity, but they are touring the world so to me they are successful, just not on a Katy Perry level and infinitely more talented. |
Raf 10.07.2018 12:39 |
happystar wrote: Please tell me where the homophobic slurs where then? i am not homophobic but i do not like seeing fully grown men looking like freaks. It sickens my stomach. We are the one s who have the patience of a saint for the last 10 years Lambert has been in our faces with his crap singing and mincey clothes. happystar wrote: Rockchic : If you think that is acceptable for Lambert to look like a freak then that is up to you but as you said earlier everyone laughs at him because he looks absolutely ridiculous. You take him serious as a performer well that says more about you been very immature indeed. Try discovering someone who has actual talent instead of looking like a muppet then you may get some respect on here.Yeah, we Queen fans hate seeing fully grown men looking like freaks. How dare Queen pick ridiculous Muppets who everybody laughs at? They should get someone talented instead. |
Raf 10.07.2018 12:50 |
Before I get too many insults for calling Freddie ridiculous, hear it from the man himself at 4:00 link |
runner_70 10.07.2018 17:23 |
Freddie made fun of himself while dressing like this. The ladyboy is completey fun - free. His stage manners are forced and he seems to take himself completely seriously especially when he is wearing the crown. Each time I see his shitface wearing it I wanna slap him for disrespecting Freddie. Sad jerk |
rockchic65 10.07.2018 18:08 |
Wow that was quite the collection of outfits and wasn't it Freddie who said - "I have fun with my clothes onstage, it's not a concert you're seeing it's a fashion show". runner Adam doesn't take himself seriously and keep saying it won't make it any more true. Here straight from the horses mouth, or goat if you like link link |
Star* 10.07.2018 18:32 |
Raf: Freddie wore some of the outfits with tongue in cheek and he never took himself too serious but he was a brilliant singer and musician something Adam lacks at the moment. Mercury could afford to be what ever he wanted to be but the talent never took second best it was always in the front of fashion with Freddie. Lambert puts clothes clothes before talent and it shows! |
rockchic65 10.07.2018 18:43 |
happystar wrote: Raf: Freddie wore some of the outfits with tongue in cheek and he never took himself too serious but he was a brilliant singer and musician something Adam lacks at the moment. Mercury could afford to be what ever he wanted to be but the talent never took second best it was always in the front of fashion with Freddie. Lambert puts clothes clothes before talent and it shows!Now that is completely untrue, Adam loves fashion and likes having fun with clothes but he takes his voice and the show very seriously. One of the things Brian & Roger like about working with him is his work ethic, in fact it's one thing that's always been mentioned about him. |
Star* 10.07.2018 21:22 |
Well we could debate this till the cows come home but i know Lambert has made no great impression on the UK sales market and he has flopped here with his solo career. I think many people in the uk just do not connect with him. He is a gimmick and staying with Queen is his biggest downfall because if his solo career was most important to him he would have pursued that rather than playing karaoke games with Queen. When time does come to go solo he will struggle like hell. |
runner_70 10.07.2018 21:25 |
Not only the Uk. He is virtually unknown except for the US where his star has also faded. Was a lil star due to AI. Noone gives a shit about him in QAL |
rockchic65 10.07.2018 21:40 |
happystar wrote: Well we could debate this till the cows come home but i know Lambert has made no great impression on the UK sales market and he has flopped here with his solo career. I think many people in the uk just do not connect with him. He is a gimmick and staying with Queen is his biggest downfall because if his solo career was most important to him he would have pursued that rather than playing karaoke games with Queen. When time does come to go solo he will struggle like hell.People connect with him just fine when he's with QAL they love him, but his own music is likely not gonna be Queen fans taste and over here he gets virtually no radio play, very rarely appears on any shows unless with Brian & Roger so he isn't well known outside of the Queen thing. I've already said why he hasn't concentrated as much on his solo stuff but he will be after September no doubt. And I really don't see the UK as majorly important, there's a whole world out there and as long as he does well enough to tour with his solo stuff that's the important thing. He has enough fans over here to be able to tour, he toured his last album here. |
rockchic65 10.07.2018 21:43 |
runner_70 wrote: Not only the Uk. He is virtually unknown except for the US where his star has also faded. Was a lil star due to AI. Noone gives a shit about him in QALYou do talk some rubbish at times, you've read all the facebook comments from fans at the shows so you know that isn't true. And he's know all over not just the US, he had loads of fans in various countries even before QAL. He's not as well known in the UK, other than with Queen fans but there's still enough for him to tour here. Do stop making things up it makes you look daft. |
runner_70 10.07.2018 21:45 |
In Europe he is completely unknown. QAL drawas tickets due to Maylor not because of the goat. Wonder where you got your infos about his success ==!! |
rockchic65 10.07.2018 22:06 |
runner_70 wrote: In Europe he is completely unknown. QAL drawas tickets due to Maylor not because of the goat. Wonder where you got your infos about his success ==!!I could say the same to you since you're completely wrong. He's popular in various European countries, he played Hamburg and Berlin solo in 2015, they seemed to love him at those shows. He's really popular in Australia and Asia. And no he isn't the draw at the Queen gigs. He has fans who go for him but there's loads of Queen fans who go, a lot for the first time and a lot who are dubious but come away won over. |
runner_70 11.07.2018 04:43 |
At the Geran board there is a duscussion about QAL. NOINE, really NONE is ever saying "Lmabe-Bert blew me away". Most who liked it went away "it is great to see Maylor but AL is a strane choice". Thats why Lamebird will have to rethink if it was worth it o spend his time as a karaoke parrott for the last six years while his solo career went down the toilet even further. He even lost his record contract now during his QAL stint. Says it all..... |
Sealion 11.07.2018 08:47 |
rockchic65 11.07.2018 08:50 |
runner_70 wrote: At the Geran board there is a duscussion about QAL. NOINE, really NONE is ever saying "Lmabe-Bert blew me away". Most who liked it went away "it is great to see Maylor but AL is a strane choice". Thats why Lamebird will have to rethink if it was worth it o spend his time as a karaoke parrott for the last six years while his solo career went down the toilet even further. He even lost his record contract now during his QAL stint. Says it all.....No idea what Geran board is and I daresay there's a few who think that but there's loads who don't. Evens itself out in the end and there's certainly enough interest in them to keep touring so I don't see them changing things anytime soon. As to his solo career that's for him to worry about, and you've no idea about the record contract no one knows for sure what the situation is there and I'd say that's his problem to worry about as well. Like happystar said we could debate this till the cows come home, won't change a thing so we'll just have to agree to differ on the subject and draw a line, especially since the tour's ended for the time being. |
Sealion 11.07.2018 09:02 |
I don’t think the current discussions on here are worth my energy. But just so you know: The German forum runner is talking about is almost dead. There are only a couple of Queen fans writing at all, and that very occasionally. I never saw Lambert fans taking part in any discussion. But some are members of the German Queen Fanclub. When I was queuing before the gig in Cologne, I met many of his fans. Actually it was a nice talking to all the different fans: old Queen fans, new Queen fans, Queen fans, who also became Adam fans and Glamberts, who were only there for their idol. Yes, two fans even said, they don’t really like Queen, but that’s the only way to see Adam live at the moment. And they also talked about his solo concerts in Germany. From what they said, they all sold out and were brilliant. Everybody who really attends one of these gigs, can see a sea happy people. All sorts of fans, getting very well along and having fun together. |
Sealion 11.07.2018 09:04 |
Just to add: the Queenies on the German board keep telling runner to fuck off. They are not against the collaboration and do really enjoy the gigs! |
Star* 11.07.2018 09:55 |
If an artist does nor conquer the UK then they are in big trouble. All artists want to crack the UK because it is the most important country in the world a far as music is concerned. Adam is not thought of in high regards here because weve seen his style all before in Boy George & Steve Strange wearing all the make u and effeminate costumes. Lambert is unoriginal as far as clothes are concerned. |
Sealion 11.07.2018 10:12 |
You seem to have a big problem, with what Lambert wears. Why? For the latest Queen gigs he wore 4 costumes, that I would consider theatrical and over the top. He also wore 3 costumes, that looked completely stylish and tame. It‘s a mixture and generally fits the songs. Since I have seen him solo: He wore the same mixture there. Just a bit less theatrical. At one of their last gigs, someone from the band posted a picture from the soundcheck. Lambert wore the same things, my son would wear: trainers and a basecap. He looked completely normal. What he wears on stage are costumes. And they are tame, compared to the things, Freddie , Bowie or Boy George wore on stage. Your problem is the person, who is wearing them. |
rockchic65 11.07.2018 10:23 |
I agree with Sealion regards the fans, the show I went to and the feedback online is in the main positive form all different kinds of fans. As to the UK, maybe artists would like to crack it but many don't, it doesn't stop them having a career. Back at the beginning I'm sure Adam wanted mainstream chart success and obviously wanted to have a long career in music, because he loves it and also because of the money. One of the first interviews he did, he said he wanted money to buy a house etc but that's not a problem now so I think his priorities have changed. Maybe working with Brian & Roger has changed his outlook, they've always said they were an album's band and any single's success was just incidental, they didn't set out to have chart hits. From the things I've heard Adam say recently that seems to be more where he's at now and IMO opinion a healthier way to look at things. He's got other projects in the works besides his album so I'm sure he'll be fine whatever happens. |
Star* 11.07.2018 16:31 |
Rockchic: i disagree with what you said about Queen been exclusively wanting to be an albums band, they became very commercial in the late seventies and singles were very important to Queen because Roger said if people liked the singles they put out it made them curious to buy the album. After Bohemian Rhapsody singles were very important to Queen and there millions of fans. |
rockchic65 11.07.2018 18:01 |
happystar wrote: Rockchic: i disagree with what you said about Queen been exclusively wanting to be an albums band, they became very commercial in the late seventies and singles were very important to Queen because Roger said if people liked the singles they put out it made them curious to buy the album. After Bohemian Rhapsody singles were very important to Queen and there millions of fans.I was quoting them from a few interviews I've seen and read where they say they were predominantly an albums band and didn't set out consciously to make singles. Not saying they didn't like the fact that a lot of their songs became singles, who wouldn't. It really isn't the be all and end all now, especially not in the current music climate where streaming has took over mostly, it changes the game for artists now. There's very little money to be made from sales or streaming, the money comes from touring so as long as something is popular enough with your fans to warrant a tour that's the thing that matters most. |
Iron Butterfly 11.07.2018 20:12 |
I cannot imagine AL solo shows, pulling in the crowds the way Q+AL did, or even getting the attention. If I were AL, I'd find a band of my own and go from there. I think he will be a solo artist, unless he really sticks to changing his mind about the genre/s of music he wants to do. |
snifflese 11.07.2018 21:35 |
Adam won't be able to pull in Queen size crowds and none of his fans expect that. Just to be able to tour and make money is all he needs to do. There are very few groups and single artists that are successful like Queen. I am sure Adam tours with them because it is just so much fun and he knows it will never happen on his own. Taking advantage of a wonderful opportunity is a good thing for him. He always says when he tours there are no private jets and amenities like Queen has and he just laughts. Sounds like he is fine with that! |
rockchic65 11.07.2018 21:48 |
snifflese wrote: Adam won't be able to pull in Queen size crowds and none of his fans expect that. Just to be able to tour and make money is all he needs to do. There are very few groups and single artists that are successful like Queen. I am sure Adam tours with them because it is just so much fun and he knows it will never happen on his own. Taking advantage of a wonderful opportunity is a good thing for him. He always says when he tours there are no private jets and amenities like Queen has and he just laughts. Sounds like he is fine with that!Exactly, he's under no illusions about anything and is one of the most grounded and down to earth people I've heard. It's one of my favourite things about him, his ability to be honest and just get on with life without dwelling on things you can't change. Obvious he had a great upbringing. |
runner_70 11.07.2018 22:29 |
At least he recognizes his destiny playing dive bars Cruise ships and gaybars in front of 30-50 ppl billed as "ex Queen Singer" sreeching his way across the songs while the drunk"crowd" does not notice. |
rockchic65 11.07.2018 23:27 |
runner_70 wrote: At least he recognizes his destiny playing dive bars Cruise ships and gaybars in front of 30-50 ppl billed as "ex Queen Singer" sreeching his way across the songs while the drunk"crowd" does not notice.No, more likely places like the Hammersmith Apollo so around the 3500 capacity mark. Didn't Queen once do an amazing show at the Hammersmith? Despite what you might think he does actually have more fans than the few you argue with on here. |
runner_70 12.07.2018 05:12 |
LOL again you try to compare the tool with legends like Queen? Really? DOnt you feel silly doing that? The dance EMO Lady boy will never tour in Europe again |
Star* 12.07.2018 06:53 |
Snifflese: You hit the nail on the head when you said adam gets to tour and make MONEY which is why he sticks to Queen because he really has no respect for Freddie and just a money grabber. Many artists wouldnt dare take up an offer to be Queen vocalist because they know how brilliant and crafted Freddie was within the band. Lambert wont leave Queen he knows where his breads buttered, and where is going to make big money. Rockchic: Lambert may have a lot of fans but his audience is mainly female just like Barry Manilow or Justin Bieber. |
rockchic65 12.07.2018 07:50 |
Wrong on all counts happy and runner First Adam doesn't tour with Queen just for money and anyone watching them together would know that, they have so much fun together, both on and offstage, why wouldn't they want to keep doing it. And taking up that offer must have been daunting, imagine the uphill battle every night, knowing you have to win people over following in Freddie's footsteps, you're right most artist's would have swerved that one. But why should he and why should Brian & Roger not get to do what they love and still tour, it's hardly their fault they lost their frontman so early in their career. His audience might be made up of more women than men but there's still quite a lot of guys at his solo shows, check out the audiences if you don't believe me. runner - I didn't compare him to Queen I was meaning if it was good enough for Queen to play there why wouldn't it be good enough for Adam. Also I'm still waiting for your explanation of why he won't be playing Europe anymore, either solo or with Brian & Roger. |
snifflese 12.07.2018 12:33 |
Yea, Runner there are a lot of dudes at the shows and he seems to be gaining more male fans based on the tweets and facebook posts that I see. Males are beginning to appreciate his vocals and what he brings to Queen. I am curious if you hate Adam because he is gay? You always mention gay bars and that he is an abomination. You mention trannies and his makeup. I am suspecting that is what fuelss yor animus and it ain't pretty. If you don't like him for whatever reason, just put a sock in it! You are the abomination, my friend, some feckless, wimpy keyboard warrior that thinks he can say whatever he wants because it is anonymous on the internet. Shame on you! |
Vocal harmony 12.07.2018 17:05 |
happystar wrote: AC/DC confirmed with there fans when Brian Johnson was picked to the front the band and that worked out fine. Brian has become very arrogant and he thinks Queen is his business were Roger is the last to know about stuff. May was always jealous of Freddie as Mercury always dismissed Mays idea if they were ridiculous and i am sure Lambert would also get the thumbs down from Freddie. . . . . . .Isn't great when someone has a view and reports it like they were there. Brian Johnson recieved a call out of the blue inviting him to London to audition, he was more or less offered the job there and then. A couple of days after that he got a call to confirm he was in and that he wanted the job. This has been confirmed in interviews with him and Angus. They didn't get fans opinion or say so on the matter, the did what they wanted to do. As for views on Brian, Roger and anyone else connected with decisions that Queen or Lambert make. You've witnessed none of it, so where does your exclusive infomation come from. What I can tell you is, from the few times I've talked to Roger Taylor there is no way he would take a back seat to Brian on anything Queen related. They work together as a band not a dictatorship. It's ok having an opinion but don't justify it by talking rubbish, it weakens your argument and makes you sound a bit like you clutching at straws. |
Star* 12.07.2018 18:17 |
VH What do you mean on the occasions that you have talked to Roger Taylor, dont make me laugh, now you are deluded. Anyone associated with Queen would not use this crap site because they would be professionals. |
runner_70 12.07.2018 21:35 |
Snifflese - when the arguments of Glamtarts are running out then they are playing the "gay" card. FUck you. I dont care who he fucks be it men women or goats (most likely regarding his voice). Freddie was gay as well and it did not affect me at all. Fred wore embarrassing clothes as well but he got away with it because behind it there was his musical genius in the first place and he was alsway tongue in cheek. Lametart is a muscial abomination, a tool who has no abilities whatsoever, still he acts as if he was that bg icon. I can almost hear him think "now I am the King" whe he is getting his crown in the end. He still stays a talentless fucker regardless who he is sleeping with. |
runner_70 12.07.2018 21:38 |
Happy - VH has mental problems (like most Glamtarts - no wonder - after all they listen to this tool on a daily basis - they HAVE to become mental!)liek SC. Remember she/he (?) threatened me and she found my number on the net somewhere and was talking to industry people,about me? WHat a laughing stock. Still waiting for your call VH. Lost you braveness? |
snifflese 12.07.2018 21:42 |
Well if you don't know any better, I would avoid those words because it does sound like you have a big problem with Adam because of his orientation and you need to wash your mouth out with soap. I see you are running that filthy mouth on QOL, trying to be someone else. You just need to read 2 sentences of your diatribe and immediately we all know who it is. At least over their they can kick your ass off! Nobody wants to hear from you. What does it take to get it through your thick head. Hau' ab, mann! |
runner_70 12.07.2018 21:59 |
getting angry again snuff? Take your chillpills and listen to your crap idol. I recommend his classic "Two Fux" - better than BoRhap. Learn to accept that loads of ppl hate this tool. even the concert goers that enjoy QAL say he is just the vehicle for Brian and ROger to play but he is not worth it as a singer |
Dr Magus 14.07.2018 15:54 |
If Lambert quit tomorrow Bri and Rog would just trawl more american talent shows for a replacement who would hit all the notes just as easily. All he'd have to be is young, male and in the middle of his 15 minutes of fame in the U.S. Singers with a similar range are ten a penny. |
rockchic65 14.07.2018 16:04 |
Dr Magus wrote: If Lambert quit tomorrow Bri and Rog would just trawl more american talent shows for a replacement who would hit all the notes just as easily. All he'd have to be is young, male and in the middle of his 15 minutes of fame in the U.S. Singers with a similar range are ten a penny.Range maybe, but not vocal ability and definitely not on talent shows. His 15 mins was long over when he teamed up with Queen, even on his first tour he was playing smaller venues not arena's so that doesn't really work either. May as well have asked Beiber if that's what they needed. They won't be replacing him anyway so it hardly matters really. |
snifflese 14.07.2018 16:08 |
You obviously don't know what you are talking about, Dr. Magus. There are very few singers in the world, including the opera world, who can consistently,night after night hit the notes that Adam hits. Most can't get up into that high of a register and they often have to use a very breathy falsetto, which in no way sounds the same. He has amazing technical abilities, a huge Usable range and sounds credible in all the genres pertaining to Queen music. I always love it when people say this singer has such and such a range. The ability to hit a note in no way means that you can sustain it and that it doesn't sound like someone just stepped on your cat! His entire range is fluid and melodic and has a wonderful tone that not many singers can emulate. Aside from the singing, Adam has that "look at me" quality which makes you focus on him when he is singing. He isn't a boring as paint singer that you would just as soon not look at. Freddie had that quality and Adam is definitely working it out. There are still some small issues to work on, but Freddie wasn't a rock god from the first show. You grow into your stage persona over many years and the improvement in Adam from show one to now is amazing. Think what you want, but your statement if full of holes and Adam has been around successfully for almost 10 years now, not 15 minutes, Dude! |
snifflese 14.07.2018 16:08 |
You obviously don't know what you are talking about, Dr. Magus. There are very few singers in the world, including the opera world, who can consistently,night after night hit the notes that Adam hits. Most can't get up into that high of a register and they often have to use a very breathy falsetto, which in no way sounds the same. He has amazing technical abilities, a huge Usable range and sounds credible in all the genres pertaining to Queen music. I always love it when people say this singer has such and such a range. The ability to hit a note in no way means that you can sustain it and that it doesn't sound like someone just stepped on your cat! His entire range is fluid and melodic and has a wonderful tone that not many singers can emulate. Aside from the singing, Adam has that "look at me" quality which makes you focus on him when he is singing. He isn't a boring as paint singer that you would just as soon not look at. Freddie had that quality and Adam is definitely working it out. There are still some small issues to work on, but Freddie wasn't a rock god from the first show. You grow into your stage persona over many years and the improvement in Adam from show one to now is amazing. Think what you want, but your statement if full of holes and Adam has been around successfully for almost 10 years now, not 15 minutes, Dude! |
snifflese 14.07.2018 16:08 |
You obviously don't know what you are talking about, Dr. Magus. There are very few singers in the world, including the opera world, who can consistently,night after night hit the notes that Adam hits. Most can't get up into that high of a register and they often have to use a very breathy falsetto, which in no way sounds the same. He has amazing technical abilities, a huge Usable range and sounds credible in all the genres pertaining to Queen music. I always love it when people say this singer has such and such a range. The ability to hit a note in no way means that you can sustain it and that it doesn't sound like someone just stepped on your cat! His entire range is fluid and melodic and has a wonderful tone that not many singers can emulate. Aside from the singing, Adam has that "look at me" quality which makes you focus on him when he is singing. He isn't a boring as paint singer that you would just as soon not look at. Freddie had that quality and Adam is definitely working it out. There are still some small issues to work on, but Freddie wasn't a rock god from the first show. You grow into your stage persona over many years and the improvement in Adam from show one to now is amazing. Think what you want, but your statement if full of holes and Adam has been around successfully for almost 10 years now, not 15 minutes, Dude! |
snifflese 14.07.2018 16:09 |
Sorry about the triple post! My computer was wonky and kept spinning and at the end of the day, it triple posted. Did not mean to do that!! |
SweetCaroline 14.07.2018 16:22 |
Icy obviously doesn’t know about the attendance at Adam’s solo shows because she has never been to one. They are sold out just like the Queen shows and people go to more than one because they are so special! He doesn’t have his own band but never has a problem putting one together with excellent musicians! |
SweetCaroline 14.07.2018 16:34 |
At the first Glam Nation Show I attended in Columbus, Ohio in 2010 the queue line was around the block and almost to a freeway exit. There were men and women of all ages and where I was standing during the show the men were cheering as loud or louder than the women. Adam was completely mesmerizing. He started out with around 50 shows and ended up with double that because of the demand. I ended up at two more that were added in Ohio and Pennsylvania! |
SweetCaroline 14.07.2018 16:51 |
I guess Adam is still in London: “JamieMusical The wonderful @adamlambert came to see us last night and we were so honoured to have you in our audience !! #JamieLondon |
Iron Butterfly 14.07.2018 19:03 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Icy obviously doesn’t know about the attendance at Adam’s solo shows because she has never been to one. They are sold out just like the Queen shows and people go to more than one because they are so special! He doesn’t have his own band but never has a problem putting one together with excellent musicians!Yep, I have admitted I never went. I will say this, AL's solo shows will never be in the same league as Q+AL shows. His solo music doesn't draw the crowds n for his solo music, that's a fact. Are you saying AL can sell out the places Q+AL has played? It would be interesting if AL ever started his own band. |
SweetCaroline 14.07.2018 22:00 |
He was in a band with Monte Pitman briefly before his “Wicked” and “Idol” days! |
SweetCaroline 14.07.2018 22:03 |
Citizen Vein: link |
Iron Butterfly 14.07.2018 22:11 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Citizen Vein: linkOMG! That was awful!! Who would have guessd you would have took what i said as an excuse to post AL videos. I know what he did before Q+AL, no need to post it. Dont do it on my account. |
SweetCaroline 14.07.2018 23:05 |
I thought that was the whole album! |
runner_70 15.07.2018 07:29 |
No wonder why Lamebirds solo career is over with this drivel he is singing. |
rockchic65 15.07.2018 08:08 |
SweetCaroline wrote: I thought that was the whole album!You do know Adam doesn't endorse that album, it wasn't even finished, they messed with demo's to release it after he got famous and he ended up filing a lawsuit about it. |
runner_70 15.07.2018 08:20 |
I would file a lawsuit as well if someone released this crap |
Iron Butterfly 15.07.2018 08:45 |
rockchic65 wrote:Glad I didn't listen to much of it.SweetCaroline wrote: I thought that was the whole album!You do know Adam doesn't endorse that album, it wasn't even finished, they messed with demo's to release it after he got famous and he ended up filing a lawsuit about it. How did the lawsuit turn out? |
rockchic65 15.07.2018 09:05 |
Iron Butterfly wrote:They ended up agreeing to drop it, I'm guessing it would have cost a fortune to pursue and he probably couldn't afford it. He recently got asked about it and said it wasn't worth the hassle.rockchic65 wrote:Glad I didn't listen to much of it. How did the lawsuit turn out?SweetCaroline wrote: I thought that was the whole album!You do know Adam doesn't endorse that album, it wasn't even finished, they messed with demo's to release it after he got famous and he ended up filing a lawsuit about it. It was something he and his original guitar player had worked on before Idol and the record company decided to release it and another one called paramount sessions at the time his second album was being released, to make it seem like it was the album he'd been working on, presumably to cash in on that. The same company had already released an album (Take One) from when he worked as a session singer, so not his own material just as he was releasing his first album, presumably for the same reason. No wonder he was mad. |
Vocal harmony 15.07.2018 18:02 |
happystar wrote: VH What do you mean on the occasions that you have talked to Roger Taylor, dont make me laugh, now you are deluded. Anyone associated with Queen would not use this crap site because they would be professionals.If you're "a real fan" why are you here. You've just said this site is crap. Through the years I've spoken, as part of my job, to more professional musicians than you could imagine. Because I've pointed out to you that I believe Roger Taylor wouldn't take a back seat in anything Queen related you've tried to discredit me rather than having a rational discussion. . . . No change there then. |
runner_70 15.07.2018 18:07 |
How can you have a discussion with delusional Glamtarts |
Star* 15.07.2018 18:15 |
VH So then what is your job please share this big secret then? Are you one of those gutter press people, spinning the shit or are you a promoter of music, cos if you are you certainly have no taste if you prefer Lambert over Freddie.? |
Vocal harmony 15.07.2018 18:21 |
runner_70 wrote: How can you have a discussion with delusional GlamtartsI'm pretty sure happystar isn't an Adam Lambert fan!!! |
Vocal harmony 15.07.2018 18:23 |
happystar wrote: VH So then what is your job please share this big secret then? Are you one of those gutter press people, spinning the shit or are you a promoter of music, cos if you are you certainly have no taste if you prefer Lambert over Freddie.?Having explained that I work in the industry, and in fact someone else told you too, I'm hardly going to be a journalist as well ( gutter press or otherwise) |
runner_70 15.07.2018 18:25 |
She is doin the dishes at Universal |
Vocal harmony 15.07.2018 18:40 |
runner_70 wrote: She is doin the dishes at UniversalWho are you talking about now? |
Sealion 15.07.2018 18:53 |
Vocal harmony wrote:That idiot is dying to know, what your connections to Queen are. lolrunner_70 wrote: She is doin the dishes at UniversalWho are you talking about now? |
Star* 15.07.2018 19:41 |
Sealion: VH has no connection to Queen in the slightest. By saying so he is trying to be big headed and thinks he is in charge of the site. Guess what i have spoken to Wayne Sleep (famous ballet dancer and personal friend of Freddies) but that dont give me the right to spout off like i own this site or be in charge of it. |
Sealion 15.07.2018 20:52 |
happystar wrote: Sealion: VH has no connection to Queen in the slightest. By saying so he is trying to be big headed and thinks he is in charge of the site. Guess what i have spoken to Wayne Sleep (famous ballet dancer and personal friend of Freddies) but that dont give me the right to spout off like i own this site or be in charge of it.Maybe VH has or has not. It doesn‘t matter to me. But runner must be dying to get to know more about that, the way he is teasing him. And thinking about it, you aren‘t any better. |
runner_70 15.07.2018 21:09 |
I dont give a fuck about both of you asswhipes |
snifflese 16.07.2018 00:14 |
Is there absolutely no moderation on this board? Hard to believe! |
runner_70 16.07.2018 04:18 |
If you dont like it here feel free to bugger off. And take your Glamtart friends with you. About time QZ will be completely QAL free again. |
snifflese 16.07.2018 05:46 |
Well, creepo, these are QAL threads here and all Glamberts who love QAL are welcome to post. They at least aren't nasty like you!. Truthfully, why don't you take your own advice, as you serve no positive function here or on Queenonline. I just don't understand wicked people like you. It is fine to have a differing opinion, but I sure don't have time to post all day everywhere about something I hate and to you such hateful language!!! Think you should talk that one over with a therapist, as you need a major intervention. |
runner_70 16.07.2018 11:22 |
All those tasteless glamtarts need to Check their eyes abd ears and brain cause everyone liking this abomination is deaf dumb and blind |
Star* 16.07.2018 15:07 |
Yes i agree it certainly is not the spectacle we all witnessed with Freddie in charge all those years ago. This limp performance with Lambert leaves a lot to be desired. King Mercury has nothing to worry about because Lambert will not top Freddie's magnificence, the man was after all a genius. |
Vocal harmony 16.07.2018 16:41 |
happystar wrote: Sealion: VH has no connection to Queen in the slightest. By saying so he is trying to be big headed and thinks he is in charge of the site. Guess what i have spoken to Wayne Sleep (famous ballet dancer and personal friend of Freddies) but that dont give me the right to spout off like i own this site or be in charge of it.Wrong. It wasn't me who originally posted about what I do for a living, so your theory about me being big headed and think I'm in charge of this site because of a Queen connection is way off. As far as Wayne Sleep goes, I would dispute that as like you I have no grounds to base a dispute of that sort on. But what is interesting is that when you were posting on here as Gerry you claimed him to be a friend of yours, so you've proved that little claim from back then to be bullshit! |
Vocal harmony 16.07.2018 16:45 |
Sealion wrote:Yeah, it's quite funny really. He's miles off if he thinks I work for a record companyVocal harmony wrote:That idiot is dying to know, what your connections to Queen are. lolrunner_70 wrote: She is doin the dishes at UniversalWho are you talking about now? I think the best course of action is to keep the little goof in the dark! |
SweetCaroline 16.07.2018 18:37 |
When are all of the yahoos spamming nonsense about Queen in the Adam Lambert thread at QOL going to be banned? They are totally out of control and thankfully CNB isn’t a part of it! |
Iron Butterfly 16.07.2018 18:44 |
SweetCaroline wrote: When are all of the yahoos spamming nonsense about Queen in the Adam Lambert thread at QOL going to be banned? They are totally out of control and thankfully CNB isn’t a part of it!Who do you want banned? Talking about Queen on QOL is not spamming, dear. God, you ate clueless. You want all the attention for AL as usual. |
SweetCaroline 16.07.2018 18:52 |
The main troublemakers should have been banned permanently a long time ago! |
runner_70 16.07.2018 18:59 |
Well i knwo someone got banned just a while ago and is on permanent holiday at the moment |
Iron Butterfly 16.07.2018 19:05 |
SweetCaroline wrote: The main troublemakers should have been banned permanently a long time ago!That doesn't answer what I asked , instead you deflect once again. Oh boy. You really aren't helping yourself. I've seen no troublemakers over there lately. So which troublemakers do you think should have been banned a long time ago? |
Iron Butterfly 16.07.2018 22:39 |
runner_70 wrote: Well i knwo someone got banned just a while ago and is on permanent holiday at the momentOh? |
snifflese 17.07.2018 00:09 |
I would say that Runner is a big troublemaker over on QOL. Everyone there is sick of him. At times it seems like you and he are mentioned in the same post. I know I wouldn't want to be mentioned along with the runner, that is for sure. If you don't see a problem right now on QOL, I don't get it. Talking the way he does about Queen on QOL is a HUGE problem. You don't see it because that is really how you feel, but pretend you don't. Even getting all over Adam about the sexuality question. Nobody else saw it that way strangely enough. How does Caroline want all the attention for Adam? I just don't see that. You want all the attention for Freddie. How are you different? |
Iron Butterfly 17.07.2018 00:23 |
snifflese wrote: I would say that Runner is a big troublemaker over on QOL. Everyone there is sick of him. At times it seems like you and he are mentioned in the same post. I know I wouldn't want to be mentioned along with the runner, that is for sure. If you don't see a problem right now on QOL, I don't get it. Talking the way he does about Queen on QOL is a HUGE problem. You don't see it because that is really how you feel, but pretend you don't. Even getting all over Adam about the sexuality question. Nobody else saw it that way strangely enough. How does Caroline want all the attention for Adam? I just don't see that. You want all the attention for Freddie. How are you different?Why don't you go to QOL and post all this? Right now, that poster over there is breaking no rules from what I can see. But always, praise and glowing things only are only ever wanted by some Glamberts, right? So one person mentioned me and someone else in the same post? I guess that's a black mark against me also? Why are you bringing what I am discussing on QOL to here? Especially since no one here is mentioning it. If you have something to say about my thoughts on that, at least have the guts to do where I'm actually discussing it. Yay, another Glambert bringing her gripes and complaints about QOL to QZ. Yes, sweetcaroline wants and needs all the attention for AL. If you haven't figured that out yet, I don't know what to tell you. |
snifflese 17.07.2018 02:48 |
I replied to this remark YOU made a few posts earlier: "Talking about Queen on QOL is not spamming, dear. God, you are clueless. You want all the attention for AL as usual". OK, that is what you just said and I replied to it. Don't talk about QOL, if you don't want anything here from that site. The thing is it has been remarked here that runner has changed his name and is stinking that site up, too. If you don't see anything wrong with his comments, you are no better than he is. Of course, you are replying to Caroline who doesn't need your snarky passive agressive crap constantly thrown at her. The Dear, and "you are clueless" and remarking again that all the attention for AL as usual. How many times are you going to say that to her? You throw this at her when her remarks didn't warrant a nasty answer like that. You don't bring anything much to the conversation. All you do is gripe and disagree and your behavior to Caroline is no better than runner's behavior, you just aren't as crude. |
Iron Butterfly 17.07.2018 03:54 |
snifflese wrote: I replied to this remark YOU made a few posts earlier: "Talking about Queen on QOL is not spamming, dear. God, you are clueless. You want all the attention for AL as usual". OK, that is what you just said and I replied to it. Don't talk about QOL, if you don't want anything here from that site. The thing is it has been remarked here that runner has changed his name and is stinking that site up, too. If you don't see anything wrong with his comments, you are no better than he is. Of course, you are replying to Caroline who doesn't need your snarky passive agressive crap constantly thrown at her. The Dear, and "you are clueless" and remarking again that all the attention for AL as usual. How many times are you going to say that to her? You throw this at her when her remarks didn't warrant a nasty answer like that. You don't bring anything much to the conversation. All you do is gripe and disagree and your behavior to Caroline is no better than runner's behavior, you just aren't as crude.Who was it that once again posted about people who should have been banned? Wasn't me who did that earlier today. God, are you her fairy godmother who defends her always? Sure seems like it. I don't bring much to the conversation you say. Ironic since you came here bitching me out and saying all sorts about me, isn't it? So you are judging me based on runner now? You are lumping me in with him why? |
snifflese 17.07.2018 04:19 |
Because you seem to always pick her out no matter what she says and you have a snarky answer like what I posted above. The remarks aren't made to you and you just have to say something mean and how she is defending AL. I don't get it, Icy. I do think that Runner should be banned here and on QOL. He is a nasty piece of work and I am surprised you don't see that, I guess. It is fine if something doesn't like something, but he makes it his life's work to post everywhere and it is ugly. Nobody needs to read stuff like that. |
Iron Butterfly 17.07.2018 04:40 |
snifflese wrote: Because you seem to always pick her out no matter what she says and you have a snarky answer like what I posted above. The remarks aren't made to you and you just have to say something mean and how she is defending AL. I don't get it, Icy. I do think that Runner should be banned here and on QOL. He is a nasty piece of work and I am surprised you don't see that, I guess. It is fine if something doesn't like something, but he makes it his life's work to post everywhere and it is ugly. Nobody needs to read stuff like that.And you have never said a word to her about what she says a out me. Not the once, not sure if you are unaware of what she has said, or you don't care, because of what she says about me. You jump on my back for how I reply to her, as if she has been completely innocent. God, if snarky replies bother you that much, when you have made your fair share of your own and so has sweetcaroline...the irony is staggering. If you feel that way about runner, go to QOL and post about it. Nothing can or will be done about it here. |
runner_70 17.07.2018 04:51 |
Sniff still dunno what you are Smoking but i recommend you change your drug dealer |
Star* 17.07.2018 09:29 |
Seems to me that all the girlies on here defend each other so lets just leave all these dense mares to get on with it. They all have not got a clue what real rock n roll is all about. If they think some tarty girly freak is there god so be it, we can all just pity these silly girls on here. Adam Lambert has always been freaky way of the queer scale as long as i can remember but he has no talent but to sing karaoke songs......... His day will come when he has to go it alone and will get a shock when everyone is sick to death of him. I am blessed with good taste in music, its such a pity Glamberts are brain dead morons and do not know good from bad. |
Vocal harmony 17.07.2018 11:18 |
happystar wrote: Seems to me that all the girlies on here defend each other so lets just leave all these dense mares to get on with it. . .. . . . . . . . I am blessed with good taste in music, its such a pity Glamberts are brain dead morons and do not know good from bad.You almost sound like Donald Trump, you don't write his stupid speeches or work as an advisor to him do you? Insults and self praise!!!! So when are you going to get into bed wth Weckwerth and form an alliance? |
runner_70 17.07.2018 11:43 |
Still waiting for your call you tasteless dickhead |
Vocal harmony 17.07.2018 11:54 |
Where have I said at I would call you? Keep the insults coming, it's the only thing you seem capable of. |
runner_70 17.07.2018 12:27 |
You threatened me with calls and insults you fucking wanker |
Vocal harmony 17.07.2018 12:37 |
runner_70 wrote: You threatened me with calls and insults you fucking wankerI know you have a problem understanding simple English that doesn't involve an insult. What I said was, IF YOU CONTINUE TO INSULT FANS AND BAND MEMBERS MYSELF AND OTHERS WOULD POST YOUR PHONE NUMBER HERE AND ON OTHER MEDIA OUTLETS AND LET YOU DEAL WITH PEOPLE DIRECTLY. . . . |
runner_70 17.07.2018 13:03 |
You dont have my phonenumber. Even if you had it would be pretty easy to delete rhw current number and use some of the other numbers availabe you fucking sick liar. I dont insult bandmembers only asswhipes that try to threaten me here |
Iron Butterfly 17.07.2018 17:38 |
happystar wrote: Seems to me that all the girlies on here defend each other so lets just leave all these dense mares to get on with it. They all have not got a clue what real rock n roll is all about. If they think some tarty girly freak is there god so be it, we can all just pity these silly girls on here. Adam Lambert has always been freaky way of the queer scale as long as i can remember but he has no talent but to sing karaoke songs......... His day will come when he has to go it alone and will get a shock when everyone is sick to death of him. I am blessed with good taste in music, its such a pity Glamberts are brain dead morons and do not know good from bad.Hey, nobody defends me XD. I do agree it's going to very hard for AL once Q+AL is over. I think he will be in for a surprise. |
runner_70 17.07.2018 18:07 |
his future is on cruise ships and dive bars billed as ex queen singer. he will be even fatter than now and destroy the songs even more with a few low key musicians. |
Star* 18.07.2018 06:44 |
VH You just slagged off Donald Trump well that is about as low as you really go isnt it! I bet you have been to America as well you two faced cretin. You talk about other people slagging when you do it yourself, your a hypocrite so are you sure your not related to Mr.Trump either???? |
Vocal harmony 18.07.2018 09:42 |
happystar wrote: VH You just slagged off Donald Trump well that is about as low as you really go isnt it! I bet you have been to America as well you two faced cretin. You talk about other people slagging when you do it yourself, your a hypocrite so are you sure your not related to Mr.Trump either????Hardly an insult to Trump. I pionted out that your post. . . A self declaration that you have musical taste ( in order to put you on a perceived higher footing then others) and your persistent insults of people you have no moral advantage over puts you firmly in the same ball park as Trump. He is someone who regularly does both those things and has been called out on several occasions both by the media, political observers and other politicians. My post wasn't an insult to him or you, really, unless you agree that Trump has some very questionable opinions, in which case maybe you hold enter into an informed discussion rather than resort to abusive comments especially as that is what your post is accusing me of. Another thing that you have omitted to mention is that having not replied in anyway to anything you've posted over the last few weeks, when I decided to comment on something you said mentioning me your reply as so often was name calling and childish. If you want me to lower my values and communicate with you in the same way that communications with runner (Martin Weckwerth) is carried out then that's fine I'll do that. |
runner_70 18.07.2018 09:58 |
Pretty hard to discuss with a Psycho like VH who openly threatens pple |
Star* 18.07.2018 13:36 |
Vocal Harmony: i would rather you did not communicate with me full stop. You cannot reason with a plank can you! Your the very reason Adam Lambert is way over hyped, buffoons like you who say he is brilliant when he has not got one number hit to his name. He is a Z list pop star and not worth chewing, just spit the looser out. |
rockchic65 18.07.2018 14:03 |
happystar wrote: Vocal Harmony: i would rather you did not communicate with me full stop. You cannot reason with a plank can you! Your the very reason Adam Lambert is way over hyped, buffoons like you who say he is brilliant when he has not got one number hit to his name. He is a Z list pop star and not worth chewing, just spit the looser out.If you measure ability by chart hits there's an awful lot of artists and bands who are over hyped and rubbish. |
Sealion 18.07.2018 14:11 |
Whatever Lambert is: This is the Q+AL forum and if you can‘t accept, that many people here enjoy the shows and therefore post positive opinions of Lambert, you are wrong in this part of the forum. |
Vocal harmony 18.07.2018 15:11 |
happystar wrote: Vocal Harmony: i would rather you did not communicate with me full stop. You cannot reason with a plank can you! Your the very reason Adam Lambert is way over hyped, buffoons like you who say he is brilliant when he has not got one number hit to his name. He is a Z list pop star and not worth chewing, just spit the looser out.happystar if you can find one post where I have said Adam Lambert is brilliant I will pay one £1000 . Further more if you don't want to communicate with me stop communicating or mentioning me in your posts. . . . Buffoon! |
Star* 18.07.2018 20:07 |
VH You call me childish so what about the childish crap you have done to me like open a forum in my name and get the rest of Queenzone to slag me off which was cowardly and nothing but bullying me. Totally disgusting. You are as low as many others on here so please get off your high horse because you are not better than me in any way. If anything i am a better man than you, at least i have never opened a forum on "vocal harmony" but maybe runner should do that and i will gladly slate you all the way pal. |
runner_70 18.07.2018 20:26 |
I will - feel free to point your view of her/him or it in the General forum |
Star* 19.07.2018 13:21 |
Yes its time for some fun with Vocal Harmony, and lets turn up the heat on him/her. |
Vocal harmony 19.07.2018 16:52 |
happystar wrote: VH You call me childish so what about the childish crap you have done to me like open a forum in my name and get the rest of Queenzone to slag me off which was cowardly and nothing but bullying me. Totally disgusting. You are as low as many others on here so please get off your high horse because you are not better than me in any way. If anything i am a better man than you, at least i have never opened a forum on "vocal harmony" but maybe runner should do that and i will gladly slate you all the way pal.In answer to you calling me a cunt I opened a thread on you, in which I asked a question. I led no one it was up to forum members whether or not they bothered to reply and in what way. If anything was said that you didn't like it was purely in response to you, your attitude and your constant insults. You seem to have forgotten that just after that a huge amount of your posts were taken down which says more about you and the content of what you posted then anyone else on the forum at the time. It's amazing you learned nothing from that episode and seem unable to comprehend that the insults you sometimes receive are always in response to your own childish or abusive posts |
Star* 19.07.2018 17:13 |
VH You obviously have a short mind, i once opened a thread on here about a certain topic and you blazed in and slagged me rotten when i was minding my own business, then you started one hell of an eruption of abuse towards me just because i had MY own opinions and you did not like that, you had to be right because you are arrogant and big headed and because you are in the music business hooorray so i guess that gives you the right to be righteous on here and override anything i say eh? 44 years i have been a Queen fan yes 44 years and i probably have a better ear for detail than you do as you spend your time at loud concerts so i guess your stone deaf and that is why you think AL is ok because you cannot hear the wimp and his lousy singing. |
Vocal harmony 19.07.2018 17:23 |
happystar wrote: VH You obviously have a short mind, i once opened a thread on here about a certain topic and you blazed in and slagged me rotten when i was minding my own business, then you started one hell of an eruption of abuse towards me just because i had MY own opinions and you did not like that, you had to be right because you are arrogant and big headed and because you are in the music business hooorray so i guess that gives you the right to be righteous on here and override anything i say eh? 44 years i have been a Queen fan yes 44 years and i probably have a better ear for detail than you do as you spend your time at loud concerts so i guess your stone deaf and that is why you think AL is ok because you cannot hear the wimp and his lousy singing.Think I'd rather be deaf then stupid. Your opinion is as valid as anyone's, but not when you constantly repeat it, become abusive and slag people off for having a different view to you. The evidence is in all the treads you've posted in. |
snifflese 20.07.2018 00:46 |
Nothing wrong with a polite exchange of opinions. No two people are ever going to like all the same things, but there is a way to express one's opinion and be open and kind to someone else's. Happy Star and Runner are just so ugly about it. No need for that here. If you would like to criticize and complain and call people stupid names, go find a site where that kind of crap is welcome. This sure isn't the place. |
Star* 20.07.2018 06:42 |
Snifflese: you are deluded if you think people on here are kind to each other. "The fairy king" on here has just opened a thread on here asking people "Has RUNNER_70" got a micro penis? Now how nasty and pathetic is that, were is the common decency in anyone posting such a disgusting thread like that? I certainly have never been as crude as that on here EVER! This site is FULL of nastier people than Runner, and its just because you have never been in contact with them. The moderators on this site are appalling people who never check threads on here to see if they stop in line with decency. Vocal Harmony: I only become frustratingly annoyed when you decide that you are the moderator of my posts and say "No you are wrong because .......... Its as if you are a school teacher and your comments are more valid than mine which they are not. You sabotage any of my threads to try and pick faults out then you attack and start slagging me and you insulted me many times particularly over the mental health issues which was your pathetic weapon to make me look small. You are a bully even though you cannot see it, and the sooner the rest of Queenzone realises this the sooner people can stay away from you. |
Vocal harmony 20.07.2018 10:30 |
happystar wrote: Snifflese: you are deluded if you think people on here are kind to each other. "The fairy king" on here has just opened a thread on here asking people "Has RUNNER_70" got a micro penis? Now how nasty and pathetic is that, were is the common decency in anyone posting such a disgusting thread like that? I certainly have never been as crude as that on here EVER! This site is FULL of nastier people than Runner, and its just because you have never been in contact with them. The moderators on this site are appalling people who never check threads on here to see if they stop in line with decency. Vocal Harmony: I only become frustratingly annoyed when you decide that you are the moderator of my posts and say "No you are wrong because .......... Its as if you are a school teacher and your comments are more valid than mine which they are not. You sabotage any of my threads to try and pick faults out then you attack and start slagging me and you insulted me many times particularly over the mental health issues which was your pathetic weapon to make me look small. You are a bully even though you cannot see it, and the sooner the rest of Queenzone realises this the sooner people can stay away from you.And there you have it again. . . , first line ". . . You are deluded" Your approach is exactly what you accuse me, or anyone of who disagrees with you. There is absolutely no middle ground. As for insults, let me say it again in every case YOU fired the first shot. The mental health thing, again you introduced that in answer to one of my posts. I went on to question your metal stability because of the way you repete the same things over and over again and leave no room for debate or at least a different view point. With regard to the micro penis thread which you mentioned earlier, right or wrong, don't you think it was started as a reaction to the constantly abusive, childish and derogatory nature of almost all of Martin Weckwerth's posts If your going to post on a forum then try discussing points and subjects and try understanding why there are different views to yours and why to som people your views might be right but also the other side of the arguments is equally valid But remember one thing, you are passing judgment on gigs that you haven't attended and at the moment you seem to have ore in common with the 70's music press who very often passed critical judgment on Queen out of hand, with no substance and on some occasions without actually seeing a gig. |
Star* 20.07.2018 14:45 |
vocal harmony i do agree with that one thing you said which is the 70s music press been very critical on Queen even though crap like punk rock got praised. As for me understanding other peoples views on here, well i do look at both sides of the coin and with this Lambert discussion i dismiss instantly anyone who says this collaboration is better than the original Queen set up, in fact sweetcaroline did and she has no respect for Queen /Freddie at all cos her time revolves around Adam and what i argue here which is valid is that Adam does not have the motivation, talent and song writing abilities Freddie had and never will. How anyone can argue on a thread about a nobody been better than a rock legend is bonkers. Those silly girls who would jump over a cliff for Adam are bonkers and they have no musical taste at all. |
snifflese 20.07.2018 15:52 |
I am not sure what you have been reading on here, but no pro QAL posters have ever said that Adam is better than Freddie or that we have no respect for the oringinal Queen. That is just pure nonsense. For some of us, QAL is the only live Queen (like) show we have seen and we are impressed with it. We also maybe don't relate to Freddie like we do Adam who some of us have been following for close to 10 years. That certainly does not mean that anyone thinks the original Queen is inferior to QAL. That is ridicuous. Caroline has never said that! I am not sure what writing the music has to do with singing it. Listening to a Queen show is not dependent on writing skills. It is the musicanship and the vocal abilities that determine whether it is good enough. Some of the musicians are the same and Adam can sure sing. Whether or not he writes music, doesn't amount to a hill of beans for most of us. His instrument is his voice and it is an amazing one. As far as motivation, that kid never stops. He is always doing something and has had many unique opportunities in his life because he is so motivated. You may not think much of his talent, but there are many here who would beg to differ with you. He just has some different ones than Freddie, nothing wrong with that. We get that you hate him, so go post in the Queen only sections. Why bug us here with your nasty Debbie Downer stuff? |
runner_70 20.07.2018 18:02 |
Vocal harmony if you think i am that stupid and use my real name on FB so you feel the need to repeat on and on you are deluded you ugly cunt |
Star* 20.07.2018 18:09 |
Ha ha there you again girlies sticking up for themselves once again. Sweetcaroline has been posting all sorts of crap to justify her love and support for Lambert for ages now, she has said in some many words that Lambert makes Queen better than Freddie, she talks utter rubbish. Lambert would be dog poo if it had not been for the magnificent Queen songs that he makes his money out of night in night out and when he goes back to been a solo star he will feel his popularity shrink like a balloon. Yes i dislike Lambert infact i hate everything about him from his weird looks to his appalling singing when his tongue hangs out like a demented lizard yuk ! How anyone thinks he has talent i just do not know. easy money singing some one else's music but it takes a real genius to write rock anthems like the band did including Freddie. When or if Lambert writes a song as good as Freddie could i may sit up and listen. long wait i feel possibly to the end of eternity. |
rockchic65 20.07.2018 19:12 |
happystar wrote: Ha ha there you again girlies sticking up for themselves once again. Sweetcaroline has been posting all sorts of crap to justify her love and support for Lambert for ages now, she has said in some many words that Lambert makes Queen better than Freddie, she talks utter rubbish. Lambert would be dog poo if it had not been for the magnificent Queen songs that he makes his money out of night in night out and when he goes back to been a solo star he will feel his popularity shrink like a balloon. Yes i dislike Lambert infact i hate everything about him from his weird looks to his appalling singing when his tongue hangs out like a demented lizard yuk ! How anyone thinks he has talent i just do not know. easy money singing some one else's music but it takes a real genius to write rock anthems like the band did including Freddie. When or if Lambert writes a song as good as Freddie could i may sit up and listen. long wait i feel possibly to the end of eternity.Lets play devils advocate here for a minute, If for arguments sake Caroline has said she thinks Adam is better than Freddie that is one opinion. If the roles were reversed and Adam had been the original member and Freddie had stepped in to his shoes and you were a Freddie fan, would you not prefer Freddie? Doesn't mean it's true, just that some of Adam's fans will prefer him just like Freddie's fans prefer him. That takes absolutely nothing away from Freddie, Queen fans are always going to prefer him. As to hating Adam, that's your personal opinion, other people have a different one and should feel free to post about him in the QAL section of the forum without constant abuse. There's nothing to be gained by keep repeating insults about him, you've said your opinion and we get it, we just feel differently. |
runner_70 20.07.2018 20:45 |
Not insults - facts. Lamebert is simply a virus |
Star* 20.07.2018 21:30 |
Rockchic: How on earth can anybody prefer Adam Lambert over the mighty Freddie Mercury it is not possible unless they have serious crap tastes in music and do not have a clue? We know there is nothing to be gained by crowing on about it but it helps dampen down the overloaded hype for Lambert. Lambert was over hyped the moment he appeared on American idol and its continued and to be honest i cannot see the appeal at all. He is a bland boring performer who just got lucky and Queen will be the biggest thing he ever gets to do in his life. |
rockchic65 20.07.2018 21:50 |
happystar wrote: Rockchic: How on earth can anybody prefer Adam Lambert over the mighty Freddie Mercury it is not possible unless they have serious crap tastes in music and do not have a clue? We know there is nothing to be gained by crowing on about it but it helps dampen down the overloaded hype for Lambert. Lambert was over hyped the moment he appeared on American idol and its continued and to be honest i cannot see the appeal at all. He is a bland boring performer who just got lucky and Queen will be the biggest thing he ever gets to do in his life.There are people who don't like Queen or their music, hard to believe I know but I personally know of one or two who either don't like them or are indifferent. Fans of anyone always think how can everybody not like them, it's human nature to think what we like is brilliant, but if they are young they may not have been exposed to Queen music and have grown up liking other things, so obviously if they encountered Adam before Queen they may prefer his voice, that's the way things tend to work. As to being over hyped, lots of people in the industry would disagree, there's even people on here who've seen the show and don't like his voice or performance style but still say technically he's brilliant as a singer, so saying he's over hyped or can't sing doesn't hold water, the two things aren't the same. End of the day nothing anyone say's is going to change Brian & Roger's mind so why not ignore Adam related stuff on this part of the forum and leave it to people who do like the collaboration. |
runner_70 20.07.2018 22:52 |
He sucks technically as well- he is sreeching , his vibrato is annoying and he has no timing at all. Spare us the comments like "it is on purpose" please - it is embarrassing enough already |
rockchic65 20.07.2018 23:01 |
runner_70 wrote: He sucks technically as well- he is sreeching , his vibrato is annoying and he has no timing at all. Spare us the comments like "it is on purpose" please - it is embarrassing enough alreadyHe doesn't suck technically, whatever you may choose to believe far too many knowledgeable people know differently. No one's saying you have to like his voice but keep saying he can't sing is idiotic and aside from anything else insults Brian & Roger's intelligence. |
snifflese 20.07.2018 23:16 |
Runner, you are basically a piece of human Dreck or you couldn't possible write the vile things that you do! You obviously know nothing about music or the voice in particular. Otherwise you would know that Adam has one of the finest voices around. Anyone who has worked with him mentions that amazing voice. There have been many, many music teachers, opera performers and directors that have praised him to high heaven for his voice. Fans almost always mention it in tweets, facebook etc. Other performers with great voices bow to him after they hear him sing live. Martel, Pentatonix, and too many others have praised his voice. The fact that you don't appreciate it just at all, shows that your don't understand singing at all. You may not like the sound or the way he uses it, but almost everyone acknowledges that he has an amazing instrument. You are one of the few, who doesn't like the way he sounds! AND that is not a problem, but the way you go about it is ugly at best. |
runner_70 21.07.2018 06:25 |
I hate the way he sounds and looks AND have ears that he is not able to carry a tune without his annoying vibrato. You Glamfuckers mix up "Hitting high notes" with "being able to sing": He is ALWAYS one or two seconds or even more off behind the music or vice versa. YOu cann call this "intentional" when it is in one song but not in EVERY FUCKING SONG this annoying tool sings. Just shows he isnt able to sing in a live environment. Full stop. |
Star* 21.07.2018 07:31 |
Lets get back to this "good voice " that you mention time and time again shall we! As we know Adam is singing legendary Queen music, so when that is over and he has to go back to his bland solos career with the crap solo music then people will start to realise it was only the Queen songs that made him appear amazing, in fact if you have a good song sometimes lack of vocal ability gets you through the bad times and Lambert really is out cut out for rock n roll, he was in musicals was he not like "Wicked" which suits he voice more. Leave the rock n roll theme to the icons like Mercury, Jagger, Plant, Bowie, etc.......... All i am saying here is Lambert could find something else better to suit his vocal range, but murdering Queens back catalogue night after night is pretty painful. |
runner_70 21.07.2018 07:40 |
Amen @happy |
rockchic65 21.07.2018 08:21 |
runner_70 wrote: I hate the way he sounds and looks AND have ears that he is not able to carry a tune without his annoying vibrato. You Glamfuckers mix up "Hitting high notes" with "being able to sing": He is ALWAYS one or two seconds or even more off behind the music or vice versa. YOu cann call this "intentional" when it is in one song but not in EVERY FUCKING SONG this annoying tool sings. Just shows he isnt able to sing in a live environment. Full stop.Keep saying that shows how ridiculous you are being, don't you think by now people in the know, people who've worked with him, in theater, live tech guys, anyone who's reviewed a live show, other musicians, both the Queen guys and his solo backing bands, the guy from Idol who did all the song arranging and has said he'd work with Adam on anything anytime and has played piano for him at some live events, one of them would have said something if you were right. People wouldn't quote him as being one of the best live singers alive today if he were even close to being as bad as you make out, he's not a big enough deal commercially to be able to bribe all these people to sing his praises so what exactly would they get out of raving about him if they were talking rubbish? |
rockchic65 21.07.2018 08:36 |
happystar wrote: Lets get back to this "good voice " that you mention time and time again shall we! As we know Adam is singing legendary Queen music, so when that is over and he has to go back to his bland solos career with the crap solo music then people will start to realise it was only the Queen songs that made him appear amazing, in fact if you have a good song sometimes lack of vocal ability gets you through the bad times and Lambert really is out cut out for rock n roll, he was in musicals was he not like "Wicked" which suits he voice more. Leave the rock n roll theme to the icons like Mercury, Jagger, Plant, Bowie, etc.......... All i am saying here is Lambert could find something else better to suit his vocal range, but murdering Queens back catalogue night after night is pretty painful.You've just contradicted yourself, read what you said back. You're quoting the legendary Queen music in the context of that making him sound better than he actually is and then saying it doesn't suit his voice and is painful, it can't work both ways. Also he was known for his voice straight away, long before he worked with Queen, that's what got him noticed all the way through Idol and his first tour especially, all the insane stuff he could do with his voice, so that's not gonna change after the Queen stuff ends. He did start out in musicals and classical singing but although I've no doubt he could be great doing that if he wanted his tendency to prefer wailing out rock style doesn't suit that environment and if you listen to any of them they all start out how they should and veer off into Axl territory part way through, he clearly much prefers to sing rock or contemporary music to the sedate classical stuff. |
runner_70 21.07.2018 10:48 |
He cant sing rock with his annoying powerless paperthin shrieking womans voice. |
rockchic65 21.07.2018 11:44 |
runner_70 wrote: He cant sing rock with his annoying powerless paperthin shrieking womans voice.Again none of that is technical, just your warped opinion. Come back with some proper facts - I'll start you off. Breath support Register blending Register switching Runs or yodeling to you etc |
Star* 21.07.2018 14:32 |
Rockchic: I meant the Queen songs he sings helps him escape many from noticing how bad a singer he is, and as( Runner) rightly pointed out he sings high like a woman and he does shriek at times with his tongue out! He really is only suited to basic musicals i think, he aint a proper show man or innovator for anyone to follow and in time you will see what i mean when the flower finally opens up! |
snifflese 21.07.2018 14:54 |
You know, having your tongue out facilitates those really high notes. The tongue placement is optimized to keep the back of the throat open and it is good vocal technique. You can't hit those super high notes without some tongue extension. He doesn't do falsetto, so this is a requirement because Adam can hit those high notes that most people can't. Adam's technique is impeccable, he had vocal lessons for over 10 years at least and probably more. This idea that it looks like a lizard is ridiculous. Don't watch him, don't listen to him and don't post on here with these absolutely ridiculous comments. You obviously know very little about vocal technique! Al you two can do is write stupid stuff that no one wants to read!! |
Vocal harmony 21.07.2018 15:35 |
happystar wrote: Lets get back to this "good voice " that you mention time and time again shall we! As we know Adam is singing legendary Queen music. . . . . . . . . . . Leave the rock n roll theme to the icons like Mercury, Jagger, Plant, Bowie, etc.......... .Pretty obvious choices, but who is in your etc list. Here's one Steve Perry, former Journey singer. As a rock singer who usually sings in a fairly high register how do you rate him, how does his consistency as a live performer compare with your list and Lambert? |
runner_70 21.07.2018 18:44 |
Even mentioning a vocal god like Perry with a nobody like LameBert in one sentence is a joke. Perry was on par if not better than Freddie in his heyday and he got SOUL in his voice. Something that Lamebird is completely lacking with his mechanical robotic vocal style of his ugly voice. So stop comparing 5star restaurants with McDonalds (Lameturd) |
rockchic65 21.07.2018 19:50 |
runner_70 wrote: Even mentioning a vocal god like Perry with a nobody like LameBert in one sentence is a joke. Perry was on par if not better than Freddie in his heyday and he got SOUL in his voice. Something that Lamebird is completely lacking with his mechanical robotic vocal style of his ugly voice. So stop comparing 5star restaurants with McDonalds (Lameturd)Finally a point we can agree on, Perry was amazing, one of my all time top three singers. Sadly the rest of what you wrote is utter drivel. |
runner_70 21.07.2018 19:57 |
How anyone can like Perry and like a tool like Lamefart is beyond me |
rockchic65 21.07.2018 20:09 |
runner_70 wrote: How anyone can like Perry and like a tool like Lamefart is beyond meMaybe because I can tell the difference between someone who can sing and who can't, which you seem to have a problem with judging by your comments. Maybe we could use Perry to assess their respective technical abilities, bearing in mind technical ability has nothing to do with liking the sound of someone's voice. |
runner_70 21.07.2018 20:20 |
Perry has no timing problems and does no useless shrieking like the annoying goat |
snifflese 21.07.2018 20:48 |
Could you just answer a question without all the nasty name calling? Honestly, you sound like an elementary school child. Adults don't make up nasty, stupid names for people. Why do you have to call people names? I have never seen this kind of behavior before. Why can't you just refer to him as Lambert and let it go? You didn't answer the question about Steve Perry's voice. I guess you wouldn't know how to critique it as all you seem to be able to do is criticize and make fun of people. Why don't you try to have a grownup conversation for a change? |
rockchic65 21.07.2018 20:54 |
runner_70 wrote: Perry has no timing problems and does no useless shrieking like the annoying goatPerry regularly sang high notes and saying Adam shrieks is wrong since he can sing high in various different styles depending on the type of song. |
runner_70 21.07.2018 20:55 |
I said what I have to say about Perry. Lamebird stays Lamebert or Lameturd to me as it is his fitting name |
snifflese 22.07.2018 02:13 |
Didn't have much to say when it came to an intelligent answer!!! |
Brancelli 22.07.2018 05:48 |
I cannot understand why anyone continues to respond to and legitimize Runner's comments. Why? You know what he's about. He isn't capable of agreeing to disagree. He is only capable of insults and unintelligible responses. He is high ego and low IQ. And please do not try to talk to him about vocal technique and skill vs. tone, etc. He is not capable of understanding. Just ignore the fool and he'll go away. |
Star* 22.07.2018 08:12 |
Freddie Mercury was miles in front of Steve Perry even in the seventies, Mr Mercury was a hard act to compete with, i mean just listen to Freddie's voice on "Love of my Life" it is immaculate and pristine where as Steve Perry's voice is similar to Adam Lambert's voice which is thin and annoying although i would go with Steve Perry over Lambert any day and at Least Perry sings his own material for a living and not ripping the fans off. Freddie is regarded as the best male vocalist ever so why should Queen fans do with someone like Lambert who is not even on the same page as Freddie? Queen are short changing there talents with this odd ball Lambert. |
rockchic65 22.07.2018 09:30 |
happystar wrote: Freddie Mercury was miles in front of Steve Perry even in the seventies, Mr Mercury was a hard act to compete with, i mean just listen to Freddie's voice on "Love of my Life" it is immaculate and pristine where as Steve Perry's voice is similar to Adam Lambert's voice which is thin and annoying although i would go with Steve Perry over Lambert any day and at Least Perry sings his own material for a living and not ripping the fans off. Freddie is regarded as the best male vocalist ever so why should Queen fans do with someone like Lambert who is not even on the same page as Freddie? Queen are short changing there talents with this odd ball Lambert.You are massively short changing Steve there, he was known as one of the best live vocalists, able to almost perfectly replicate his album sound, and his voice isn't thin any more than Adam's is. I've no idea how much you actually know about the technicalities of voice but the difference you hear between Freddie and Steve in fullness of voice is because of the voice type/timbre. No way a high tenor like Steve could ever sound like a baritenor like Freddie, vocal chords are just made anatomically different. So what you hear as thin is just a different timbre. As to your comment about why should fans make do with Adam - well Freddie might have been the greatest male vocalist to many people but sadly he's not here anymore and life has to go on. Brian & Roger spent years along with Freddie & John writing and recording that music and want to still be out there playing it live, it makes them happy, but they need a vocalist to do that. Might not be your taste but it works for a lot of people and he can sing everything in the original key which makes their job much easier. Going by your comment I'm assuming you'd have a problem no matter who they chose to tour with since no one could compare to Freddie? |
rockchic65 22.07.2018 09:34 |
Brancelli wrote: I cannot understand why anyone continues to respond to and legitimize Runner's comments. Why? You know what he's about. He isn't capable of agreeing to disagree. He is only capable of insults and unintelligible responses. He is high ego and low IQ. And please do not try to talk to him about vocal technique and skill vs. tone, etc. He is not capable of understanding. Just ignore the fool and he'll go away.After his post after post of vitriol the other day I thought talking technicalities which I was pretty sure he wouldn't know anything about might just shut him up. Obviously it was wishful thinking, I really don't understand the mentality of someone posting negative comments all the time about what they hate rather than spending time on things they do like. |
Star* 22.07.2018 12:20 |
Rockchic: Your comment about Adam singing in perfect key to all the Queen songs is a joke because he cannot sing everything Freddie recorded, he has had terrible performances with many of the bands songs, and reaching high notes does NOT make him a great singer. Freddie was the master of vocals and Adam is still very much a novice and has more of his craft to learn. |
rockchic65 22.07.2018 12:32 |
happystar wrote: Rockchic: Your comment about Adam singing in perfect key to all the Queen songs is a joke because he cannot sing everything Freddie recorded, he has had terrible performances with many of the bands songs, and reaching high notes does NOT make him a great singer. Freddie was the master of vocals and Adam is still very much a novice and has more of his craft to learn.You need to re read what I said, not perfect key, original key - meaning the key isn't lowered or transposed. Obviously he hasn't sung every song recorded since the set lists don't include every song, I'm talking the ones they do on tour. He doesn't have terrible performances, even if some people don't care for his style of singing or his timbre/tone that doesn't make him bad at singing, just not to their taste, the same way you don't care for Steve Perry's tone or singing style. As to being a novice, that's not even close to true, he's had years of experience and vocal training, in fact that's probably the reason some people don't like his style of singing, it's a trained voice, not the raw sounding rock voice some people prefer. |
Star* 22.07.2018 13:43 |
Well Freddie was not trained with his voice yet he became the worlds greatest male rock singer, so make you wonder that training aint that good after all. I bet the person that won American idol when Lambert was in the contest was not trained either, natural talent is what its all about. |
rockchic65 22.07.2018 14:03 |
happystar wrote: Well Freddie was not trained with his voice yet he became the worlds greatest male rock singer, so make you wonder that training aint that good after all. I bet the person that won American idol when Lambert was in the contest was not trained either, natural talent is what its all about.To my knowledge Kris didn't have vocal training, he didn't have anywhere near the range or skill of Adam but he had a pleasant easy listening kind of voice and could play guitar and piano. There's for and against regards training, it can give you the edge when it comes to longevity, knowing how to protect your voice, how to complete a long tour without damage and how to hit the notes without cracking or straining, but you probably lose something in the raw feel and strain of rock singing which goes into making it seem more authentic. |
snifflese 22.07.2018 18:50 |
Actually, Runner, Adam can sing every song in the Queen catalog in the original key, which pretty much no one else can. If fact, Brian May said that Adam can hit high notes that Freddie could not, esp. in live performances. We both know that Freddie sometimes had off nights if you are being honest about it. One of the most amazing things about Adam, whether you care for his voice or not, he is amazingly consistent. There are no off nights and off key performances no matter how long the tour is. I am not touting Adam over Freddie but these are facts. Freddie is the original and there will never be anyone like him, but there are aspects to Adam's voice that are very, very solid. That is probably due to Freddie's not being a trained singer. He might not have known some of the things he needed to do to maintain his voice like a trained singer would. Adam is very careful with his voice and you can hear it from concert to concert. When he has several shows in a few short days, he might sing a little lower and leave out a couple of the stratospheric notes. Other times they are back in, if there is more recovery time. No one ever notices unless you listen to many, many of the concerts. A little manipulation of the songs does not impact the quality at all. It is just a little different that night and everyone still loves it! |
Star* 22.07.2018 19:35 |
Snifflese You do sell Adam to the chimney tops and back but i still am not impressed, Why do you bother with your drivel trying to make out he is the bees knees when he has nver had a number one single or been voted best male vocalist ever? He is a "Z" lister as far as pop singers go, and i would probably say he is not as big as "One Direction" he is in the mould of "Callabro" or "Jackpack" just west end musical singers and that is it. Freddie done a hell of a lot more than Lambert did on stage, he played piano he was very active on stage, climbing scaffolding, and getting the audiences into a frenzy. Lambert does not exactly make any effort on stage and i find his performance quite lazy and sloppy. Mercury is the greatest male vocalist & Performer hands down, and your Lambert comes no were near the quality and richness of a Freddie Mercury performance so please cut the bull and look a little bit closer to your screen and see Lambert for what he really is, mediocre and that is been over generous. |
SweetCaroline 22.07.2018 19:42 |
You can have a good or great voice but it takes more than that to be a successful live performer. Adam said he was nervous at that first full QAL concert in Kiev but you would never know it. This may not be a good example but when my daughter was in high school she went to an event at a college where you are critiqued by a vocal expert. The girl who performed before her could hardly sing because she was shaking like a leaf. My daughter said she was nervous too but she had a big broad smile on her face the whole time. The judge wrote a special note to her that her stage presence was excellent and she should consider pursuing anything that would put her in front of an audience. Besides performing in many local stage shows she became a TV reporter-anchor person for over 20 years and now she teaches journalism and radio/tv production. |
SweetCaroline 22.07.2018 19:50 |
happystar, I ask you again — which LIVE performance did you attend for either a solo or QAL performance with Adam? Adam was not promoted as much as other singers have been. I’m surprised that Simon Cowell didn’t latch onto him like he did with One Direction. |
rockchic65 22.07.2018 19:52 |
happystar wrote: Snifflese You do sell Adam to the chimney tops and back but i still am not impressed, Why do you bother with your drivel trying to make out he is the bees knees when he has nver had a number one single or been voted best male vocalist ever? He is a "Z" lister as far as pop singers go, and i would probably say he is not as big as "One Direction" he is in the mould of "Callabro" or "Jackpack" just west end musical singers and that is it. Freddie done a hell of a lot more than Lambert did on stage, he played piano he was very active on stage, climbing scaffolding, and getting the audiences into a frenzy. Lambert does not exactly make any effort on stage and i find his performance quite lazy and sloppy. Mercury is the greatest male vocalist & Performer hands down, and your Lambert comes no were near the quality and richness of a Freddie Mercury performance so please cut the bull and look a little bit closer to your screen and see Lambert for what he really is, mediocre and that is been over generous.No one could ever accuse him of being lazy he just has a different way of doing things. There's tons of singers who don't throw themselves around the stage, climbing scaffolding etc, doesn't make them lazy or worse than anyone else, they all have their own type of persona. As to equating chart hits with talent, that doesn't work either, there are lots of talented singers/bands out there who haven't made it big in chart hits. |
snifflese 23.07.2018 01:09 |
There are lots of people who run around the stage and they suck. Personally I am not into singers running around like a crazy person and climbing scaffolding. To each his own. I care about the singing!! Idiots can also get an audience into a frenzy, but that doesn't mean squat to me either. You are just avoiding the idea that Adam can sing in the orignal key which no one else can really do except he and Freddie! You can have the most wonderful voice in the world and never have a #1 hit. Taylor Swift has sold Lord knows how many albums, but her songs are drivel and she honestly can't sing without autotone. Wow! I am really excited about her #1's. Big deal! |
SweetCaroline 23.07.2018 02:25 |
Someone just posted this on Twitter. I had totally forgotten that Adam performed solo on the James Corden show 3 years ago: link |
Star* 23.07.2018 07:12 |
Sniflese: You sound so bitter that Lambert has never had a number one hit for a number one hit means people love the record. Freddie had musical skill and you are wrong about anybody can get an audience in to a frenzy - well they cannot, it takes a really skilled front man to keep an audiences attention, and many fans have told me that Freddie was very magnetic in that you could not keep your eyes off him, and before you say that is what Adam does for you well your a woman with a sad teenage crush like the other three stooges on here and you all secretly have teenage crushes on him. When you actually grow up you will feel like a right plank. |
rockchic65 23.07.2018 07:40 |
happystar wrote: Sniflese: You sound so bitter that Lambert has never had a number one hit for a number one hit means people love the record. Freddie had musical skill and you are wrong about anybody can get an audience in to a frenzy - well they cannot, it takes a really skilled front man to keep an audiences attention, and many fans have told me that Freddie was very magnetic in that you could not keep your eyes off him, and before you say that is what Adam does for you well your a woman with a sad teenage crush like the other three stooges on here and you all secretly have teenage crushes on him. When you actually grow up you will feel like a right plank.I do agree it is a skill to keep the audience's attention and not just anyone can do it, it takes a certain amount of confidence and definitely charisma but there's so many different ways to achieve that and running around and climbing things or launching yourself into the audience is just one. Good examples are The Foo's, Dave's brilliant at that, running around generating energy and another is Jared Leto with his crowd surfing and the very weird way he has of getting his fans to sing on cue, he's like some kind of cult leader. Adam has charisma and gets the audience on board, just in a totally different type of way, more with eye contact, facial expressions and being fun. Any way you can work an audience has it's merits and each way won't connect with everyone. There's lots of songs that don't make it to No1 that are great and there's a ton of great songs on albums that are never released as singles. SSOR, KQ, NIH, the first three charting Queen singles didn't reach No 1 and Liar & KYA didn't even chart, but I doubt you think they're all rubbish. |
SweetCaroline 23.07.2018 08:34 |
Adam is a mesmerizing live performer who commands the stage. When will his critics in this forum reveal they have seen him in person and not just on YouTube? |
SweetCaroline 23.07.2018 10:35 |
If you have a spare 55 minutes, listen to this podcast where Adam is called the best male vocalist on the planet and why. If you can scroll to the last 15 minutes, that’s the part about Adam: link |
Holly2003 23.07.2018 11:15 |
Ted Neeley's a better singer than Lambert, and in the genre of music Lambert is best at i.e. musical theatre. Lambert is not a rock singer and off the top of my head, the following rock singers have great range AND soulful voices (unlike Lambert who has the range but his voice lacks soul). Brent Smith Ville Valo Amy Lee Myles Kennedy Chester Bennington RIP :( |
rockchic65 23.07.2018 12:24 |
Holly2003 wrote: Ted Neeley's a better singer than Lambert, and in the genre of music Lambert is best at i.e. musical theatre. Lambert is not a rock singer and off the top of my head, the following rock singers have great range AND soulful voices (unlike Lambert who has the range but his voice lacks soul). Brent Smith Ville Valo Amy Lee Myles Kennedy Chester Bennington RIP :(I disagree with the lacks soul, depends on what he's singing but he can have a very soulful voice. That said I completely disagree with the notion of anyone being the best singer on the planet, it's just plain daft, there's a ton of amazing singers out there and whoever you're a fan of will be the best in you're eyes, it's not objective and how can it be when everyone responds to different sounds for different reasons and even different styles of music. Someone who's an opera buff isn't gonna think Chester Bennington was a great singer. Not a Ted Neeley fan myself and I personally don't think he's better than Adam, he has a totally different type of voice anyway, I prefer Balsamo The problem is Adam may have started out in that type of music but it's not what he likes to do so it's hard to tell how good he could be at it if he really tried, I'm betting very but I doubt we'll ever find out. |
Holly2003 23.07.2018 14:01 |
Lambert has never sung a Queen song with any soul. For example, he sings Somebody to Love like he's in a west end musical. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make with that opera/chester bennington comment. I said Chester was a rock singer who has a great range and a soulful voice. I didn't say he could sing opera. I doubt sweetcaroline has heard of any of these people and yet still insists Lambert is the best at every genre -- the way I used to think of Fred many years ago in my teens. |
SweetCaroline 23.07.2018 14:23 |
Listen to the James Michael podcast I posted above. He is the one who said Adam is the best male vocalist on the planet. He was particularly impressed with his confidence and control. If you can skip to the last 15 minutes or you will hear a lot about his dogs, Bentley and Buckley! Adam has proven he is very versatile in singing various genres: pop, rock, funk, R&B, country, soul, etc. I’m glad he doesn’t stick to only one like some others do. That would be boring. What Adam doesn’t have IMO is a distinctive sound which is what seems to sell recordings, like the whine of a Sam Smith or the twang of a Willie Nelson. I have loved Ted Neeley. I would love to hear Adam do that scream in “Gethsemane” that John Legend was not able to do. |
Star* 23.07.2018 14:30 |
Rockchic: Sure i know "Keep yourself alive " never made the charts but it was only the first single. The second single "Seven seas of Rhye" charted top twenty and the third single "Killer Queen" made no2 in the charts but Adam Lamberts singles havnt even scraped the sides of the charts as he is a big flop here in the UK as far as singles go. People can see through the gimmick of who he is and what he is. -Fake. |
snifflese 23.07.2018 14:51 |
Happy Star! After reading that post about planks, I am guessing you are not an native English speaker. You must not be, otherwise I don't think you can infer that I am upset because Adam doesn't have a #1 hit. My point was, who cares, what does it matter? I am not angry in the least! He is making millions, way more than many singers who have a #1 hit or two. I like what I like and I could care less about #1. The #1 hits for the last few years are songs that are dreadful for the most part. I prefer Queen's music to almost any of it. I am also not a stooge, nor are the other ladies on here. Maybe it applies to you! As far as this crush business, what are you smoking? When you have no useful things to say, you and Runner keep throwing that out! Unbelievable.!!! I think all of us appreciate the music. I certainly don't lust over a gay gentlemen. That remark is so ridiculous. I am all about the voice and that is what I love about Adam, in addtion to the fact he seems like such a well brought up young man. No lusting involved, sorry!! I am curious about your wording which makes it sound as if you have never seen Freddie in person. Have you been to a Queen concert? I know you have not gone to QAL or you wouldn't make these nonsensical remarks. |
Holly2003 23.07.2018 15:36 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Listen to the James Michael podcast I posted above. He is the one who said Adam is the best male vocalist on the planet. He was particularly impressed with his confidence and control. If you can skip to the last 15 minutes or you will hear a lot about his dogs, Bentley and Buckley! Adam has proven he is very versatile in singing various genres: pop, rock, funk, R&B, country, soul, etc. I’m glad he doesn’t stick to only one like some others do. That would be boring. What Adam doesn’t have IMO is a distinctive sound which is what seems to sell recordings, like the whine of a Sam Smith or the twang of a Willie Nelson. I have loved Ted Neeley. I would love to hear Adam do that scream in “Gethsemane” that John Legend was not able to do.What Lambert doesn't have is soul, or the ability to since rock songs convincingly, like a rock singer instead of a Broadway crooner. What he also doesn't have is all Sam Smith's Grammy, Billboard, Golden Globe, and Academy award trophies :) In fairness, he does have a good range and he sounds good singing some genres of music. He also seems to be a decent person (although it's always hard to judge that since the public only see what celebrities allow them to). |
Star* 23.07.2018 15:40 |
Lambert should stick to musicals and leave legendary rock groups alone. |
SweetCaroline 23.07.2018 16:42 |
Adam has a gorgeous, melodic voice and that, unfortunately, doesn’t sell like those ungorgeous, unmelodic voices do! |
Vocal harmony 23.07.2018 17:03 |
happystar wrote: Freddie Mercury was miles in front of Steve Perry even in the seventies, Mr Mercury was a hard act to compete with, i mean just listen to Freddie's voice on "Love of my Life" it is immaculate and pristine where as Steve Perry's voice is similar to Adam Lambert's voice which is thin and annoying although i would go with Steve Perry over Lambert any day and at Least Perry sings his own material for a living and not ripping the fans off. Freddie is regarded as the best male vocalist ever so why should Queen fans do with someone like Lambert who is not even on the same page as Freddie? Queen are short changing there talents with this odd ball Lambert.The first line of this says so much about your understanding of what is and isn't good singing. Their have been plenty of people who could/did/do match Freddie's vocal range and abilities. What a lot of those people don't have is Freddie's ability to write really interesting melody line or have the freedom in there band to go to places that Queen did in the studio, especially in the 70's. What Freddie couldn't do was match Perry's delivery night after night. He could go from amazing to kind I'd average over the length of a tour. He did little to look after his voice and suffered the consequences, whether it was over indulgence or over straning and lack of technical ability. Whether or not you like the sound of Lambert he can't be accused of not being able to sing. . . . Except by you of course. |
rockchic65 23.07.2018 17:29 |
Holly2003 wrote:We'll agree to differ on the soul but regards singing rock it depends on your definition. There's a ton of different styles of rock, no way could you put Steve Perry and Myles Kennedy or Chester in the same ballpark but they are all classed as rock. I agree with Queen music he's very into themes and does do some of them in a more broadway style ie STL and KQ, but it's not that he can't sing any other way it's a choice.SweetCaroline wrote: Listen to the James Michael podcast I posted above. He is the one who said Adam is the best male vocalist on the planet. He was particularly impressed with his confidence and control. If you can skip to the last 15 minutes or you will hear a lot about his dogs, Bentley and Buckley! Adam has proven he is very versatile in singing various genres: pop, rock, funk, R&B, country, soul, etc. I’m glad he doesn’t stick to only one like some others do. That would be boring. What Adam doesn’t have IMO is a distinctive sound which is what seems to sell recordings, like the whine of a Sam Smith or the twang of a Willie Nelson. I have loved Ted Neeley. I would love to hear Adam do that scream in “Gethsemane” that John Legend was not able to do.What Lambert doesn't have is soul, or the ability to since rock songs convincingly, like a rock singer instead of a Broadway crooner. What he also doesn't have is all Sam Smith's Grammy, Billboard, Golden Globe, and Academy award trophies :) In fairness, he does have a good range and he sounds good singing some genres of music. He also seems to be a decent person (although it's always hard to judge that since the public only see what celebrities allow them to). And yeah anyone who ever works with him or meets him all say he's lovely and he certainly comes across that way. |
rockchic65 23.07.2018 17:32 |
happystar wrote: Rockchic: Sure i know "Keep yourself alive " never made the charts but it was only the first single. The second single "Seven seas of Rhye" charted top twenty and the third single "Killer Queen" made no2 in the charts but Adam Lamberts singles havnt even scraped the sides of the charts as he is a big flop here in the UK as far as singles go. People can see through the gimmick of who he is and what he is. -Fake.You keep saying the UK charts like they're the be all and end all. Journey released tons of singles before they charted at all in the UK and then it was only at 17, but they were inducted into the rock n roll hall of fame last year and are highly regarded. Chart hits aren't everything. And there's no gimmick, if there's one thing you can say about him he's honest, doesn't dress things up and doesn't pretend to be something he's not, he's definitely not fake. |
runner_70 23.07.2018 17:42 |
Lame-Bert may try differnt genres as he is a fake bandwagon jumper but he fails miserably in any genre |
Iron Butterfly 23.07.2018 17:43 |
Holly2003 wrote: Lambert has never sung a Queen song with any soul. For example, he sings Somebody to Love like he's in a west end musical. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make with that opera/chester bennington comment. I said Chester was a rock singer who has a great range and a soulful voice. I didn't say he could sing opera. I doubt sweetcaroline has heard of any of these people and yet still insists Lambert is the best at every genre -- the way I used to think of Fred many years ago in my teens.I'm going to get bitched at by some Glamberts here because they think I'm throwing AL a bone when I liked him singing Save Me. I found it very good. No, of course she hasn't heard of any of the other artists mentioned. It's all AL or nothing. |
rockchic65 23.07.2018 17:47 |
Iron Butterfly wrote:I loved Save Me and I can't see what anyone could find wrong with how he sang it myself but I'm sure somebody will be along to disagree with that one.Holly2003 wrote: Lambert has never sung a Queen song with any soul. For example, he sings Somebody to Love like he's in a west end musical. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make with that opera/chester bennington comment. I said Chester was a rock singer who has a great range and a soulful voice. I didn't say he could sing opera. I doubt sweetcaroline has heard of any of these people and yet still insists Lambert is the best at every genre -- the way I used to think of Fred many years ago in my teens.I'm going to get bitched at by some Glamberts here because they think I'm throwing AL a bone when I liked him singing Save Me. I found it very good. No, of course she hasn't heard of any of the other artists mentioned. It's all AL or nothing. |
Iron Butterfly 23.07.2018 17:52 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Listen to the James Michael podcast I posted above. He is the one who said Adam is the best male vocalist on the planet. He was particularly impressed with his confidence and control. If you can skip to the last 15 minutes or you will hear a lot about his dogs, Bentley and Buckley! Adam has proven he is very versatile in singing various genres: pop, rock, funk, R&B, country, soul, etc. I’m glad he doesn’t stick to only one like some others do. That would be boring. What Adam doesn’t have IMO is a distinctive sound which is what seems to sell recordings, like the whine of a Sam Smith or the twang of a Willie Nelson. I have loved Ted Neeley. I would love to hear Adam do that scream in “Gethsemane” that John Legend was not able to do.What AL doesn't really have is songs that connect with audiences. His solo music is a bit medicore. |
SweetCaroline 23.07.2018 18:01 |
If his voice holds up, I think Adam will have longevity like the crooners of old: Bennett, Como, George Michael, Sinatra, etc. |
Iron Butterfly 23.07.2018 18:27 |
SweetCaroline wrote: If his voice holds up, I think Adam will have longevity like the crooners of old: Bennett, Como, George Michael, Sinatra, etc.Good luck with that. George Michael a crooner?! Even I wouldn't put GM in the league of Bennnett, Sinatra etc. |
rockchic65 23.07.2018 18:45 |
Neither would I call Adam a crooner - never heard any crooner doing high shrieks, that's the complete opposite of crooning. |
Star* 23.07.2018 19:33 |
To all you girls on here the UK is the most important place on the planet for music and many American artists want to crack the UK big time because we have the best acts in the universe over here. As for Steve Perry well he was just an average rock singer, Freddie turned out to be the greatest front man of all time and that says he was better than your steve perry hands down. Your only jealous because Freddie was from the UK and your American wailer was average. Snifflese: All you seem to think about is Adam is making money and yes he is with Queens music as his own music is pretty crap. As i have said before Queen provide the music on stage live and Adam only sings the songs and mediocre at that. He will never ever get any bigger than what he is now and that was because of Queen. |
Iron Butterfly 23.07.2018 19:58 |
rockchic65 wrote: Neither would I call Adam a crooner - never heard any crooner doing high shrieks, that's the complete opposite of crooning.Someone's "knowledge" of the music world is quite something! |
rockchic65 23.07.2018 19:59 |
happystar wrote: To all you girls on here the UK is the most important place on the planet for music and many American artists want to crack the UK big time because we have the best acts in the universe over here. As for Steve Perry well he was just an average rock singer, Freddie turned out to be the greatest front man of all time and that says he was better than your steve perry hands down. Your only jealous because Freddie was from the UK and your American wailer was average. Snifflese: All you seem to think about is Adam is making money and yes he is with Queens music as his own music is pretty crap. As i have said before Queen provide the music on stage live and Adam only sings the songs and mediocre at that. He will never ever get any bigger than what he is now and that was because of Queen.I'm English and live in the UK, not sure where you get the idea I'm American. I don't care where an artist is from I just care about how they sound and I beg to differ on Steve, he was far from average in talent and they've had a pretty successful career without cracking the UK market. Despite what you think there are various ways to be successful and they don't all involve the UK. |
rockchic65 23.07.2018 20:00 |
Iron Butterfly wrote:Not sure what you mean by that?rockchic65 wrote: Neither would I call Adam a crooner - never heard any crooner doing high shrieks, that's the complete opposite of crooning.Someone's "knowledge" of the music world is quite something! |
Iron Butterfly 23.07.2018 20:07 |
rockchic65 wrote:AL as a crooner...can't imagine it. I'd say the same about George Michael and he did standards in his later career...didn't make him a crooner.Iron Butterfly wrote:Not sure what you mean by that?rockchic65 wrote: Neither would I call Adam a crooner - never heard any crooner doing high shrieks, that's the complete opposite of crooning.Someone's "knowledge" of the music world is quite something! |
runner_70 23.07.2018 20:10 |
Save me is the right example for his powerless voice. While Freddie made a powerhouse version of this song Lamebird fails miserable and makes it a lounger version. Powerless and awful. I hate it. |
rockchic65 23.07.2018 20:11 |
Iron Butterfly wrote: AL as a crooner...can't imagine it. I'd say the same about George Michael and he did standards in his later career...didn't make him a crooner.No that's definitely not his style although I could see him doing similar stuff to George. |
Iron Butterfly 23.07.2018 20:16 |
rockchic65 wrote:Be careful! Sweetcaroline doesn't like Michael Buble ( who I guess is the latest pop crooner not)shes bitched about also! Can you imagine if Buble and AL did the same genre??Iron Butterfly wrote: AL as a crooner...can't imagine it. I'd say the same about George Michael and he did standards in his later career...didn't make him a crooner.No that's definitely not his style although I could see him doing similar stuff to George. Kidding aside, I really can't see AL going down that route. I was shocked when George Michael did it. And he had the voice for it...AL, and his whole image, I'm not so sure.I don't think he is there yet. |
rockchic65 23.07.2018 20:22 |
runner_70 wrote: Save me is the right example for his powerless voice. While Freddie made a powerhouse version of this song Lamebird fails miserable and makes it a lounger version. Powerless and awful. I hate it.Adam did a totally different version of it, he changes songs so as not to imitate Freddie and as I said before his voice is a totally different type, not made for sounding like Freddie. Seriously can you not understand the difference in voice types as well as the different tone between singers. Adam sang that song in a different style, nothing to do with power, he's known as a vocal powerhouse but he's never going to sound as full voiced as Freddie, his voice just isn't made that way. There's a difference between power and how thick or full someone's voice sounds, they aren't the same thing. Think Freddie v Perry, do they sound like they have the same type of voice to you? |
rockchic65 23.07.2018 20:26 |
Iron Butterfly wrote:The sound quality is totally crap but the stuff he did at Upright Cabaret was that type of thing and if he'd have reined in the acrobatics a bit they would have been brilliant, I would love him to redo come home and I can't make you love me. Dust in the wind as well actually, and I liked his One More Try tribute as well.rockchic65 wrote:Be careful! Sweetcaroline doesn't like Michael Buble ( who I guess is the latest pop crooner not)shes bitched about also! Can you imagine if Buble and AL did the same genre?? Kidding aside, I really can't see AL going down that route. I was shocked when George Michael did it. And he had the voice for it...AL, and his whole image, I'm not so sure.I don't think he is there yet.Iron Butterfly wrote: AL as a crooner...can't imagine it. I'd say the same about George Michael and he did standards in his later career...didn't make him a crooner.No that's definitely not his style although I could see him doing similar stuff to George. |
SweetCaroline 23.07.2018 23:09 |
Adam does it all !!!!! I put “After Hours” in the crooner category and he had the women in the audience swooning and melting! LOL link |
SweetCaroline 23.07.2018 23:14 |
BTW Buble isn’t sexy! Adam IS !!!!! And even though I’m a Granny I can say that whether YOU like it or not! |
Iron Butterfly 24.07.2018 00:23 |
SweetCaroline wrote: BTW Buble isn’t sexy! Adam IS !!!!! And even though I’m a Granny I can say that whether YOU like it or not!As if you are judge and jury on who is sexy or not. Boy, your fixation with AL is shining like shit today. Sure you can say that, but why are you always trying to convince others how sexy, good looking, gorgeous he is? Why is his looks so important for you? I can say all this back at you whether you like it or not. I wonder if you would like AL so much if you thought he wasn't sexy, gorgeous whatever the ways you describe him. I don't think you would like him at all if you thought he was less attractive. |
Iron Butterfly 24.07.2018 00:26 |
rockchic65 wrote:I saw that before. Honestly, I wasn't impressed with it. So far, I think of AL as a pop artist. He could branch out, if George Michael could go from IWYS to standards... there is hope yet.Iron Butterfly wrote:The sound quality is totally crap but the stuff he did at Upright Cabaret was that type of thing and if he'd have reined in the acrobatics a bit they would have been brilliant, I would love him to redo come home and I can't make you love me. Dust in the wind as well actually, and I liked his One More Try tribute as well.rockchic65 wrote:Be careful! Sweetcaroline doesn't like Michael Buble ( who I guess is the latest pop crooner not)shes bitched about also! Can you imagine if Buble and AL did the same genre?? Kidding aside, I really can't see AL going down that route. I was shocked when George Michael did it. And he had the voice for it...AL, and his whole image, I'm not so sure.I don't think he is there yet.Iron Butterfly wrote: AL as a crooner...can't imagine it. I'd say the same about George Michael and he did standards in his later career...didn't make him a crooner.No that's definitely not his style although I could see him doing similar stuff to George. |
Brancelli 24.07.2018 04:18 |
Not a big fan of the Upright Cabaret stuff (his tone, perhaps not very palatable, maybe it's the video quality) but some of it is vocally impressive. I do like that version of Dust in the Wind though. Whoever says Adam can't sing, I'm unsure what you're listening to. I too also prefer Steve Balsamo over Ted Neeley. I believe he even sheds a tear or two in Gethsemene. This is the guy I believe to be currently the best singer in the world though: link |
SweetCaroline 24.07.2018 04:56 |
Wow, that guy is incredible! Send that video to Bri and Rog! |
Iron Butterfly 24.07.2018 05:39 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Wow, that guy is incredible! Send that video to Bri and Rog!Why? You want him to take AL's place? XD |
Star* 24.07.2018 07:08 |
iron butterfly: Anyone would be better fit for Queen than AL, even the cat from over the road has a better voice! I cant understand why these adult ladies swoon over Lambert and never actually say how brilliant Brian or Roger are as musicians? They have never took part in other discussions on Queenzone and you will always find the same three stuck in AL threads. Proving Queenzone is not the place to waste good quality space on here over one nobody. Lambert will always have that west end stigma about his voice and try he might to be a rockstar he does look utterly ridiculous and limp. He still looks like a camp Bono! |
rockchic65 24.07.2018 07:49 |
Brancelli wrote: Not a big fan of the Upright Cabaret stuff (his tone, perhaps not very palatable, maybe it's the video quality) but some of it is vocally impressive. I do like that version of Dust in the Wind though. Whoever says Adam can't sing, I'm unsure what you're listening to. I too also prefer Steve Balsamo over Ted Neeley. I believe he even sheds a tear or two in Gethsemene. This is the guy I believe to be currently the best singer in the world though: linkI'd say what he can do with his voice is unreal, and his range is off the charts though a lot of it is headvoice/falsetto but it spans about seven octaves apparently. I personally find him hard to listen to unless he's singing opera since his accent makes English songs sound odd, he did a version of show must go on, but opera wise he's incredible. I suspect if Adam did those Upright Cabaret songs now they'd sound a lot richer, makes me wonder if he can still sing that pure, they were done when he had to take time off from Wicked. The sound on the vids was awful so they probably sounded a lot better live, but actual vocal technique wise they show he has insane control over his voice. Yeah it puzzles me how anyone can say he can't sing, liking how he sings is personal taste but objectively the guy has insane vocal ability. |
rockchic65 24.07.2018 08:03 |
happystar wrote: iron butterfly: Anyone would be better fit for Queen than AL, even the cat from over the road has a better voice! I cant understand why these adult ladies swoon over Lambert and never actually say how brilliant Brian or Roger are as musicians? They have never took part in other discussions on Queenzone and you will always find the same three stuck in AL threads. Proving Queenzone is not the place to waste good quality space on here over one nobody. Lambert will always have that west end stigma about his voice and try he might to be a rockstar he does look utterly ridiculous and limp. He still looks like a camp Bono!Personal taste Happystar, lots of people are loving him with Queen and as for the cat comment, don't be ridiculous. And the camp Bono comment, one of runners favourite singers, he's gonna love you for that one. No swooning going on here, I simply like his voice and his personality, and people comment on Brian & Roger after the shows, I've personally said what I thought about the show as a whole and their parts in it. The reason people are mostly commenting about Adam here is because you and runner are constantly dissing him so he becomes the focus of the conversation. As to posting in the Queen parts, I do occasionally but someone has usually already answered the questions multiple times, no point adding something for the sake of it. I don't know all the minutiae about them so I don't always have much to add, doesn't mean I don't read those threads though. |
Star* 24.07.2018 15:35 |
Anastacia can sing much higher the Lambert ever could she is brilliant and i prefer her any day over Lambert. I have her cds and her first 3 albums are awesome. |
snifflese 24.07.2018 17:37 |
I have never listened to her before, so I just picked 5 videos to see. Her voice is good, but it sounds very affected, depending on which song I listened to. Trying to be too soulful or sexy, not quite sure. I didn't like the way she enunciated much. I may not have picked songs where she sings really high, but her upper range sounds kind of weak and she doesn't hit the notes clearly like Adam does. They sound more forced. I do not have have 3 of her albums to choose songs from, but based on these, I am not so sure she can sing higher. I much prefer Adam's voice as hers is somewhat affected and is not what I would say stands out from a lot of other really good singers. I guess to each his own!! |
SweetCaroline 24.07.2018 17:54 |
Why is Adam being compared to a female vocalist? |
runner_70 24.07.2018 18:41 |
Cause he sounds like a shrieking woman |
runner_70 24.07.2018 18:42 |
Anstacia has SOULD in her voice sth LameBird is lacking completely. His mechanic singing is so fucking annoying that it hurts |
snifflese 24.07.2018 19:09 |
She has really fake sounding soul as her singing was pretty affected to me. She is a really good singer, but there are a lot of those people around. For me she wasn't exceptional. I went and listened to 5 songs and that is what I think. I am entitled to my opinion and I wasn't ugly about it like you know who. She just wasn't my cup of tea and to be honest, I am not really fond of female singers. Their voices are brittle and often very shrill. I prefer male voices for some reason and no, Adam DOES NOT sound like a woman even tho" he can sing higher than most of them. Eden Espinoza (I think is her name) played in Wicked and she said Adam could hit notes she could not and she has a really high voice. For me Adam never sounds shrill even at the highest note. It is a round melodic bell tone and most singers can't achieve that! |
SweetCaroline 24.07.2018 19:18 |
Kudos, snifflese! Your posts are outstanding! |
runner_70 24.07.2018 19:25 |
He sounds as shrill as shrillness goes. Anastacias second rocky album was awesome. She should have stuck to the rockier tunes. Sadly whe went moe pop. Her lamest songs are still better than anythin Lamebird has ever done. |
SweetCaroline 24.07.2018 19:53 |
Wicked Game link |
rockchic65 24.07.2018 20:16 |
runner_70 wrote: He sounds as shrill as shrillness goes. Anastacias second rocky album was awesome. She should have stuck to the rockier tunes. Sadly whe went moe pop. Her lamest songs are still better than anythin Lamebird has ever done.No idea why anyone would be comparing individual voice types, especially male to female, it's obvious they will sound completely different. Anastacia is suited to rock, her voice is thicker and weighty. Range wise she has slightly less range than Adam in full voice. Adam sings in lots of different ways in each register and they all sound different. Certain types of singing sounds shrill if that's how you want to describe it more than others, but to just say he sounds shrill is ridiculous since you're implying he sings in a high shrill voice constantly. |
runner_70 24.07.2018 20:19 |
At least you acknolegde that Lamebird has a paerthin voice and other singers voices are way thicker. The Wicked Game cover is bloody awful. Seems the tool destryos any given song he tries to sing and is failing misetably. He sounds like a lil girl crying |
rockchic65 24.07.2018 20:37 |
runner_70 wrote: At least you acknolegde that Lamebird has a paerthin voice and other singers voices are way thicker. The Wicked Game cover is bloody awful. Seems the tool destryos any given song he tries to sing and is failing misetably. He sounds like a lil girl cryingNo I acknowledged that all voices are different and you can't compare a weighty thicker voice type with a totally different one especially male to female. Adam in no way has a paperthin voice, that's just plain rubbish. |
SweetCaroline 25.07.2018 00:07 |
It isn’t possible to bring down the rafters in an arena with a paper thin voice! |
SweetCaroline 25.07.2018 00:15 |
My favorite: link |
SweetCaroline 25.07.2018 00:18 |
Correct link: link |
Brancelli 25.07.2018 00:31 |
rockchic65 wrote:Yeah, his head voice/falsetto/whistle is amazing. Adam probably has him beat in mixed voice.Brancelli wrote: Not a big fan of the Upright Cabaret stuff (his tone, perhaps not very palatable, maybe it's the video quality) but some of it is vocally impressive. I do like that version of Dust in the Wind though. Whoever says Adam can't sing, I'm unsure what you're listening to. I too also prefer Steve Balsamo over Ted Neeley. I believe he even sheds a tear or two in Gethsemene. This is the guy I believe to be currently the best singer in the world though: linkI'd say what he can do with his voice is unreal, and his range is off the charts though a lot of it is headvoice/falsetto but it spans about seven octaves apparently. I personally find him hard to listen to unless he's singing opera since his accent makes English songs sound odd, he did a version of show must go on, but opera wise he's incredible. I suspect if Adam did those Upright Cabaret songs now they'd sound a lot richer, makes me wonder if he can still sing that pure, they were done when he had to take time off from Wicked. The sound on the vids was awful so they probably sounded a lot better live, but actual vocal technique wise they show he has insane control over his voice. Yeah it puzzles me how anyone can say he can't sing, liking how he sings is personal taste but objectively the guy has insane vocal ability. And yep, his English is pretty bad, but he sings in 10 different languages, I think. This is not the full song, but there are good examples of his head voice in this (hits a very strong full voice A5): link |
runner_70 25.07.2018 04:22 |
Ppl go to QAL because of Maylor and the songs not because of the ladyboy's wining |
snifflese 25.07.2018 05:10 |
No, runner, I love Brian and Roger and their music and musicianship is awesome, but people want to hear the songs SUNG and Brian and Roger cannot sing some of those songs anymore and I am not sure if they ever did. At this point I think it would just be too much for them. These songs require a very special voice and that means Adam. People come to hear all of the band nowadays. Pretty much everyone has embraced Adam. It wouldn't be QAL without him at this point. Concert goers love his voice and comment on it and look forward to hearing him sing, whether or not you believe it! If you haven't been, you don't know how wonderful they sound together. It takes all of them to make QAL what it is now. Brian and Roger are rock icons and everybody loves them and their amazing talent, but they can't do the tour without Adam and the other backing musicians. |
rockchic65 25.07.2018 07:40 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Correct link: linkSorry but I had to agree with Simon's assessment on that one. One thing I really loved though was Adam's way of taking criticism, his reaction on results night made me laugh and Simon loved him the week after thankfully. |
rockchic65 25.07.2018 07:44 |
Totally agree with Snifflease. There will be some who go because of Brian & Roger who aren't really into Adam but there's a whole lot more who really like him. I see comments on that all the time and one thing that stands out is how they love the fact he does his own thing with the songs and doesn't try to do an exact copy of the original. The other thing I notice is they all say he isn't a replacement, they accept QAL as a separate entity not a Queen substitute, maybe that's the reason he is so accepted, people aren't comparing just enjoying. |
Vocal harmony 25.07.2018 12:06 |
runner_70 wrote: Ppl go to QAL because of Maylor and the songs not because of the ladyboy's winingA bit like people come here to discuss the music they love but have to endure your utter crap in the process. . . Oh wait a moment it's nothing like that because your wrong, most of the people who go to the shows go because of the songs, the musicians the production and the atmosphere, they're not suffering the vocalist, if he was as bad and useless as you claim these shows would have died before the last Hammersmith gig in 2012. |
SweetCaroline 25.07.2018 12:34 |
rockchic, I neglected to say why I was posting that link to “Ring of Fire.” I thought it would be self-explanatory that I was using it as an example of how Adam’s voice is NOT “thin.” It is my personal favorite because that performance is what first hooked me on Adam which has lasted 9 years later to this day! I agree with you that what was also so captivating about Adam was his ability to take Simon’s criticism graciously and with humor. What I loved was that despite the comments about never going to Nashville, Adam ended up incorporating a short version of “Ring of Fire” into his Glam Nation tour and ultimately did go to Nashville, performing that very version of ROF in the Ryman Auditorium of all places! |
Star* 25.07.2018 12:47 |
Snifflese: If you think Adams voice is the best there is for Queen then you are completely wrong. George Michael had a much better singing voice than Adam and he sung "Somebody to Love" with grace and finesse. Freddie would have been so proud that George was singing his song. |
SweetCaroline 25.07.2018 13:05 |
Here’s an example of why fans are so devoted to Adam. In addition to his talent, he is a really nice guy and a caring friend” “@adamlambert Hang in there @ddlovato - sending good energy and love.“ |
rockchic65 25.07.2018 13:13 |
SweetCaroline wrote: rockchic, I neglected to say why I was posting that link to “Ring of Fire.” I thought it would be self-explanatory that I was using it as an example of how Adam’s voice is NOT “thin.” It is my personal favorite because that performance is what first hooked me on Adam which has lasted 9 years later to this day! I agree with you that what was also so captivating about Adam was his ability to take Simon’s criticism graciously and with humor. What I loved was that despite the comments about never going to Nashville, Adam ended up incorporating a short version of “Ring of Fire” into his Glam Nation tour and ultimately did go to Nashville, performing that very version of ROF in the Ryman Auditorium of all places!Yeah lots of people did seem to like it and I think he did it in the Idol tour, not 100% sure, just wasn't my thing. I didn't watch Idol at the time, only heard of Adam through Queen but I did go back and watch that season and the thing that struck me was his total lack of drama. For someone so theatrical and dramatic in his singing/stage style he was so down to earth and took the whole thing in his stride and laughed things off, I really liked that. |
rockchic65 25.07.2018 13:18 |
happystar wrote: Snifflese: If you think Adams voice is the best there is for Queen then you are completely wrong. George Michael had a much better singing voice than Adam and he sung "Somebody to Love" with grace and finesse. Freddie would have been so proud that George was singing his song.George did have a beautiful voice and I loved his STL tribute, no one's disputing that but either he didn't want to sing with them on a tour or wasn't asked, depending what you believe. That aside Adam does a brilliant job, sounds different than either Freddie or George but there's more than one person can do justice to a song. I'm sure if they'd asked JSS he'd have done a brilliant job as well and he sounds nothing like any of them. |
Vocal harmony 25.07.2018 13:26 |
happystar wrote: Snifflese: If you think Adams voice is the best there is for Queen then you are completely wrong. George Michael had a much better singing voice than Adam and he sung "Somebody to Love" with grace and finesse. Freddie would have been so proud that George was singing his song.Yes he did a great job, but it was a one off two song performance not a whole set and not a tour. Also they had a gospel choir singing backing vocals , thus giving him more space to concentrate on just the lead melody line and nothing else. The audience that day were great, and no one had to prove themselves and win anyone over as everyone was behind every performance no matter who they were and what they did. Have you thought that your argument is with Brian and Roger has much as anyone as they are the people who decided on Adam Lambert and they are the ones who feel comfortable with him on stage. Bringing George Micheal into this is futile, there is no way he could stand on stage as a Freddie replacement. That's not what the +vocalist is about and he physically couldn't do the job now anyway |
SweetCaroline 25.07.2018 13:48 |
George Michael obviously performed a fantastic version of Somebody To Love at the Freddie Tribute. Give some credit to Adam who has performed some pretty fantastic versions of that legendary song over 100 times now in QAL. Don’t believe me. Go to Vegas in September and see for yourself!!!!! |
Iron Butterfly 25.07.2018 14:14 |
SweetCaroline wrote: George Michael obviously performed a fantastic version of Somebody To Love at the Freddie Tribute. Give some credit to Adam who has performed some pretty fantastic versions of that legendary song over 100 times now in QAL. Don’t believe me. Go to Vegas in September and see for yourself!!!!!Give some credit to AL who has performed STL over 100 times you say. You never miss a chance promoting and bigging him up do you? |
Iron Butterfly 25.07.2018 14:15 |
rockchic65 wrote:GM was having issues with his record company at the time. Maybe that's the biggest reason he couldn't do it.happystar wrote: Snifflese: If you think Adams voice is the best there is for Queen then you are completely wrong. George Michael had a much better singing voice than Adam and he sung "Somebody to Love" with grace and finesse. Freddie would have been so proud that George was singing his song.George did have a beautiful voice and I loved his STL tribute, no one's disputing that but either he didn't want to sing with them on a tour or wasn't asked, depending what you believe. That aside Adam does a brilliant job, sounds different than either Freddie or George but there's more than one person can do justice to a song. I'm sure if they'd asked JSS he'd have done a brilliant job as well and he sounds nothing like any of them. |
SweetCaroline 25.07.2018 14:32 |
Would George have wanted to sing other songs in the Queen catalog besides STL? A tour with George would have been more like the QPR collaboration with an equal amount of Queen and George Michael hits in the play list. |
Star* 25.07.2018 14:36 |
George Michael is a legend and your tiny weeny Adam Lambert is a crumb on the landscape of musicians in the world. George cold i am sure covered many more Queen songs because he was a professional singer and he was not in your face with his sexuality like Lambert is as the moment, He is a classy great guy and i prefer him to Lambert so will many others. Brian & Roger have had many bad laps of taste over the last 28 years, and do not forget it was Freddie that saved there careers, because they were on the verge of giving it all up. |
Star* 25.07.2018 14:38 |
Can you imagine that Queen & George Michael on tour - wow now i would go and see that. Two great artists well worth travelling to see. |
SweetCaroline 25.07.2018 14:41 |
rockchic, I went to the Idol tour. I don’t remember ROF being included. If I’m remembering correctly, he started with Whole Lotta Love, Mad World, Starlight and ended with a Bowie medley of Life On Mars, Fame and Let’s Dance. |
rockchic65 25.07.2018 14:45 |
happystar wrote: George Michael is a legend and your tiny weeny Adam Lambert is a crumb on the landscape of musicians in the world. George cold i am sure covered many more Queen songs because he was a professional singer and he was not in your face with his sexuality like Lambert is as the moment, He is a classy great guy and i prefer him to Lambert so will many others. Brian & Roger have had many bad laps of taste over the last 28 years, and do not forget it was Freddie that saved there careers, because they were on the verge of giving it all up.George admitted it was the hardest thing he'd ever had to sing and it's far from the hardest Queen song so not sure how he'd have done with some of the others, they aren't really his style. Why compare people, either voice wise or in any other way, George did things his way, Adam has a different way and as to the in your face part, it's a stage act, he doesn't walk around all day looking and acting the way he does onstage. Maybe to your surprise some people actually find it amusing, which is what he's aiming for. |
rockchic65 25.07.2018 14:46 |
Iron Butterfly wrote: GM was having issues with his record company at the time. Maybe that's the biggest reason he couldn't do it.Yeah it's possible. |
Star* 25.07.2018 14:54 |
Having people laughing at you all day does not make you a credible musician love, its make you an idiot and that is what he is. |
SweetCaroline 25.07.2018 15:02 |
At that Idol tour the screaming for Adam was deafening, all ages, all genders in that audience. It’s disappointing that his star didn’t rise in the recording industry as much as others, but Adam should be seen live to be truly appreciated. And, icy, that is not “bigging him up.” It’s a fact! Who are these prudes who adored the non-stop stage antics of Freddie, but think that Adam doesn’t have class? |
snifflese 25.07.2018 15:31 |
Why do you always throw "bigging up AL" into Caroline's face? Then you complain if she answers you in a snarky manner!! She said nothing to qualify for that remark from you. You always do that with her. She is entitled to think that Actually it is over 170 times that Adam has sung a fantastic version of STL! That is not bigging up. It is our POV. I would call your POV "tearing down" and that 's OK too, but quit needling her. |
rockchic65 25.07.2018 16:05 |
happystar wrote: Having people laughing at you all day does not make you a credible musician love, its make you an idiot and that is what he is.See you'd be wrong there, he makes people laugh but they're laughing with him not at him, there's a difference. If he couldn't sing and used the costumes and being funny to deflect from that then yeah you'd be right but that's not the case. |
rockchic65 25.07.2018 16:08 |
SweetCaroline wrote: rockchic, I went to the Idol tour. I don’t remember ROF being included. If I’m remembering correctly, he started with Whole Lotta Love, Mad World, Starlight and ended with a Bowie medley of Life On Mars, Fame and Let’s Dance.Ah right, I must have got it mixed up, I knew he had done it on tour. |
rockchic65 25.07.2018 16:11 |
happystar wrote: Can you imagine that Queen & George Michael on tour - wow now i would go and see that. Two great artists well worth travelling to see.I remember at the time thinking they should ask him to tour with them but realistically it probably would have had to be a mix of both their music. Would have been great though, I did love George's voice. |
runner_70 25.07.2018 17:22 |
GM could never sing a hard rock song. Stop - he surely could do it better than Lameturd who is a senseless screamer. The worst version of a song is his atrocious WHole Lotta Love raping |
Iron Butterfly 25.07.2018 17:24 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Would George have wanted to sing other songs in the Queen catalog besides STL? A tour with George would have been more like the QPR collaboration with an equal amount of Queen and George Michael hits in the play list.I guess he would have wanted to. He sang three songs at the Freddie Tribute. How would you know what the tour would have been like? I don't. But it would have interesting to hear him sing Queen songs, and Brian and Roger possibly play on a GM song or two. |
Iron Butterfly 25.07.2018 17:27 |
rockchic65 wrote:Emotionally wise, yes it was hard for him to sing. But I do think GM could have pulled of quite a bit of the Queen catalogue. I love how he sang at the Freddie Tribute, he stole the show. And his own music wasn't too bad either.happystar wrote: George Michael is a legend and your tiny weeny Adam Lambert is a crumb on the landscape of musicians in the world. George cold i am sure covered many more Queen songs because he was a professional singer and he was not in your face with his sexuality like Lambert is as the moment, He is a classy great guy and i prefer him to Lambert so will many others. Brian & Roger have had many bad laps of taste over the last 28 years, and do not forget it was Freddie that saved there careers, because they were on the verge of giving it all up.George admitted it was the hardest thing he'd ever had to sing and it's far from the hardest Queen song so not sure how he'd have done with some of the others, they aren't really his style. Why compare people, either voice wise or in any other way, George did things his way, Adam has a different way and as to the in your face part, it's a stage act, he doesn't walk around all day looking and acting the way he does onstage. Maybe to your surprise some people actually find it amusing, which is what he's aiming for. |
rockchic65 25.07.2018 17:38 |
Iron Butterfly wrote:Yeah I'm sure it was emotionally hard but he apparently said it was the hardest song he'd ever had to sing as well. He did an amazing job on that one, I really loved how he sang it and although I wasn't too fond of his more pop based stuff I loved some of his ballads - especially a different corner. It's hard to know exactly what he'd have been able to sing of the Queen catalogue, I've never heard him do a rock song but he may have been able to, it just wasn't his usual style of music. Would have been interesting to hear him do some stuff with Queen, I'd have gone to see them if they had toured.rockchic65 wrote:Emotionally wise, yes it was hard for him to sing. But I do think GM could have pulled of quite a bit of the Queen catalogue. I love how he sang at the Freddie Tribute, he stole the show. And his own music wasn't too bad either.happystar wrote: George Michael is a legend and your tiny weeny Adam Lambert is a crumb on the landscape of musicians in the world. George cold i am sure covered many more Queen songs because he was a professional singer and he was not in your face with his sexuality like Lambert is as the moment, He is a classy great guy and i prefer him to Lambert so will many others. Brian & Roger have had many bad laps of taste over the last 28 years, and do not forget it was Freddie that saved there careers, because they were on the verge of giving it all up.George admitted it was the hardest thing he'd ever had to sing and it's far from the hardest Queen song so not sure how he'd have done with some of the others, they aren't really his style. Why compare people, either voice wise or in any other way, George did things his way, Adam has a different way and as to the in your face part, it's a stage act, he doesn't walk around all day looking and acting the way he does onstage. Maybe to your surprise some people actually find it amusing, which is what he's aiming for. |
SweetCaroline 25.07.2018 18:02 |
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go !!!!! |
Star* 25.07.2018 18:23 |
I do think Freddie would have preferred George to do Queen the honours rather than Adam. George had more experience of the pop world and Wham were a great 80s group rubbing shoulders with Queen in the charts many times. Lambert is more musicals were George is pop / ballad orientated. Songs like "Your my best friend" "Its a hard life" "Love of my life" are examples of what George would have done brilliantly at. Adam tries his best at it i am sure but sadly he has no substance and sings songs so blank with no feeling to them and to be honest there do not sound as dynamic as Freddie used to deliver them. Still he has had his 15 mins of fame! |
rockchic65 25.07.2018 18:31 |
happystar wrote: I do think Freddie would have preferred George to do Queen the honours rather than Adam. George had more experience of the pop world and Wham were a great 80s group rubbing shoulders with Queen in the charts many times. Lambert is more musicals were George is pop / ballad orientated. Songs like "Your my best friend" "Its a hard life" "Love of my life" are examples of what George would have done brilliantly at. Adam tries his best at it i am sure but sadly he has no substance and sings songs so blank with no feeling to them and to be honest there do not sound as dynamic as Freddie used to deliver them. Still he has had his 15 mins of fame!His 15 mins is lasting a long while and he has plenty substance and feeling, just not to you, plenty others find him great though. No idea why you keep saying he's just musicals, he hasn't been in a musical since 2008, that's a lot of years and a lot of different styles of music he's done since. Whilst I'm sure George would have done a great job on those songs I've no idea why rubbing shoulders on the charts matters, it makes no difference to singing ability. |
snifflese 25.07.2018 18:35 |
Adam is really sweating and you can see he has gone through the grinder at the end of a show. Singing and having all your muscles clenching in your face and your veins popping out doesn't necessarily mean you are singing with feeling. Fortunately or unfortunately, Adam can hit a lot of notes whether others strain and I think some of you equate that with "soul". To me he emotes many things. Just listen to the breathy, quiet parts of songs that suddently become loud. When he runs up the scale in UP. I don't know what you people aren't seeing. Maybe it is because you have never been to a life show! Adam puts his all into each show and emotes as much or more than other singers, believe me. If he was just a bland, one note singer fans would not keep coming back! |
Iron Butterfly 25.07.2018 18:35 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go !!!!!Ah, but there was so much more to GM than just that song. |
runner_70 25.07.2018 18:39 |
Lamebird is sweating because he is overweight and knows he is destroying all those great songs |
Iron Butterfly 25.07.2018 18:45 |
runner_70 wrote: Lamebird is sweating because he is overweight and knows he is destroying all those great songsHe might forget the lyrics again too xD. |
Star* 25.07.2018 18:46 |
Rockchic: What i am saying here is that George Michael was the same calibre as Queen and worthy of been on a stage with May & Taylor the same way as Paul Rodgers was. Lambert came from nowhere with no experience and no song writing abilities whatsoever. Singing high notes does not make him a great singer at all. Emotion is more important than screaming like Axl Rose on cocaine. Lambert has really got away with his style and people do not analyse what a bad singer he really is. A few years ago on here i was chatting to a roadie of Queens and he said he was at the mixing desk and Adam sounded ghastly he also admitted to me that Queen are shit with Lambert and that is coming from a roadie ! |
runner_70 25.07.2018 19:01 |
The roadie is spot on. Hope he gets paid good for having to suffer thru a QAL set each night |
rockchic65 25.07.2018 19:02 |
happystar wrote: Rockchic: What i am saying here is that George Michael was the same calibre as Queen and worthy of been on a stage with May & Taylor the same way as Paul Rodgers was. Lambert came from nowhere with no experience and no song writing abilities whatsoever. Singing high notes does not make him a great singer at all. Emotion is more important than screaming like Axl Rose on cocaine. Lambert has really got away with his style and people do not analyse what a bad singer he really is. A few years ago on here i was chatting to a roadie of Queens and he said he was at the mixing desk and Adam sounded ghastly he also admitted to me that Queen are shit with Lambert and that is coming from a roadie !Queen clearly aren't shit with Lambert as the great majority of people who've been to a show would tell you, and he's extremely well thought of as a vocalist by loads of people in the industry. There are tons of vids on YouTube which prove the guy is talking rubbish, he might not like his voice any more than you do but that doesn't make him a crap singer. No idea what you've been listening to but you keep talking high notes like that's all he can do, he doesn't scream high notes throughout a concert, what about the rest of the time? As to experience, he'd been working in the industry since age 18, singing since age 10, worked as a session singer as well as other jobs, how's that no experience? Clearly Brian, Roger and the majority of the fans couldn't care less whether he came from a talent show or wherever, they care if he can deliver, and he can and does every time. |
SweetCaroline 25.07.2018 19:48 |
This was a pretty exciting performance of WLL in the 2009 Idol tour: link |
Iron Butterfly 25.07.2018 20:07 |
SweetCaroline wrote: This was a pretty exciting performance of WLL in the 2009 Idol tour: linkI wouldn't call that pretty exciting. Why do you hold WLL up as some sort of example? What is it supposed to 'prove'? |
SweetCaroline 25.07.2018 20:25 |
I posted that just so YOU could jump all over it, Icy! You never disappoint!!!!! |
SweetCaroline 25.07.2018 20:31 |
I posted that just so YOU could jump all over it, Icy! You never disappoint!!!!! |
Iron Butterfly 25.07.2018 20:33 |
SweetCaroline wrote: I posted that just so YOU could jump all over it, Icy! You never disappoint!!!!!I hardly jumped all over it. You posted for no good reason. You posted it as a way to bait then. Like I say, don't post anything on my account. At least I know you are trolling with most of the crap you post. Again, don't do it on my account. |
Holly2003 25.07.2018 20:43 |
Iron Butterfly wrote:It's a terrible cover by Lambert. He has no idea how to sing a rock song. Every time that daft old bat posts a video like this she looks even more obsessive.SweetCaroline wrote: I posted that just so YOU could jump all over it, Icy! You never disappoint!!!!!I hardly jumped all over it. You posted for no good reason. You posted it as a way to bait then. Like I say, don't post anything on my account. At least I know you are trolling with most of the crap you post. Again, don't do it on my account. |
Holly2003 25.07.2018 20:45 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go !!!!!Two Fux ... |
Iron Butterfly 25.07.2018 20:58 |
Holly2003 wrote:It's not his best cover, in fact I'd put it as one of his worst.Iron Butterfly wrote:It's a terrible cover by Lambert. He has no idea how to sing a rock song. Every time that daft old bat posts a video like this she looks even more obsessive.SweetCaroline wrote: I posted that just so YOU could jump all over it, Icy! You never disappoint!!!!!I hardly jumped all over it. You posted for no good reason. You posted it as a way to bait then. Like I say, don't post anything on my account. At least I know you are trolling with most of the crap you post. Again, don't do it on my account. But at least we know why sweetcaroline posted it now ;-). And she has posted hm covering WLL so many times, to prove what exactly? He doesn't do it any justice. Major cringe factor. |
rockchic65 25.07.2018 21:12 |
How could anyone tell with that vid, the sound quality is absolute crap. |
Iron Butterfly 25.07.2018 21:15 |
rockchic65 wrote: How could anyone tell with that vid, the sound quality is absolute crap.It's 'pretty exciting' don't you know ;-). But it's just crap, period ;-) |
SweetCaroline 26.07.2018 00:05 |
Better sound, different audience but same screaming! link He is more tame now! LOL |
Iron Butterfly 26.07.2018 00:51 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Better sound, different audience but same screaming! link He is more tame now! LOLThat is really not impressive. |
snifflese 26.07.2018 02:04 |
When American Idol was in full swing, I thought these performance were great. I guess in comparison to everyone else they were, but now they don't seem nearly as good. The ones I still think are excellent are the Mad World, Change is Gonna Come, and Feeling Good. Adam has progressed so far in the last 10 years that I don't feel they really showcase his singing now. There is no comparison between how he sang Whole Lotta Love and how he now performs the Queen songs, To me it just shows how he has nurtured his talent and improved tenfold over the years. These videos are good to see just how far he has come, but are in no way indicative of how he now sings. He did over sing and hit too many crazy high notes which he no longer does .Now his performances are much more nuanced and vastly improved! |
Star* 26.07.2018 06:18 |
Snifflese : And he still forgets the words on Queens songs and he has been singing them long enough. Is there anybody decent who you like then or are you into pretty boys who think they are stars? |
rockchic65 26.07.2018 08:00 |
happystar wrote: Snifflese : And he still forgets the words on Queens songs and he has been singing them long enough. Is there anybody decent who you like then or are you into pretty boys who think they are stars?Find me a singer who doesn't forget words, Freddie certainly did and he wrote a lot of them, as does Adam with his own songs, it happens. |
rockchic65 26.07.2018 08:03 |
snifflese wrote: When American Idol was in full swing, I thought these performance were great. I guess in comparison to everyone else they were, but now they don't seem nearly as good. The ones I still think are excellent are the Mad World, Change is Gonna Come, and Feeling Good. Adam has progressed so far in the last 10 years that I don't feel they really showcase his singing now. There is no comparison between how he sang Whole Lotta Love and how he now performs the Queen songs, To me it just shows how he has nurtured his talent and improved tenfold over the years. These videos are good to see just how far he has come, but are in no way indicative of how he now sings. He did over sing and hit too many crazy high notes which he no longer does .Now his performances are much more nuanced and vastly improved!Technically what he could do with his voice even then was amazing, but it was just more like throwing in riffs, high notes etc all over the place rather than in the context of the song. Like you say now his singing is more nuanced and has more finesse. I'd love to see QAL do a cover of WLL, just once, to see how he'd approach the song now. Brian started playing it as a joke once during one of their shows. |
Vocal harmony 26.07.2018 11:57 |
happystar wrote:[ A few years ago on here i was chatting to a roadie of Queens and he said he was at the mixing desk and Adam sounded ghastly he also admitted to me that Queen are shit with Lambert and that is coming from a roadie !Please do tell us more, who this "roadie" was and what the conversation was. I'm sure there are many on here who would find it interesting, especially those of us who have been members of this forum for ten years or more but still missed this! If he was at the mixing desk it does cut down the possibilities a little, but please do enlighten us. |
Vocal harmony 26.07.2018 12:00 |
runner_70 wrote: Lamebird is sweating because he is overweight and knows he is destroying all those great songsAnd I supose Freddie sweating on stage was result of him wearing less clothing than Lambert! |
runner_70 26.07.2018 12:42 |
Freddie played instruments on stage ran around and sang. Lame-Ass is looking like a retarded clown, is yodeling thru the Queen catalogue and is lost on the big stage |
SweetCaroline 26.07.2018 13:08 |
Interesting Tweet this morning: “I just realized that the opening scene of #Secrets is @Pink looking at @QueenWillRock & @adamlambert! Legends supporting legends” |
runner_70 26.07.2018 13:16 |
Neither Pink is a legend (she was good until her last album but far from a legend) nor is Lame-Bird |
SweetCaroline 26.07.2018 14:12 |
Here’s the Secrets music video which Pink filmed while on tour in Australia: link |
SweetCaroline 26.07.2018 14:35 |
“Adam Lambert IG Happy Birthday Roger Taylor!!” link |
Star* 26.07.2018 14:36 |
Pink is overrated and a closet Lesbian. |
SweetCaroline 26.07.2018 14:57 |
happystar, showing your anti-LGBT bigotry against Pink like you do against Adam? Did you think Freddie was straight? |
Star* 26.07.2018 15:03 |
Sweetcaroline : You are wrong i am not anti gay one little bit. Just saying pink is a closet lesbian but likes people to think she is straight |
SweetCaroline 26.07.2018 15:30 |
Nice/funny tribute: link |
rockchic65 26.07.2018 15:36 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Nice/funny tribute: link Ha, they finally put it up on YouTube, always wondered why they didn't do it before. |
runner_70 26.07.2018 15:45 |
The lame-Ass mocking a Queen song again. Seems to be his main goal in life. Sad twat |
rockchic65 26.07.2018 15:55 |
runner_70 wrote: The lame-Ass mocking a Queen song again. Seems to be his main goal in life. Sad twatDon't be ridiculous it was a skit for Jame's 50th show, it was meant to be fun, how is that mocking? |
runner_70 26.07.2018 16:18 |
he is ridiculing WATC |
rockchic65 26.07.2018 16:24 |
runner_70 wrote: he is ridiculing WATCHe's not ridiculing anything, like I said it's for fun, why is everything such a big deal? If Brian & Roger don't mind him changing the words for a skit why should anyone else. If that had been George Michael singing it for a sketch would you have said he was ridiculing it? |
runner_70 26.07.2018 16:45 |
yes I would but GM would not have had such a bad taste and mocking this classic. What gives Lame-Ass the right to do that. Complete fucking twat this guy is |
rockchic65 26.07.2018 16:50 |
runner_70 wrote: yes I would but GM would not have had such a bad taste and mocking this classic. What gives Lame-Ass the right to do that. Complete fucking twat this guy isYou do talk utter rubbish, he's not mocking anything. Have Brian or Roger complained? I think their opinion of what he does with the songs holds more weight than anyone else's. |
Star* 26.07.2018 17:58 |
Rockchic: Brian & Roger dont care what Adam does with the songs as long as they get the money. The Queen legacy is destroyed now thanks to May & Taylors very bad taste in lead singers. |
Star* 26.07.2018 18:01 |
vocal harmony: Cant tell you who the roadie was on here who said Lambert sounded terrible on the mixing desk but i can tell you he was not on Queenzone that long, say a couple of months then he left the site. Still you wont believe me because i cannot provide the evidence , never mind ..... tut tut... |
Star* 26.07.2018 18:05 |
Peppa Pig for lead singer for Queen ! He would do a better job than Adam Lambprick ha ha ha |
rockchic65 26.07.2018 18:07 |
happystar wrote: Rockchic: Brian & Roger dont care what Adam does with the songs as long as they get the money. The Queen legacy is destroyed now thanks to May & Taylors very bad taste in lead singers.Maybe so, they don't seem to mind the adverts that use their music either. But regardless I really don't see he did anything wrong, it was just a bit of fun, he loves Queen and wouldn't deliberately do anything to diss them and their taste in singers is fine. |
Star* 26.07.2018 19:10 |
Brian May has lapses of bad taste, he even recorded a cd with druggie Dappy! May & Taylor & Deacon get paid if Queen music is used in adverts, i am not disputing that, but replacing a magnificent lead singer with a guy that had never been in a rock band before was truly shocking and inappropiate to say the least or should we say desperate. I remember Elton telling Brian "go out there and find a kid who can do those songs justice" So Brian May took notice of dumb Elton and destroyed Queen forever! Thanks Elton. |
rockchic65 26.07.2018 19:17 |
happystar wrote: Brian May has lapses of bad taste, he even recorded a cd with druggie Dappy! May & Taylor & Deacon get paid if Queen music is used in adverts, i am not disputing that, but replacing a magnificent lead singer with a guy that had never been in a rock band before was truly shocking and inappropiate to say the least or should we say desperate. I remember Elton telling Brian "go out there and find a kid who can do those songs justice" So Brian May took notice of dumb Elton and destroyed Queen forever! Thanks Elton.But he didn't, he went out and found exactly that. Slash, Ryan Tedder, Meat loaf, Rob Halford, lots of others all think he's a rock singer and rate him as a brilliant vocalist who can do all sorts of things with his voice. You don't like him but that's not the general consensus and none of them nor other people in the industry would agree with you. Queen hasn't been destroyed in the eyes of anyone who really matters, just a few hard core fans that no one will even know about outside of a few forums and fan pages. |
Star* 26.07.2018 19:38 |
Ooh i do not think its just a few fans that are put off Queen now i believe they have lost an entire stadium full but been replaced by Adam Lambert fans. Remember that statement Brian made about fans who never approved Lambert? He said to the ardent Queens "If that is the case then thank you and goodbye! Brian is at an age where he is thankful to be still in the eyes of the public even though he is 71 and Lambert been much younger keeps him in the publics eyes. so he will go with anything Lambert wants to be on stage just to stay popular. You could call it desperation. |
runner_70 26.07.2018 19:46 |
Wait for the BR movie where Maylor are going to big themselves up and degrading Freddie. |
rockchic65 26.07.2018 20:44 |
happystar wrote: Ooh i do not think its just a few fans that are put off Queen now i believe they have lost an entire stadium full but been replaced by Adam Lambert fans. Remember that statement Brian made about fans who never approved Lambert? He said to the ardent Queens "If that is the case then thank you and goodbye! Brian is at an age where he is thankful to be still in the eyes of the public even though he is 71 and Lambert been much younger keeps him in the publics eyes. so he will go with anything Lambert wants to be on stage just to stay popular. You could call it desperation.Well that's quite the admission from you, Adam having enough fans to fill a stadium, when only the other day you said he'd have no career after Queen. Quite the contradiction there, can't have it both ways. Brian said that at the start of the 2014 tour, when he made it obvious he didn't think that many Queen fans would be interested, but that turned out not to be true. |
runner_70 26.07.2018 20:52 |
it is true real Queen fans turn their back in shame |
rockchic65 27.07.2018 09:53 |
runner_70 wrote: it is true real Queen fans turn their back in shameBut they don't, only in your mind and a few others who prefer to bury their head and ignore the evidence to the contrary. |
Star* 27.07.2018 10:46 |
Well whatever this is it certainly will never be Queen again as we know it. Queen have been and gone and what we have here is a skeleton watered down version of a band that was dynamic and unbeatable around 34 years ago! Other bands have watered down versions of themselves as well and its never the same again. The original bands are always the best. More woman than men appeal towards Lambert but that must be a typical crush thing going on there. Lambert wont bother us here in the Uk, but he does spoil Queen and what they stood for all those years ago. They were a classy sophisticated rock outfit and nobody could touch them. |
rockchic65 27.07.2018 11:03 |
happystar wrote: Well whatever this is it certainly will never be Queen again as we know it. Queen have been and gone and what we have here is a skeleton watered down version of a band that was dynamic and unbeatable around 34 years ago! Other bands have watered down versions of themselves as well and its never the same again. The original bands are always the best. More woman than men appeal towards Lambert but that must be a typical crush thing going on there. Lambert wont bother us here in the Uk, but he does spoil Queen and what they stood for all those years ago. They were a classy sophisticated rock outfit and nobody could touch them.He hasn't spoiled anything it's just a different type of gig and obviously it's not the same, no one would expect it to be, you can't replicate something but that doesn't mean you can't like something new. They aren't pretending to be Queen, they're Queen +, no one expects a traditional Queen gig. IMO that's why this works, they don't even try to do it the same as with Freddie. Lambert has fans of all ages and types not just women, lots of guys go to his solo shows, probably a lot of them gay but so what, bums on seats is what it's about at the end of the day, but the majority of people at the shows are Queen fans, a lot will be casual fans of the greatest hits albums variety but there are some hard core Queen fans there, you only have to read facebook for all the comments saying I hope they do this or that song, one's only hard core fans would ask for. We know it's not your thing but lots of people love it and accept it for what it is. |
runner_70 27.07.2018 12:14 |
Rockchic psycho when do you get it. Maylor pretend to be Queen whcih they clearly aren't. YOu did not get the cake example as well did you? Flour and water does not make a cake. Got it? If not think again and try harder. |
snifflese 27.07.2018 14:03 |
Your analogies are crappy. QAL is not Queen, which Brian has stated many times. They are not pretending to be anything other than what they are. They wrote a lot of the music and have rights to all of it, so they choose how it is put out there. Right now they want to tour with it! It has been a resounding success and they are having the time of their lives. Long term Queen fans have mentioned how happy they look on stage and they don't recall that ever. I am sure touring with Freddie could be a lot more tedious than with Adam. Freddie didn't sound like the easiest person to deal with. At the end of the day Queen is just not Freddie. That seems to be your perception. He did not write all the music and he wasn't the only person in the band. There were 3 other VERY IMPORTANT people who made up Queen. For me, my fav songs are from Brian, not Freddie. Freddie got a rewrite after he died and that often happens. Just like M. Jackson. It is funny how dying makes you some deity at the end of the day. Some of you folks need to get a grip! This is not Queen, not was it ever meant to be and most of us are extremely happy with QAL! Get over it!! |
Holly2003 27.07.2018 14:16 |
"Some of you folks need to get a grip!" Look in the mirror. What you know about Queen could be written on the back of a postage stamp. And you have the fucking cheek to come on a Queen forum and disrespect Fred? Behave yourself. |
runner_70 27.07.2018 16:27 |
snifflese is the worst to put down Freddie in ervy imaginable way to big up the ladyboy. She might only have Greatest Hits one at all. It is common knowledge that not Freddie was the Diva in Queen but Brian and Freddie was usually the guy the glued them all together after a row. Pathetic reading those postings from Glamtarts knowing shit about Queen history. They should finally fuck off from here |
rockchic65 27.07.2018 16:59 |
runner_70 wrote: Rockchic psycho when do you get it. Maylor pretend to be Queen whcih they clearly aren't. YOu did not get the cake example as well did you? Flour and water does not make a cake. Got it? If not think again and try harder.Love how you have the cheek to call me psycho, think you need to take a look in the mirror first after most of your posts on here. Maylor don't pretend to be Queen, Brian specifically said in an interview "I don't know if you can call what we are Queen, but we're some version of it". As to the cake example, obviously I got it, just didn't really care since for one you didn't think of it, just asked someone on facebook if you could use it and regardless what you call them they are still great. I personally couldn't care less if they choose to call themselves Smilebert or similar, I'd still go to see them because for me it's about hearing my favourite music played and sung well period. Two remaining members of the band singing songs that in a lot of cases they wrote or co wrote and certainly played on makes part of Queen and if they choose to still use the name then that's their prerogative, being how they own the right to the name. Freddie may have thought up the name but they weren't his backing band. |
runner_70 27.07.2018 18:15 |
They don't pretend to be Queen but call themselves Queen? Okay......Enjoy your cake made of flour and water..............Still better than the QAL abomination |
runner_70 27.07.2018 18:16 |
Well rockchic nothing against your fave songs played well (which they might) but the problem arises with "sung well".... |
snifflese 27.07.2018 18:17 |
I am not disrespecting Freddie in any way, shape or form. He was amazing and had so many talents, but I am not talking about Queen. All my remarks pertain to QAL which a lot of you totally disrespect. It is bad enough to disprespect Adam, but it is Brian and Roger that deserve all the respect in the world and they don't get it from you lot! How can you disrespect them in the manner YOU DO and on a Queen site! As I said QAL is a different beast than Queen was. It is still Biran and Roger's band and I am sure John has signed off on this, too. They wrote a ton of the music and they can do with it whatever they want. Freddie was NOT the whole band. His solo album wasn't all that, so I imagine he became famous due to the hard work of the other guys in the band. It more than likely wouldn't have worked without all four of them. It isn't always all about Freddie!!! This is a QAL thread. I am not posting on a Queen site and there is nothing dispectful to Freddie anyway. He isn't a God, although some of you act as if he is! I don't need to know the all the little tidbits about Queen to enjoy their music and be thankful they all got together and made fabulous music for us to enjoy decades later. Knowing all the stuff you do, sure detracts from your enjoyment of the here and now. Can't see that being a Queen expert makes anything better. The die hards don't seem to be esp. unpleasant people from what I have seen over the past 8 yrs reading Queen boards. |
snifflese 27.07.2018 18:32 |
In my previous post I meant it was the hard work of all four of the orignal members! I forgot to add "including himself:. The point is it wasn't just Freddie writing all the music and being the only one in the band. It was a joing effort and many of you seen to forget or disregard that totally and I don't understand that! |
rockchic65 27.07.2018 18:40 |
runner_70 wrote: Well rockchic nothing against your fave songs played well (which they might) but the problem arises with "sung well"....They are played brilliantly and as for the singing, that's personal taste, objectively they are sung well, just not to your taste. |
Iron Butterfly 27.07.2018 18:52 |
What is ironic to me is that some Glamberts expect Queen fans to know and care about every little move AL makes...and on Queen boards no less. AL's mother gets married, hey why not link to a picture of that? One example of how things happened on QOL. Yet, some Glamberts can't even be bothered about some things in Queen history. |
SweetCaroline 27.07.2018 19:49 |
I keep hearing Freddie singing “Don’t Stop Me Now” in a current commercial, so Queen and even Freddie are still alive and well. The legacy has not been harmed by Queen and Adam. |
snifflese 27.07.2018 20:01 |
Do you not get the difference between a "Queen" thread on Queenzone and a "QAL" thread on Queenzone?? Icy, Adam is a band member and has been for close to 200 concerts and 6 years. Stuff about Adam CAN be posted here. Personally, I wouldn't put anything about his Mom here, but technically, there should be no issue. Don't read here if stuff like that offends you because it is about Adam who is an integral part of QAL. For the 100th time, I DO NOT Have to know all about Queen's back history. Do you understand that? I know which songs I love and have always loved. Nothing has changed in that regard. I know I have always liked Brian's music the best. That is all I need to know!!! I never go to a Queen thread and say anything, but I can post here as I do know quite a bit more about QAL. I have seen them twice, but have never seen Queen. So, I feel more comfortable about discussing QAL. Brian and Roger rock, esp. Brian for me. So happy that they are still performing. They are amazing and I hope to see them again at some point! Queen's history is not going to change anything for me. |
runner_70 27.07.2018 20:07 |
Snifflese ölast time i checked the "Q" in QAL stood for Queen-sth Maylor are absolutely not. And where you got the info that "john singed off on this" . He just doesnt give a flying fuck what Maylor do as he is getting hi money but he clearly stated that Queen without Freddie is over. You do know more about QAL??? YOU hardly know anything about QUeen at all just about their current ladyboy sound raper thats all. So shut the fuck up with your drivel about Freddie who saved your ladyboy's tanking solo career. |
runner_70 27.07.2018 20:08 |
Snifflese Adam is NOT a band member you sick mofo. |
snifflese 27.07.2018 20:22 |
You watch it with that disgusting mouth of yours! Maybe somebody should notify Brian and Roger about you referring to ladies just like you did and calling Adam a raper! Get a grip on the language. You are just so vile I can't believe it! |
runner_70 27.07.2018 21:14 |
He is raping the sound of Queen - just the truth. That's why I called him "sound raper" you stupid twat. I am getting more namecalls from Glamfucks on here..... |
Iron Butterfly 27.07.2018 21:19 |
snifflese wrote: Do you not get the difference between a "Queen" thread on Queenzone and a "QAL" thread on Queenzone?? Icy, Adam is a band member and has been for close to 200 concerts and 6 years. Stuff about Adam CAN be posted here. Personally, I wouldn't put anything about his Mom here, but technically, there should be no issue. Don't read here if stuff like that offends you because it is about Adam who is an integral part of QAL. For the 100th time, I DO NOT Have to know all about Queen's back history. Do you understand that? I know which songs I love and have always loved. Nothing has changed in that regard. I know I have always liked Brian's music the best. That is all I need to know!!! I never go to a Queen thread and say anything, but I can post here as I do know quite a bit more about QAL. I have seen them twice, but have never seen Queen. So, I feel more comfortable about discussing QAL. Brian and Roger rock, esp. Brian for me. So happy that they are still performing. They are amazing and I hope to see them again at some point! Queen's history is not going to change anything for me.Yeah, I do. Do you and sweetcaroline know the difference between here and Adamtopia? One of you sure don't. Guess who it was that linked to private moments of AL out the public eye? To your credit, you have never sank that low. How the fk is AL a band member? Especially when he says himself he is a guest. When AL has wrote and put everything Ito these Queen songs, then you can come back to me about him being a member. Until then, no he isn't. |
Iron Butterfly 27.07.2018 21:21 |
SweetCaroline wrote: I keep hearing Freddie singing “Don’t Stop Me Now” in a current commercial, so Queen and even Freddie are still alive and well. The legacy has not been harmed by Queen and Adam.Queen's music has always been out there. Is it just now that is sinking in for you? |
snifflese 27.07.2018 21:51 |
A band member is someone who sings with a band and after 6 years that is a band member. I am sure Adam says that since he doesn't want to rustle anyone's feather's. He is a band member of QAL,not Queen! You of all people should see the difference. He is not a part of "Queen", he is a part of QAL and this is the QAL thread! Honestly people!! This is ridiculous. If you don't like him, fine. No one cares. Just quite being so ugly and confrontational. It is always the Queen die hards. You don't find any "glamtarts" as you call them, being like that. What that says about you folks is not very flattering! |
Iron Butterfly 27.07.2018 22:26 |
snifflese wrote: A band member is someone who sings with a band and after 6 years that is a band member. I am sure Adam says that since he doesn't want to rustle anyone's feather's. He is a band member of QAL,not Queen! You of all people should see the difference. He is not a part of "Queen", he is a part of QAL and this is the QAL thread! Honestly people!! This is ridiculous. If you don't like him, fine. No one cares. Just quite being so ugly and confrontational. It is always the Queen die hards. You don't find any "glamtarts" as you call them, being like that. What that says about you folks is not very flattering!Do you think Paul Rodgers was a band member? You are tarring people with the same brush with your it is always the Queen die hards who are ugly and confrontational. Sweetcaroline has sure been ugly enough to compare people to Trump. |
SweetCaroline 28.07.2018 00:23 |
Trump always must have the last word and he can’t stand the slightest criticism! Goes on non-stop twitter rampages to prove his point! Sound familiar? |
snifflese 28.07.2018 00:51 |
As I said in a different thread, Icy, If the shoe fits?.... |
Iron Butterfly 28.07.2018 02:06 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Trump always must have the last word and he can’t stand the slightest criticism! Goes on non-stop twitter rampages to prove his point! Sound familiar?Sounds exactly like you actually. |
Brancelli 28.07.2018 05:15 |
Reading some of these responses has left me curious whether there may actually be a couple of people here who think Adam is the reason the Bohemian Rhapsody movie is coming out later this year, since he's keeping Queen alive. And why do you keep responding to Runner? He has no substantive responses. He's trolling you and laughing his ass off cause he's getting under your skin. Ignore the fool. Also, Marc's rendition of You Take My Breath Away, for anyone interested. Wonder if the lyric change was intentional: link |
Star* 28.07.2018 07:07 |
Snifflese : Firstly who the fuck do you think you are slagging of Legend Freddie Mercury? He was a legend and he was the only Queen member who had all the fab ideas to get Queen were they are today. Freddie may have been a little difficult to work with but that is only because he cared for the band and there future. You treat Freddie as though he was nothing, Fact, Freddie's song writing gt the band famous and gave them that important break that they needed, You claimed the band were not happy been on stage with Freddie and always serious, well they were very serious in the work they done on stage and they concentrated very much, Maybe now they laugh on stage because they cannot believe that fools like you swallow the crap they offer. You are the doughnut thinking Adam Lambert is king of Queen and Lambert is immortal , what garbage and if you are a teacher i suggest you fuck off back to college and learn some proper rock history on Queen, The band does not revolve around little nancy Lambert in mamas boots. |
rockchic65 28.07.2018 07:44 |
Brancelli wrote: Reading some of these responses has left me curious whether there may actually be a couple of people here who think Adam is the reason the Bohemian Rhapsody movie is coming out later this year, since he's keeping Queen alive. And why do you keep responding to Runner? He has no substantive responses. He's trolling you and laughing his ass off cause he's getting under your skin. Ignore the fool. Also, Marc's rendition of You Take My Breath Away, for anyone interested. Wonder if the lyric change was intentional: linkWell he did say he was doing a Queen covers EP but changing them up in his own way, I just assumed he meant the musical arrangement not the actual words. |
runner_70 28.07.2018 10:06 |
Well the Lamefart is doing the same as he sings the songs in goatstyle and messing up the words without telling anyone b4 |
rockchic65 28.07.2018 10:29 |
runner_70 wrote: Well the Lamefart is doing the same as he sings the songs in goatstyle and messing up the words without telling anyone b4Serious question - by what logic is it ok for Marc to re record Queen songs for an actual EP and change not only the phrasing, melody line and even lyrics, but not ok for the guy chosen by Brian & Roger to sing with them to slightly change the phrasing, with the bands blessing, and occasionally mix up the lyrics, something all singers including Freddie did on occasion? |
snifflese 28.07.2018 16:07 |
Anybody but Adam is the mantra here for some of us. I have heards some awful Queen covers over the years and yet, they get lots of praise from the usual suspects. Not sure why Adam triggers the animus or maybe, if the others sang full time with Queen it would be the same. Somehow, I don't think so, tho. I do think it is because there is a Freddie aspect to Adam and they don't want aybody else to be successful with the band. The hero worship is a little much! Particularly since it is all Freddiecentric, sometimes it seems as if he was the only member of the band. I doubt even Freddie would have been as successful without the other 3. It took all three members to pull it off. |
snifflese 28.07.2018 16:08 |
It took all three members plus Freddie to pull it off! Woops!!! |
SweetCaroline 28.07.2018 16:44 |
I think they resent Adam because he IS so good! |
Star* 28.07.2018 17:51 |
Snifflese: Excuse me that is the other way round, Brian Roger & John would not have been famous if it was not for Freddie. Freddie was the one who shaped the band and musically fired them all in the direction of fame and wealth. You are deluded if you think Adam has any Freddie aspect to him, in his dreams. You sound like a little childish girl writing drivel and wetting her knickers thinking of your tranny lady boy. Does your hubby know you finger your pussy thinking of adam? poor twat. |
snifflese 28.07.2018 19:09 |
You are a disgusting piec of crap. I can't imagine writing something foul like that. I would hate to be your mother, she would be mortified by your behavior. I know exactly what I would call you, but I have been raised properly and would never write something like that! Keep on thinking it was all Freddie. For some of us Brian and Roger count. They started the band with John and Freddie came in after, maybe without them, he would have been nothing. No way to tell. But it is disgusting to me your worship of Freddie as no one else matters. Some of us prefer other band members! |
Star* 28.07.2018 20:14 |
Snifflese: You are the one that is disgusting as Adam is you think about on this Queen site. I am highly offended that you come on Queenzone to spout your verbal vile of a guy/freak that has not got a quarter of the talent Freddie had in his little finger and you call that great, you need ears . Secondly if you think i am disgusting to use sexual references the way i did then you probably have no sex life and i am sure your hubby pulls your nightie down when his finishes eh? ha ha ha . Now go an moan over that. |
runner_70 28.07.2018 22:19 |
Happy you obviously are onto sth bout this as snifflese is getting so upset. So they started the band with John and Freddie came later? This is also news to me. Last time I checked Freddie came on board changed the name the attitude and everything and they tried out a number of bass players and John entered as the last official member. But as Glamtarts know better I might be wrong. I have no problem with MM or other GOOD artists doing Queen versions. I hate talentfree manufactured pop fluke freaks with no substance that make a joke out of Queen. |
rockchic65 28.07.2018 22:43 |
runner_70 wrote: Happy you obviously are onto sth bout this as snifflese is getting so upset. So they started the band with John and Freddie came later? This is also news to me. Last time I checked Freddie came on board changed the name the attitude and everything and they tried out a number of bass players and John entered as the last official member. But as Glamtarts know better I might be wrong. I have no problem with MM or other GOOD artists doing Queen versions. I hate talentfree manufactured pop fluke freaks with no substance that make a joke out of Queen.No you're right Brian & Roger started Smile, Freddie joined and then John last and Freddie thought of the name Queen - happy now? As to MM etc, it's pretty obvious your only problem is with Adam, apparently the fact Marc has decided to do a Queen covers EP and a Queen themed xmas album, changing the songs his own way and at least in YTMBA has changed the opening lyrics and one or two others doesn't matter one bit, but I can just imagine what you'd have to say if Adam decided to record WWTLF like someone asked him to the other day. |
snifflese 29.07.2018 01:03 |
So, I was wrong about John, big deal. But Brian and Roger started it initially and if they hadn't had a band for Freddie to join, who knows what would have happened. My point is that it was 4 people who put in the work and the creativity and made it what it now is. It just wasn't Freddie. Some of you assume that if Freddie wasn't in the band Queen would be nothing. Nobody knows that, as the other 3 are creative and wonderful musicians. It just irks me that Freddie gets all the credit for everything and that more than likely is just not so, even if he pushed them all to the sidelines with his overwhelming personality. You never know what goes on behind the scenes unless you were one of the band members and nobody here is. Yea, Rockchic it is just Adam, that for whatever reason, they don't like. Anybody else does something and it is just perfectly fine. Another thing that annoys the heck out of me. To each his own. |
SweetCaroline 29.07.2018 04:08 |
Like I said before, Adam is an exciting showman and entertainer with a powerful vocal range. Persona wise, Marc and Paul are blah! They are good singers but have zero personalities. |
Brancelli 29.07.2018 05:23 |
His use of range is extremely good, but his overall measured range is nothing spectacular. But all he needs to do is just scream a falsetto note once or twice, and get into that 6th octave like he probably can. He's not much on falsetto for the high notes, and I can respect that. Wish he had a better lower register too, cause his 2nd octave notes are generally weak. zero personalities, eh? So they are just stiff as boards out there singing like robots? Still would love to hear Marc do "White Queen", it'd be good regardless of personality. And would give Brian a good solo opportunity. |
runner_70 29.07.2018 06:43 |
Calling a legend like Paul Rodgers out as being losers while Lame-Bird is praised as hero is beyong embarrasing. Snifflese: Give it up - each time you post something about Queen it is utter drivel and completely wrong. And hell yes: Freddie needed the other three but Freddie was the heart and sould of Queen there is no doubt about it. Even though you hate him remember it is him that keeps your goatboy on life support career-wise..... |
Star* 29.07.2018 06:55 |
Lets get this straight, Brian & Roger were in a group called "Smile which lost its lead singer Tim Staffell and to be honest the band were getting nowhere and so when Freddie heard they needed a new singer he begged Brian & Roger he could make a difference and he did for he changed the bands name and designed the iconic Queen crest then they had a couple of bass players that never worked out before the wonderful John Deacon was on aboard and Freddie had a grand plan to get the band into the music industry. Snifflese your Queen knowledge is poor because you seem to know more about Lambert than you do Queen history and that is shameful. If Freddie never came to the rescue of Brian & Roger there would be no Queen and no great music. Brian & Roger would have quit, Roger would have gone back to dentistry and Brian would have carved out a career in astronomy. By the way Lambert is not a showman that word gets used to easily these days. He is only a bog standard singer. He has no personality and sings like he is in church. |
rockchic65 29.07.2018 07:06 |
runner_70 29.07.2018 07:20 |
I dont care if he hits A2 or A100. He sucks when he is opening his mouth. |
rockchic65 29.07.2018 07:23 |
happystar wrote: Lets get this straight, Brian & Roger were in a group called "Smile which lost its lead singer Tim Staffell and to be honest the band were getting nowhere and so when Freddie heard they needed a new singer he begged Brian & Roger he could make a difference and he did for he changed the bands name and designed the iconic Queen crest then they had a couple of bass players that never worked out before the wonderful John Deacon was on aboard and Freddie had a grand plan to get the band into the music industry. Snifflese your Queen knowledge is poor because you seem to know more about Lambert than you do Queen history and that is shameful. If Freddie never came to the rescue of Brian & Roger there would be no Queen and no great music. Brian & Roger would have quit, Roger would have gone back to dentistry and Brian would have carved out a career in astronomy. By the way Lambert is not a showman that word gets used to easily these days. He is only a bog standard singer. He has no personality and sings like he is in church.I agree with most of what you said but not all. Adam can and does put on a show just in a totally different way to how Freddie did it. Might not be your thing but lots of people love the way he acts on stage and that word gets used all the time in reviews and not just with Queen, his reviews for his first tour also called him a showman. There's tons of people over the years you could call showman and they're all different and I'd wager some of them wouldn't appeal to you personally but to their fans that's what they are. Robbie Williams? Doesn't appeal to me but gets called a showman all the time. I don't agree it's shameful to not know that much about Queen, some people just don't look into bands and learn their history they just listen to the music. I personally don't know much about a lot of bands/singers I listen to except the odd few, Queen being one of them. I suppose it's whether you personally find them or the singer fascinating enough to want to know about them or just prefer to listen to the music. Either way works, it's just an unusual situation in this case since if Adam wasn't singing for them people wouldn't be on the forum if they weren't interested in knowing about the band so there will be a few who are here mainly because of Adam. Or to put it another way, if Smile had been a fully fledged band for several years and Freddie a solo artist you followed, how much would you have looked into Smile if he started singing with them? |
rockchic65 29.07.2018 07:24 |
runner_70 wrote: I dont care if he hits A2 or A100. He sucks when he is opening his mouth.In your opinion which isn't shared by lots of others. |
rockchic65 29.07.2018 07:25 |
Brancelli wrote: His use of range is extremely good, but his overall measured range is nothing spectacular. But all he needs to do is just scream a falsetto note once or twice, and get into that 6th octave like he probably can. He's not much on falsetto for the high notes, and I can respect that. Wish he had a better lower register too, cause his 2nd octave notes are generally weak. zero personalities, eh? So they are just stiff as boards out there singing like robots? Still would love to hear Marc do "White Queen", it'd be good regardless of personality. And would give Brian a good solo opportunity.Adam's range is E2 - Bb5 full voice and yeah he's not much for falsetto, he never really needed it since he can hit that high in full and head voice.. Would be interesting to know just how high he could go using falsetto but maybe he's never tried pushing that. I think his low register has improved since being with Queen this long, I'd say he can go to A2 ok but it's never gonna be his favourite octave to sing in, his strength is definitely in the higher registers but range isn't the main thing really, it's got to sound good as well, there's singers who can get higher but some don't always sound great once they get into the 6th octave. For me his strength lies in the way he can use his voice rather than just the range he can hit. White Queen is one of my favourite Queen songs, especially the live Odeon one, perfection IMO. |
Star* 29.07.2018 09:29 |
Why do people go on about how high Lambert can screech its not important at all. Many good singers dont use high range to sing a song well. Lambert is very overrated about the high range he screeches and he does sound like a cat having its balls chopped off. |
rockchic65 29.07.2018 09:55 |
happystar wrote: Why do people go on about how high Lambert can screech its not important at all. Many good singers dont use high range to sing a song well. Lambert is very overrated about the high range he screeches and he does sound like a cat having its balls chopped off.No he doesn't he can sing high in lots of ways from the typical rock scream to the more operatic style and the pure head voice style. Range is only important in the sense you have to be able to reach the notes required in each song but there's a lot of people for who range seems to be the most important thing, you only have to look how many range comparison vids there are on YouTube. Adam's own answer to range is "but does it sound good", since in his opinion usable range is more important than the top note you can hit. For me range isn't anywhere near the most important thing but all the things I love about Adam's voice are probably the things that put you and a few others off. |
runner_70 29.07.2018 09:56 |
He sounds like a goat being raped. There are more than "few" who hate this annoying tool |
rockchic65 29.07.2018 09:57 |
runner_70 wrote: He sounds like a goat being rapedThe more worrying thing is that you'd know what that sounds like!! |
runner_70 29.07.2018 10:00 |
Well excactly like this abomination called Lamebird |
rockchic65 29.07.2018 10:12 |
Well I wouldn't know thankfully. |
rockchic65 29.07.2018 10:12 |
SweetCaroline 29.07.2018 12:21 |
I would like to hear Adam perform “White Queen” maybe in a smaller venue like the coming shows in Vegas. Here’s a video I haven’t seen before from Glasgow: link |
runner_70 29.07.2018 12:34 |
Awful seeing this hack make fun of KQ/Frank and the whole band with his "I am the gayest guy in town" attitude. Someone should really punish him for what he did to Queen |
SweetCaroline 29.07.2018 12:40 |
Who do you want to punish for this “I am the gayest guy in town” video: link |
runner_70 29.07.2018 12:53 |
NO One to punish as it is a best of of Queen videos and not a ladyboy trying to ridicule Queen songs with his "look at me I am guay " attitude. As you all hate Freddie as the ladyboy is depending his career on him I understand your hate. Lamebird is just a talentfree goatboy thats all he is this lame fucker and I will forever hate him for making my once fave band a joke |
snifflese 29.07.2018 13:14 |
Look People, I don't hate Freddie. That is ridiculous and obviously your English comprehension is not up to snuff. I think Freddie was amazing, multitalented, unique and the list goes on and on. However, I think too many people think he was Queen. There were 3 other talented people. Say Smile never made it w/o Freddie, but would Freddie have made it w/o them? It was a unique jelling of 4 amazing musicians and maybe that is the reason it worked. It took all 4 of them. You folks never give Brian or Roger any credit. It is like he was the backup for Freddie. That is what bugs me. Freddie can't rise up and sing with them anymore, so I am happy to listen to Adam sing Queen. I get a kick out of watching Brian and Roger. They are unbelievable at their age. And I most prefer Adam's kind of voice, always have. I don't like the deep, raspy typical rock voice. Never really did, but that should be OK, I love classical voices and more pure voices. I love operatic voices like Bruce Dickinson. His voice can soar and it is extremely good. Adam's voice is similar to my kind of voice and he changes the sound of the Queen catalog, but not much. They are still Queen. He doesn't screw around with the songs, he adds a few riffs here and there, but he sings them pretty much the same. I bet if you played a person off the streets one of the QAL songs, they might not know that it wasn't Freddie, that is how little he changes them up. I really bet that would be the case on some of them. Most people are not so attuned to every note as we are. You can pick out Freddie, I can pick out Adam, but I am not sure about Mr Joe Public. They would hear Queen music and assume. I don't think it is the different for anyone but people on here. I really am not interested much in back history. I like what I like. I don't know much about my other fav bands, but I either like them or I don't. It is enough for me to just enjoy them. I know more about Adam because he is the most recent and I followed him on Idol and the internet makes learning about someone much easier. If there had been internet back then, I would know more about Queen. Of that I am positive. Thanks for the history lesson. |
SweetCaroline 29.07.2018 13:20 |
No one hates Freddie! That is something conjured up in weak minds who seem to worry that the guy who died prematurely over 20 years ago is in danger of losing his legacy because someone new is touring in his place, which is ridiculous. Freddie’s legacy is more than secure and no one can change that so YOU need to stop being so insecure! |
snifflese 29.07.2018 13:29 |
I thought that was a fabulous video. Freddie was out there and unapologetic and the whole band embraced the craziness. Their videos are iconic because they are different. They are theatrical. They just don't stand there and sing as that is boring and they were anything but boring. Why you are offended and call QAL theatrical,as if it is something awful, is another puzzler for me. They always have been theatrical. I guess just Freddie can be like that, right. Adam does the threatrics in a different way, but there still is that zany quality which makes Queen, Queen. You don't like some of the things he says or does, but if Freddie were here today who knows how he would express his sexuality. You might be surprised with what came out of his mouth. If Freddie can't be here to sing, I still want to see QAL and hear their music. I think Adam sings extremely well and respects the integrity of the music and brings that zany quality. Brian and Roger get to still enjoy what they love best and seem to be having a ball, so if I am the "evil one" for applauding them, so be it. You can stay home and watch your videos. To each his own. |
rockchic65 29.07.2018 13:42 |
runner_70 wrote: NO One to punish as it is a best of of Queen videos and not a ladyboy trying to ridicule Queen songs with his "look at me I am guay " attitude. As you all hate Freddie as the ladyboy is depending his career on him I understand your hate. Lamebird is just a talentfree goatboy thats all he is this lame fucker and I will forever hate him for making my once fave band a jokeAdam doesn't ridicule Queen whatever you like to think, he loves them and Freddie, one of the comments he gets most from Queen fans outside of this forum is how respectful he is so that is just in your mind. No one else thinks Queen is a joke with him either, he's fun and his personality is to generally not take things very serious, except the music which he does take serious despite what you choose to imagine. |
runner_70 29.07.2018 14:07 |
you have a really disturbed view of the word "fun" |
Star* 29.07.2018 14:18 |
Rockchic You once said people laugh at Lambert because he looks stupid the way he dresses up. I understand "Runner" when he says he hates Lambert for turning Queen into a joke because they are a massive embarrassment now. Brian & Roger are past caring about the band now and are just out for the money before they die. |
rockchic65 29.07.2018 14:31 |
happystar wrote: Rockchic You once said people laugh at Lambert because he looks stupid the way he dresses up. I understand "Runner" when he says he hates Lambert for turning Queen into a joke because they are a massive embarrassment now. Brian & Roger are past caring about the band now and are just out for the money before they die.They aren't in the least embarrassing, surely all the comments and reviews tell you that, where have you seen anything aside from a couple of people on here saying that? And you have clearly taken my words out of context, nowhere have I said they laugh at him because he looks stupid, I said he makes people laugh because he's fun and doesn't mind sending himself up about what he wears. The headline of this review sums the show and what people feel about it up - Lambert is utterly respectful of Freddie Mercury's position in the eyes of fans, and chooses to have fun with his role rather than try to imitate the late singer. He's well aware you can't be a replacement for Freddie so he does things his own way and that and the fact he is so respectful means people don't compare they just take it for what it is. Nowhere is any of that an embarrassment. |
SweetCaroline 29.07.2018 14:59 |
It’s more than obvious that these Adam critics need to go to a live QAL show in order to feel the joy and energy these 6 talented guys generate together over two and a half hours. The spirit of Freddie as well as Freddie himself is present in the music as well as the actual images projected. Get a life you guys! Queen’s legacy is in good and capable hands! |
Star* 29.07.2018 15:09 |
Anyone is getting into Queens nest and now you say 6 guys on stage! Sound like a right freak circus to me. Queen are not what direction Lambert is leading them into. They have been mislead by him and my god Roger would not have done this 35 years ago if the same situation had occurred. Brian on the other hand is very naive. |
runner_70 29.07.2018 15:55 |
6 guys on stage where 3 are completely unknown and not even in the spotlight. The is the Maylor Ego Show. The Movie will be the same. Bigging their ego up. |
rockchic65 29.07.2018 16:03 |
runner_70 wrote: 6 guys on stage where 3 are completely unknown and not even in the spotlight. The is the Maylor Ego Show. The Movie will be the same. Bigging their ego up.Wow poor Spike, are you saying Queen fans won't know who he is? |
Star* 29.07.2018 16:32 |
Was not thinking of spike i was thinking of all and sundrae who is helping to milk the last desperate drops out of the old lady as Queen as we know it! There all in it for the money that is a definate. All the scavengers come out to take a piece of the profits. |
runner_70 29.07.2018 16:34 |
But Freddie would have loved this gift from god of course.....not.... |
runner_70 29.07.2018 16:35 |
But Freddie would have loved this gift from god of course.....not.... |
rockchic65 29.07.2018 16:37 |
happystar wrote: Was not thinking of spike i was thinking of all and sundrae who is helping to milk the last desperate drops out of the old lady as Queen as we know it! There all in it for the money that is a definate. All the scavengers come out to take a piece of the profits.Well I know I don't live their lifestyle so I may be wrong but I can't imagine needing to have more than $175 million and that's not including what they'll get for the tours this year. Can't see any reason to tour if you don't want to with that kind of worth. Maybe it's just possible they actually have fun and enjoy what they do. |
SweetCaroline 29.07.2018 16:39 |
So what? As long as the audience is having a good time and getting their money’s worth no one is being harmed! As Brian said in the recent Classic Rock article: it is “just out of this world!” |
runner_70 29.07.2018 16:50 |
Yup really out of this world. Most embarrassing collaboration ever. He is spot on |
Star* 29.07.2018 16:52 |
Well the reason i have never attended a Queen show since 1986 is because you get the feeling something crucial is missing. I would feel terribly disappointed and ripped off. Many of the old fans aged around 50+ would feel like myself as they grow up supporting Freddie & the band. To shun the old fans like Queen have is in my opinion shameful yet they expect all support when they release anything. Queen do not need Adam to keep the band alive because there is umpteen Queen tribute bands around the world doing it every night, The Beatles never hunted for a john Lennon replacement as they had more sense. Queen now look cheap and tacky and you may as well kiss that legacy bye bye as Adam has screwed that up big time. |
rockchic65 29.07.2018 17:05 |
happystar wrote: Well the reason i have never attended a Queen show since 1986 is because you get the feeling something crucial is missing. I would feel terribly disappointed and ripped off. Many of the old fans aged around 50+ would feel like myself as they grow up supporting Freddie & the band. To shun the old fans like Queen have is in my opinion shameful yet they expect all support when they release anything. Queen do not need Adam to keep the band alive because there is umpteen Queen tribute bands around the world doing it every night, The Beatles never hunted for a john Lennon replacement as they had more sense. Queen now look cheap and tacky and you may as well kiss that legacy bye bye as Adam has screwed that up big time.Bit confused how they've shunned anyone? They need a fronman if they are to continue touring, obviously they could have just retired (which they didn't want to do) or carried on with solo projects and Roger still does that in between tours but maybe they wanted to play together. Why would they want to stop realistically if they can still have people coming to see them, they clearly love what they do, musicians generally don't play because they have to it's a passion and actually I don't think they expect anything, they just do what they do and it's up to the individual if they choose to buy things or support them. Not expecting you to go to a show, clearly it's not your thing but there's loads of our age group who do go to these shows and lots have seen Freddie live as well. It's not for everyone but there's no way it's done any harm to their legacy, it's just another chapter in their career. |
SweetCaroline 29.07.2018 18:19 |
I think Brian and Roger were ready to sign Adam on the dotted line on May 20, 2009 after the Idol Finale they were so excited about him. But they took their time and didn’t rush into something they might regret later. When Adam survived in front of 250,000 cheering people in Kiev Square 3 years later, that was a pretty good test. |
runner_70 29.07.2018 18:28 |
What can you expect from 250.000 drunk Russians. They even tolerate a Goat on vocals. |
Star* 29.07.2018 18:43 |
Lambert Will never be as good as Freddie Mercury wowing the worlds stadiums. Second rate pretender. |
Vocal harmony 29.07.2018 18:49 |
runner_70 wrote: 6 guys on stage where 3 are completely unknown and not even in the spotlight. The is the Maylor Ego Show. The Movie will be the same. Bigging their ego up.Don't comment on subjects you have no knowledge of. It makes you appear even more stupid than you already are. It is well documented who Spike is and his long running job as keys player for both Queen and Brian May (in the past) Neil gets a spot in the show where he stands front and centre, spot lit. Tyler plays Roger's kit, providing the second drummer part in the drum battle, during which towards the end I was given free rein to play what he wanted to play, again under his own spot light. Each of these three are also given a big intro by Roger during the show, but hey even though you and nappy star haven't been to a show you should both feel free to impart your wisdom |
Star* 29.07.2018 19:40 |
wouldnt waste my money on such utter trash. |
SweetCaroline 29.07.2018 19:55 |
QAL is the most beautiful production out there right now! A marvelous tribute to the 47 year Queen legacy! |
runner_70 29.07.2018 20:06 |
Utter drivel ridiculing a band that was great until 1991 and making em a laughing stock in the music biz |
Iron Butterfly 29.07.2018 20:28 |
SweetCaroline wrote: QAL is the most beautiful production out there right now! A marvelous tribute to the 47 year Queen legacy!It doesn't top the Tribute in 1992. Not only was that a tribute to Freddie, but the whole band and their legacy. Q+AL is hardly like that, IMO. |
runner_70 29.07.2018 20:35 |
QAL is a tribute to Queen when it comes to satire. Noone takes this crap serious |
Iron Butterfly 29.07.2018 20:36 |
SweetCaroline wrote: I think Brian and Roger were ready to sign Adam on the dotted line on May 20, 2009 after the Idol Finale they were so excited about him. But they took their time and didn’t rush into something they might regret later. When Adam survived in front of 250,000 cheering people in Kiev Square 3 years later, that was a pretty good test.That again. Are you ever going to post any proof of that because you sure have said it often enough as if it's fact. It's not. |
runner_70 29.07.2018 20:38 |
SC rewriting history - as Maylor do. Nex thing is that Lametrud was Freddie's favourite singer. Wait and see |
Iron Butterfly 29.07.2018 20:39 |
SweetCaroline wrote: It’s more than obvious that these Adam critics need to go to a live QAL show in order to feel the joy and energy these 6 talented guys generate together over two and a half hours. The spirit of Freddie as well as Freddie himself is present in the music as well as the actual images projected. Get a life you guys! Queen’s legacy is in good and capable hands!Still trying to sell tickets. I guess AL will need the profits once Q+AL is over. What profits do you get? Queen's legacy isn't in AL's hands, he has very little to do with it. Brian and Roger have made some odd choices in the last few years. The Pepsi ad and Dappy...damn that sucked. |
Iron Butterfly 29.07.2018 20:43 |
runner_70 wrote: SC rewriting history - as Maylor do. Nex thing is that Lametrud was Freddie's favourite singer. Wait and seeNo, not that he is Freddie favorite...but Freddie would have loved AL and some lap that right up ;-). |
runner_70 29.07.2018 20:48 |
Pepsi Dappy FIVE Selling the songs to commercials and as absolute rubissh highlight: L A M E B I R D himself - the prototype of a talentfree twat- sad ending and sellout |
rockchic65 29.07.2018 21:07 |
The only drivel on here is the utter claptrap being spouted. Their legacy is intact, nothing's been ridiculed, loads of people love the shows, them that don't in Brian's words "thanks and goodbye", think that about covers it. As for proof of them wanting him straight after Idol, closest I know of is this, the song Brian mentions was released in 2009. link |
runner_70 29.07.2018 21:25 |
Yup thats a typical Brian May quote- fuck those that stuck with us for ages - we are going the embarrassment route- so old school fans goodbye. Thanks Mr. Brian Money |
rockchic65 29.07.2018 21:30 |
runner_70 wrote: Yup thats a typical Brian May quote- fuck those that stuck with us for ages - we are going the embarrassment route- so old school fans goodbye. Thanks Mr. Brian MoneyDon't blame him, he probably expected more fans to think like you and happy, luckily he was wrong. |
rockchic65 29.07.2018 21:30 |
SweetCaroline 29.07.2018 22:20 |
The Freddie Tribute was 1992, 26 years ago! I said this is the best production NOW! |
Iron Butterfly 29.07.2018 23:31 |
SweetCaroline wrote: The Freddie Tribute was 1992, 26 years ago! I said this is the best production NOW!I know when it was, thanks very much. Of course you would say it's the best. But which other artists and productions are you comparing it to? |
SweetCaroline 30.07.2018 00:56 |
All of them!!!!! |
Iron Butterfly 30.07.2018 01:11 |
SweetCaroline wrote: All of them!!!!!Even those you never saw live? Come on LOL. |
runner_70 30.07.2018 04:53 |
No wonder why it is the best for her when she saw othing else because of her sick Lametart-obsession. The technical aspect of the show might be ok (nothing sensational if you compare it to shows of U2 and lots of others) but the music and the singing should be the Nr 1 concern. Thats when the problems arise......having a goat on the mic cannot overshadow the best production |
snifflese 30.07.2018 14:13 |
I think Caroline has seen quite a few other shows over the last few years. She has often mentioned seeing different people and goups, but of course, that doesn't fit your narrative. I think we have at least three goats here in this thread that keep braying nonsense and putting down a lot of crap! |
SweetCaroline 30.07.2018 14:31 |
snifflese, yes I’ve seen a lot of LIVE shows so I’m a pretty good judge of what is truly outstanding. Last year, along with QAL, I saw the U2 Joshua Tree concert. While I am a big fan of Bono and those guys, I still think the current QAL production is better. Icy, is it okay with you if I post this pic of a beautiful wedding: “DrBrianMay In case anyone was wondering where I was this weekend ... here we are at the very picturesque nuptials of Felix Taylor ( eldest son of Rog) and his bride Jo. And yes - I did get up with the boys and girls to play a couple of songs - ....Bri” link |
runner_70 30.07.2018 15:02 |
Great to see them play Alright now instead of Two Fux. Hope Lamebird was as far away as possible |
Iron Butterfly 30.07.2018 15:03 |
snifflese wrote: I think Caroline has seen quite a few other shows over the last few years. She has often mentioned seeing different people and goups, but of course, that doesn't fit your narrative. I think we have at least three goats here in this thread that keep braying nonsense and putting down a lot of crap!Quite a few? I think QE and U2 are the only other ones I've seen her mention. But no surprise at all she thinks Q+AL is the best. I just wanted to know who she saw that she compared it with. Especially since she says you have to be there to pass judgement, or does that only go for Q+AL? Keep on defending granny Glambert. That makes you look like you have an ax to grind, and it makes her look helpless by the way. |
Iron Butterfly 30.07.2018 15:07 |
SweetCaroline wrote: snifflese, yes I’ve seen a lot of LIVE shows so I’m a pretty good judge of what is truly outstanding. Last year, along with QAL, I saw the U2 Joshua Tree concert. While I am a big fan of Bono and those guys, I still think the current QAL production is better. Icy, is it okay with you if I post this pic of a beautiful wedding: “DrBrianMay In case anyone was wondering where I was this weekend ... here we are at the very picturesque nuptials of Felix Taylor ( eldest son of Rog) and his bride Jo. And yes - I did get up with the boys and girls to play a couple of songs - ....Bri” linkWhat is with you and posting about weddings? First AL's mother and now Roger's son? |
SweetCaroline 30.07.2018 15:09 |
If Adam had been there he probably would have sung his beautiful version of “I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You.” |
Iron Butterfly 30.07.2018 15:13 |
SweetCaroline wrote: If Adam had been there he probably would have sung his beautiful version of “I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You.”Oh, so that's why you posted it. Somehow you wanted AL to be there and sing. Of course! |
runner_70 30.07.2018 15:14 |
If Lamebird was at my wedding id throw him out |
SweetCaroline 30.07.2018 15:17 |
link |
snifflese 30.07.2018 15:35 |
The picture is of Dr Bri! What is wrong with that? At least she isn't sarcastic and nasty and foul mouthed like some people around here! Prefer that to you know who, the trifecta is what I am not going to call Runner, Icy, and Happy Star. If you don't like Adam, QAL, Brian, Roger, or whatever, go to where people think like you. If you had anything constructive to say, that would be one thing. But none of you do. It is just name calling and and calling people out for nothing and basically being a big pain in the butt. You people keep others from posting because they don't want to deal with you three. Quite a shame actually. |
runner_70 30.07.2018 16:20 |
The less anyone is posting about the annoying goat the better. Thank God QAL are history soon and they Glamberts will vanish in obscurity. Soon after the last gig of the Euro tour nobody is posting in the queenonline AL Section anymore. What a relief |
Vocal harmony 30.07.2018 16:46 |
runner_70 wrote: The less anyone is posting about the annoying goat the better. Thank God QAL are history soon and they Glamberts will vanish in obscurity. Soon after the last gig of the Euro tour nobody is posting in the queenonline AL Section anymore. What a reliefWhen that does happen at least we won't have to put up with the pathetic childish crap you post. As you have nothing else to post about, the eventual end of Q+AL will be the last shovel full of dirt covering the hole you should be thrown in. |
SweetCaroline 30.07.2018 16:51 |
Here, pick on Martel for awhile — there is a video of him singing TSMGO. Now let’s hear from the peanut gallery about how it is. sacrifege for HIM to perform that sacred song: link No one is at QOL because they followed me here. You cannot bitch over there like you can here! |
Vocal harmony 30.07.2018 16:52 |
happystar wrote: Why do people go on about how high Lambert can screech its not important at all. Many good singers dont use high range to sing a song well. Lambert is very overrated about the high range he screeches and he does sound like a cat having its balls chopped off.Yeah and weren't you going on about Freddie's amazing high range a few months ago. . . . . |
SweetCaroline 30.07.2018 17:03 |
“sacrilege”. BTW Martel sounds more like a goat than the other guy. His voice may sound more like Freddie, but that is a high pitch song for anyone. |
Iron Butterfly 30.07.2018 17:32 |
snifflese wrote: The picture is of Dr Bri! What is wrong with that? At least she isn't sarcastic and nasty and foul mouthed like some people around here! Prefer that to you know who, the trifecta is what I am not going to call Runner, Icy, and Happy Star. If you don't like Adam, QAL, Brian, Roger, or whatever, go to where people think like you. If you had anything constructive to say, that would be one thing. But none of you do. It is just name calling and and calling people out for nothing and basically being a big pain in the butt. You people keep others from posting because they don't want to deal with you three. Quite a shame actually.Does it look like Brian is the only one in the picture? Oh yes, she can be sarcasm and foul mouthed, but you don't call her out on that, very ironic. You are the one who is sick of Freddie being thrown in your face. Why don't you go to Adamtopia and stay there, then? Why are you even a part of Queen boards? I think you and sweetcaroline are the shame on Queen boards, using it to defend and promote AL, while not even caring about Queen history. You think Freddie is being thrown in your face on I dare say the shame is on you. AL would not be where he is without Queen these last few years. As for me being a part of the trifecta, that's your judgement clouding your vision, because nowhere have I said anything like runner has about AL, tranny, Nancy boys etc. |
Iron Butterfly 30.07.2018 17:36 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Here, pick on Martel for awhile — there is a video of him singing TSMGO. Now let’s hear from the peanut gallery about how it is. sacrifege for HIM to perform that sacred song: link No one is at QOL because they followed me here. You cannot bitch over there like you can here!You are desperate again. Now you want people to pick on another artist? Gripes about QOL again. I wonder why you haven't been there? Considering what you have blamed me for, I'm sure you currently absence is all my fault too. Q+AL aren't touring at the moment, so Glamberts have nothing to talk about on QOL. I'm sure if you were over there you would be bringing up AL somehow, someway and your Trump rants, and maybe your jealousy filled posts about Adele and Sam Smith...because you sure would not be discussing Freddie and Queen. Haven't you done your fair share of bitching? Yes, you sure have. More than anyone else ever did. That article was posted on QOL by a Glambert earlier. So much for no one being over there ;-). |
Star* 30.07.2018 19:00 |
Vocal Harmony: Yes i was on about Freddie's high notes not so long ago but Freddie can really sing like a songbird and he dont have a thin plain voice like Lambert. Freddie has the reputation of best Male singer ever for a reason and that is because he is. He can sing anything with emotion and really puts his soul into it something Lambert has trouble doing. I am so so proud to support and Freddie for over 44 years he is the greatest ever and no one comes close to his technical brilliance. |
runner_70 30.07.2018 19:45 |
VH are you threating me again asshole? |
runner_70 30.07.2018 19:49 |
SC Thanks for the MM link. That is how you sing a Queen song. No yodeling, no screeching. He got it right. And he doesnt need to look like a ladyboy in high heels to convince me. He is nowhere the goat your freak is. The first time you posted a link worth clicking. MM is wiping the floor singing wise with Lame-Bird the goat |
SweetCaroline 30.07.2018 20:13 |
Funny how MM is NOT the guy Brian and Roger want to perform with. Yes he sounds like Freddie so much so that he is being partially used for the biopic soundtrack, but the Queen guys do not want to tour with a Freddie clone. |
runner_70 30.07.2018 20:28 |
They should rather have a Freddie clone than a goat clone destroying the songs |
Iron Butterfly 30.07.2018 20:34 |
runner_70 wrote: They should rather have a Freddie clone than a goat clone destroying the to clones. There can be only one...and it's not AL or MM. |
SweetCaroline 30.07.2018 21:17 |
Yup, Bri and Rog should have just toured with hologram Freddie! How dare he die at age 46 when he should have still been touring at age 72! |
Iron Butterfly 30.07.2018 22:18 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Yup, Bri and Rog should have just toured with hologram Freddie! How dare he die at age 46 when he should have still been touring at age 72!Who has said any of that? I'm not one for hologramms, I think that is beyond tacky usually. As for Freddie's passing...I'd be happy if he was still with us. I don't think you could even begin to realise what a loss he was. |
SweetCaroline 30.07.2018 22:55 |
Right, Icy, only YOU could know the full impact of losing Freddie! No one else! |
runner_70 30.07.2018 22:57 |
He was 45 not 46 you embarrassing excuse for a music Expert |
Iron Butterfly 30.07.2018 23:09 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Right, Icy, only YOU could know the full impact of losing Freddie! No one else!Did I say ever that I was or am the only one who knows the full the impact of Freddie passing away?! No. Then again, you are so full n Glambert who didn't get the big deal about TSMGO. I'm glad someone pointed out the mistake you made about Freddie's age when he died. Pretty sure if I did, you would say I am stalking you again. Grow up sweetcaroline/CNB. Get a clue if you can manage it. |
Iron Butterfly 30.07.2018 23:09 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Right, Icy, only YOU could know the full impact of losing Freddie! No one else!Did I say ever that I was or am the only one who knows the full the impact of Freddie passing away?! No. Then again, you are so full n Glambert who didn't get the big deal about TSMGO. I'm glad someone pointed out the mistake you made about Freddie's age when he died. Pretty sure if I did, you would say I am stalking you again. Grow up sweetcaroline/CNB. Get a clue if you can manage it. |
Iron Butterfly 30.07.2018 23:10 |
runner_70 wrote: He was 45 not 46 you embarrassing excuse for a music ExpertShe knows jackshit, obviously. |
SweetCaroline 30.07.2018 23:18 |
Oops, he was born in 1946! Died in 1991 making him 45 at the time. I stand corrected! Mea culpa! Mea culpa! Mea maxima culpa! |
Iron Butterfly 30.07.2018 23:31 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Oops, he was born in 1946! Died in 1991 making him 45 at the time. I stand corrected! Mea culpa! Mea culpa! Mea maxima culpa!If only you looked it up, maybe you wouldn't have made the mistake. ;-) Or maybe you still would have made it as obvously you didn't even look it up. Quit throwing around that I'm a Freddie/Queen expert...when you can't even be bothered to look stuff up. After all this time you have spent on Queen boards, you still didn't know the age Freddie was when he died? Frankly, my dear you are a clueless person at times. |
snifflese 31.07.2018 01:39 |
You know what Icy? Only a person with too much time on their hands and not enough to do would ever make a big deal out of something like this. In the big scheme of things for the average person, it really doesn't matter. So, when we are talkning about obsession, you fit right into that category way more so than Caroline. If I told this to anyone in my family, they would just laugh and think I was nuts to even consider this a significant fact. You are deep into obsession land! People are off on their children's or spouse's age by a year sometimes, so why is it important to know about a man who has been gone since the 1990's. Wow!!! |
Iron Butterfly 31.07.2018 02:39 |
snifflese wrote: You know what Icy? Only a person with too much time on their hands and not enough to do would ever make a big deal out of something like this. In the big scheme of things for the average person, it really doesn't matter. So, when we are talkning about obsession, you fit right into that category way more so than Caroline. If I told this to anyone in my family, they would just laugh and think I was nuts to even consider this a significant fact. You are deep into obsession land! People are off on their children's or spouse's age by a year sometimes, so why is it important to know about a man who has been gone since the 1990's. Wow!!!Getting bitchy again, eh. I think it's important to know the right age Freddie passed away, especially on a Queen board. You don't or can't seem to grasp that much. Again, you are saying I'm obessed. When I do what sweetcaroline/CNB has done, then you might have a point. But you don't have any point. You don't see me posting every little tweet about Freddie, even using a band member's son's wedding to whine about how I bet if AL was there to sing a certain song. Any excuse to put AL in the discussion, someway, somehow. I don't even think Felix was or is close to AL, but hey sweetcaroline gotta fit AL in there somewhere/somehow, even with things that don't involve him. Gotta keep the thread going and AL's name out there. I bet you are secretly gloating Freddie isn't around. But his music will live on long after AL's is doing and likely will do. You sound so bitter about Freddie's legacy. You are borderline vindictive about it. I will never forget you saying on QOL AL doesn't get enough credit, and you can't even be decent about Freddie on Queen boards. AL would be fortunate if he ever had a tenth of what Freddie did. Too bad for you, AL doesn't have it. No damn wonder why you are bitter. |
SweetCaroline 31.07.2018 03:38 |
Icy, what is the matter with you? One of your snarky buddies on here said thank goodness Adam wasn’t at that wedding. And that’s why I posted about Adam singing at a wedding. Are you able to follow the discussion or are you too busy thinking of ways to demean and insult me? Why don’t you go back to QOL and stay there? I won’t be back probably ever because I am banned for a year because I posted an article that was different but YOU called it a rehash. You should be happy I’m not there but instead you want to give me grief here. You are not only obsessed with Freddie, but God help us you seem to be obsessed with me! |
Brancelli 31.07.2018 03:59 |
You may not agree with Icy, but can you at least acknowledge she? listens with an open mind and doesn't resort to unwarranted insults? You could actually have a decent conversation where you agree to disagree. She's given this thing a chance. Most things don't work for her, some things do. Can't say the same for the other two (runner, happy), whom I would simply ignore. I find I'm enjoying her comments even when I may not agree (Adam to me is a helluva singer). But I respect her opinion, and wouldn't waste my time trying to change it. Your over the top love for Adam makes it difficult to like him, even when you do post video evidence of something that might be impressive. |
snifflese 31.07.2018 04:07 |
The only person who is bitter and nasty and so obsessed with someone is YOU, Icy. You just make up crap! The idea of my gloating that Freddie isn't here is just crazy. I can't even imagine someone thinking such a crazy thing. Adam's legacy is still being formed and I don't worry at all about it. He is a hard worker and it will be what it will be. I just get tired of everyone slamming him and Brian and Roger (and on a Queen board, no less!!). Freddie's legacy is golden and will never tarnish. QAL has gained Freddie fans and adulation, what is the problem with that? You are so concerned that anyone might be perceived to sing the songs well, that you go crazy over the idea . Your posts border on demented at times, along with the other two nasties. No one will ever reach the status of Freddie, but we can enjoy QAL and you don't want anyone to do that. That is your problem, not mine. I can enjoy both Queen and now QAL and it is a wonderful thing. And just like a lot of people have said, I bet Freddie and Adam would get along like a house on fire! I just really think so! Keep your snarky comments to yourself and add something positive to the conversation occasionally. That would be a good thing for a change instead of always getting on people for stupid things and calling them out. |
runner_70 31.07.2018 04:30 |
Lamefartls legacy will be that he is known for some of the worst coverversions in music history and for having made a once mighty band a laughing stock... |
runner_70 31.07.2018 04:32 |
What didcnb post to get banned on qol? |
Iron Butterfly 31.07.2018 04:37 |
SweetCaroline wrote: If Adam had been there he probably would have sung his beautiful version of “I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You.”Quoting this from previous page. |
Brancelli 31.07.2018 04:38 |
To me, this is one of the finer moments of Adam's stint with the remaining members of Queen: link I won't get mad if anyone disagrees, and it makes no difference in my life whatsoever. My ears enjoyed it. The person who disagrees . . . well, their ears were repulsed by it. So what. It is what it is. I can't make you like it. You can't make me dislike it. Runner and happy will insult. I'll simply ignore. Icy will most likely find the video unsatisfactory. I'll smile, and nod at the disagreement, and refrain from an insulting response. |
Sealion 31.07.2018 04:45 |
Brancelli wrote: To me, this is one of the finer moments of Adam's stint with the remaining members of Queen: link I won't get mad if anyone disagrees, and it makes no difference in my life whatsoever. My ears enjoyed it. The person who disagrees . . . well, their ears were repulsed by it. So what. It is what it is. I can't make you like it. You can't make me dislike it. Runner and happy will insult. I'll simply ignore. Icy will most likely find the video unsatisfactory. I'll smile, and nod at the disagreement, and refrain from an insulting response.I agree. I like that performance. Unfortunately they haven‘t played it since 2014 (?). But it was really good. |
Iron Butterfly 31.07.2018 04:49 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Icy, what is the matter with you? One of your snarky buddies on here said thank goodness Adam wasn’t at that wedding. And that’s why I posted about Adam singing at a wedding. Are you able to follow the discussion or are you too busy thinking of ways to demean and insult me? Why don’t you go back to QOL and stay there? I won’t be back probably ever because I am banned for a year because I posted an article that was different but YOU called it a rehash. You should be happy I’m not there but instead you want to give me grief here. You are not only obsessed with Freddie, but God help us you seem to be obsessed with me!I just quoted your post from the previous page. You linked to the wedding pic, you were the one to say I bet if AL was there he would have sang a certain song. Do you forget what you post and deflect on me? I think it's clear you do both that on purpose. Why should I go to QOL and stay there? I have every right to be on both boards, but I know that pisses you off. You are banned for a year! But you blame me for you ban once again, my God do you take any responsibility at all for your actions?! You posted pretty much the same article four times. And then you went on a bitch fest saying AL isn't accepted on QOL because he is gay. No wonder why you are banned. Good fkn riddiance to you after that. I'm sure you will be back when your ban is up. I can see it now, snarkiness from you right away about Thunder straight away as you did as soon as your last ban was over. . How does your mind work, sweetcaroline/CNB? You play the victim. I dare say you get your buddy snifflese to defend you. No, you are the obessed one. One moment posting another pic from a wedding, and then betting if AL was there he would have sang a particular song. Felix Taylor isn't even close to AL. You can't help but to interject AL any way you can. You don't see anything wrong with what you do. You'd rather play the victim, and blame me like clockwork. Nice try. Major fail on you...and major shame on you too. |
Iron Butterfly 31.07.2018 04:55 |
Brancelli wrote: You may not agree with Icy, but can you at least acknowledge she? listens with an open mind and doesn't resort to unwarranted insults? You could actually have a decent conversation where you agree to disagree. She's given this thing a chance. Most things don't work for her, some things do. Can't say the same for the other two (runner, happy), whom I would simply ignore. I find I'm enjoying her comments even when I may not agree (Adam to me is a helluva singer). But I respect her opinion, and wouldn't waste my time trying to change it. Your over the top love for Adam makes it difficult to like him, even when you do post video evidence of something that might be impressive.Oh gosh. First off, I almost wish you didn't say this, because I don't want the two main Glamberts here to go after you. Secondly, and I mean this, thanks for being open minded regarding me. I have a terrible reputation in Glamberts circles. I'm lumped in with runner, happystar and even compared to Trump. If I didn't tune into Q+AL at all, I'd be bitched at for that. But there is some things I like, other things not at all, but I'm not a all n or out type of person. Believe me or not, I'm not that way even about Freddie ;-). Thanks again. I enjoy reading your posts too, truth be told. |
Iron Butterfly 31.07.2018 04:57 |
runner_70 wrote: What didcnb post to get banned on qol?Dunno, but once again it's all my fault according to her. All her bans and those of her friends are all my fault... Utter bullshit she spews. |
Iron Butterfly 31.07.2018 05:02 |
Brancelli wrote: To me, this is one of the finer moments of Adam's stint with the remaining members of Queen: link I won't get mad if anyone disagrees, and it makes no difference in my life whatsoever. My ears enjoyed it. The person who disagrees . . . well, their ears were repulsed by it. So what. It is what it is. I can't make you like it. You can't make me dislike it. Runner and happy will insult. I'll simply ignore. Icy will most likely find the video unsatisfactory. I'll smile, and nod at the disagreement, and refrain from an insulting response.If I can be honest with you take on that, it was is a shame they used AL to promote that song. It didn't need AL. The song was good enough when Freddie recorded it. Still is one of my favorite Freddie solo songs. Of course, I like Freddie singing it better. |
Brancelli 31.07.2018 05:09 |
Thank you for the candid response. Love Kills is definitely one of Freddie's best solo songs, but my favorite is "In My Defense". I think even the Glamberts might be impressed by that one? link |
Sealion 31.07.2018 05:10 |
Iron Butterfly wrote: If I can be honest with you take on that, it was is a shame they used AL to promote that song. It didn't need AL. The song was good enough when Freddie recorded it. Still is one of my favorite Freddie solo songs. Of course, I like Freddie singing it better.Did you like the original recording better or the reworked one? I never liked the original. The ballad is good though. And in a way Lambert sang that version first, if I‘m not mistaken. And he did a bloody good job, I have to say. No objection to that promo from my part. |
Iron Butterfly 31.07.2018 05:13 |
snifflese wrote: The only person who is bitter and nasty and so obsessed with someone is YOU, Icy. You just make up crap! The idea of my gloating that Freddie isn't here is just crazy. I can't even imagine someone thinking such a crazy thing. Adam's legacy is still being formed and I don't worry at all about it. He is a hard worker and it will be what it will be. I just get tired of everyone slamming him and Brian and Roger (and on a Queen board, no less!!). Freddie's legacy is golden and will never tarnish. QAL has gained Freddie fans and adulation, what is the problem with that? You are so concerned that anyone might be perceived to sing the songs well, that you go crazy over the idea . Your posts border on demented at times, along with the other two nasties. No one will ever reach the status of Freddie, but we can enjoy QAL and you don't want anyone to do that. That is your problem, not mine. I can enjoy both Queen and now QAL and it is a wonderful thing. And just like a lot of people have said, I bet Freddie and Adam would get along like a house on fire! I just really think so! Keep your snarky comments to yourself and add something positive to the conversation occasionally. That would be a good thing for a change instead of always getting on people for stupid things and calling them out.No dear. Given your reactions about Freddie being thrown in your face, and I guess all is great in your world as long as AL is singing the Queen songs...yep, I think you gloat. You are so quick to say about articles praising AL, that you seem to think that everyone who goes to shows love it all, etc, etc. Oh boo hoo that you get tired of people slamming AL. What were you expecting? Sunshine and rainbow farts on Queen boards about AL singing Queen songs? Everyone to love every little thing about AL? I think that's what you had hoped for. Sorry it was such an affront to you that not everyone feels the way you do on Queen boards about Queen and Freddie shoved in your face. Comments like that don't help. Goes to show how entitled you really are when it comes to AL. Sorry dear, I won't be keeping my snarky comments to myself, especially for you, when you have made your fair share and personal ones at that. Right out of nowhere usually, and to defend your buddy sweetcaroline. I have said I liked AL singing Save Me a few times. You think of that as throwing a bone. So even when I liked something it's not good enough for you and sweetcaroline. You are unable to accept even what I like for fuck sake. It's not mandatory that I have to like or fawn over everything anyone does...or is it? I have a mind of my own. Don't lump me in with runner and happystar...those two have their opinions, and I have mine. Too bad for you that I will be sharing it. |
Iron Butterfly 31.07.2018 05:21 |
Sealion wrote:Oh crap we are going to disagree ;-). I actually like the original one better. Same with Born To Love You, simp be IMO, Freddie sounded so happy on it. The Queen version is a little too 'polished' if that makes sense.Iron Butterfly wrote: If I can be honest with you take on that, it was is a shame they used AL to promote that song. It didn't need AL. The song was good enough when Freddie recorded it. Still is one of my favorite Freddie solo songs. Of course, I like Freddie singing it better.Did you like the original recording better or the reworked one? I never liked the original. The ballad is good though. And in a way Lambert sang that version first, if I‘m not mistaken. And he did a bloody good job, I have to say. No objection to that promo from my part. Whatever way AL sang Freddie solo music, it's another thing I wish Q+AL didn't do. It's one of things I feel Brian and Roger managed to squeeze AL in. |
Sealion 31.07.2018 05:33 |
Iron Butterfly wrote:I agree with IWBTLY. Great solo song by Freddie.Sealion wrote:Oh crap we are going to disagree ;-). I actually like the original one better. Same with Born To Love You, simp be IMO, Freddie sounded so happy on it. The Queen version is a little too 'polished' if that makes sense. Whatever way AL sang Freddie solo music, it's another thing I wish Q+AL didn't do. It's one of things I feel Brian and Roger managed to squeeze AL in.Iron Butterfly wrote: If I can be honest with you take on that, it was is a shame they used AL to promote that song. It didn't need AL. The song was good enough when Freddie recorded it. Still is one of my favorite Freddie solo songs. Of course, I like Freddie singing it better.Did you like the original recording better or the reworked one? I never liked the original. The ballad is good though. And in a way Lambert sang that version first, if I‘m not mistaken. And he did a bloody good job, I have to say. No objection to that promo from my part. In the end it‘s just music. Music needs to be heard, so I take it as nice promo, when Q+AL are doing these songs. And I think that Lambert does also a good job singing IWBTLY. It‘s a shame, they are only ever playing it in Japan. The version with Lambert, that I‘ve watched on YT, radiates joy as well. It‘s close to Freddie‘s music video in that point. |
snifflese 31.07.2018 05:44 |
You are the only gloater on here, Icy. I told you that I enjoy both Queen and QAL. I don't know why that is a problem. Just let it be. You can enjoy just Freddie singing all of them and I like both. We will just have to agree to disagree. I don't care if you hate everything, but you are so nasty to people when they don't know unimportant facts about Queen and truly you are dreadful to Caroline and also to me. Just leave us alone in our ignorance and complain about someone else. Let people link and post without you being the moderator, because you are not here to police this thread. You don't need to tell her what she can and can't post on a QAL board. It isn't hurting anyone. You never make snarky remarks to Runner or Happy Star and quite often seem to be agreeing with them. Why don't you tell them to blank off with their filthy language. That might actually be helpful! They are a real problem. Just scroll past Caroline and her links if they upset you. Just scroll past me, as neither of us want to talk with you anymore. It is just not productive. |
Iron Butterfly 31.07.2018 05:49 |
Sealion wrote:I love Freddie BTLY.The remasters of it are a bit harsh to my ears.Iron Butterfly wrote:I agree with IWBTLY. Great solo song by Freddie. In the end it‘s just music. Music needs to be heard, so I take it as nice promo, when Q+AL are doing these songs. And I think that Lambert does also a good job singing IWBTLY. It‘s a shame, they are only ever playing it in Japan. The version with Lambert, that I‘ve watched on YT, radiates joy as well. It‘s close to Freddie‘s music video in that point.Sealion wrote:Oh crap we are going to disagree ;-). I actually like the original one better. Same with Born To Love You, simp be IMO, Freddie sounded so happy on it. The Queen version is a little too 'polished' if that makes sense. Whatever way AL sang Freddie solo music, it's another thing I wish Q+AL didn't do. It's one of things I feel Brian and Roger managed to squeeze AL in.Iron Butterfly wrote: If I can be honest with you take on that, it was is a shame they used AL to promote that song. It didn't need AL. The song was good enough when Freddie recorded it. Still is one of my favorite Freddie solo songs. Of course, I like Freddie singing it better.Did you like the original recording better or the reworked one? I never liked the original. The ballad is good though. And in a way Lambert sang that version first, if I‘m not mistaken. And he did a bloody good job, I have to say. No objection to that promo from my part. I'm surprised Q+AL didn't perform it Europe, I figured they would. Maybe it will be back for the Vegas run? |
runner_70 31.07.2018 05:57 |
Yes its awful Yes he sucks Yes his timing is off as usual Yes i hate him for raping the song Moreover Lamebird or not i dont like tje Arrangement of the s8ng. Yes Freddies version was pure pop but it had way more power than this more than lame version. Why make a Ballad of this song. |
Iron Butterfly 31.07.2018 06:02 |
snifflese wrote: You are the only gloater on here, Icy. I told you that I enjoy both Queen and QAL. I don't know why that is a problem. Just let it be. You can enjoy just Freddie singing all of them and I like both. We will just have to agree to disagree. I don't care if you hate everything, but you are so nasty to people when they don't know unimportant facts about Queen and truly you are dreadful to Caroline and also to me. Just leave us alone in our ignorance and complain about someone else. Let people link and post without you being the moderator, because you are not here to police this thread. You don't need to tell her what she can and can't post on a QAL board. It isn't hurting anyone. You never make snarky remarks to Runner or Happy Star and quite often seem to be agreeing with them. Why don't you tell them to blank off with their filthy language. That might actually be helpful! They are a real problem. Just scroll past Caroline and her links if they upset you. Just scroll past me, as neither of us want to talk with you anymore. It is just not productive.You think I gloat. How exactly? Sweetcaroline has many things about Freddie wrong, and it's so easy to look things up. Less than a couple of minuties if that. Do you really think the age that Freddie passed away is unimportant? I think that's something every person who claims to be a Queen fan should know... especially on Queen boards. Do you not get that? Remind me again who came here from the get go wanting me banned from both Queen boards? Simply because your buddy was banned and I was not. Who was it that said I posted about my homophobia experiences for attention? That was you dear. Not the once have you ever said sorry or even seemed to be sorry for it. Who is it here that blames me for bans? Look above, that's sweetcaroline. You both have been nasty as hell at me also, not that you both could ever admit to it. Funny about you and sweetcaroline. You both have said you would ignore my posts, never have managed to do so. Oh you want me to tell runner and happystar that the language they use is awful? Nope, I don't owe you any favors to be blunt. You lump me in with them, which is ironic since they rarely reply to my posts. Yes, I reply to them at times, is that a black mark against me now? Again I have a mind of my own. Try it might actually learn something! |
runner_70 31.07.2018 06:06 |
Snifflese SCand VH should be sent on a cruise ship with their ladyboy idol and a no return ticket. Still wonder why sc got banned over at qol |
rockchic65 31.07.2018 06:18 |
Brancelli wrote: To me, this is one of the finer moments of Adam's stint with the remaining members of Queen: link I won't get mad if anyone disagrees, and it makes no difference in my life whatsoever. My ears enjoyed it. The person who disagrees . . . well, their ears were repulsed by it. So what. It is what it is. I can't make you like it. You can't make me dislike it. Runner and happy will insult. I'll simply ignore. Icy will most likely find the video unsatisfactory. I'll smile, and nod at the disagreement, and refrain from an insulting response.I love that one, really like the slowed down version and the same with IWBTLY, would love to have heard them live. |
runner_70 31.07.2018 06:41 |
Of course you like it as you are heavily into shitsandwhiches |
Iron Butterfly 31.07.2018 07:06 |
runner_70 wrote: Snifflese SCand VH should be sent on a cruise ship with their ladyboy idol and a no return ticket. Still wonder why sc got banned over at qolHmph. I don't get an invite? Someone gotta keep telling sweetcaroline and snifflese Queen info. Since they don't care or can't even search the info for themselves ;-) xD. |
Iron Butterfly 31.07.2018 07:50 |
Brancelli wrote: Thank you for the candid response. Love Kills is definitely one of Freddie's best solo songs, but my favorite is "In My Defense". I think even the Glamberts might be impressed by that one? linkI freaking love IMD. It gives me goosebumps and tears everytime I hear it. It's beautiful. I act wish Freddie wrote it, I think he could have. The vocals, lyrics...what a song indeed. I don't know what the Glamberts will think of the song. One is sick of Freddie being thrown in her face, so tread carefully. You don't want to get on that bad side. I'm not even joking. :-/ I'd genuinely would like to know what rockchic and sealion think of it. |
SweetCaroline 31.07.2018 08:32 |
Bottom line: whether on QZ or QOL forums, if you don’t approve of or can’t stand the QAL collaboration, you should have the good sense and common courtesy to not post nasty comments there and let the people who do like it post in peace instead of constant confrontation about it. It’s disgusting to see so-called Queen fans deriding Brian and Roger along with Adam. About the gay thing, there must be a lot of people who are super sensitive about it. Freddie was gay and Adam is gay! So what? Why call Adam derogatory names about it and say he is disgracing the music and the legacy when HIS stage actions are 100% mild compared to what Freddie used to do. |
Iron Butterfly 31.07.2018 08:43 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Bottom line: whether on QZ or QOL forums, if you don’t approve of or can’t stand the QAL collaboration, you should have the good sense and common courtesy to not post nasty comments there and let the people who do like it post in peace instead of constant confrontation about it. It’s disgusting to see so-called Queen fans deriding Brian and Roger along with Adam. About the gay thing, there must be a lot of people who are super sensitive about it. Freddie was gay and Adam is gay! So what? Why call Adam derogatory names about it and say he is disgracing the music and the legacy when HIS stage actions are 100% mild compared to what Freddie used to do.Say what? Says you who posted crap about Sam Smith and Adele often? You make it clear you can't stand them, ironic that. It never stopped you from moaning about them, because they are more popular than Adam. Oh so called Queen fans again. Huh. At least most of us know Freddie didn't wear the crown and cape at Live Aid, and know the age he was when he passed. Sure, keep on your usual about so called Queen fans, granny Glambert. You are pissed because you aren't on qol doing your usual obviously. Yes thanks, I know Freddie was gay. Freddie had it much harder than AL ever did. If God forbid, AL is ever terminally ill and hounded by the paparizzi, then you and snifflese can cry and grind your teeth about how AL is treated. Until then...fuck right off. You really don't let it sink in that Freddie was an original showman writing, producing and performing classic songs for decades in some cases. Sorry, not sorry, AL isn't in that league, he is unlikely to ever be in that league. There a world of difference between Freddie and AL. You make it seem because both of their sexualities, and because AL is singing Queen songs we are all supposed to fawn over AL on Queen boards. How bitter and jealous were when Gaga and Nate joined Brian and Roger for one song? Very much so. You are such a hypocrite sweetcaroline/CNB. Really it ozzes from your fingertips. Spin your lies about why you are banned, come on, answer it. You may have fooled snifflese as to why you are banned, but you aren't fooling me. Maybe story has already changed by now like it did the other times you were under a ban. Enjoy your 'vacation' from QOL, LMAO. |
runner_70 31.07.2018 08:57 |
Why did she get banned. Enlighten us |
Iron Butterfly 31.07.2018 09:01 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Icy, what is the matter with you? One of your snarky buddies on here said thank goodness Adam wasn’t at that wedding. And that’s why I posted about Adam singing at a wedding. Are you able to follow the discussion or are you too busy thinking of ways to demean and insult me? Why don’t you go back to QOL and stay there? I won’t be back probably ever because I am banned for a year because I posted an article that was different but YOU called it a rehash. You should be happy I’m not there but instead you want to give me grief here. You are not only obsessed with Freddie, but God help us you seem to be obsessed with me!@ Runner...what she said earlier about her being banned. As you can see, I'm blamed again. That's three of her bans she has blamed for now, and also the bans if other Glamberts. Mind boggling. But her story may change again as she can't take any responsibility for what she does. It's easier for her to blame me and she does nothing wrong. She might be foolng herself and snifflese, but that's about it. |
SweetCaroline 31.07.2018 09:38 |
When Adam is called ladyboy is that not a derogatory remark about his sexuality? Icy, your constant harping on whatever I posted at QOL is what got me banned. Yes, if you mind your own business instead of hounding people. Not only me but others too with pages and pages. You never posted anything new about QAL, always responding negatively to what I and others posted. I remember you getting banned once for a month. When the whole Lambert thread was closed and ultimately deleted it was because of the constant griping. No one there or here is allowed to post something new without you immediately pouncing on it. It is okay. I am a very happy person. My whole life does not revolve around this forum. But I think yours does. It is amusing that no matter what time of day I post something new, within minutes there is an immediate response from YOU!!! |
Star* 31.07.2018 09:49 |
Adam Lamberts fans are all deluded Rockchic, Snifflese, sealion, sweetcaroline, all girls on here so where are the guys who you lot say love Adam? Adam is a teenybop cartoon character and a big joke at that. Peppa pig has more fans than Lambert any day. |
rockchic65 31.07.2018 10:04 |
happystar wrote: Adam Lamberts fans are all deluded Rockchic, Snifflese, sealion, sweetcaroline, all girls on here so where are the guys who you lot say love Adam? Adam is a teenybop cartoon character and a big joke at that. Peppa pig has more fans than Lambert any day.Where are the guys - well there's a few on here who have posted about going to the shows, apparently you missed those posts. I've seen quite a few but every thread gets derailed by you and runner, no surprise they don't bother posting very often. No delusion going on here, I can tell the difference between someone who can sing and who can't, anything else is just personal preference. |
runner_70 31.07.2018 12:56 |
Well you sell Lamebirds good singing as a fact. I stand against it. His voice is thin powerless and he us ALWAYS off timing wise. Your argumenr that it is intentional is bullshit |
Vocal harmony 31.07.2018 13:40 |
runner_70 wrote: Well you sell Lamebirds good singing as a fact. I stand against it. His voice is thin powerless and he us ALWAYS off timing wise. Your argumenr that it is intentional is bullshitIf you and happystar actually had these opinions after going to a show your argument might carry more weight. Hearing the band in an arena playing through 120k of PA with a bass end that actually vibrates like it should, mids that actually fill the space and produce audible volume with highs that are clarion clear gives a very different sound to listening to a wildly compressed digital overload coming through your phone or shit laptop speakers. Listening in that way gives you no idea of the power the band created, on any given night, and also gives you no idea how Lamberts voice sits in that vast sound. I take it you probably never saw Rush live, go and listen to a Rush show off Youtube and comment on Geddy Lee's vocals on a Rush forum You and nappyfuck are so full of hate toward someone other than Freddie fronting a Queen or Queen+ show and so inept at logical educated thought that all you can do is type insulting childish drivel. |
Iron Butterfly 31.07.2018 15:50 |
SweetCaroline wrote: When Adam is called ladyboy is that not a derogatory remark about his sexuality? Icy, your constant harping on whatever I posted at QOL is what got me banned. Yes, if you mind your own business instead of hounding people. Not only me but others too with pages and pages. You never posted anything new about QAL, always responding negatively to what I and others posted. I remember you getting banned once for a month. When the whole Lambert thread was closed and ultimately deleted it was because of the constant griping. No one there or here is allowed to post something new without you immediately pouncing on it. It is okay. I am a very happy person. My whole life does not revolve around this forum. But I think yours does. It is amusing that no matter what time of day I post something new, within minutes there is an immediate response from YOU!!!You posted the same article pretty much four times, all was diff about it was the link. You were obviously hoping to get away with it, and I dare say you purposely did it. Did you ever think more people read your rehashing of it too? Once again though, what you did, you are unable to take any responsibility for it. Your usual, to blame me for your bans. That's three of your bans that you come here to lay all the blame me for and to complain about...all the while trying to put on your innocent act. If you were a happy person, even on the internet, you wouldn't be blaming me for when you do wrong. Somehow, it's easier for you to always blame me. The amount of things and the way you have blamed me, it's twisted actually. The way you use Queen boards to defend and promote AL is mind boggling. Every excuse you can think of to complain about his career and the other careers which is more popular than AL. I don't think you can handle anything different than what you are invested in. You bit the hands that feeds you, shot yourself in the foot...and that my dear you have yourself to blame for. You cannot admit to being wrong. That's your mentality, not mine. You have 10 months until your ban from QOL is over. Maybe in that time you can learn QOL members aren't the opponets you think they are. If you ever go back, and I bet you will, try to change the way you do things. It's clear though you haven't changed here in near a year of posting here on QZ. At least I have a mid of my own, and I don't have to rely on tweets, articles, or snifflese to do the talking for me, the way you do. I don't live for forums. I think you put too much for AL it borders on creepy at times. |
Iron Butterfly 31.07.2018 16:39 |
happystar wrote: Adam Lamberts fans are all deluded Rockchic, Snifflese, sealion, sweetcaroline, all girls on here so where are the guys who you lot say love Adam? Adam is a teenybop cartoon character and a big joke at that. Peppa pig has more fans than Lambert any day.In all honesty, there is only two I'd put as deluded. That is sweetcaroline and snifflese. Sweetcaroline is in LaLambert land, and snifflese is angry and sick of Freddie being thrown in her face. |
SweetCaroline 31.07.2018 16:50 |
The article I was banned for had videos included that were not posted previously but you and the cranky moderator never bothered to read it. Nothing has changed in 6 years for fans who dare to find the Queen forums through the wonderful QAL collaboration. It would be understandable if Freddie were still alive but some people seem to think he is still going to be reincarnated! |
Iron Butterfly 31.07.2018 17:03 |
SweetCaroline wrote: The article I was banned for had videos included that were not posted previously but you and the cranky moderator never bothered to read it. Nothing has changed in 6 years for fans who dare to find the Queen forums through the wonderful QAL collaboration. It would be understandable if Freddie were still alive but some people seem to think he is still going to be reincarnated!I actually read it. A rehash. You really have it out for me and that person, don't you? Exactly the way you act when you can't get your own way. Sorry, I'm calling bullshit on what you are saying. You are trying to excuse it by saying it had videos that wasn't in the other links? Then why could you not just post the videos? Actually, some things have changed. I never expected to like AL singing Save Me...and I do. Another poster changed his mind very recently. But you would like others to believe that there is nothing good about QOL and it's members. You would think that because you very rarely posted outside of Q+AL and AL threads. Moaning about Sam, Adele and Trump as well...that's all you ever did you hardly even posted about Freddie and Queen unless you compared it to Q+AL. You are the one and actually only one who has never changed. You actually dig your heels in, you are proving my point here. Again, you don't seem to realise what a legend Freddie was and why he is so admired and respected. No one expects Freddie to be reincarnated for Pete's sake. His music is living on and it's not because of Lambert singing songs. It's been there as a part of the musical landscape for years now and it will be after Q+AL is over. You don't seem to accept that, let alone understand it. Hell, if I wanted a Freddie clone, I'd be a huge MM fan. I've come to like MM, but I don't need or want a Freddie clone. There was only one Freddie and that was Freddie. |
Star* 31.07.2018 17:25 |
Brancelli You are just another silly girl smitten by Lambert not regarding he has not had any number one album or single in the UK ever! What does that tell you then? Uk do not care a fig for his over the top gay performances, its been done before 38 years ago by our Boy George. He is not original and just copies from the artists he is into. |
SweetCaroline 31.07.2018 17:48 |
Freddie was more over the top than Adam! When Adam performs on stage in nothing but teeny tiny white shorts, then you can talk about it! |
Iron Butterfly 31.07.2018 17:54 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Freddie was more over the top than Adam! When Adam performs on stage in nothing but teeny tiny white shorts, then you can talk about it!My God. Freddie was over the top with his and Queen's music and concerts. And it's not as if he was always over the top. Then again, Freddie on top of Supermans shoulders recently made you freak out and say OMG that was awful!!! Yeah you'd love it if AL wore tiny white shorts. I can see you lusting about that already. LMAO. |
rockchic65 31.07.2018 17:57 |
rockchic65 31.07.2018 17:59 |
I love IMD but then despite frequently being called a glambert I'm a Queen fan since 1974 and Queen are my favourite band of all time. |
Iron Butterfly 31.07.2018 18:02 |
rockchic65 wrote: I love IMD but then despite frequently being called a glambert I'm a Queen fan since 1974 and Queen are my favourite band of all time.Weird huh. I will never be called an AL fan by some because I'm too negative. This doesn't mean much from me, I know...but you are cool in my books. |
rockchic65 31.07.2018 18:10 |
Iron Butterfly wrote:Cheers, I love Queen and when I discovered Adam singing with them and then looked up his previous stuff I really loved his voice and what he can do with it, so for me it was a match made in heaven Adam doing my favourite songs, especially since I'm not exactly a major fan of some of his own types of music.rockchic65 wrote: I love IMD but then despite frequently being called a glambert I'm a Queen fan since 1974 and Queen are my favourite band of all time.Weird huh. I will never be called an AL fan by some because I'm too negative. This doesn't mean much from me, I know...but you are cool in my books. |
SweetCaroline 31.07.2018 18:14 |
Another One Bites The Dust link |
rockchic65 31.07.2018 18:16 |
Vocal harmony wrote:Exactly, I can't count the number of times I've seen comments from people who've seen the show or seen Adam live, both with Queen and solo and said how different he sounds compared to the vids. I watched the vids from the show I went to and it sounds very different from being there.runner_70 wrote: Well you sell Lamebirds good singing as a fact. I stand against it. His voice is thin powerless and he us ALWAYS off timing wise. Your argumenr that it is intentional is bullshitIf you and happystar actually had these opinions after going to a show your argument might carry more weight. Hearing the band in an arena playing through 120k of PA with a bass end that actually vibrates like it should, mids that actually fill the space and produce audible volume with highs that are clarion clear gives a very different sound to listening to a wildly compressed digital overload coming through your phone or shit laptop speakers. Listening in that way gives you no idea of the power the band created, on any given night, and also gives you no idea how Lamberts voice sits in that vast sound. I take it you probably never saw Rush live, go and listen to a Rush show off Youtube and comment on Geddy Lee's vocals on a Rush forum You and nappyfuck are so full of hate toward someone other than Freddie fronting a Queen or Queen+ show and so inept at logical educated thought that all you can do is type insulting childish drivel. |
Iron Butterfly 31.07.2018 18:19 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Another One Bites The Dust linkYour posting it to prove he wore tiny white shorts as if Queen fans should be shocked by that? Or are you hoping people would end up picking on Freddie because of it. Try harder. Actually, don't even try. Queen fans are well aware of what Freddie did and wore onstage. |
Iron Butterfly 31.07.2018 18:24 |
rockchic65 wrote:I still have hope AL will branch out from the EdM and pop mold he has found himself regarding his solo music. I honestly like some of his solo music. I was so hoping for EITN as a single from TOH.Iron Butterfly wrote:Cheers, I love Queen and when I discovered Adam singing with them and then looked up his previous stuff I really loved his voice and what he can do with it, so for me it was a match made in heaven Adam doing my favourite songs, especially since I'm not exactly a major fan of some of his own types of music.rockchic65 wrote: I love IMD but then despite frequently being called a glambert I'm a Queen fan since 1974 and Queen are my favourite band of all time.Weird huh. I will never be called an AL fan by some because I'm too negative. This doesn't mean much from me, I know...but you are cool in my books. As for will be interesting to see how that's influenced him solo wise. |
rockchic65 31.07.2018 18:31 |
happystar wrote: Brancelli You are just another silly girl smitten by Lambert not regarding he has not had any number one album or single in the UK ever! What does that tell you then? Uk do not care a fig for his over the top gay performances, its been done before 38 years ago by our Boy George. He is not original and just copies from the artists he is into.Bit hard to tell on here who's male and who's female since no one's using their own name so what makes you think Brancelli is female? Don't think he needs a number 1 album or single in the UK to sing Queen songs on tour. His performances aren't aimed at the UK, in fact they aren't aimed at anything it's just how he is, and he doesn't copy anyone other than being influenced by other artists the same way all artists are. |
rockchic65 31.07.2018 18:39 |
Iron Butterfly wrote: I still have hope AL will branch out from the EdM and pop mold he has found himself regarding his solo music. I honestly like some of his solo music. I was so hoping for EITN as a single from TOH. As for will be interesting to see how that's influenced him solo wise.Yeah, bit hard to tell what he intends doing, but he's been back in the studio both in London after the Dublin gig and then back in LA so he must still be recording stuff. He's said he won't be doing EDM so that's a bonus but it sounds like he's still doing a mix of other genre's and yeah will be interesting to see how much influence Queen will have had. He did get asked and said it won't be like Queen sound wise but I suspect he may have been influenced with the way they put songs together. I do like some of his solo stuff, a handful of each album but they aren't my favourite genre. |
SweetCaroline 31.07.2018 19:09 |
I din’t want to hear anything else about Adam’s outrageous costumes! |
Iron Butterfly 31.07.2018 19:44 |
SweetCaroline wrote: I din’t want to hear anything else about Adam’s outrageous costumes!Boo hoo. Sweetcaroline throwing a tanturm again. Who are you to say what people can discuss... especially considering you are so put out and shocked by what Freddie wore at times. OMG!! Hypocrisy once again. You tried to Lord over people in QOL in how people posted. You won't get away with it here. The Coronet and cape that AL wears is a mimick and a piss take of a legendary man and artist. If you don't like views like that and then turn around and be so shocked by what Freddie wore onstage...get the fuck out of here. You aren't even a Queen fan. |
Star* 31.07.2018 20:40 |
Vocal Harmony: We do not need to give OUR money to Lambert just to keep you happy we already know he is utter bollocks. We have seen him on tv and he is nothing. I saw Freddie on Top of the pops back in 1974 and i knew he was amazing and i had never been to Queen concert then, so going to concerts to test someone out is a stupid theory. I know May & Taylor are a powerful force live ive witnessed that but Lambert will NOT convince me to spend my hard earned money just to see him sing Queen music in his west end musical "Callabro" type voice. Reality singers are shit. |
SweetCaroline 31.07.2018 21:09 |
I don’t want to hear anything else about Adam’s outrageous costumes! |
Iron Butterfly 31.07.2018 21:16 |
SweetCaroline wrote: I don’t want to hear anything else about Adam’s outrageous costumes!Spamming now? |
Iron Butterfly 31.07.2018 21:20 |
happystar wrote: Vocal Harmony: We do not need to give OUR money to Lambert just to keep you happy we already know he is utter bollocks. We have seen him on tv and he is nothing. I saw Freddie on Top of the pops back in 1974 and i knew he was amazing and i had never been to Queen concert then, so going to concerts to test someone out is a stupid theory. I know May & Taylor are a powerful force live ive witnessed that but Lambert will NOT convince me to spend my hard earned money just to see him sing Queen music in his west end musical "Callabro" type voice. Reality singers are shit.Freddie was truly amazing live. And yes that can be proven by footage. Even now, I have not seen anything like him before or since. |
SweetCaroline 01.08.2018 02:41 |
I don’t spam! |
SweetCaroline 01.08.2018 03:06 |
I saw Adam on American Idol and knew he was amazing and seeing him in person 8 more times after that confirmed that he was more than amazing! Brian and Roger have had the same experience only they have seen him in person around 200 times! |
Brancelli 01.08.2018 03:18 |
Thanks for the free analysis, happy. I couldn't care less whether Adam or Marc had a number 1 in the UK or anywhere. Doesn't matter to me in the slightest. Most of the shit that gets radio play these days barely qualifies as music, anyway. So yeah, I'm smitten. I'm male, btw. |
Iron Butterfly 01.08.2018 04:31 |
SweetCaroline wrote: I don’t spam!Yes you do. |
Iron Butterfly 01.08.2018 04:32 |
SweetCaroline wrote: I saw Adam on American Idol and knew he was amazing and seeing him in person 8 more times after that confirmed that he was more than amazing! Brian and Roger have had the same experience only they have seen him in person around 200 times!Public relations time again for you. |
SweetCaroline 01.08.2018 04:34 |
I’m going to get killed for this. Heard Adele singing “Rolling In The Deep” on my car radio today and I still don’t get it what was the big attraction for her to sell all of those albums. Her voice is horrible; nothing beautiful about it. She is no Celine Dion! |
Iron Butterfly 01.08.2018 04:40 |
SweetCaroline wrote: I’m going to get killed for this. Heard Adele singing “Rolling In The Deep” on my car radio today and I still don’t get it what was the big attraction for her to sell all of those albums. Her voice is horrible; nothing beautiful about it. She is no Celine Dion!Oh, another Adele gripe! You never fail. Why bring her up out of nowhere? So you can gripe about her once again. No, you don't get the big deal about very much at all obviously. Your loss. And no, Adele is no Celine Dion...Adele is Adele, dummy! You bitterness and hypocrisy is showing again. Just look at your reactions when some people say they don't like AL's voice...that would upset you to no end. But you can bitch about Adele, Sam Smith at the drop of a hat. You truly are something else. I hope the hell you have been trolling Queen boards these last few years. You must want this thread to become bigger so you decided to bring Adele into it for no good reason, just to gripe about her again. |
runner_70 01.08.2018 06:36 |
SC has completely lost it . She is so obsessed with this shithead called lamebird that it is unhealthy. She needs help. I mean it |
Star* 01.08.2018 06:51 |
Sweetcaroline who claims she is a granny and crowing over a wannabe freaky goth type transvestite lady boy is a cougar in my eyes . Lambert rams his gay lifestyle down the throats of his audience, ok i get it he is gay, but so was Freddie but he just got on making great music and been a total professional . Lambert seems to think he is the show he is the attraction he is the legend......... Sad for him he just May & Taylor's bait to put money into there accounts. i wonder if they get more money than him? |
Vocal harmony 01.08.2018 08:22 |
happystar wrote: . . . . . I saw Freddie on Top of the pops back in 1974 and i knew he was amazing and i had never been to Queen concert then, so going to concerts to test someone out is a stupid theory. . . . . .How do you make the connection between AL singing live with Queen and Freddie miming on a TV program. Question for you, did Freddie sound the same live as he did on any given Queen album? |
Vocal harmony 01.08.2018 08:24 |
runner_70 wrote: SC has completely lost it . She is so obsessed with this shithead called lamebird that it is unhealthy. She needs help. I mean itYou also seem obsessed, in a slightly different way, but the evidence would suggest you need much more serious help, and soon. |
rockchic65 01.08.2018 08:34 |
Vocal harmony wrote:Amen to that!!runner_70 wrote: SC has completely lost it . She is so obsessed with this shithead called lamebird that it is unhealthy. She needs help. I mean itYou also seem obsessed, in a slightly different way, but the evidence would suggest you need much more serious help, and soon. |
runner_70 01.08.2018 08:38 |
Happystar i doubt that the goat will get that much money. I am sure he is employed and getting a fix salary. If I was Maylor id let the guy pay each night for butchering their songs. I agree he is shoving his gayness into everyones throar. I have nothing against gays but cant stand it when all they do us advertise their orientation. In Lamebirds case he comes across as a stupid arrogant twat acting as if he was a rock Star which he clearly isnt. Everything about him is artificial. He seems to gave injections in his lips as well. He is a disgusting freak with no talent whatsoever |
rockchic65 01.08.2018 08:48 |
happystar wrote: Sweetcaroline who claims she is a granny and crowing over a wannabe freaky goth type transvestite lady boy is a cougar in my eyes . Lambert rams his gay lifestyle down the throats of his audience, ok i get it he is gay, but so was Freddie but he just got on making great music and been a total professional . Lambert seems to think he is the show he is the attraction he is the legend......... Sad for him he just May & Taylor's bait to put money into there accounts. i wonder if they get more money than him?He's neither goth nor a transvestite lady boy and back when Freddie was around it wasn't easy to be out as a gay so although Freddie was theatrical and slightly camp he wasn't able to fully put it out there. These are different times and having been out since the beginning there's no reason for Adam to try to be anything other than he is, he's no reason to hide his sexuality. He plays up the camp onstage for fun and the audience don't seem to have any problem with it. Adam is currently doing frontman duties so of course he has to put on a show, what's he supposed to do, stand at the back of the stage and sing without drawing any attention to himself, they may as well just play their original cd's if that's the case and not bother having a singer at all. If you had bothered to watch a show you would know Adam doesn't hog the limelight and make it all about himself at all, quite the opposite in fact, he shares the stage and interacts with the guys a lot, that's what makes it fun and part of what people love about these shows. |
Vocal harmony 01.08.2018 09:53 |
runner_70 wrote: I agree he is shoving his gayness into everyones throar. I have nothing against gays but cant stand it when all they do us advertise their orientation. . . . . .You seem to have reached a moral crossroads. On another thread on this forum ( The Game best 80's album) happystar (your only true supporter on here) was offering blow jobs to male forum members. So where are you going to go with this. . . Disown him. Pretend you don't care, even though evidence proves otherwise. Leave the forum, because you "can't stand it when all they do is advertise their orientation. Join the very short none existent que and cement your support for each other. Or do nothing and throw yourself into the morality rubbish bin, carry on as before thus proving everything you say is BS |
runner_70 01.08.2018 11:21 |
Rockchick: Wish they would only play the original cd so you wouldnt have to stomach the anmoying ladyboy |
SweetCaroline 01.08.2018 17:28 |
I wonder how many people would come to a show with a Freddie hologram as the front man. Seems a bit spooky to me. |
Star* 01.08.2018 17:46 |
Vocal Harmony: You obviously dont have a sense of humour do you? To answer your questions, No Freddie did not sound like the albums when he was singing Live, he hated that anyway. I also knew distinctively when i saw Queen on Top of the pops that they were going to be massive with Freddie, Fred made everyone on the show look trash because he was so sophisticated and lush. Even Paul McCartney said about Freddie " He is the anchor of that band, i think you can tell when someone has musical skill and he has it" I appreciate Freddie more than most on here because i see things in him that you probably dont. |
Iron Butterfly 01.08.2018 17:49 |
SweetCaroline wrote: I wonder how many people would come to a show with a Freddie hologram as the front man. Seems a bit spooky to me.Not me. And I actually agree with you. I'm not one for holograms, usually. |
rockchic65 01.08.2018 18:04 |
happystar wrote: Vocal Harmony: You obviously dont have a sense of humour do you? To answer your questions, No Freddie did not sound like the albums when he was singing Live, he hated that anyway. I also knew distinctively when i saw Queen on Top of the pops that they were going to be massive with Freddie, Fred made everyone on the show look trash because he was so sophisticated and lush. Even Paul McCartney said about Freddie " He is the anchor of that band, i think you can tell when someone has musical skill and he has it" I appreciate Freddie more than most on here because i see things in him that you probably dont.The problem with that comment is you aren't the only one who appreciates Freddie at all, I also fell in love with Queen watching TOTP in 74, Killer Queen with Freddie and his fur jacket and his one hand with the nail polish, they were just so different and Freddie looked like a star even then. Add that to their unique sound and Freddie's killer voice, how could they not be massive. But he tragically died and time moves on, Brian & Roger still want to play, as Freddie might have done had it been one of the others who died, so I'm happy they can still do it and that people are still wanting to see the shows and hear their amazing music live, I really can't see any negatives to that situation. |
Star* 01.08.2018 18:36 |
Queen are diluted down to almost nothing now. They have not got the flair and over the top stage productions anymore that they had reputation for in the 80s. May & Taylor could have took Queen on the road by themsleves, they dont need Lambert. |
Iron Butterfly 01.08.2018 18:40 |
happystar wrote: Queen are diluted down to almost nothing now. They have not got the flair and over the top stage productions anymore that they had reputation for in the 80s. May & Taylor could have took Queen on the road by themsleves, they dont need Lambert.I think Lambert needs Brian and Roger though. ;-) Where would he be without it? Hard to say, but I'm damn sure AL couldn't sell the amount of tickets and play the venues like Q+AL has. |
rockchic65 01.08.2018 18:43 |
happystar wrote: Queen are diluted down to almost nothing now. They have not got the flair and over the top stage productions anymore that they had reputation for in the 80s. May & Taylor could have took Queen on the road by themsleves, they dont need Lambert.They do need a singer though, there's no way they could do two hour plus shows doing all the singing and the stage production itself is brilliant they used the same company who did last years U2 Joshua Tree tour and the Roger Water's tour among others so you can see they used the best. |
SweetCaroline 01.08.2018 19:25 |
I resent when I am constantly being attacked for not being a Queen fan instead of people being happy that I have become such a devoted fan even if it is through their association with Adam. I didn’t have time for any musical groups in the ‘70’s. I got married in 1970, had my son in 1971 and my daughter in 1973. When she was 2 weeks old my young husband died of a massive heart attack. Obviously I was pretty busy after that. I first saw the BoRhap music video in the 80s on MTV and saw them perform the first time during the live Live Aid broadcast. I’m thrilled that I have caught up with various groups later in life when I have more time to truly appreciate them. I’m sure if I had seen Freddie live, I would have totally flipped over him. I also regretted never seeing Elvis live. When he died in 1977 I was mad at myself for not trying to see him when he had toured in my town just before that. My kids were only 6 and 4 when that happened. So icy et al give me a damn break! I have loved every live show I have seen since that time when my kids got older: Boy George/Culture Club, Duran Duran (3 times), U2 (4 times), Loretta Lynn, Garth Brooks, Leonard Cohen, Foreigner, Yanni, Donny & Marie (2 times), Captain & Tennille, Liberace, Sting, Def Leppard, KISS (have I forgotten anyone?), oh yes, Queen Extravaganza, Adam solo (5 times) and QAL (3 times). Is that enough to qualify me as a good judge of live shows and performers when I say over and over again that the QAL show is MAGNIFICENT? |
Iron Butterfly 01.08.2018 19:49 |
SweetCaroline wrote: I resent when I am constantly being attacked for not being a Queen fan instead of people being happy that I have become such a devoted fan even if it is through their association with Adam. I didn’t have time for any musical groups in the ‘70’s. I got married in 1970, had my son in 1971 and my daughter in 1973. When she was 2 weeks old my young husband died of a massive heart attack. Obviously I was pretty busy after that. I first saw the BoRhap music video in the 80s on MTV and saw them perform the first time during the live Live Aid broadcast. I’m thrilled that I have caught up with various groups later in life when I have more time to truly appreciate them. I’m sure if I had seen Freddie live, I would have totally flipped over him. I also regretted never seeing Elvis live. When he died in 1977 I was mad at myself for not trying to see him when he had toured in my town just before that. My kids were only 6 and 4 when that happened. So icy et al give me a damn break! I have loved every live show I have seen since that time when my kids got older: Boy George/Culture Club, Duran Duran (3 times), U2 (4 times), Loretta Lynn, Garth Brooks, Leonard Cohen, Foreigner, Yanni, Donny & Marie (2 times), Captain & Tennille, Liberace, Sting, Def Leppard, KISS (have I forgotten anyone?), oh yes, Queen Extravaganza, Adam solo (5 times) and QAL (3 times). Is that enough to qualify me as a good judge of live shows and performers when I say over and over again that the QAL show is MAGNIFICENT?I do think it's obvious you aren't a Queen fan. I'm standing by that because you rarely discuss Queen with Freddie, and you sure don't care or are even bothered to look up things about the band. You posted a Queen video yesterday just to prove Freddie did actually wear white if you have to educate anyone here about that. At the same time, you take any chance you can get to put AL into a discussion...take Roger's son's wedding, you link to a pic and the first thing out of your mouth you bet if AL was there he would have sang an Elvis cover. Just goes to show how infatuated you are. You wanted him there to sing and be praised for it, apparently. Genuinely sorry about your husband passing away. I do admire your determination to come through that hard time. You spoke about your grandkids a few times, and I know you love them and they bring you much happiness. I don't owe you a break however. You never gave me one. For years now you have been saying I'm negative, miserable, etc and your latest is comparing me to Trump. Oh and once again, you blame me for what is your current year long ban from. QOL. So sorry, you get no break from me. You have treated Queen boards and some of it's members like crap for years now. You are unwilling to take any responsibility for your own actions. If you messed up a few times and if you had said sorry, that would be one thing. But you never have said sorry and you made it clear a few weeks back here that you feel you have nothing to be sorry for on QOL. You can't admit to being and doing wrong, here and on QOL. Much easier for you to play the victim who almost everybody has wronged...that's the way you think. You have a year long ban to show for it right now. You have cut no one a break, not me, even once so why should I cut you a break? I don't owe you one honestly. |
runner_70 01.08.2018 21:48 |
even though it is tragic to hear it is no excuse for acting awol when it comes to AL. I also wouldn t publish my personal life on a Queen message board but maybe I am different |
SweetCaroline 01.08.2018 22:01 |
I have done nothing wrong — EVER. My only “mistake” has been responding to you, Icy, and then you carrying on for pages and pages! Read the posts. Someone else said they were glad Adam wasn’t at that wedding and I responded that if he was there, he might have sung that Elvis song. The tweet about the wedding was from Brian and he wouldn’t have tweeted it if it was private. Yes, you have caused me (and many others) much trouble over the years with your ridiculous remarks. |
SweetCaroline 01.08.2018 22:03 |
You need to go back to QOL because it is very quiet over there. LOL |
Iron Butterfly 01.08.2018 22:18 |
SweetCaroline wrote: You need to go back to QOL because it is very quiet over there. LOLI am over on QOL. Yes, it's quiet and peaceful without you shoving AL spam all over the place. I think the laugh is on you since you are pissed off again you are unable to post over there. |
Iron Butterfly 01.08.2018 22:23 |
SweetCaroline wrote: I have done nothing wrong — EVER. My only “mistake” has been responding to you, Icy, and then you carrying on for pages and pages! Read the posts. Someone else said they were glad Adam wasn’t at that wedding and I responded that if he was there, he might have sung that Elvis song. The tweet about the wedding was from Brian and he wouldn’t have tweeted it if it was private. Yes, you have caused me (and many others) much trouble over the years with your ridiculous remarks.Yes, you have done wrong. Seriously, can you not see it? Spam, promontion, homophobia claims, shit stirring are just a few of the things you have done wrong. But oh no, you have done no wrong...EVER. Who the hell are you trying to fool? I know you have done wrong, even in your last posts over there where you put AL is not accepted by QOL members because of his sexuality. That's wrong, that's fucked up actually. No, you linked to the wedding pic first and why? Because apparently you wanted AL to be there...not only as a guest, but to sing. You grabbed on to someone elses post to promote AL. Stop blaming me for your actions. You are histronic. You have blamed me every time ( what is it now, three or four bans you have now) you have ended up banned and those 'troubles' of others for the last three or four years. My God. WTF is wrong with you? If you have proof of it me being the reasons for what you blame me for, post it. If you have no proof, STFU about it. You were told your ban from nearly a year ago wasn't my fault by the admin over there, yet you still blame me. Are you that resentful and hateful towards me? I think you are. |
runner_70 01.08.2018 22:28 |
The QOL Lamebird section has completely died - just proof that it is a flovour of the month and soon just a sad unnecessary footnote in Queen history. I think Maylor will make an apology in a few year als "What were we thinking being so disrespectful with this guy" Mark my words |
Iron Butterfly 01.08.2018 22:33 |
runner_70 wrote: The QOL Lamebird section has completely died - just proof that it is a flovour of the month and soon just a sad unnecessary footnote in Queen history. I think Maylor will make an apology in a few year als "What were we thinking being so disrespectful with this guy" Mark my wordsQ+AL will be a footnote...if even that. |
SweetCaroline 01.08.2018 23:21 |
6 years and 200 shows is NOT a footnote! BTW angelR backed me up about the homophobia against Adam at QOL. |
snifflese 01.08.2018 23:25 |
You two are disgusting!! Why don't you just leave the people alone who are happy with Qal? You don't have to rain on their parade and be so ugly. I see Icy is over on the dark side, just like on Qol. I will say it is a sad day over on QOL when someone gets banned for posting some link more than once, when there were horrible things said about Adam. Since the mod hates him, I guess that is par for the course. I am also not surprised that it was Icy who notified them that Caroline had done that. She like a rat terrier on Caroline just like she is here. I don't understand why she cares about what is linked. She is not the moderator, If she doesn't like it, she can scroll. Leave people alone, Icy!! As far as the homophobia, you have your head so far up your butt, you just can't see things they way they are. I and many others certainly feel that Adam's AMA performance just about blew his career. He was yanked off of one show (although he went on another) and has never sung on a Christmas show, done an Anthem at a game or many of the things other Idol people were doing and not just the winner. I think that had he not sung that sung and performed like that (obviously his choice, but the consequences were due to homophobia) his career would have had a different trajectory. Whether that is good or bad, I don't know, but it would have been different, I am sure of that. Adam has recently opened up a little about homorphobia and said things like that himself, there were obstacles that now aren't as much of a problem for artists starting out. And before you scream about Freddie's obstacles, we know how awful it was for him. No history lesson needed. But you just told Caroline, homophobia is an excuse, so I am mentioning that it hasn't been all daisies for Adam. Also there were quite a few homophoic posts on QOL of which nothing was ever done. But let someone post something more than once, and that is truly grounds for banning. The banning was because it was a Glambert. The rest of you people can be pretty ugly, although this place takes the cake and there seems to be no moderation here! Talking about shit stirring, Your fingers are BROWN, Icy. Read all your long diatribes and then see the fairly mild, normally short responses from Caroline and any idiot can see who the instigator is. If you wonder why this bothers me so much, I used to teach and if there is one thing I hate, it is a bully and you have struck me as one for years and Caroline is always the person you pick on and have formany of those years. Mind your own business and we would all be fine here. She has her views, you have yours. If you, Runner, and Happy can say your nasty crap, why can't someone link to an article or youtube? At least she isn't using filthy language and berating people and the band. Who is the problem, HUH? |
SweetCaroline 01.08.2018 23:47 |
Thanks, snifflese! Icy and the Milkman have been the bait and switch team over there. After I was banned they went on for pages and pages about Adam is no longer listed on Warner Bros. sites but that was great because, as you said, the mod hates him. I was posting at the Freddie Biopic thread about an article on homophobia and the mod moved it to the Adam thread. AngelR’s post can be seen on page 199, which icy quickly jumped all over. The article I was banned for is on page 201. |
Iron Butterfly 01.08.2018 23:50 |
SweetCaroline wrote: 6 years and 200 shows is NOT a footnote! BTW angelR backed me up about the homophobia against Adam at QOL.Oh, another Glambert backed you up. Whoopee. |
Iron Butterfly 01.08.2018 23:59 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Thanks, snifflese! Icy and the Milkman have been the bait and switch team over there. After I was banned they went on for pages and pages about Adam is no longer listed on Warner Bros. sites but that was great because, as you said, the mod hates him. I was posting at the Freddie Biopic thread about an article on homophobia and the mod moved it to the Adam thread. AngelR’s post can be seen on page 199, which icy quickly jumped all over. The article I was banned for is on page 201.Hmm. Did you get snifflese to back you up here, or was sent ready to pounce? You aren't helping yourself here you know that, right? Did it upset your little feelings A is no longer with WB? And you weren't there to defend him? Because that's what it seems like. I notice how you don't mention your wrong doing in staying AL isn't accepted because of his sexuality. Are you ashamed of yourself how many times you have calmed homophobia regarding AL? You gave those excuses time and time again when his music wasn't played, sold or as popular as some other artists. Methinks you dug your own hole over there. You still are digging away here. What do you hope to do? The wrath of Glamberts coming down on me? People to take your side? You not to be called out on your absolute bullshit? You want snifflese to defend you n QOL? Something is very wrong with you, I think. It's unsettling to watch, creepy at times. |
Iron Butterfly 02.08.2018 00:03 |
snifflese wrote: You two are disgusting!! Why don't you just leave the people alone who are happy with Qal? You don't have to rain on their parade and be so ugly. I see Icy is over on the dark side, just like on Qol. I will say it is a sad day over on QOL when someone gets banned for posting some link more than once, when there were horrible things said about Adam. Since the mod hates him, I guess that is par for the course. I am also not surprised that it was Icy who notified them that Caroline had done that. She like a rat terrier on Caroline just like she is here. I don't understand why she cares about what is linked. She is not the moderator, If she doesn't like it, she can scroll. Leave people alone, Icy!! As far as the homophobia, you have your head so far up your butt, you just can't see things they way they are. I and many others certainly feel that Adam's AMA performance just about blew his career. He was yanked off of one show (although he went on another) and has never sung on a Christmas show, done an Anthem at a game or many of the things other Idol people were doing and not just the winner. I think that had he not sung that sung and performed like that (obviously his choice, but the consequences were due to homophobia) his career would have had a different trajectory. Whether that is good or bad, I don't know, but it would have been different, I am sure of that. Adam has recently opened up a little about homorphobia and said things like that himself, there were obstacles that now aren't as much of a problem for artists starting out. And before you scream about Freddie's obstacles, we know how awful it was for him. No history lesson needed. But you just told Caroline, homophobia is an excuse, so I am mentioning that it hasn't been all daisies for Adam. Also there were quite a few homophoic posts on QOL of which nothing was ever done. But let someone post something more than once, and that is truly grounds for banning. The banning was because it was a Glambert. The rest of you people can be pretty ugly, although this place takes the cake and there seems to be no moderation here! Talking about shit stirring, Your fingers are BROWN, Icy. Read all your long diatribes and then see the fairly mild, normally short responses from Caroline and any idiot can see who the instigator is. If you wonder why this bothers me so much, I used to teach and if there is one thing I hate, it is a bully and you have struck me as one for years and Caroline is always the person you pick on and have formany of those years. Mind your own business and we would all be fine here. She has her views, you have yours. If you, Runner, and Happy can say your nasty crap, why can't someone link to an article or youtube? At least she isn't using filthy language and berating people and the band. Who is the problem, HUH?What did I say that was so disgusting? What a hissy fit you are having here. You are also a part of the problem since you came here wanting and even calling for me to be banned, because your buddy was banned. You have your agenda, that's your problem. You had it out for me here since you very first post. But you couldn't leave that alone, could you? You are also a hypocrite. Sweetcaroline is the person who do no wrong in her own eyes or yours. I call bullshit on that, because I know better. But you keep on telling yourself and trying to tell others that she is innocent when she wasn't. Glambert code, gotta stick up for each other, no matter what. Not getting into the homophobia discussion with you, since you said when I talked about my personal experiences, it was to attention seek. Bet you wouldn't say that about AL when he speaks about some things in his history, right? Glambert meltdown for you both today or something? |
Iron Butterfly 02.08.2018 00:06 |
SweetCaroline wrote: 6 years and 200 shows is NOT a footnote! BTW angelR backed me up about the homophobia against Adam at QOL.What would you say about Q+PR after what they did together, including a studio album and a live DVD To me, even that's would be a footnote, if that in the scheme of things. |
snifflese 02.08.2018 00:54 |
There is no meltdown, Icy unless it is on your part. You just don't for some reason get it, but bullies never do. I have read on QOL for a long time and you hounded Caroline over there just like here. Now you have carried it to QZ. What is it you don't like about her? There must be something to always have your knickers in a twist about her and now me, because I keep bringing it up to you. No matter what she says or does or doesn't post, you call her out and when she responds, you go on about homophobia and bans and bigging Adam up. I could write your post for you at this point. Why can't you guys just ignore? I know she would love to ignore you. And NO, I have never met Caroline, nor talked to her, nor do I know anything more than you do about her. I just get sick over how she is treated by you for no reason. There is no mod here and no one appointed you. So, just be quiet about it. If you can ignore the vile crap that Runner and Happy post (and now you even agree with them and act friendly!!), what Caroline says or links to, is pretty benign. But that is just the same behavior you had on QOL. All the while pretending to be open minded, yea, right! That is perfectly fine, but you always pretend otherwise, but get your digs in all over the place. Leaving her and me to our own devices without your input, would be really nice, We are all grownups and can mind our own business. That would be lovely! |
snifflese 02.08.2018 00:57 |
You obviously didn't read my post because I said I do believe the homophobia part. I don't think Caroline is wrong at all, as that is what I believe. Read my post at the top of the page and you might understand where we are coming from. Adam has mentioned several things lately that he never really talked about. It might be enlightening for you. |
Iron Butterfly 02.08.2018 01:15 |
snifflese wrote: You obviously didn't read my post because I said I do believe the homophobia part. I don't think Caroline is wrong at all, as that is what I believe. Read my post at the top of the page and you might understand where we are coming from. Adam has mentioned several things lately that he never really talked about. It might be enlightening for you.I have read and listened to what AL had to say recently. I'm not going to discuss it with you, since you thought I was speaking about my own experiences with homophobia was to attention seek. I wouldn't even say that about AL. What he has been saying recently is likely to help many people. That I will say. |
Iron Butterfly 02.08.2018 01:25 |
snifflese wrote: There is no meltdown, Icy unless it is on your part. You just don't for some reason get it, but bullies never do. I have read on QOL for a long time and you hounded Caroline over there just like here. Now you have carried it to QZ. What is it you don't like about her? There must be something to always have your knickers in a twist about her and now me, because I keep bringing it up to you. No matter what she says or does or doesn't post, you call her out and when she responds, you go on about homophobia and bans and bigging Adam up. I could write your post for you at this point. Why can't you guys just ignore? I know she would love to ignore you. And NO, I have never met Caroline, nor talked to her, nor do I know anything more than you do about her. I just get sick over how she is treated by you for no reason. There is no mod here and no one appointed you. So, just be quiet about it. If you can ignore the vile crap that Runner and Happy post (and now you even agree with them and act friendly!!), what Caroline says or links to, is pretty benign. But that is just the same behavior you had on QOL. All the while pretending to be open minded, yea, right! That is perfectly fine, but you always pretend otherwise, but get your digs in all over the place. Leaving her and me to our own devices without your input, would be really nice, We are all grownups and can mind our own business. That would be lovely!Yes, you and sweetcaroline sure meltdown here. You have done it since you became a member and started posting. Nope, wasn't me who carried things from QOL to here after sweetcaroline aka CNB ended up banned from QOL. That's her, lay the blame on me, must in case you missed it. I hate the lies and untruths she spreads about me. She must get a kick out of it at the same time hoping for a pity party. Which you invited yourself to the latter. I will not take orders or even wishes from you. Sorry, not sorry. You moan about no mod here when you have been harsh yourself. You don't see anything wrong with sweetcaroline blaming me, because you believe what she says. Why can't she post 'proof' that it's because of me that I'm to blame for her bans, and others like she is trying to protray here? If she has no proof, then she should STFU about it. Three of her bans she has laid the blame fully on me. She's banned for 10 more months right now give or take, maybe in the meantime she will realize where and how she went wrong. But hey, her own words she has nothing to be sorry for and never did anything wrong. And you believe that, hook, line and sinker. You don't mind your own business about me, now to do you? Pretending I'm open minded? You know my thoughts on Q+AL and not much else, so your judgement is clouded. |
snifflese 02.08.2018 01:29 |
I am not sure how Adam's situation equates with yours in any way, shape or form. I never said that about you. What I DID say was I don't understand how someone can experience homophobia or anything bad and then go and bully someone else. I would think one might try not to do that, since he would know how it felt. There should be more empathy for a bullied person, if you had experienced something bad. As usual you either didn't understand what I said, or you just twist it, which seems to happen often. I have empathy for Caroline, for example, as many people seem to pick on her, but you are the worst offender. Sorry, but that is how I see it. I hate to see people ridiculed and called nasty names for any reason. Hence I can't stand Runner and Happy. I just don't find that any of you three make this a better place. I fully believe that people who might like to post won't, because of all the nastiness. That is sad to me. |
snifflese 02.08.2018 01:29 |
I am not sure how Adam's situation equates with yours in any way, shape or form. I never said that about you. What I DID say was I don't understand how someone can experience homophobia or anything bad and then go and bully someone else. I would think one might try not to do that, since he would know how it felt. There should be more empathy for a bullied person, if you had experienced something bad. As usual you either didn't understand what I said, or you just twist it, which seems to happen often. I have empathy for Caroline, for example, as many people seem to pick on her, but you are the worst offender. Sorry, but that is how I see it. I hate to see people ridiculed and called nasty names for any reason. Hence I can't stand Runner and Happy. I just don't find that any of you three make this a better place. I fully believe that people who might like to post won't, because of all the nastiness. That is sad to me. |
Iron Butterfly 02.08.2018 01:42 |
snifflese wrote: I am not sure how Adam's situation equates with yours in any way, shape or form. I never said that about you. What I DID say was I don't understand how someone can experience homophobia or anything bad and then go and bully someone else. I would think one might try not to do that, since he would know how it felt. There should be more empathy for a bullied person, if you had experienced something bad. As usual you either didn't understand what I said, or you just twist it, which seems to happen often. I have empathy for Caroline, for example, as many people seem to pick on her, but you are the worst offender. Sorry, but that is how I see it. I hate to see people ridiculed and called nasty names for any reason. Hence I can't stand Runner and Happy. I just don't find that any of you three make this a better place. I fully believe that people who might like to post won't, because of all the nastiness. That is sad to me.I'm telling you why I don't want to discuss it with you. And yes, you said I posted about my personal experiences about homophobia to attention seek. Like fuck you have empathy for people who have been bullied, if you had any sort of decency, you wouldn't have said that about me, especially since you never actually discussed what I went through with me. All you had to say, was to take it from QOL to here to say I was attention seeking by posting about it. You came here shouting the odds that i should have been banned from QOL and QZ. You were pissed off because your friend was banned...and instead of me. You did that from you very first post. Yes, I have been harsh. I have admitted to it. She never has and likely never will admit to being wrong and doing things wrong. You are just the same, cause she has you wrapped around her finger. I don't see you adding much to QZ except to defend your buddy sweetcaroline and to slam me. That's your reason to be here. No, I'm not full on Glambert like you and sweetcaroline, but thank fk for that. |
SweetCaroline 02.08.2018 03:06 |
I don’t know how anyone could hate Adam after watching this beautiful interview that puts the whole Freddie/Adam dynamic into the right perspective: link |
runner_70 02.08.2018 04:54 |
Why dont you sick Glamtarts unterstand. His career isnt over because he is fucking guys his career is over because he is an annoying twat and sucks when it comes to sth music related on every level. And seeing him talk about Freddies Sexuality with his bad lip injections makes me vomit. At least you acknowledge that his career is over |
Iron Butterfly 02.08.2018 05:58 |
runner_70 wrote: Why dont you sick Glamtarts unterstand. His career isnt over because he is fucking guys his career is over because he is an annoying twat and sucks when it comes to sth music related on every level. And seeing him talk about Freddies Sexuality with his bad lip injections makes me vomit. At least you acknowledge that his career is overDid he talk about Freddie's sexuality the video? Not gonna watch it anyways. |
rockchic65 02.08.2018 09:50 |
Iron Butterfly wrote:Very briefly when asked and nothing bad whatsoever, the interviewer was asking in the context of it being sad that Freddie lived in a time when Aids wasn't manageable like it is now and that he didn't feel able to be open about his sexuality or his illness.runner_70 wrote: Why dont you sick Glamtarts unterstand. His career isnt over because he is fucking guys his career is over because he is an annoying twat and sucks when it comes to sth music related on every level. And seeing him talk about Freddies Sexuality with his bad lip injections makes me vomit. At least you acknowledge that his career is overDid he talk about Freddie's sexuality the video? Not gonna watch it anyways. |
rockchic65 02.08.2018 09:53 |
runner_70 wrote: Why dont you sick Glamtarts unterstand. His career isnt over because he is fucking guys his career is over because he is an annoying twat and sucks when it comes to sth music related on every level. And seeing him talk about Freddies Sexuality with his bad lip injections makes me vomit. At least you acknowledge that his career is overBad lip injections? Don't be an idiot, his lips are the same they've always been, his career isn't over period, he isn't annoying or a twat and he doesn't suck musically or in any other way. You on the other hand...... |
Star* 02.08.2018 11:10 |
Adam Lambert deserves the homophobia he is getting if he continues to dress up as a nellie. He is his own problem. Massive platform heeled boots and looking like a tranny, what did you honestly expect? He makes Queen look like a complete bunch of tossers. How ashamed i am of those two (May & Taylor.) |
rockchic65 02.08.2018 11:57 |
happystar wrote: Adam Lambert deserves the homophobia he is getting if he continues to dress up as a nellie. He is his own problem. Massive platform heeled boots and looking like a tranny, what did you honestly expect? He makes Queen look like a complete bunch of tossers. How ashamed i am of those two (May & Taylor.)No one deserves homophobia and in Adam's case he doesn't experience much of it these days, in recent interviews he was talking more about how the industry weren't homophobic towards him per se but did have issues around how to market him. |
SweetCaroline 02.08.2018 14:01 |
His lips haven’t changed in the 9 years I have known him: link |
runner_70 02.08.2018 14:03 |
Everyone sees that ha had bad lip injections. only those dont see it who think he is "magnificent" which he clearly isnt. He is just a bad dream that wont go away |
SweetCaroline 02.08.2018 14:31 |
He won’t go away! He is a “gift from God!” :-) |
Iron Butterfly 02.08.2018 15:30 |
rockchic65 wrote:Thanks.Iron Butterfly wrote:Very briefly when asked and nothing bad whatsoever, the interviewer was asking in the context of it being sad that Freddie lived in a time when Aids wasn't manageable like it is now and that he didn't feel able to be open about his sexuality or his illness.runner_70 wrote: Why dont you sick Glamtarts unterstand. His career isnt over because he is fucking guys his career is over because he is an annoying twat and sucks when it comes to sth music related on every level. And seeing him talk about Freddies Sexuality with his bad lip injections makes me vomit. At least you acknowledge that his career is overDid he talk about Freddie's sexuality the video? Not gonna watch it anyways. |
Iron Butterfly 02.08.2018 15:31 |
SweetCaroline wrote: His lips haven’t changed in the 9 years I have known him: linkYou know him? O.o Any excuse to link to a picture of him, I suppose. |
Iron Butterfly 02.08.2018 15:34 |
SweetCaroline wrote: He won’t go away! He is a “gift from God!” :-)You can't tell the future. Gift from God or not, things can happen, sometimes those things aren't good. You really shouldn't spew this crap on QOL where it's known how talented Freddie was, and he still died from a horrible illness complication. |
Iron Butterfly 02.08.2018 15:36 |
happystar wrote: Adam Lambert deserves the homophobia he is getting if he continues to dress up as a nellie. He is his own problem. Massive platform heeled boots and looking like a tranny, what did you honestly expect? He makes Queen look like a complete bunch of tossers. How ashamed i am of those two (May & Taylor.)No one deserves homophobia. It's a horrible thing to go through, I speak from personal experience. I wouldn't want anyone to go through it, wish it anyone, or to say it's deserved. |
Vocal harmony 02.08.2018 16:49 |
happystar wrote: Adam Lambert deserves the homophobia he is getting if he continues to dress up as a nellie. He is his own problem. Massive platform heeled boots and looking like a tranny, what did you honestly expect? He makes Queen look like a complete bunch of tossers. How ashamed i am of those two (May & Taylor.)You are unbelievably narrow minded and forgetful. Think back to the early 70's. Elton John, Marc Bolan, David Bowie, Dave Hill and many more all wore high heels effeminate clothing and in many cases acted/played up the gay image or were just plain androgynous. What about the image Queen portrayed around the first two albums Add to those, Kiss, The New York Dolls, Roxy Music and a great many others As for your gay comments about Lambert, coming from someone who bats for the same team your comment is a jealousy bitch fest because you see AL as standing in Freddie's spot light. Your viewing this with the mind of a adolescent who is fixated on one person Yet again you don't sound like much of a genuine Queen fan, just a Freddie follower. Put it this way, if Freddie was the singer in another band and Queen had a different singer, in an alternative history, you wouldn't have noticed Queen at all. |
Vocal harmony 02.08.2018 17:14 |
happystar wrote: Queen are diluted down to almost nothing now. They have not got the flair and over the top stage productions anymore that they had reputation for in the 80s. May & Taylor could have took Queen on the road by themsleves, they dont need Lambert. |
Vocal harmony 02.08.2018 17:16 |
Coming from someone who hasn't seen a show since 1986 you really know what your talking about from first had experience! |
Star* 02.08.2018 17:55 |
Vocal Harmony : I know how a true Queen show should be, not shit like today . Queen are a in a sticky mess now and lost there credibility thanks to the stupid Dr May taking on a reality talent show loser. |
Star* 02.08.2018 17:57 |
America will have a huge problem with Adam Lambert and he wont be doing the gay communities any favours over there looking as he does. I know there has been lots of protests outside venues where he has been playing with Queen, from the homophobic ranks. |
rockchic65 02.08.2018 18:26 |
happystar wrote: America will have a huge problem with Adam Lambert and he wont be doing the gay communities any favours over there looking as he does. I know there has been lots of protests outside venues where he has been playing with Queen, from the homophobic ranks.Really? Care to link some information about all these protests, I must have completely missed those articles over the last six years. The only protest I know of was for Adam's solo show back in 2010 and a petition to have him banned from playing a gig, solo again, in singapore, which incidentally failed. He managed to survive America back in 2010 don't think there'll be much of a problem now, things have improved thankfully. |
rockchic65 02.08.2018 18:28 |
runner_70 wrote: Everyone sees that ha had bad lip injections. only those dont see it who think he is "magnificent" which he clearly isnt. He is just a bad dream that wont go awayThink you need to get to specsavers, there's no lip injections, there's pics of him back before Idol and his lips were no different then. Have you seen people after injections, they call it a trout pout for a reason. |
Star* 02.08.2018 18:51 |
Rockchic you are so narrow minded and ignore all the negatives that have happened to your so called legend. You know a legend is someone who had talent and charisma like Liberace, Freddie Mercury, John Lennon , but not Adam. I find it so hard to understand what folk see in him, am i missing the vital ingredient here? Seen lots of footage of him but still do not get it and why people swoon over him, i mean his solo stuff is weak and he is only popular cos he sings Queen songs but that is it, Maybe when Queen are done he will piss Meatloaf fans off next lol |
SweetCaroline 02.08.2018 18:52 |
Adam is a regular guy, not a Nellie: link |
Star* 02.08.2018 18:58 |
Vocal Harmony Yes we know the glam stars wore high heeled boots but Lambert makes sure his sexuality is at the front of the queue before the music, The glam stars were in an era that was colourful and glitter was the norm back then, now Lambert does himself a disservice with his sexuality trying to get more and more gay but he cant, we know he is one fag hag and many straight acting gay mens worse nightmare. |
rockchic65 02.08.2018 19:04 |
happystar wrote: Rockchic you are so narrow minded and ignore all the negatives that have happened to your so called legend. You know a legend is someone who had talent and charisma like Liberace, Freddie Mercury, John Lennon , but not Adam. I find it so hard to understand what folk see in him, am i missing the vital ingredient here? Seen lots of footage of him but still do not get it and why people swoon over him, i mean his solo stuff is weak and he is only popular cos he sings Queen songs but that is it, Maybe when Queen are done he will piss Meatloaf fans off next lolI think you've misunderstand the definition of narrow minded and I'm not ignoring negatives I just don't see any. I don't know if your're missing something it's more just a taste thing, he's not for you, we get it, there's people I just don't get what all the fuss is about but the difference is I just accept the fact they aren't for me and ignore them I don't keep going and commenting negatively about them to their fans since I can accept everyone is different and likes different things, and just because they don't resonate with me doesn't mean there's anything wrong with them. |
rockchic65 02.08.2018 19:09 |
happystar wrote: Vocal Harmony Yes we know the glam stars wore high heeled boots but Lambert makes sure his sexuality is at the front of the queue before the music, The glam stars were in an era that was colourful and glitter was the norm back then, now Lambert does himself a disservice with his sexuality trying to get more and more gay but he cant, we know he is one fag hag and many straight acting gay mens worse nightmare.Correct me if I'm wrong but I was sure a fag hag is a heterosexual woman who spends a lot of time hanging out with homosexual men. There's no one way or right way to be gay, they come in all different types just the same as straight people do and as has been pointed out before it's a stage act, he plays up the camp for comedic affect and judging by all the people laughing it works. Have you seen and heard him when he's not on stage or when he's in interview? |
Iron Butterfly 02.08.2018 19:42 |
I'm just so thankful artists like Freddie, Bowie, EJ and so many more broke barriers during their careers. I strongly believe that because of them, they helped change the musical landscape. |
runner_70 02.08.2018 20:57 |
Lamebird is just a twat in a karaoke band with no achievements at all. |
Iron Butterfly 02.08.2018 20:59 |
runner_70 wrote: Lamebird is just a twat in a karaoke band with no achievements at all.Uh oh. Can o works right there ;-). |
SweetCaroline 03.08.2018 01:55 |
I read that Adam is worth $16 Million so he has a few achievements! |
Iron Butterfly 03.08.2018 03:26 |
SweetCaroline wrote: I read that Adam is worth $16 Million so he has a few achievements!Called it ;-). Took a little longer than I thought. Money doesn't always equal achievements by the way. |
Star* 03.08.2018 06:28 |
Adam Lambert has not achieved anything worth crowing over and he never will. His solos albums are drivel and he is very confused at what direction he is going in. |
SweetCaroline 03.08.2018 10:57 |
He’s fine! Just because he has a gorgeous voice and not a distinctively whiney one like some others, doesn’t mean he has failed and has no direction. Trump “won” the presidency even though he is a miserable human being. |
Star* 03.08.2018 15:13 |
Sweetcaroline There you are you have just answered your own question, Trump corrupt and Lambert tasteless unbalanced pretender. |
SweetCaroline 03.08.2018 15:32 |
Yes, Trump is corrupt, tasteless, unbalanced and a fake, pretend president! |
Iron Butterfly 03.08.2018 16:17 |
SweetCaroline wrote: He’s fine! Just because he has a gorgeous voice and not a distinctively whiney one like some others, doesn’t mean he has failed and has no direction. Trump “won” the presidency even though he is a miserable human being.Hoping he will be fine once Q+AL is over. Him not being on WB is isn't fine. AL has the gorgeous voice and others are whiny... according to you as if you have an knowledge of those artists you rant about...or any other artists than AL. What does Trump have to do it? Any excuse for you to go on a rant about hm, I suppose. It's fucked up you compare certain people on QZ and QOL to Trump by the way. You are extremely fkd up by doing that. |
SweetCaroline 03.08.2018 16:29 |
You prove it every day, Icy, because, like him, you MUST always have the last word. |
Iron Butterfly 03.08.2018 16:40 |
SweetCaroline wrote: You prove it every day, Icy, because, like him, you MUST always have the last word.Prove what? It's a message board here and it's for posting on. |
Vocal harmony 03.08.2018 16:50 |
runner_70 wrote: Lamebird is just a twat in a karaoke band with no achievements at all.Well a shit load more achievements than you! |
Vocal harmony 03.08.2018 16:56 |
rockchic65 wrote:Don't think you'll get a response to those two points, he'll never admit to having got something wrong.happystar wrote: Vocal Harmony Yes we know the glam stars wore high heeled boots but Lambert makes sure his sexuality is at the front of the queue before the music, The glam stars were in an era that was colourful and glitter was the norm back then, now Lambert does himself a disservice with his sexuality trying to get more and more gay but he cant, we know he is one fag hag and many straight acting gay mens worse nightmare.Correct me if I'm wrong but I was sure a fag hag is a heterosexual woman who spends a lot of time hanging out with homosexual men. There's no one way or right way to be gay, . . . , |
runner_70 03.08.2018 17:09 |
Who cares about the ladyboys sexuality- he might fuck goats (as he sounds like em) I would not care |
Sealion 03.08.2018 17:20 |
runner_70 wrote: Who cares about the ladyboys sexuality- he might fuck goats (as he sounds like em) I would not careLOL! You DO care in every post. You are as homophob as they can get. And you prove it with every second name, that you create for Lambert. The only gays, you could maybe accept are closeted or butch ones. |
runner_70 03.08.2018 18:39 |
Lamebird SUCKS because he is crap musically. I dont fucking care where he puts his dick in. Understand it now you fucking prick? |
snifflese 03.08.2018 19:32 |
You are always talking about gay things and making allusions to homosexuality. So either you hate them, or wish you were one of them. I am not sure which, but in either case you suck! Can you say anything that might vaguely be considered as adult conversation and contribute to a comment someone made, without resorting to nasty hate speech, which is what this is. You can make a negative comment, but it can be civilized, you know? |
Star* 03.08.2018 19:46 |
Snifflese: i am making adult comments, and for your information it is not hate speech. Freddie was gay and i adored him, but Lambert is ten a penny from what i have seen of American idol they all sound the same. Lambert would do better if if he left Queen and got on with his career, it proves he is unstable with his future as he is shit scared to venture on his own, he has stuck with Queen for most of his entire time since leaving American ldol. Talk about milking it. i would admire anyone if they made it on there own but when you hang around like a bad smell that sucks too ! There was that adult enough for you teacher? |
Sealion 03.08.2018 20:11 |
@runner I don‘t believe you. And I don‘t care, if you like Lambert‘s voice or the fact that Brian and Roger chose him as their singer. You can criticize that, if you want to. But you should be aware, that some of your comments clearly indicate, that you have problems with Lambert being a more feminine gay AND the fact, that he shows it. OK. Many men are unconfortable with fem gays. The problem here is -and that‘s the reason, why I called you out for it- that you are regularly using homophobe insults (Ladyboy for instance) or doing sexual references. When you, as so often, compare is voice like a sound of a „goat being raped“ it strongly indicacates, that you have a problem with his sexuality. As well when you criticize the man for his clothes on stage: you always criticize it, when you think it‘s too feminine (You commented on his look in a video of TSMGO, that he looks like a woman.) I do think, that people can criticize his costumes. Although I don’t give 2 fux ;) about them. I didn‘t give one fuck about Freddie‘s cloth either, which were as theatrical as Lambert‘s. At least, that‘s what I thought, when I saw him back in the day. But your comments are only hateful, full of sexual references and too often without any truth to it. If you don‘t want to look like a homophobe asshole, you should better watch your words. |
SweetCaroline 03.08.2018 20:30 |
Adam is NOT an effeminate gay man! Here’s a twitter stream from fans who believe he is not being appreciated: link |
Sealion 03.08.2018 20:39 |
Look at this old video of Freddie. It’s great! It’s fun! link BUT: my friends and I thought he was completely ridiculous back in the days. Yes, we did. We were laughing our butts off though. He wasn‘t the legend, that he has become through his early death. He was only the frontman of a rockband, who made great music, but wasn’t for everyone. And many people did criticize him hard for his choices. You know that. Just imagine, what some people here would write, if Lambert did anything like this now. These posters already seem to get sick by half a kilt over trousers (looks like a woman?). Or a bike on stage. Maybe we all should keep in mind, that all Freddie wanted to do, was to ENTERTAIN. and becoming a legend and make money ;) And his music is still entertaining millions of people. Also on stage, performed by his old buddies Bri and Rog and by Lambert. And by all the flaws he has, he must have balls of steel, that he dared to take on that job. Maeve we all should keep this in mind: it’s only entertainment. |
Sealion 03.08.2018 20:43 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Adam is NOT an effeminate gay man! Here’s a twitter stream from fans who believe he is not being appreciated: linkNo. But he’s more feminine than the „average“ man. Whatever that is. At least he’s too feminine for some men to feel comfortable enough to appreciate him, me thinks. I guess, that might also be a reason, some posters always call his „fans“ women. |
Iron Butterfly 03.08.2018 20:49 |
Sealion wrote: Look at this old video of Freddie. It’s great! It’s fun! link BUT: my friends and I thought he was completely ridiculous back in the days. Yes, we did. We were laughing our butts off though. He wasn‘t the legend, that he has become through his early death. He was only the frontman of a rockband, who made great music, but wasn’t for everyone. And many people did criticize him hard for his choices. You know that. Just imagine, what some people here would write, if Lambert did anything like this now. These posters already seem to get sick by half a kilt over trousers (looks like a woman?). Or a bike on stage. Maybe we all should keep in mind, that all Freddie wanted to do, was to ENTERTAIN. and becoming a legend and make money ;) And his music is still entertaining millions of people. Also on stage, performed by his old buddies Bri and Rog and by Lambert. And by all the flaws he has, he must have balls of steel, that he dared to take on that job. Maeve we all should keep this in mind: it’s only entertainment.I do think Freddie with Queen would have been a legend even if he didnt die so young. |
Iron Butterfly 03.08.2018 20:50 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Adam is NOT an effeminate gay man! Here’s a twitter stream from fans who believe he is not being appreciated: linkTwitter to back you up again. Not even going to read any of that. |
Sealion 03.08.2018 20:52 |
Iron Butterfly wrote: I do think Freddie with Queen would have been a legend even if he didnt die so young.Maybe. But that wasn’t my point. My point was, that he wasn’t the legend, when this video had been taken. |
runner_70 03.08.2018 21:04 |
Sealion: The video is from 1984/1985 during the works tour. The costume was for IWTBF which was a reference to Coronation street. It was pure fun. And Freddie was a legend in 1984 already you fucking wankhole. DOnt try to talk him down to put the fucking asshole Called Lamefart up who is a fucking nothing. The least we need on a Queen board are the Glamtarts teaching us when or if Freddie was a legend. Get the fuck out of here you fucking asswhipes |
SweetCaroline 03.08.2018 21:05 |
Of course you won’t read it because you don’t want to see anything that is positive! I couldn’t find the end of the stream because it was so long. That’s why I believe he will be fine post QAL !!!!! |
Iron Butterfly 03.08.2018 21:08 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Of course you won’t read it because you don’t want to see anything that is positive! I couldn’t find the end of the stream because it was so long. That’s why I believe he will be fine post QAL !!!!!I have been postive..Save Me for example. But that's not good enough for you. Because of a Twitter stream being so long is why you believe AL will be fine after Q+AL? That's a new one. |
SweetCaroline 03.08.2018 21:09 |
Icy would have a 200 page hissy fit if Adam ever strutted on stage like Freddie did in they video!!!!!!!!! |
runner_70 03.08.2018 21:11 |
AT least Freddie could get away with it AND did some awesome singing while looking silly. Lamebird looks like a trans ladyboy while singing like a goat. Big difference |
Sealion 03.08.2018 21:11 |
runner_70 wrote: Sealion: The video is from 1984/1985 during the works tour. The costume was for IWTBF which was a reference to Coronation street. It was pure fun. And Freddie was a legend in 1984 already you fucking wankhole. DOnt try to talk him down to put the fucking asshole Called Lamefart up who is a fucking nothing. The least we need on a Queen board are the Glamtarts teaching us when or if Freddie was a legend. Get the fuck out of here you fucking asswhipesI know, from what tour this video is and what it was all about. I even attended a gig back then. But thank you for telling it to other readers, who might not know. And no, he wasn’t the untouchable legend back then. Far from it. And I did love Queen. But I also remember, that I had been mocked for being a fan and all the criticism Freddie got for being himself on stage. |
Iron Butterfly 03.08.2018 21:12 |
happystar wrote: Snifflese: i am making adult comments, and for your information it is not hate speech. Freddie was gay and i adored him, but Lambert is ten a penny from what i have seen of American idol they all sound the same. Lambert would do better if if he left Queen and got on with his career, it proves he is unstable with his future as he is shit scared to venture on his own, he has stuck with Queen for most of his entire time since leaving American ldol. Talk about milking it. i would admire anyone if they made it on there own but when you hang around like a bad smell that sucks too ! There was that adult enough for you teacher?Just compare the time AL has spent with Q+AL than his solo music. That there tells me where his pirority has been. |
SweetCaroline 03.08.2018 21:13 |
Save Me! Save Me! Save Me! Save Me! Save Me! Yes, dear God, SAVE ME from this ridiculous woman who is deaf, dumb and blind !!!!! |
Sealion 03.08.2018 21:18 |
runner_70 wrote: AT least Freddie could get away with it AND did some awesome singing while looking silly. Lamebird looks like a trans ladyboy while singing like a goat. Big differenceOh, he‘s getting away with it just fine. Actually I see barely any criticism towards him by the press or the fans. It’s nothing like back in the days. Today they say , that it is fitting for Queen. Because Freddie had established the over the top ridiculous performances. It somehow belongs to Queen. Some still have insecurities and don’t like it of course. But that’s a part of pushing bounderies, as Queen has always done. |
runner_70 03.08.2018 21:39 |
with the difference that Freddie was a top notch musician and lamebird is an annoying talentfree wanker |
rockchic65 03.08.2018 21:44 |
happystar wrote: Snifflese: i am making adult comments, and for your information it is not hate speech. Freddie was gay and i adored him, but Lambert is ten a penny from what i have seen of American idol they all sound the same. Lambert would do better if if he left Queen and got on with his career, it proves he is unstable with his future as he is shit scared to venture on his own, he has stuck with Queen for most of his entire time since leaving American ldol. Talk about milking it. i would admire anyone if they made it on there own but when you hang around like a bad smell that sucks too ! There was that adult enough for you teacher?Ten a penny, that's laughable, there's no way you can compare him with the majority of Idol contestants he was miles ahead. He's not unstable with his future but why should he stop working with Brian & Roger when they clearly love it and the fans are constantly asking for more. It would be pretty ungrateful of him to just drop them now when they obviously want to carry on, nothing to do with being scared, he's no idiot and he knows he'll always be able to find work in entertainment, he's already said he want's to do other things besides singing anyway and he's been in the recording studio since getting back from the tour, how's that not getting on with his own career? As to what he wears onstage, none of it is any more theatrical than Freddie chose to wear and no one other than you and runner seem to care, it certainly doesn't seem to get mentioned on YouTube vids or in facebook comments by the huge majority of people. |
Sealion 03.08.2018 21:48 |
runner_70 wrote: AT least Freddie could get away with it AND did some awesome singing while looking silly. Lamebird looks like a trans ladyboy while singing like a goat. Big differenceAnd again you try to provoke by using your insulting language. You behave like the average 3 year old, who has realized, that the filthy word he has just learned, provokes attention. The problem here: Calling Lambert „ trans ladyboy“ is homophobic. And if there was any official controll on this forum, some of your comments could even lead to more serious legal trouble, do you know that? But that’s yours and the site owners problem. I just feel embarrassed, that someone like you is allowed to throw shade on a Queen forum and with this by that on Queen fans as a whole. Yes, many (but still a minority) can’t stand Lambert. But your behavior here is sick. |
Sealion 03.08.2018 21:50 |
runner_70 wrote: with the difference that Freddie was a top notch musician and lamebird is an annoying talentfree wankerAnother provocation, not worth discussing, because it bares no truth. |
runner_70 03.08.2018 21:59 |
SUe me then ;)Good luck. |
Sealion 03.08.2018 22:03 |
runner_70 wrote: SUe me then ;)Good luck.Me? No. I‘m only surprised, that the owner of this site accepts your behavior. Because in the end, he will be in trouble, if anyone should be offended enough to take action. Maybe YOU should think about that as well. We are all guests here. |
rockchic65 03.08.2018 22:06 |
Sealion wrote:There doesn't seem to be a mod on here unless I'm mistaken but just wondering who removed all those posts that happy wrote a few weeks ago?runner_70 wrote: SUe me then ;)Good luck.Me? No. I‘m only surprised, that the owner of this site accepts your behavior. Because in the end, he will be in trouble, if anyone should be offended enough to take action. Maybe YOU should think about that as well. We are all guests here. |
runner_70 03.08.2018 22:19 |
When the Glamtarts are gone it is back to a normal discussion again. Soon this will be the case. |
Sealion 03.08.2018 22:21 |
rockchic65 wrote:The owner is responsible. He can get help by moderators or do it all by himself. But he is responsible for everything posted on here and has to take care of posts, that violate the laws. If he doesn’t take care of that, he could be sued as well.Sealion wrote:There doesn't seem to be a mod on here unless I'm mistaken but just wondering who removed all those posts that happy wrote a few weeks ago?runner_70 wrote: SUe me then ;)Good luck.Me? No. I‘m only surprised, that the owner of this site accepts your behavior. Because in the end, he will be in trouble, if anyone should be offended enough to take action. Maybe YOU should think about that as well. We are all guests here. Happystar‘s posts disappeared after VH opened up the thread about him. I have the strong feeling, that the moderator of this forum is not into QAL and is omitting to read here. Whatever he is (not) doing. That careless behavior could lead to trouble. |
Sealion 03.08.2018 22:22 |
runner_70 wrote: When the Glamtarts are gone it is back to a normal discussion again. Soon this will be the case.Sorry, your record is broken. |
runner_70 03.08.2018 22:28 |
BReaking laws? By telling the truth? okay |
rockchic65 03.08.2018 22:28 |
Sealion wrote: Happystar‘s posts disappeared after VH opened up the thread about him. I have the strong feeling, that the moderator of this forum is not into QAL and is omitting to read here. Whatever he is (not) doing. That careless behavior could lead to trouble.Ah right, that would make sense. |
rockchic65 03.08.2018 22:31 |
runner_70 wrote: When the Glamtarts are gone it is back to a normal discussion again. Soon this will be the case.But who would you have to argue with then? There's two other threads on here just about Queen but you rarely post in them unless someone happens to put something QAL related, then you're all over it. Seems to me you have an unnatural obsession with someone you can't stand more than to the band you claim to love. Very odd IMO. |
Sealion 03.08.2018 22:35 |
runner_70 wrote: BReaking laws? By telling the truth? okayMocking it won’t work, buddy. |
snifflese 03.08.2018 22:50 |
Once again, Icy, you are damning with faint praise. Big deal, so you like Save Me and that is the only thing you like in all of the 175 plus shows. You criticize everything about Adam and an awful lot about Brian and Roger. So what if he is working with Queen now? I would put my career on hold to perform with them to rave reviews. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity and he has many years left to do other things. They all love touring together!! And it is not as if he hasn't done other things, since he has put out music and toured and been on Glee and Rocky Horror and several other things. He apparently has a part in the new Lego movie and he is recording his new music. He does have other irons in the fire, but Queen is a priority, as it should be. I just wish they would record music. My son is home for a visit and he just said today he wished they would record together since they fit so well as a group. I have heard that sentiment from many people at this point in time. Attitudes have changed vastly since 5-6 years ago. While you may consider yourself a "fan", I certainly don't. |
runner_70 03.08.2018 22:51 |
Dont mock anything I stand by what I say or write. And I hate this annoying guy |
Sealion 03.08.2018 23:11 |
runner_70 wrote: Dont mock anything I stand by what I say or write. And I hate this annoying guyYou are obsessed by your hate. See a doctor. It’s not normal to post about someone endlessly on several forums for 6 years. You are banned from QOL and got into trouble on other sites. You are not able to mention Lambert’s name. You can only post insults, lies and homophobic comments about him. You are not able to talk to people, who can appreciate the shows or Lambert’s talent. You just insult or mock them. You can’t accept Brian and Roger’s decisions. You are slamming them as well. And by doing all that, you are throwing shade on the whole Queen community. Who do you think you are? It’s a shame, that you’re still allowed to post here. |
Iron Butterfly 03.08.2018 23:30 |
Sealion wrote:Well it takes more than a click of the fingers nto become legendary. I think with certainty, Freddie would be a legend if he had not died so young. Live Aid performance was legendary before he died.Iron Butterfly wrote: I do think Freddie with Queen would have been a legend even if he didnt die so young.Maybe. But that wasn’t my point. My point was, that he wasn’t the legend, when this video had been taken. |
Sealion 03.08.2018 23:33 |
Iron Butterfly [\b] Just compare the time AL has spent with Q+AL than his solo music. That there tells me where his pirority has been.But why is there a problem? I‘m really thankful, that I get to see Brian and Roger with him at these tours. Had Lambert concentrated more on his solo career, I would not have been able to see them every year since 2015. So I‘m actually thankful for that. And don’t forget, Bri and Rog don’t have forever. Their time is limited. Just seeing them happy on stage tells me, that all three of them are doing the right thing. |
Iron Butterfly 03.08.2018 23:38 |
snifflese wrote: Once again, Icy, you are damning with faint praise. Big deal, so you like Save Me and that is the only thing you like in all of the 175 plus shows. You criticize everything about Adam and an awful lot about Brian and Roger. So what if he is working with Queen now? I would put my career on hold to perform with them to rave reviews. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity and he has many years left to do other things. They all love touring together!! And it is not as if he hasn't done other things, since he has put out music and toured and been on Glee and Rocky Horror and several other things. He apparently has a part in the new Lego movie and he is recording his new music. He does have other irons in the fire, but Queen is a priority, as it should be. I just wish they would record music. My son is home for a visit and he just said today he wished they would record together since they fit so well as a group. I have heard that sentiment from many people at this point in time. Attitudes have changed vastly since 5-6 years ago. While you may consider yourself a "fan", I certainly don't.Faint praise, throwing a bone you say about me liking Save Me...yea nothing but praise will be good enough for you. Did you miss I like IL and SYW as well? Apparently you have. I don't give much of a fuck about your history lesson of what AL has been up to, since you can't be bothered about Queen history. Of course you don't think I'm a fan again. Tell you what, if being a fan is like what you and sweetcaroline do, I'm glad I'm not a fan in your eyes. You both don't do AL or the Glamberts any favors. Learn something from rockchic or sealion. They are open to discussion with me. |
Sealion 03.08.2018 23:45 |
Iron Butterfly wrote:But it wasn’t immediately considered that. You are right, that it put Queen back on the „acceptable card“ after the debacle with South Africa, because people had to realize, that it was „good“ ( they would not dare to call them legends). LOL.Sealion wrote:Well it takes more than a click of the fingers nto become legendary. I think with certainty, Freddie would be a legend if he had other died so young. Live Aid performance was legendary before he died.Iron Butterfly wrote: I do think Freddie with Queen would have been a legend even if he didnt die so young.Maybe. But that wasn’t my point. My point was, that he wasn’t the legend, when this video had been taken. My take is, that Queen would have parted ways, had Freddie not gotten ill. It would have been over by 1987. Freddie would have followed his solo path, doing what he wanted to do. But without the others, he would not have been as successful. Queen‘s music would still be played, but Mercury would not have become that god-like figure. He would still be a human being with all his flaws, ups and failures. |
Iron Butterfly 04.08.2018 00:06 |
Sealion wrote:I don't know what would have happened if Freddie didn't become ill. I would hope even if they split as Queen, they would have been involved with music somehow. If not, that's fine too, because they left the world with some great music.Iron Butterfly wrote:But it wasn’t immediately considered that. You are right, that it put Queen back on the „acceptable card“ after the debacle with South Africa, because people had to realize, that it was „good“ ( they would not dare to call them legends). LOL. My take is, that Queen would have parted ways, had Freddie not gotten ill. It would have been over by 1987. Freddie would have followed his solo path, doing what he wanted to do. But without the others, he would not have been as successful. Queen‘s music would still be played, but Mercury would not have become that god-like figure. He would still be a human being with all his flaws, ups and failures.Sealion wrote:Well it takes more than a click of the fingers nto become legendary. I think with certainty, Freddie would be a legend if he had other died so young. Live Aid performance was legendary before he died.Iron Butterfly wrote: I do think Freddie with Queen would have been a legend even if he didnt die so young.Maybe. But that wasn’t my point. My point was, that he wasn’t the legend, when this video had been taken. I always think of Freddie as a human. He isn't god like to me, but I do admire and respect him a great deal. His courage stands out to me as much as the music. |
runner_70 04.08.2018 04:44 |
Sealion youre completely clueless when it comes to Queen and you are one of those brainless glamtarts that try to put Freddie down to big Lamebert up. Learn to live with the fact that the goat had no career if there was no Freddie. Freddie was a musician not a plastic manufactured popper like Lamebird who only had 15 min if fame thru AI. I am sure Queen would have lasted until now even if there were solo Projects. They made it clear more than once that they always come back to Queen. Freddie was not the diva in queen he kept em together. Brian was always Mr twoface. A diva in the studio and often jealous about Freddie being the main focus and the better songwriter. Why should they have disbanded in 1987 after their biggest tour ever? Stupid crap made up by clueless Glamberts. They would have toured The Miracle and still put out new music as Freddie hated to be a lame Nostalgia act. Something that they are now with the annoying tool on vocals. |
snifflese 04.08.2018 05:00 |
Icy you arenot nearly as pleasant with Caroline and me as your are with the others. You never had anything nice to say to Caroline here or on QOL and that pretty much applies to me also. You just haven't been. You always throw who you get along with at the moment (and it changes weekly) into the conversations and I don't particularly care about that. That doesn't help me at all. You can think what you want about us as fans, but I am a Queen fan, an Adam fan and a QAL fan, in addition to many others. I am not obsessed with just one artist and think he is the bee's knees. I like a lot of them! I just don't like the way you slam QAL all the time with petty stuff. To each his own! |
Sealion 04.08.2018 05:11 |
@runner I‘m clueless? No. I have my opinion as I said. Remember John’s reaction at the end of that tour for instance? And you are again insulting other people. Nothing of that has anything to do with Lambert, whom YOU are so obsessed about, that you are dragging him into any of your posts. And the bandmembers themselves (or rather the ones, that are still there and talk about it) said, that they would have possibly split around that time. It‘s not my imagination. But I guess you are so obsessed with the band, that the simple idea of a split makes you mad. Ever heard of the fact, that a forum is for discussions? I think not, because you aren‘t able to discuss. You are only slamming people with other opinions. |
Iron Butterfly 04.08.2018 06:47 |
snifflese wrote: Icy you arenot nearly as pleasant with Caroline and me as your are with the others. You never had anything nice to say to Caroline here or on QOL and that pretty much applies to me also. You just haven't been. You always throw who you get along with at the moment (and it changes weekly) into the conversations and I don't particularly care about that. That doesn't help me at all. You can think what you want about us as fans, but I am a Queen fan, an Adam fan and a QAL fan, in addition to many others. I am not obsessed with just one artist and think he is the bee's knees. I like a lot of them! I just don't like the way you slam QAL all the time with petty stuff. To each his own!Sweetcaroline send you running to defend her? How often have you both been nice to me? She has/is blaming me for everything she does wrong, isn't exactly nice, and you beliving what she says, isn't exactly nice either.. You see nothing wrong with what she does and says. To you both, I'm the worst of the worst. Sure, you are a Queen fan...and I'm a Glambert LOL. Nope, sorry, I don't be that you are a Queen fan. If you read my posts, especially on QOL, you'd know I like a great deal of music. For example, the Thunder rock band, sweetcaroline throws in my face. Sam Smith, Adele, Elton John, Ozzy, and so much more which is also thrown n my face because I like and post about on QOL. I don't give a fk that you think I slam Q+AL with petty stuff. I think you are petty, bitter and jealous of Freddie's legacy, cause AL is unlikely to ever be a legend... singing for Brian and Roger, or his solo music is hardly legendary. |
Star* 04.08.2018 09:10 |
Sealion: You spout off at Runner70 been ill and obsessed with hate over Lambert when you are just the same defending Lambert to the hilt and not bothered if he has no credibility or if he is a gimmick which by the way he certainly is. He is not a proper pop star and his fame is based on been with Queen and that is it. If Queen did not re-home him like a little lost puppy he would be playing pubs or smaller theatres,. As to my past posts been deleted i think Vocal Harmony hacked into my posts somehow and deleted them himself. If this is true then he could also find himself in serious trouble. |
rockchic65 04.08.2018 09:18 |
happystar wrote: Sealion: You spout off at Runner70 been ill and obsessed with hate over Lambert when you are just the same defending Lambert to the hilt and not bothered if he has no credibility or if he is a gimmick which by the way he certainly is. He is not a proper pop star and his fame is based on been with Queen and that is it. If Queen did not re-home him like a little lost puppy he would be playing pubs or smaller theatres,. As to my past posts been deleted i think Vocal Harmony hacked into my posts somehow and deleted them himself. If this is true then he could also find himself in serious trouble.Ok you got me curious, what exactly is a proper pop star? |
Star* 04.08.2018 09:20 |
Wasnt speaking to you so keep your nose out. Does Lambert employ you on full time to defend his fat ass? |
rockchic65 04.08.2018 09:26 |
happystar wrote: Wasnt speaking to you so keep your nose out. Does Lambert employ you on full time to defend his fat ass?Clearly can't answer that one and no he doesn't need to employ anyone to defend him he's doing great as he is. |
Star* 04.08.2018 09:42 |
Lambert cannot write a decent song, cannot play any instrument and is only a thief singing other legends music to make his living. His own material sucks and has not set the world on fire like you girls on here think. No one takes him seriously because everyone sees through him. Brian justin crumb from American Idol sounds exactley the same as Adam Lambert proving he is ten a penny with a common singing voice and style. Not unique at all. |
rockchic65 04.08.2018 09:55 |
happystar wrote: Lambert cannot write a decent song, cannot play any instrument and is only a thief singing other legends music to make his living. His own material sucks and has not set the world on fire like you girls on here think. No one takes him seriously because everyone sees through him. Brian justin crumb from American Idol sounds exactley the same as Adam Lambert proving he is ten a penny with a common singing voice and style. Not unique at all.Lambert can write and does, yeah he doesn't play instruments but so what he's a singer it's not a requirement. Out of his own material there's some I quite like, they aren't gonna be classics but so what neither is a lot of the music out there. Brian sounds nothing like Adam, he might sing in a similar way since they had the same vocal coach when young but there the similarity ends, his voice tone wise is nothing like Adam's. And finally he's not stealing anything he was asked to sing with Brian & Roger, that's not stealing. If he decided to re record Queen songs in his own way then you'd have a point but he's just singing them in a live show, the same as loads of performers in pubs, clubs, tribute bands etc do all the time, he just happens to be singing with original members. |
Sealion 04.08.2018 10:17 |
happystar wrote: Sealion: You spout off at Runner70 been ill and obsessed with hate over Lambert when you are just the same defending Lambert to the hilt and not bothered if he has no credibility or if he is a gimmick which by the way he certainly is. He is not a proper pop star and his fame is based on been with Queen and that is it. If Queen did not re-home him like a little lost puppy he would be playing pubs or smaller theatres,. As to my past posts been deleted i think Vocal Harmony hacked into my posts somehow and deleted them himself. If this is true then he could also find himself in serious trouble.Happy star to runner‘s rescue? LOL Are you a girl? You sound like someone Else on here. ;) Let runner be a man, he can speak for himself. What you wrote about Lambert is your opinion. But you also sound like a broken record. Especially since I didn’t talk about him. But yes, thanks for bringing it back to him. I forgot, that talking about Queen and Freddie must take place in a different part of the forum. And about VH: I don’t know, what happened „behind the scenes“, was only speculating. But deleting all your insulting posts was the only right thing to do. And no, I don’t want the story from you about how these came to be. It’s done. |
Holly2003 04.08.2018 11:21 |
Sealion wrote:Aside from being poorly written to the point of being almost unreadable, your point is also incorrect. The press and other artists immediately identified that Fred and Queen stole the show at Wembley. Besides, Fred has been a legend since he wrote and sang Bohemian Rhapsody. It;s odd that such a massive Queen fan as yourself would forget about this...Iron Butterfly wrote:But it wasn’t immediately considered that. You are right, that it put Queen back on the „acceptable card“ after the debacle with South Africa, because people had to realize, that it was „good“ ( they would not dare to call them legends). LOL.Sealion wrote:Well it takes more than a click of the fingers nto become legendary. I think with certainty, Freddie would be a legend if he had other died so young. Live Aid performance was legendary before he died.Iron Butterfly wrote: I do think Freddie with Queen would have been a legend even if he didnt die so young.Maybe. But that wasn’t my point. My point was, that he wasn’t the legend, when this video had been taken. Sealion wrote: My take is, that Queen would have parted ways, had Freddie not gotten ill. It would have been over by 1987. Freddie would have followed his solo path, doing what he wanted to do. But without the others, he would not have been as successful. Queen‘s music would still be played, but Mercury would not have become that god-like figure. He would still be a human being with all his flaws, ups and failures.There's nothing like a counterfactual to identify wishful thinking from the deluded or spiteful. The reality is that Fred is a legend and Lambert is not. Deal with it. |
Sealion 04.08.2018 11:41 |
@Holly Yes, I consider Freddie a legend. No, I don‘t think he would be considered one, would he still be alive. To steal the show doesn‘t make you instantly a legend. That takes time, IMO. I never ever said, Lambert is a legend. I did barely talk about him at all. Was that understandable enough? To add: I‘m just fed up with some people here, who seem to forget, that Freddie was a great, but human frontman. And no, I didn‘t like everything, he did. When I went to a concert, I found his performance less than satisfying. Apparently he had partied too much before. It was a hit and miss. Sometimes great , often good and sometimes even offputting. Some call it rock‘n roll. When I drive for hours to a gig and the frontman isn‘t what he used to be, do I have to like that? No. And I‘ve heard similar stories by others. I also attended two good gigs, so don‘t pity me. ;-) In the end, Freddie was a genius composer and writer. But I think the same of Brian. Freddie could be a brilliant frontman. But he wasn‘t always like this. It‘s excusable, human. But it was the reason, why I started the topic. Freddie wasn‘t considered a legend, while he was still performing. If he was, then only by some hardcore fans. To bring it back to Q+AL: What I absolutely enjoy about these gigs is, that they are consistently of great quality. Some call it boring, because they are all the same. But the performances are never lacking of quality. My opinion. |
Sealion 04.08.2018 11:44 |
Vocal harmony 04.08.2018 12:47 |
happystar wrote: As to my past posts been deleted i think Vocal Harmony hacked into my posts somehow and deleted them himself. If this is true then he could also find himself in serious trouble.You do know what a libellous comment is don't you? That's getting quite close to it. Don't you think IF I had hacked your account I would have stopped at one section of one thread. Before you make stupid unfounded public comments may be a little investigative work would go a long way. Try contacting Richard Orchard to find out what happened to your abusive rubbish posts. When you've recieved a reply maybe you'll be a big enough man (which I doubt) to come back here and admit you got it wrong. |
SweetCaroline 04.08.2018 13:06 |
Here’s a horrible looking Freddie shirt that popped up on Facebook today for purchase: link |
Vocal harmony 04.08.2018 13:37 |
I might buy happystar one!!!! |
snifflese 04.08.2018 13:38 |
Icy, you sound totally deluded! Why am I bitter and jealous about Freddie's legacy? That makes no sense at all. He is amazing, his legacy will be forever, but it has nothing to do with appreciating Adam and QAL. Why you equate the two, I will never understand. People can really like more than one thing. The person who is jealous and bitter about Freddies' legacy is you. You are just crazy because people like Adam singing Queen and you are afraid that will affect Freddie somehow. That is the only thing that makes any sense to me. You are the Bitter one, the jealous one, truly. If you weren't, you wouldn't make all these crazy statements. I don't care much about Adam's legacy. It will be what it will be. He has his own path and it isn't influenced by Freddie's legacy, I really don't give it much thought. I appreciate all he has done in the last 10 years and his legacy will never be one like Freddie's, but I feel he has been very successful and will continue to be. For someone to be so tied up in a dead singer who you never even saw in concert is really odd. It is like Freddie is the main focus in life from the things you say. Obsessions are never a good thing. You are the only person concerned about legacies and if QAL wasn't as good as it is, I doubt you would be worried. I wish you would quit saying I am not a Queen fan. As I told you, I have loved Queen way before you, back in the beginning. Just because I am not a fanatic does not mean I am not a Queen fan. It ain't all or nothing like it is with you. I loved Queen, I never say mean or nasty things about them. But you do about Adam and QAL all the time. That is why you are not an Adam fan. So don't lump me into the I am not a fan category, cause I don't fit there. You do. You just have to read all your posts where you always second people who are saying negative things and adding your own. No problem with that, but then you try to pretend you are an Adam fan. Your behavior does not indicate that at all, either here or on QOL. I don't come here at Caroline's bidding. I don't know her, but I have watched you slam her for years for no good reason on QOL. That was before I even knew who you were. I could never figure out why and it has been a very long time. I am sure you had plenty to do with her bans since the mods also don't like QAL. I've told you numerous times that you are a bully and you hide behind statements like," Well, I do like Save Me" and this week "I am friendly with Rockchic". As I said, Big Deal, the rest of the time you are a wolf in sheep's clothing and then act all distressed and throw crap at me when I try to point out all your inconsistencies! Just own what you are like Runner and Happy. I know exactly what they are and while I don't like it at all, they never try to pretend. You pretend and I hate that just as much and you can get just as ugly as they do sometimes with your accusations. Don't give me the" poor little me" bit. I have read your posts over many years and that doesn't fly with me! I know better and I know exactly what you are. |
snifflese 04.08.2018 13:40 |
Is Marc Martel going to be a thief? Why can he sing Queen and change things up? To me he is even further down the chain of popularity, so I don't know why he would get a pass? He is certainly no rock icon and I doubt very few people have ever heard of him. So, what is up with that? |
rockchic65 04.08.2018 14:00 |
snifflese wrote: Is Marc Martel going to be a thief? Why can he sing Queen and change things up? To me he is even further down the chain of popularity, so I don't know why he would get a pass? He is certainly no rock icon and I doubt very few people have ever heard of him. So, what is up with that?I personally don't care if he re records the entire Queen catalogue, no matter how similar to Freddie he sounds it won't beat the original for me, but I do find it puzzling why it's ok for him to do a recorded covers EP and apparently Queen themed xmas EP - not quite sure what that means, but Adam is slammed for just singing with them. Adam has said he won't re record Queen music, just last week someone on insta asked him to record his version of WWTLF and he replied 'thanks that's very flattering but Queen already recorded that one'. He's nothing but respectful towards Queen and Freddie yet gets hate for just singing live with them. |
Sealion 04.08.2018 14:18 |
snifflese wrote: Is Marc Martel going to be a thief? Why can he sing Queen and change things up? To me he is even further down the chain of popularity, so I don't know why he would get a pass? He is certainly no rock icon and I doubt very few people have ever heard of him. So, what is up with that?I think the answer can already be found in your question. Very few people have heard of him and will hear it. He found his niche. But it‘s a really small market and not considered a threat to Queen. Lambert re-recording WWTLF? Even I as a skeptic person was absolutely stunned by it, when I first heard it live. I don‘t think, it would be as stunning on a record. But it certainly would be a real alternative to the original: Brian and Roger recording Brian‘s song in a newer version with Lambert could in my opinion even chart. And THAT would be considered a threat to Queen‘s legacy by the diehards. |
rockchic65 04.08.2018 14:29 |
Sealion wrote:Yeah you could be right although on YouTube that version of YTMBA Marc's done has quite a few people asking him to do versions of all sorts of deep cut Queen songs. His fans seem convinced 95% of "real Queen fans" want him to front the band instead of Adam.snifflese wrote: Is Marc Martel going to be a thief? Why can he sing Queen and change things up? To me he is even further down the chain of popularity, so I don't know why he would get a pass? He is certainly no rock icon and I doubt very few people have ever heard of him. So, what is up with that?I think the answer can already be found in your question. Very few people have heard of him and will hear it. He found his niche. But it‘s a really small market and not considered a threat to Queen. Lambert re-recording WWTLF? Even I as a skeptic person was absolutely stunned by it, when I first heard it live. I don‘t think, it would be as stunning on a record. But it certainly would be a real alternative to the original: Brian and Roger recording Brian‘s song in a newer version with Lambert could in my opinion even chart. And THAT would be considered a threat to Queen‘s legacy by the diehards. I do love Adam's version of WWTLF live and a live recording from a show on DVD would be great but I wouldn't want a studio recording of any of the Queen songs personally. I would like them to do one new song together, not an album just a single but I very much doubt they will. |
Sealion 04.08.2018 14:37 |
@rockchicl65 It looks like a lot of people. But Queen has millions of fans. 18 mio. monthly listeners on Spotify, as I have learned in another thread. When you take these numbers into consideration, it‘s really just a small portion of fans, who are also fans of Martel. Personally I don‘t care for him. He can record, what he likes to record. But I will rather listen to my old ones. And no, I wouldn‘t say no, if our old guys would record something with Lambert. Old, new, I don‘t care. As long as it‘s good. ;-) |
SweetCaroline 04.08.2018 14:43 |
In case you missed it, here is the full QAL concert at Rock In Rio in 2015: link |
rockchic65 04.08.2018 14:45 |
Sealion wrote: @rockchicl65 It looks like a lot of people. But Queen has millions of fans. 18 mio. monthly listeners on Spotify, as I have learned in another thread. When you take these numbers into consideration, it‘s really just a small portion of fans, who are also fans of Martel. Personally I don‘t care for him. He can record, what he likes to record. But I will rather listen to my old ones. And no, I wouldn‘t say no, if our old guys would record something with Lambert. Old, new, I don‘t care. As long as it‘s good. ;-)Yeah he doesn't really float my boat either tbh but then I haven't seen him live, it may be different. I think he has a decent voice low and mid range, just not fond of his high notes. |
Sealion 04.08.2018 14:57 |
rockchic65 wrote: Yeah he doesn't really float my boat either tbh but then I haven't seen him live, it may be different. I think he has a decent voice low and mid range, just not fond of his high notes.As long as Brian and Roger are out there playing, I won‘t go and see a cover band. No need for me. I can see, that some fans appreciate his performances, because he sounds almost like Freddie did. Maybe I would go, if he played in my backyard. ;-) As for buying a record: No, I don‘t think that there is really a need for a record of an imitator. Certainly not for me. |
SweetCaroline 04.08.2018 14:58 |
I saw Marc in person the first year Queen Extravaganza was touring in the USA. He sounds like Freddie but lacked personality and charisma. He has improved since then which was 6 years ago. I was more impressed with Jeff Scott Soto and Jennifer Espinoza in that show. |
rockchic65 04.08.2018 15:20 |
Sealion wrote:Yeah me too, there's no way I would buy a record of a Queen song done by Marc, he may sound somewhat similar to Freddie but he can't beat the real thing, Freddie had such a unique tone for me there's no comparison. I possibly would have seen QEX if they were playing close by and hadn't been doing a greatest hits setlist had Marc still been with them, just to see how it was live but I'd much rather wait and see QAL if they tour the UK again.rockchic65 wrote: Yeah he doesn't really float my boat either tbh but then I haven't seen him live, it may be different. I think he has a decent voice low and mid range, just not fond of his high notes.As long as Brian and Roger are out there playing, I won‘t go and see a cover band. No need for me. I can see, that some fans appreciate his performances, because he sounds almost like Freddie did. Maybe I would go, if he played in my backyard. ;-) As for buying a record: No, I don‘t think that there is really a need for a record of an imitator. Certainly not for me. |
rockchic65 04.08.2018 15:21 |
SweetCaroline wrote: I saw Marc in person the first year Queen Extravaganza was touring in the USA. He sounds like Freddie but lacked personality and charisma. He has improved since then which was 6 years ago. I was more impressed with Jeff Scott Soto and Jennifer Espinoza in that show.I wasn't keen on the girl but love Jeff, would definitely see him doing Queen live if I got the chance but he's got his own thing going on now anyway. |
Star* 04.08.2018 15:31 |
rockchic i would not buy any record of Al doing a Queen song because the one, the music is bigger than he will ever be and two only Freddie can do those songs justice. |
SweetCaroline 04.08.2018 15:40 |
For QAL skeptics I recommend reading the recent posts by “Lover Boy” and “Peavy” in the Crown Jewels thread at QOL who said “it’s always a celebration” and “I’m glad I gave QAL a chance.” |
Star* 04.08.2018 15:42 |
Sad and deluded as usual then. Wont be surprised if you lust over Take That, |
rockchic65 04.08.2018 15:46 |
happystar wrote: rockchic i would not buy any record of Al doing a Queen song because the one, the music is bigger than he will ever be and two only Freddie can do those songs justice.Well if you read what I previously wrote I said I wouldn't want Adam to record previous Queen songs the way Marc is doing. I'd like a live DVD recording from a show or a new song altogether but that's a different thing. |
Iron Butterfly 04.08.2018 15:46 |
snifflese wrote: Icy, you sound totally deluded! Why am I bitter and jealous about Freddie's legacy? That makes no sense at all. He is amazing, his legacy will be forever, but it has nothing to do with appreciating Adam and QAL. Why you equate the two, I will never understand. People can really like more than one thing. The person who is jealous and bitter about Freddies' legacy is you. You are just crazy because people like Adam singing Queen and you are afraid that will affect Freddie somehow. That is the only thing that makes any sense to me. You are the Bitter one, the jealous one, truly. If you weren't, you wouldn't make all these crazy statements. I don't care much about Adam's legacy. It will be what it will be. He has his own path and it isn't influenced by Freddie's legacy, I really don't give it much thought. I appreciate all he has done in the last 10 years and his legacy will never be one like Freddie's, but I feel he has been very successful and will continue to be. For someone to be so tied up in a dead singer who you never even saw in concert is really odd. It is like Freddie is the main focus in life from the things you say. Obsessions are never a good thing. You are the only person concerned about legacies and if QAL wasn't as good as it is, I doubt you would be worried. I wish you would quit saying I am not a Queen fan. As I told you, I have loved Queen way before you, back in the beginning. Just because I am not a fanatic does not mean I am not a Queen fan. It ain't all or nothing like it is with you. I loved Queen, I never say mean or nasty things about them. But you do about Adam and QAL all the time. That is why you are not an Adam fan. So don't lump me into the I am not a fan category, cause I don't fit there. You do. You just have to read all your posts where you always second people who are saying negative things and adding your own. No problem with that, but then you try to pretend you are an Adam fan. Your behavior does not indicate that at all, either here or on QOL. I don't come here at Caroline's bidding. I don't know her, but I have watched you slam her for years for no good reason on QOL. That was before I even knew who you were. I could never figure out why and it has been a very long time. I am sure you had plenty to do with her bans since the mods also don't like QAL. I've told you numerous times that you are a bully and you hide behind statements like," Well, I do like Save Me" and this week "I am friendly with Rockchic". As I said, Big Deal, the rest of the time you are a wolf in sheep's clothing and then act all distressed and throw crap at me when I try to point out all your inconsistencies! Just own what you are like Runner and Happy. I know exactly what they are and while I don't like it at all, they never try to pretend. You pretend and I hate that just as much and you can get just as ugly as they do sometimes with your accusations. Don't give me the" poor little me" bit. I have read your posts over many years and that doesn't fly with me! I know better and I know exactly what you are.No, I'm not deluded. You and sweetcaroline are a bit too obvious in what you do here. You are bitter when you think Freddie is talked about too much and that you feel he is thrown in your face, and don't care about important parts of his history. You said Freddie was scary looking recently, if someone said that about Lambert, you'd be all over that. Yeah, you have made snide remarks about Freddie for sure. Aww, you wish I didn't say I don't think you aren't a Queen fan. Tough shit. How many times have you said I'm not a Lambert fan just because I don't fawn over the guy and act like a Glambert. I think at the end of the day, you are a Q+AL and a Glambert...but not a Queen fan. Wow, you watched me for years. That's bit fkd up. Even more fkd up how you came here instantly wanting me banned from here and QZ. You made it clear you took her side. So you are sure I have something to do with her bans because the mods don't ike Q+AL? Go to QOL and post these things over there since you are another one who has a beef with the place and some of it's members. What proof do you have of what you are implying here that I'm at fault? Or am I just an easier target to blame, since you both can't admit that she can't do things wrong. You both take no responsibility at all and try to shift everything on me. You both are 60 + and 70+ years old, time to grow up and stop the blame game, I think. No, honey. Problem is, you don't know who I am. You know jackshit other than my views about Q+AL and AL. You read me for years, and you barely interact with me outside of Q+AL and AL threads. But judge away, but I will tell you you don't know jackshit. Pity me party? I've not done that lately. We had a good discussion a few weeks back where I posted about my mother being ill, and you posted about your hip. We actually were getting along at that time. |
Iron Butterfly 04.08.2018 15:49 |
Sealion wrote:I hope Brian and Roger never record newer version of Queen songs with AL on vocals. That would be awful. Touring is one thing, rerecording Queen songs with AL on vocals,no thanks.snifflese wrote: Is Marc Martel going to be a thief? Why can he sing Queen and change things up? To me he is even further down the chain of popularity, so I don't know why he would get a pass? He is certainly no rock icon and I doubt very few people have ever heard of him. So, what is up with that?I think the answer can already be found in your question. Very few people have heard of him and will hear it. He found his niche. But it‘s a really small market and not considered a threat to Queen. Lambert re-recording WWTLF? Even I as a skeptic person was absolutely stunned by it, when I first heard it live. I don‘t think, it would be as stunning on a record. But it certainly would be a real alternative to the original: Brian and Roger recording Brian‘s song in a newer version with Lambert could in my opinion even chart. And THAT would be considered a threat to Queen‘s legacy by the diehards. |
Iron Butterfly 04.08.2018 15:55 |
SweetCaroline wrote: For QAL skeptics I recommend reading the recent posts by “Lover Boy” and “Peavy” in the Crown Jewels thread at QOL who said “it’s always a celebration” and “I’m glad I gave QAL a chance.”I find you so very hypocritical. You bitch and moan about QOL and it's posters, even going as far to say AL isn't accepted by the people on QOLbecause he's gay, but when you think something suits your agenda, you are all over it. I bet you are gnashing your teeth wishing you were there to agree with those posters. LOL. |
Holly2003 04.08.2018 16:38 |
Sealion wrote: @Holly Yes, I consider Freddie a legend. No, I don‘t think he would be considered one, would he still be alive. To steal the show doesn‘t make you instantly a legend. That takes time, IMO. I never ever said, Lambert is a legend. I did barely talk about him at all. Was that understandable enough?Is being a legend from BoRap 1975 not long enough for you? |
snifflese 04.08.2018 16:47 |
Personally Icy, I really don't care to know anything about you. What I have read in your posts for many years paints a picture of a person who is not anyone I would like to associate with. It was hard not to notice the snarky comments and accusatory posts you always had on QOL and here. There is nothing stalkerish about it. I read on both sites and yours always stood out for me and not in a good way, I am sorry to say. I would have had to been an idiot not to notice them. You were one of the nasties in my mind. You are really never kind and always out to get certain people and deflecting everything. I am not out to promote Adam. I have never posted a link (except maybe one article) and don't go on and on and on other than I really like QAL and Adam. I like him singing Queen a lot more than his own music. I am not sure where the big promotion comes in? My point about Queen history you still haven't comprehended after all this time. I don't need the tidbits to enjoy the music. I like what I like and whether he wore a cape at this show or how old he was when he passed on, isn't at the top of what I deem important. We just don't value the same things, I guess. I can anjoy the music without very unimportant facts. If you had an interesting tidbit, that might be something very different, but what you have put out there so far, is definitely not interesting. I can easily get through life without those useless facts. I may defend Adam as part of QAL because I think some of you are ridiculous. No matter what positive thing someone says, three of you can be counted on to say something ugly, none of which contributes to the conversation and keeps others from posting on her. |
Iron Butterfly 04.08.2018 17:13 |
snifflese wrote: Personally Icy, I really don't care to know anything about you. What I have read in your posts for many years paints a picture of a person who is not anyone I would like to associate with. It was hard not to notice the snarky comments and accusatory posts you always had on QOL and here. There is nothing stalkerish about it. I read on both sites and yours always stood out for me and not in a good way, I am sorry to say. I would have had to been an idiot not to notice them. You were one of the nasties in my mind. You are really never kind and always out to get certain people and deflecting everything. I am not out to promote Adam. I have never posted a link (except maybe one article) and don't go on and on and on other than I really like QAL and Adam. I like him singing Queen a lot more than his own music. I am not sure where the big promotion comes in? My point about Queen history you still haven't comprehended after all this time. I don't need the tidbits to enjoy the music. I like what I like and whether he wore a cape at this show or how old he was when he passed on, isn't at the top of what I deem important. We just don't value the same things, I guess. I can anjoy the music without very unimportant facts. If you had an interesting tidbit, that might be something very different, but what you have put out there so far, is definitely not interesting. I can easily get through life without those useless facts. I may defend Adam as part of QAL because I think some of you are ridiculous. No matter what positive thing someone says, three of you can be counted on to say something ugly, none of which contributes to the conversation and keeps others from posting on her.You don't care to know anything about me, but what you think you know, you are pretty harsh about. You say I was never kind, well I have been kind. Keep judging away though on what you think you know. More often than not, you are wrong. You can't judge a person just by reading for years as you have said you have done. Try discussing things with me, asking questions instead of your snap judgements. I'm one of the nasties, you say. You are one of those butty Glamberts who can cry foul about things and people tour don't like, pretty much your way or the highway. Yes dear, you do go on and on. Everytime you read something that you think is slight to sweetcaroline, in you swoop to defend her. Or try to defend her. You do a shitty job of it, because you have one side of the story, and that's hers. And you believe that she is just so innocent always. You and sweetcaroline giving AL history lessons on Queen boards without giving a damn about the Freddie/Queen years is shameful in my books. You both wouldn't be here if AL wasn't the one to sing the Queen songs, and if sweetcaroline wasn't banned for a year from QOL, she probably would be on both boards doing her usual. I think you both forget or don't care it's a Queen board, although you both want to make Queen boards into Adamtopia or something where only praise is ever wanted and accepted. That's what you want and need, so go to Adamtopia and stay there. Because it's people like you and sweetcaroline who gives Glamberts a bad name on Queen boards. |
Star* 04.08.2018 18:33 |
Snifflese Your a typical yank, fabricating it all and been a drama queen and to make things worse you have Trump. So yous lot are pretty crazy unhinged people over there and you also have Adam Lambert, my oh my your not doing very well are you! Your that arrogant you have to be right all the time and your on here like Lambert employs you full time to fight his corner. You can get help for that you know! I am justified with my rants because Freddie is a rock n roll legend and Queen are on the Hollywood walk of Fame is Adam? No ! Stop defending someone who is not credible. He is making a right mug out of all you glamberts on here. |
snifflese 04.08.2018 21:13 |
I certainly don't care if I am right all the time. I just hate it when people are vile and crude, pretend they are something they are not, and are big bullies. I have conversations with friends all the time about many issues and no one discussesthings like people do on here. It is totally possible to have a difference of opinion and not resort to what I mentioned in my first sentence. |
runner_70 04.08.2018 21:23 |
Snifflese: YOu are sick of ppl pretending to be sth they are not? How about Lamebert being a crappy pretender of a rock star? He has no connection with rock whatsoever, is completely fae and a EDM EMO guy - him acting out as the "Big rock star" ist just so fucking laughable that it hurts - and his voice hurts the ears as well |
snifflese 04.08.2018 22:24 |
Don't watch, don't listen and dont' post here! Problem solved!!! |
Iron Butterfly 04.08.2018 22:44 |
snifflese wrote: I certainly don't care if I am right all the time. I just hate it when people are vile and crude, pretend they are something they are not, and are big bullies. I have conversations with friends all the time about many issues and no one discussesthings like people do on here. It is totally possible to have a difference of opinion and not resort to what I mentioned in my first sentence.Yes, you do care if you are right all the time. Have you not not noticed you are vile and crude yourself when you posted I spoke about my homophobia experiences to attention seek?! That's lowest of the low. But you can't and won't admit to that cause you are never wrong in your mind. You are the biggest Glambert hypocrite second only to sweetcaroline/CNB. |
snifflese 04.08.2018 23:46 |
I don't think you understood the point. I explained the other day and if you still don't understand, I don't have time to explain for the third time. It wasn't vile, it wasn't crude, it was an observation. There were no F off's like you have been salting your posts with lately, nor one curse word, so you don't have any idea if what you are talking about. We will just drop it and you can now mention it for the next three years like you do the bans, the homophobia, not knowing Queen's history, etc,etc, etc. You are like a broken record. I am really going to try to make scroll my friend in the future. You and Caroline can go at it and I will ignore if I can. I will ignore your tacit agreement with the nasties on here. Maybe I can avoid you and them. It is really hard to do that, but this is a huge waste of my time. |
Iron Butterfly 04.08.2018 23:56 |
snifflese wrote: I don't think you understood the point. I explained the other day and if you still don't understand, I don't have time to explain for the third time. It wasn't vile, it wasn't crude, it was an observation. There were no F off's like you have been salting your posts with lately, nor one curse word, so you don't have any idea if what you are talking about. We will just drop it and you can now mention it for the next three years like you do the bans, the homophobia, not knowing Queen's history, etc,etc, etc. You are like a broken record. I am really going to try to make scroll my friend in the future. You and Caroline can go at it and I will ignore if I can. I will ignore your tacit agreement with the nasties on here. Maybe I can avoid you and them. It is really hard to do that, but this is a huge waste of my time.You don't think throwing my homophobia experiences that I posted elsewhere was vile and crude?? You have an excuse for everything, or at least you try to excuse it. Fail on your part. You wanted to sink low and you sure did any times. Oddly enough you have swore in your posts too at times. Oh the hypocrisy. Does swearing bother you on top of everything else? Sure, go on, ignore me, see how long you can do it this time. I bet a couple days if that will past before you come to bitch me out again which is your main purpose here. You said recently you were in your 60s. Act like it instead of a child who can't get her own way. |
Star* 05.08.2018 07:19 |
snifflese you are a sad excuse for a teacher, you are a hypocrite and secretly you do not care about Queen as a band because your more interested in Lambert playing in mommy's make up bag. Does that turn you on then? lol You must get a thrill seeing a grown up man in high heels and wearing lashings of powder and eye liner on his face with his girly hair style! As Runner rightly pointed out he is not a rock star, he does however insult those brilliant artists gone by that were true rock icons, Bowie, Mercury, Jagger, Ozzy, Snider, etc........ You keep on saying you are going to ignore all the posts on here but your teacher arrogance kicks in and you have to put your pupils into there place. You Glamberts are the most arrogant fans i have ever come across, you argue your points with no credible evidence to back he /she /it up ! |
runner_70 05.08.2018 08:50 |
YUp he is insulting the rock community by entering a stage and trying to sing awesome rock songs and failing miserably. Watching the WWTLF videos that the psycho fan on here posted makes you vomit. He is clearly mocking this haunting song with his looks like the joker from Batman and his annoying shrieking shit voice. The guy should be sued for singing those songs the way he does. Maylor are getting mocked on their own stage and have become a laughing stock in the rock community |
rockchic65 05.08.2018 09:10 |
runner_70 wrote: YUp he is insulting the rock community by entering a stage and trying to sing awesome rock songs and failing miserably. Watching the WWTLF videos that the psycho fan on here posted makes you vomit. He is clearly mocking this haunting song with his looks like the joker from Batman and his annoying shrieking shit voice. The guy should be sued for singing those songs the way he does. Maylor are getting mocked on their own stage and have become a laughing stock in the rock communityThe only laughing stock is you and happy continually spouting nonsense that makes no sense, meanwhile out in the real world they aren't mocked in the slightest by either fans, media or other people in the industry, rock or otherwise, that's just in your head which you'd know if you had an ounce of ability to be objective. |
rockchic65 05.08.2018 09:25 |
happystar wrote: snifflese you are a sad excuse for a teacher, you are a hypocrite and secretly you do not care about Queen as a band because your more interested in Lambert playing in mommy's make up bag. Does that turn you on then? lol You must get a thrill seeing a grown up man in high heels and wearing lashings of powder and eye liner on his face with his girly hair style! As Runner rightly pointed out he is not a rock star, he does however insult those brilliant artists gone by that were true rock icons, Bowie, Mercury, Jagger, Ozzy, Snider, etc........ You keep on saying you are going to ignore all the posts on here but your teacher arrogance kicks in and you have to put your pupils into there place. You Glamberts are the most arrogant fans i have ever come across, you argue your points with no credible evidence to back he /she /it up !You're really gonna quote Bowie and Jagger after what you just wrote, cause they didn't wear make up or play with androgyny at all did they? And Ozzy liked a bit of make up himself, and I assume you mean Dee Snider - no he didn't wear make up either lol and just check out his heels, oh my they'd seriously give Adam's a run for their money. Do I really need to post some pics of them all wearing make up as my evidence? Seriously that's hilarious, why those four out of all the rock stars out there. |
Star* 05.08.2018 10:48 |
Rockchic you really are a dense bitch, Dee Snider was with Twisted fucking Sister and they wore loads of make up like Kiss. Bowie wore lashings of make up back in 1972 and 1973 and jagger wore make up. You really are only obsessed with Lambert that you never notice other true rock Legends. Lambert is a piece of turd compared to the rock elite gone by before him/she. |
runner_70 05.08.2018 12:06 |
Lamefarts name should not be mentioned in one sentence with the above. He is not even worthy to lace their shoes. He is a talentfree casting show idiot with no substance and musical talent whatsoever |
Star* 05.08.2018 12:11 |
Runner_70 i agree he is not worthy to lick Freddies mic. |
rockchic65 05.08.2018 12:20 |
happystar wrote: Rockchic you really are a dense bitch, Dee Snider was with Twisted fucking Sister and they wore loads of make up like Kiss. Bowie wore lashings of make up back in 1972 and 1973 and jagger wore make up. You really are only obsessed with Lambert that you never notice other true rock Legends. Lambert is a piece of turd compared to the rock elite gone by before him/she.If you bothered to read what I put my point was they all wore make up and in Dee's case high heels so you going on and on about Lambert wearing make up and high heels and then using them as examples of "true rockers" doesn't wash. Doesn't matter the reason, lots of singers wore make up and dressed androgynous, why is it ok for them but not Lambert. Now do you get my point? What's dense about that? |
Star* 05.08.2018 12:24 |
Lambert actually enjoys been dressed up like a freak where the others were pretending to be glam. Lambert has his sexuality at the front of everything, he wont give it a rest, he is a screaming Queen and makes everyone know he is a homosexual, so what! I am not homophobic but the music must come first not his sexuality. |
rockchic65 05.08.2018 12:31 |
happystar wrote: Lambert actually enjoys been dressed up like a freak where the others were pretending to be glam. Lambert has his sexuality at the front of everything, he wont give it a rest, he is a screaming Queen and makes everyone know he is a homosexual, so what! I am not homophobic but the music must come first not his sexuality.Of course he likes dressing up on stage, he's never pretended any different but then they must have enjoyed doing that as well otherwise why would they do it? And more double standards - they were pretending, but apparently Adam isn't. Of course he's pretending, he likes playing dress up and being on stage gives him that opportunity, he's talked about it enough in interviews and he doesn't take any of it seriously, it's meant to be for entertainment and putting on a show. Just because it's not what you like doesn't make him any different than other people who've done the exact same thing. Regardless what you think he does put the music first but I don't see anything wrong with playing up the camp for comedic effect as well. |
runner_70 05.08.2018 12:34 |
LAmebert is pretending everything: Taht is is a rocker (which he is not), that hes a good singer (which is he is surely not) that he is an icon (which he clearly is not). Everything about him is fake manufactured and insincere. |
Star* 05.08.2018 12:41 |
To be camp should not encourage people to laugh because that is cruel, because some people are naturally camp even straight men. So if he does pretend which i do not think he does then he is taking the piss out of himself. Yes he likes the limelight and he may feel big headed because he is on stage with two rock legends, i wonder how many other rock legends would have taken him on board, not many i would imagine. i am very surprised Brian May was even looking at reality talent shows in the first place because him and Roger detested Simon Cowell and those cheesy shows and Roger was the one in interviews who would say that talent shows are killing real talent off in the music business, next min the two hypocrites take on Lambert. And you wonder why some of us are hacked off. |
runner_70 05.08.2018 12:45 |
Completely true- they HATED guys like Lamebird before. But as their aim was to be recognized in America again they went for Lamebird and sold out their principles. They should play "C-lebrety" live - might give em a hint what hey are doing now. NO other band would use a casting muppet like Lameturd as their frontman |
Star* 05.08.2018 12:58 |
I said it once and i will say it again, Brian has lost the plot, i thought he was a rock n roller not a teenybop fan. I am quite surprised he never rang Justin Bieber to front Queen. He is a brilliant guitarist but his business decisions stink. |
runner_70 05.08.2018 13:12 |
Maylor could have gone down in history as rock legends. Now the "The two clowns who hired a casting muppet" will forever be labelled upon them. |
rockchic65 05.08.2018 13:29 |
runner_70 wrote: Completely true- they HATED guys like Lamebird before. But as their aim was to be recognized in America again they went for Lamebird and sold out their principles. They should play "C-lebrety" live - might give em a hint what hey are doing now. NO other band would use a casting muppet like Lameturd as their frontmanStone Temple Pilots. |
rockchic65 05.08.2018 13:48 |
happystar wrote: To be camp should not encourage people to laugh because that is cruel, because some people are naturally camp even straight men. So if he does pretend which i do not think he does then he is taking the piss out of himself. Yes he likes the limelight and he may feel big headed because he is on stage with two rock legends, i wonder how many other rock legends would have taken him on board, not many i would imagine. i am very surprised Brian May was even looking at reality talent shows in the first place because him and Roger detested Simon Cowell and those cheesy shows and Roger was the one in interviews who would say that talent shows are killing real talent off in the music business, next min the two hypocrites take on Lambert. And you wonder why some of us are hacked off.I can see one of the problems you have with Lambert you don't get his sense of humor at all. It's called self deprecating humor so yeah he does take the piss out of himself on occasion in the show for fun, people warm to him for it but no one's laughing at him they're laughing with him when he plays up the camp, it's obvious he's doing it for fun the huge majority of people get it. He's not the least bit big headed at being on stage with them, he frequently says it surreal and he often stops and thinks "wow, this is my life now". They weren't looking for someone on a talent show Spike told Roger to check him out and then they got tons of emails saying this guy should be your singer. They may have had that opinion of talent shows initially but there's always an exception and Adam was in no way typical of talent show contestants, it would have been blinkered to refuse to check him out just because of where he got his start. After meeting him it was a done deal and if you weren't so blinkered by hating him you'd see why they chose him - he's 100% professional, great work ethic and extremely reliable, fun and lighthearted to be around, not the least bit diva in his everyday life so no drama and he's very loyal. Really can't see why they wouldn't like working with him tbh. |
runner_70 05.08.2018 14:46 |
I dunno where you see any humour in Lamebird except that is is a joke himself. When Freddie wore his crown (HIS CROWN) it made him chuckle and he laughed about it being called "The King of Queen" - when Lamebird wears it he takes it completely seriously and looks like "Now I Am the one wearing it" - i cannot see any humour in this at all. And his stage banter is fully scripted - if you like "humor" like "Giving head" when he is sitting on Frank oder this embarrassing intro to "STL" then I pity you. In interviews he is coming across as arrogant twat trying to play his role down but you can completely feel the message "I am in Queen now" . |
rockchic65 05.08.2018 15:39 |
runner_70 wrote: I dunno where you see any humour in Lamebird except that is is a joke himself. When Freddie wore his crown (HIS CROWN) it made him chuckle and he laughed about it being called "The King of Queen" - when Lamebird wears it he takes it completely seriously and looks like "Now I Am the one wearing it" - i cannot see any humour in this at all. And his stage banter is fully scripted - if you like "humor" like "Giving head" when he is sitting on Frank oder this embarrassing intro to "STL" then I pity you. In interviews he is coming across as arrogant twat trying to play his role down but you can completely feel the message "I am in Queen now" .Like I said to happystar, some people maybe don't get his sense of humor but having watched him in shows and interviews numerous times there's no way he's wearing the coronet seriously and thinking he's the big I am, that is so not his way. Seriously if he was acting arrogant on stage and people actually believed he was like that they wouldn't have taken to him and this collaboration would have failed long since. No one who watches interviews with him thinks he's arrogant at all, you've even just said he plays his role down but you can feel he's thinking something else. Going off what everyone who's ever worked with him, interviewed him or met him says, which is the complete opposite, don't you think it's possible he really isn't like you perceive? I really don't believe Brian & Roger would have taken to him either if that was his personality and no one could have kept up a pretence for six years, when you're spending that much time together on the road it would have shown through by now. |
Vocal harmony 05.08.2018 15:57 |
I would say the evidence shows only two people don't get the humour most of the time. One is obsessed with Lamberts position in Queen to the point he has to post the same negativity over and over again The other one, is a deranged half wit who can't string a sentence together in order to state what he is thinking without resorting to pure abuse of the subject and the people he is replying too. Because of their joint mindset and obvious moral and maturity limitations, the contents of what they post is pretty worthless. What I find vaguely amusing is that they are the only two who can't see the limitations of the situation they have created for themselves. |
Star* 05.08.2018 16:26 |
Vocal Harmony We do not give a toss what you or anybody else thinks on this site. You do not own the site and your views are as important as vomit outside a kebab shop on a Friday night. Try posting your obnoxious crap on You Tube and wait for the abuse back there but 100 times worse than on here. |
runner_70 06.08.2018 04:08 |
Awesome posting over on fb (classic rock Magazine) All above true! He really is 'wooden'. He looks great, has a fantastic range, great control,'s just....hollow or something. There is no depth/dynamic/soul to anything. He's like a pseudo Freddie mannequin or something. Just something to put in front while the hits are blaring and everyone just sees and hears what they want. Then they wear the concert shirt and walk around claiming to have seen 'Queen'. Really fucked up..... Apart from the "looks and sounds great" he is spot on 110% |
runner_70 06.08.2018 04:12 |
More over I can't believe the Brits would accept this sacrilege. All the idiots here in the US I can understand, but Queen is so much more sacred over there, I am shocked that they would go in for the game show winner version of this once mighty band. All comments over there agree. Thats what the folks outside the queen circle think |
Star* 06.08.2018 07:14 |
Great Post RUNNER ! Yes outside the Queen circle many many people have told me when i asked them what do you think of Queen with Adam Lambert? Reply: some say "who is he"? others say Not the same band with out Freddie so not interested. Some Queen fans will take any garbage from Brian & Roger if they say something is great. It is all hype and at the end of this combo when Queen retire they will look back and regret what they have done i promise you. Queen with Lambert are now more gayer than Bronski Beat or even the Communards and that is saying something! They are supposed to be a British dynamic rock band not a west end musical for all the nellies to go and see. I do not see any of the hard rock fans in the audiences now like when Queen were strong back in there days with Freddie, so even those fans have ditched the band to be replaced by Glamberts and mams and dads. |
rockchic65 06.08.2018 08:33 |
runner_70 wrote: Awesome posting over on fb (classic rock Magazine) All above true! He really is 'wooden'. He looks great, has a fantastic range, great control,'s just....hollow or something. There is no depth/dynamic/soul to anything. He's like a pseudo Freddie mannequin or something. Just something to put in front while the hits are blaring and everyone just sees and hears what they want. Then they wear the concert shirt and walk around claiming to have seen 'Queen'. Really fucked up..... Apart from the "looks and sounds great" he is spot on 110%Hm, well aren't you a prize wally, or very clever, I can't decide which. You made out in the title that classic rock magazine had wrote that, turns out it was some guy posting under a classic rock article not the magazine itself. Can you put it's just a quote from some guy in future, I mean I could copy and paste a shit ton of quotes saying the complete opposite from people all over facebook, all it proves is people have opinions. |
rockchic65 06.08.2018 08:36 |
happystar wrote: I do not see any of the hard rock fans in the audiences now like when Queen were strong back in there days with Freddie, so even those fans have ditched the band to be replaced by Glamberts and mams and dads.Not true, there's loads of original Queen fans at the shows, they post about it afterwards, very often saying they were skeptical or wary of going but wanted to see Brian & Roger but were blown away and would definitely go again. Obviously it's not for everyone but you really are way off the mark. |
runner_70 06.08.2018 09:05 |
I said it was a fb posting and all others agreed. Those that rave over Lamebird are the Glamtart nellies. The rockfans outside queen are those that laugh about this collaboration. True 120%. But i guess rockchic does know it all better |
runner_70 06.08.2018 09:13 |
Some other quotes I can't believe the Brits would accept this sacrilege. All the idiots here in the US I can understand, but Queen is so much more sacred over there, I am shocked that they would go in for the game show winner version of this once mighty band. Adam Lambert has terrible stage presence. He is so wooden. The worst is him wearing that stupid crown. Don‘t like his voice either. Adam SUCKS!!!...It's Simple! No Freddie = No Queen!.. Thats what most folks of the hardrock and classic rock community think of him and they are spot on. Of course the next posting here will be twitter links of glamtarts but the majority in the rockworld laugh about Maylor. They lost their credibilty completely. |
rockchic65 06.08.2018 10:00 |
runner_70 wrote: I said it was a fb posting and all others agreed. Those that rave over Lamebird are the Glamtart nellies. The rockfans outside queen are those that laugh about this collaboration. True 120%. But i guess rockchic does know it all betterAll the others, it was two guys and you. Do I really need to find all the posts on facebook from guys who've seen Queen live back in the day and are now loving these shows? You know the one's, you argue with them constantly and get shot down every time but I'm willing to trawl back through some old posts to prove my point if you like. |
SweetCaroline 06.08.2018 10:36 |
Nothing but bigotry and homophobia on display by these two obnoxious trolls! |
Vocal harmony 06.08.2018 11:01 |
rockchic65 wrote:The first line in happystar's post says it all, "I do not see any hard rock fans in the audience" By his own admission he hasn't been to any of these gigs so he hasn't seen any fans "hard rock" or otherwise. Nothing he posts is based on first hand experience. But then he is quick to tell other people he doesn't care what they post.happystar wrote: I do not see any of the hard rock fans in the audiences now like when Queen were strong back in there days with Freddie, so even those fans have ditched the band to be replaced by Glamberts and mams and dads.Not true, there's loads of original Queen fans at the shows, they post about it afterwards, very often saying they were skeptical or wary of going but wanted to see Brian & Roger but were blown away and would definitely go again. Obviously it's not for everyone but you really are way off the mark. There were plenty of hard rock fans and fans of old at all the shows and plenty saying the shows were amazing and Lambert is great. . Of course we all know that having been to the gigs these people's opinions are worthless because nappystar is in a better position to judge He 's only two steps behind runner 3 and a half in the stupidity stakes |
Star* 06.08.2018 11:08 |
vocal harmony get off here you have a psychiatric appointment at 1pm so hurry along and doctor can put you on seroxat. |
Vocal harmony 06.08.2018 11:15 |
happystar wrote: vocal harmony get off here you have a psychiatric appointment at 1pm so hurry along and doctor can put you on seroxat.You seem to know what the drug is, obviously something you take regularly. Yet again, a point/argument has been made which you can't reply to, so you go for the childish option and try an insult instead |
runner_70 06.08.2018 12:52 |
You see that the glamtarts are completely in denial when the proof is there for all to see. Most old school rockers hate qal |
rockchic65 06.08.2018 13:17 |
runner_70 wrote: You see that the glamtarts are completely in denial when the proof is there for all to see. Most old school rockers hate qalWell if we're using facebook posts as proof, here I'll raise you some: I have been twice here in the uk . I did see Queen in the 80s 3 times & Q & PR 3 times too . Adam is a great choice for frontman & Brian & Roger are like kids again . Its only a few off these idiots that wouldn't know "Bohemian Rhapsody " from " Radio Ga Ga " . 99% of true , loyal fans love Q & AL , i hope they carry on forever lol . Enjoy x Wembley stadium July '86...Glasgow green July '18...Thank you Frank..Thank you Queen...32 years of separation...Still the best...Show must go on!! Great show. Loved every minute...Saw it twice. Saw them with Freddie 8 times. Great to see and hear the love continue. Freddie would have approved- The Show Has Gone on - A heartfelt thanks from a lifelong fan. What a night in Dublin was blown away. Saw you in Slane with Freddie. He would be so proud. Can't wait for the next one. im a real Queen fan got everything they ever released,in every format since i was 9, and havent missed a tour in 39 years..and Adam is excellent..but then again maybe i'm not as big a fan as you eh? |
runner_70 06.08.2018 13:24 |
No you arent a Queenfan because youd give this shit sandwhich a miss then. Apart from the songs performed as musical this has nothing to do with classic Queen |
rockchic65 06.08.2018 13:35 |
runner_70 wrote: No you arent a Queenfan because youd give this shit sandwhich a miss then. Apart from the songs performed as musical this has nothing to do with classic QueenSo your stance is, anyone giving this a chance can't be a Queen fan? That's a lot of people you're discounting as fans. |
runner_70 06.08.2018 14:43 |
Anyone raving about lamebird is Delusional |
Sealion 06.08.2018 15:05 |
I just watched a video by Deacy‘s youngest son on YT. He was reacting to the BoRhap trailer, really nice to see his excitement and pride of his father. Also interesting: he wore a Q+AL shirt doing so. He said he was at one of the latest O2 London shows and thought it was brilliant. He also has videos from last years Wembley show on his channel. Sure, he‘s not his Dad. But it appears to me, that the Deacon household is not against Q+AL, as some people here always claim to know. |
SweetCaroline 06.08.2018 15:07 |
Take it from someone who has been to many, many LIVE shows, the QAL show is MAGNIFICENT and worth every penny of admission! |
runner_70 06.08.2018 15:08 |
Another retarded glamtart theory. Equally embarrassing like stating that jd is still responsible for queens finances. What comeS next? A cat of Freddie liking the goat? |
Sealion 06.08.2018 15:12 |
runner_70 wrote: Another retarded glamtart theory. Equally embarrassing like stating that jd is still responsible for queens finances. What comeS next? A cat of Freddie liking the goat?Unfortunately cats don‘t live that long. ;-) |
SweetCaroline 06.08.2018 15:32 |
Even John Deacon’s son, Cameron, went to a QAL show recently at the O2 and loved it. |
Sealion 06.08.2018 15:48 |
runner_70 wrote: Another retarded glamtart theory. Equally embarrassing like stating that jd is still responsible for queens finances. What comeS next? A cat of Freddie liking the goat?What? Does that not fit your agenda? Man, can you not simply accept, that there are thousands of Queen fans, who are happy, that Brian and Roger are still playing their music? That they are happy to have found a singer, who suits them? You really start to sound like an absolute idiot. Now you started quoting opinions from people, who think like you. Something Caroline always gets shit for. Of course there are other fans of your opinion. But fact is, that they are the absolute minority by far. Even on the Official Facebook site. When you compare the likes and the dislikes it‘s what? 10:1 for the likes? From reading your posts one would think, it’s the other way round, meaning you‘re actually trying to spread fake news. You can stop that. Nobody in this forum -if they like Q+AL or not- will believe you. We know you long enough by now. |
snifflese 06.08.2018 16:28 |
I think even if Freddie were to somehow descend from Rock'N'Roll Heaven and say he was glad QAL was touring and that he loved Adam singing with them, that would't be enough for our two buddies. If having a Deacon son showing support for QAL doesn't do the trick,, nothing is going to show them they are misinformed. They must have nothing else to do in life and this is the highlight of their day to be pains in the butt. I am sure in real life no one has time for them and at least here, people reply to their crazy statments. Crazy nut jobs on the internet are always poor souls in real life. They don't have much of a life, so this is where they create havoc. |
Star* 06.08.2018 17:28 |
Sniflese: You dont seem to have much to do apart from defend someone you hardly know and the little Queen knowledge you have is laughable. You are the saddo who supports someone who is an absolute joke in the show business world. Queenzone must have thousands of members and if they all liked Lambert they would come on here and support the fool but they dont because many stay away from the Lambert sites because they have no interest in a clown that plays with mommas makeup box and ponces over the stage pretender to be a star. |
SweetCaroline 06.08.2018 17:50 |
Why do they always portray Freddie with an oversized mouth? link |
Star* 06.08.2018 18:10 |
Because Freddie's teeth were his trade mark, He had the most recognised set of teeth in the history of rock n roll. But he had a lovely smile that could light up a room like a super trouper (which is a massive spotlight) |
Iron Butterfly 06.08.2018 19:51 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Why do they always portray Freddie with an oversized mouth? linkThat doesn't look official even. That looks terrible. |
Iron Butterfly 06.08.2018 19:55 |
snifflese wrote: I think even if Freddie were to somehow descend from Rock'N'Roll Heaven and say he was glad QAL was touring and that he loved Adam singing with them, that would't be enough for our two buddies. If having a Deacon son showing support for QAL doesn't do the trick,, nothing is going to show them they are misinformed. They must have nothing else to do in life and this is the highlight of their day to be pains in the butt. I am sure in real life no one has time for them and at least here, people reply to their crazy statments. Crazy nut jobs on the internet are always poor souls in real life. They don't have much of a life, so this is where they create havoc.I wouldn't even guess what Freddie would like. But even if he hyped up Q+AL up, I still wouldn't like the coronet, cape, bike, God awful banter in Q+AL shows. It's called having critical thinking skills, instead of saying everything is magnificent no matter what. |
SweetCaroline 06.08.2018 20:14 |
As others have said multiple times, the coronet, cape, bike and banter are a small and short (time-wise) part of this magnificent show. You seem to thrive on negativity and don’t know how to enjoy life! How sad! |
Iron Butterfly 06.08.2018 21:12 |
SweetCaroline wrote: As others have said multiple times, the coronet, cape, bike and banter are a small and short (time-wise) part of this magnificent show. You seem to thrive on negativity and don’t know how to enjoy life! How sad!I stand by my thoughts about it. You seem to thrive on getting personal with me today. What gives? The guy who you look at as a sex beast and a second son still without a record company or something. My thoughts on Q+AL does not mean that I don't know how to enjoy life. You can cut that crap out. What must your life be like to defend and promote AL all the time on Queen boards, to never take any responsibility for your actions, and you think k of AL as a second son? |
SweetCaroline 06.08.2018 21:47 |
My life is great! I haven’t done anything wrong for which to take responsibility. I haven’t been responsible for getting people banned from chat forums and getting whole sections of posts deleted and destroyed because of constant negative bitching! |
runner_70 06.08.2018 21:53 |
•••says the one thats been banned from qol. Oh the Irony |
runner_70 06.08.2018 21:55 |
•••says the one thats been banned from qol. Oh the Irony |
Iron Butterfly 06.08.2018 22:41 |
SweetCaroline wrote: My life is great! I haven’t done anything wrong for which to take responsibility. I haven’t been responsible for getting people banned from chat forums and getting whole sections of posts deleted and destroyed because of constant negative bitching!Keep telling yourself and trying to tell others that you are so innocent and without any fault at all. Sorry for you, but I know differently. You keep on blaming me. That's at least three times now you blame for your bans and everything else you can think of. Time to grow up Granny Glambert. |
Iron Butterfly 06.08.2018 22:42 |
runner_70 wrote: •••says the one thats been banned from qol. Oh the IronyShe's just pissed because she can't promote and defend AL over there. |
SweetCaroline 06.08.2018 22:58 |
When I post I’m not promoting and defending. Just posting the truth. When people like you bitch about it, I either let it go or respond. When I respond I am accused of defending and promoting and then it is a vicious circle and the moderator bans the wrong person because he agrees with the person who is bitching! |
Iron Butterfly 06.08.2018 23:46 |
SweetCaroline wrote: When I post I’m not promoting and defending. Just posting the truth. When people like you bitch about it, I either let it go or respond. When I respond I am accused of defending and promoting and then it is a vicious circle and the moderator bans the wrong person because he agrees with the person who is bitching!Yep, you are pissed without a doubt. You really think you have never done anything wrong. Let's see, ou spammed, promoted and defended AL and shit stirred for years. What truth did you ever post? When you said QOL members don't accept AL because he was gay, that was wrong, can't you see that?! Congratulations on shooting yourself in the foot and your year long ban, sweetcaroline/CNB. Good riddance to you. You never did learn after your other bans, because you must always play the victim and blame me, the first thing you did with your other bans was to run here to blame me. I know at least your ban from a year ago wasn't my fault, funny how you ignore that. I'm sure your stories about being banned this time like it did with your other ones, but you will always manage to blame me and think you never did anything wrong. What is wrong with you mentally? You are wrong to blame me. You are pathetic. You are wrong. You haven't been right or truthful about much at at all. You have done your fair share of bitching. I've been a member of QOL for over a decade, and I will tell you you have done more harm than good regarding AL on Queen boards. Continue to blame me if it makes you feel any better. You look spiteful and bitter when you blame me. |
snifflese 07.08.2018 04:43 |
Can we get over the bans please? It is like Ground Hog day here every day. At this point no one can figure out who or why someone got banned for sure unless QOL's mod comes on here and makes an announcement, but he won't, so we will never know. But most of us do not really care as it is water under the bridge. Can we just avoid the subject from now on? There is nothing new to say about it. |
runner_70 07.08.2018 04:55 |
Can we all agree that Lamebird is a twat that isnt worthy to sing Queensongs? |
rockchic65 07.08.2018 07:34 |
runner_70 wrote: Can we all agree that Lamebird is a twat that isnt worthy to sing Queensongs?Can we all agree that you're a prat who's opinion is worthless? |
Star* 07.08.2018 09:53 |
Rockhic : Everyone's opinion is valid even if you and i disagree. I like Runners posts because he is old school like myself and appreciates classic Queen from the good old days. We will never get those days back now and i pity the kids that never got to see the 4 guys in Queen when they were the greatest rock group on the planet. |
rockchic65 07.08.2018 10:02 |
happystar wrote: Rockhic : Everyone's opinion is valid even if you and i disagree. I like Runners posts because he is old school like myself and appreciates classic Queen from the good old days. We will never get those days back now and i pity the kids that never got to see the 4 guys in Queen when they were the greatest rock group on the planet.Sorry it was meant jokingly as a nod to the wording of the previous posts but sarcasm doesn't always translate too well in writing. I love classic Queen too, I listen to Queen on a daily basis, my playlist on USB in the car is made up of mostly Queen music, and I'm really glad I was born in that era. I do see quite a few comments on YouTube from young people who love Queen, I think their music is timeless, I just wish we could get that kind of real music back in the mainstream but it doesn't look promising. |
SweetCaroline 07.08.2018 12:07 |
snifflese, don’t invite the mod to this forum, though it would be the end of the trolls. Spamming and rehash are the two favorite words of the Adam/QAL haters. They can’t stand any positive remarks about Adam and reviews of the QAL shows. The fans who are left over there walk on eggs so that they don’t dare look too enthusiastic. Icy claims innocence but has no qualms about complaining about those positive posts as she did here regarding the Vegas poster that Adam’s image is bigger than Brian and Roger. I post things as a way of informing about what is going on and then icy twists it into something negative that I am promoting Adam. Go to a show and then you will experience the excitement and joy they generate. There is absolutely nothing to bitch about but then that’s what you thrive on—bitching! |
Iron Butterfly 07.08.2018 15:44 |
SweetCaroline wrote: snifflese, don’t invite the mod to this forum, though it would be the end of the trolls. Spamming and rehash are the two favorite words of the Adam/QAL haters. They can’t stand any positive remarks about Adam and reviews of the QAL shows. The fans who are left over there walk on eggs so that they don’t dare look too enthusiastic. Icy claims innocence but has no qualms about complaining about those positive posts as she did here regarding the Vegas poster that Adam’s image is bigger than Brian and Roger. I post things as a way of informing about what is going on and then icy twists it into something negative that I am promoting Adam. Go to a show and then you will experience the excitement and joy they generate. There is absolutely nothing to bitch about but then that’s what you thrive on—bitching!How you twist things. How do you know the fans walk on eggshells? I'm sure you said all the Glamberts are gone... because of me according to you. Yes, you have spammed and rehased. Many times you have posted the same thing, just with another link. Right before this current ban that's exactly what you have done. I think you purposely did it. The bombshell from you and lies that hat QOL members do not accept AL because he is gay sure didn't help. But you can't admit to being wrong. You think that Vegas unofficial poster and what I said was negative? Too bad. It's crap and very telling that the image of AL s bigger than the one of Brian and Roger. And it's not the first time. You post to spam, defend, promote and shit stir. Erm, snifflese has went to a Q+AL show. If Queen fans don't go to Q+AL and praise everything to the rafters, those people aren't Queen fans according to you. You can come at me about me bitching when you admit that you have bitched and blamed me for things. Three times now you posted on QZ that it's my fault you have been banned. That's you trying to play haven't been innocent. |
Vocal harmony 07.08.2018 16:39 |
happystar wrote: Rockhic : Everyone's opinion is valid even if you and i disagree. I like Runners posts because he is old school like myself and appreciates classic Queen from the good old days. We will never get those days back now and i pity the kids that never got to see the 4 guys in Queen when they were the greatest rock group on the planet.What a great post, when you consider you and runner are the two people on here who won't accept any other views other than your own!!! Runner is anything but old school, foul, abusive, small minded, racists and homophobic maybe. You say you pity kids that "never got to see the 4 guys in Queen" well yeah, but that is one of the reasons why what they're doing ow is so good. It's the closest thing to seeing the original four, and you may not like the idea but plenty do and it is a stunningly spectacular show. |
Star* 07.08.2018 18:31 |
Vocal Harmony That is your opinion and i respect that but for me Freddie made a Queen concert special, he was after all the heart and soul of Queen and now the band look empty and lost on stage and maybe a little odd and for me it does not flow like it use to with Fred and john been there. A lot of today's kids do not care if a singer writes his own songs or not or sings other peoples songs but i think it is a very important thing that artists do write there own material for it shows they are credible and do not rely on blood sucking other artists songs to make money and that is what Lambert is doing. If Lambert got on with his solo career and proved he had balls i would respect him more as an original artist but the way he gets an easy ride from May & Taylor makes me think he is on a cushy number there. |
Star* 07.08.2018 18:41 |
vocal harmony spelling mistake its not homerpbic its homophobic! And you pull me up when i innocently make a spelling mistake ha ! |
SweetCaroline 07.08.2018 18:43 |
happystar, ever hear of Frank Sinatra? |
Star* 08.08.2018 06:58 |
sweetCaroline : Of course i have heard of Frank Sinatra why? |
SweetCaroline 08.08.2018 07:21 |
Why? Because Frank was a very talented and successful singer who didn’t play a musical instrument or write his own music! |
Holly2003 08.08.2018 08:35 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Why? Because Frank was a very talented and successful singer who didn’t play a musical instrument or write his own music!Maybe, as with Lambert, that explains why his appeal is mainly to grannies and Vegas lounge lizards. |
SweetCaroline 08.08.2018 09:50 |
Frank Sinatra was the idol of teens in the 40’s. He was THE top singer in his day, not just for grannies! Look it up! |
Star* 08.08.2018 10:28 |
SweetCaroline Please do not compare the weak and feeble Adam Lambert to the legend Frank Sinatra, that is surely disrespectful and offensive. |
Holly2003 08.08.2018 10:35 |
@sweetcaroline: Yeah he was a teeny bop sensation for a short period of time, which usually makes for a short-lived career. When that ended very quickly, he retired to Las Vegas to disseminate elevator music to cracked old grannies and lounge lizards. Lambert's career seems to be following the same trajectory. Good luck to him. I don't begrudge him anything. He works hard and seems to be a nice guy. But he is what he is, and no amount of noise from you and the Glamberts will ever make him a rock star. |
Vocal harmony 08.08.2018 10:38 |
Holly2003 wrote:Not during the big band era, Sinatra was as current as any modern day pop act. This thing about Lamberts fans being "grannies". If you were a Queen fan in 74 what age group are you in now.SweetCaroline wrote: Why? Because Frank was a very talented and successful singer who didn’t play a musical instrument or write his own music!Maybe, as with Lambert, that explains why his appeal is mainly to grannies and Vegas lounge lizards. It's just how it is. The truth is that as well as fans of old, they are also appealing to a younger market too, yes some of those are New Queen fans grabbing a chance they are too young to have experienced 40 years ago, but some are Lambert fans too. If you go back to the mid thirties and forties big bands you'll find the roots of and influences to a lot of current musicians. All music and the people who write, play and sing it, filters through time. If you're dismissing a musical style as old or out of time you're missing out. |
Star* 08.08.2018 12:07 |
Vh So were does rubbish rap, garage, grunge and rave music associate with Frank Sinatra then? |
SweetCaroline 08.08.2018 14:50 |
Adam is “weak and feeble?” Some vocal experts have speculated that he has 3 lungs since he generates so much power! |
snifflese 08.08.2018 15:42 |
Unless you have heard Adam in concert with Queen, you have no idea how powerful that voice is. Videos are not close to being accurate. Adam can drown out the band and his voices just rings in the rafters of the venues no matter how large. I have seen him twice with Queen and about 10 times total and there is nothing weak or feeble about his voice. Havng a higher voice does not equate to weak or feeble. He can fill the venue like any operatic tenor. You can take that off of your ridiculous list of QAL deficits. He has a huge voice and can hold a note for 25 or more secs at pretty much the same volume and on pitch. There are not many singers who can do that. You are only fooling yourself if you think there is anything subpar about his world class quality voice. Just read some of the comments from opera and classical teachers and other singers and directors with whom he has worked. Weak and feeble or any other criticism is just not there. It is only in your head and people who are never going to like anything but Freddie. That is a valid viewpoint, but you don't need to denigrate other singers because they aren't Freddie and your particular cup of tea. Brian and Roger picked him because he isn't Freddie. It was a conscious decision and I would say 99% of the people who ATTEND the concert don't have any complaints. You prefer a different kind of voice and that is OK, but just stop the constant vicious remarks. You sound like a broken record! |
snifflese 08.08.2018 15:42 |
Unless you have heard Adam in concert with Queen, you have no idea how powerful that voice is. Videos are not close to being accurate. Adam can drown out the band and his voices just rings in the rafters of the venues no matter how large. I have seen him twice with Queen and about 10 times total and there is nothing weak or feeble about his voice. Havng a higher voice does not equate to weak or feeble. He can fill the venue like any operatic tenor. You can take that off of your ridiculous list of QAL deficits. He has a huge voice and can hold a note for 25 or more secs at pretty much the same volume and on pitch. There are not many singers who can do that. You are only fooling yourself if you think there is anything subpar about his world class quality voice. Just read some of the comments from opera and classical teachers and other singers and directors with whom he has worked. Weak and feeble or any other criticism is just not there. It is only in your head and people who are never going to like anything but Freddie. That is a valid viewpoint, but you don't need to denigrate other singers because they aren't Freddie and your particular cup of tea. Brian and Roger picked him because he isn't Freddie. It was a conscious decision and I would say 99% of the people who ATTEND the concert don't have any complaints. You prefer a different kind of voice and that is OK, but just stop the constant vicious remarks. You sound like a broken record! |
Iron Butterfly 08.08.2018 15:59 |
Holly2003 wrote:Ouch ;-).SweetCaroline wrote: Why? Because Frank was a very talented and successful singer who didn’t play a musical instrument or write his own music!Maybe, as with Lambert, that explains why his appeal is mainly to grannies and Vegas lounge lizards. |
Star* 08.08.2018 17:10 |
Sniflese You are the one who replies back time after time repeating your garbage as well. Having a powerful voice does not make anyone a great singer. I do not just like Freddie as i have other favourite singers, like Tina Turner, Anastacia, Suzi Quatro, Abba, Paul McCartney , etc........ Those people have soul in there voices where Adam does have a plain sharp vocal which does not interest me at all. If Adams vocal had a colour it would be a washy grey. |
SweetCaroline 08.08.2018 20:35 |
Washy grey? Oh my! Which live show was it again that you attended? |
Iron Butterfly 08.08.2018 20:49 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Washy grey? Oh my! Which live show was it again that you attended?You are still after profits from ticket sales, I reckon. XD |
Star* 08.08.2018 21:41 |
sweetcaroline i would rather be dead than witness a car crash with Queen and Lambert and that is the truth. It is so painful to watch. |
SweetCaroline 09.08.2018 02:18 |
But you have never watched it! |
runner_70 09.08.2018 05:52 |
I have never watched a Britney Show in person as well whats your point. Youd think id like it if i was there? Bullcrap. AL stays rhw annoying talentless twat he is and i dont need to be there in person id hate it even more if i spent money on this abomination |
Star* 09.08.2018 10:06 |
sweetcaroline I have seen Lambert & Queen on Tv and it turns my stomach that the band i adore has resorted to this pathetic level. Desperation in desperate times i think. |
SweetCaroline 09.08.2018 14:04 |
Ha! Nothing desperate about their brilliant and spectacular performances! |
Star* 09.08.2018 16:33 |
SweetCaroline Compare Queens performances with Freddie & John on board and then compare it to Queen with Lambert and you will a massive deterioration of quality and stage persona. |
rockchic65 09.08.2018 16:44 |
happystar wrote: SweetCaroline Compare Queens performances with Freddie & John on board and then compare it to Queen with Lambert and you will a massive deterioration of quality and stage persona.Maybe those of us who've embraced this collaboration don't compare so instead of a deterioration we just see a difference. Brian and Roger are still great especially considering their ages, Spike does a great job as musical director, Neil's not John but he's still a good bass player and Adam is himself, totally different than Freddie but then who would be like him? IMO it's unfair to make comparisons in that way. |
SweetCaroline 09.08.2018 19:36 |
I’ve seen the original Queen performances. Freddie was definitely the whole show and his body never stopped moving even when he was sitting by the piano with the beer glasses lined up in a row! |
runner_70 09.08.2018 22:25 |
Freddie hardly drank beer on stage please leave us alone with your sad Queen knowledge |
runner_70 09.08.2018 22:28 |
Rockchic: yes Adam was himself-a total dick with a goat's voice looking like a twat lost on a stage while destroying the Queen catalogue |
SweetCaroline 09.08.2018 23:23 |
Okay, so what is in those cups: link |
Iron Butterfly 10.08.2018 01:32 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Okay, so what is in those cups: linkBeer is much better from the bottle and not disposable cups. XD |
SweetCaroline 10.08.2018 05:29 |
Yes and the bottle is there in the picture along with the cups! |
runner_70 10.08.2018 06:20 |
Wow sc found a pic with a beer bottle trying to make Freddie look like he was constantly drinking beer on stage. Freddie was surely no heavy beer drinker. Now try and show me the Photo with the crown and cape from live aid |
Star* 10.08.2018 06:29 |
Freddie merely drank anything the roadies cared to provide him with whether it was beer or champagne or gin or vodka & tonic................ |
rockchic65 10.08.2018 07:28 |
runner_70 wrote: Freddie hardly drank beer on stage please leave us alone with your sad Queen knowledgeWhat's bad about him having a drink onstage anyway, he wouldn't be the first or the last. |
Iron Butterfly 22.03.2020 09:13 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Trump always must have the last word and he can’t stand the slightest criticism! Goes on non-stop twitter rampages to prove his point! Sound familiar?From page 18 of this thread. I said it then and I will say it sounds like you. What you do in your conspiracies thread. Oh how ironic. |
MisterCosmicc 23.03.2020 07:40 |
Damn people. |
MisterCosmicc 23.03.2020 07:40 |
rockchic65 wrote:Ask SmellyCaroline. She’s the one posting pics of Freddie’s beer and asking about it, as if it’s bad. She can read labels, what’s her malfunction?runner_70 wrote: Freddie hardly drank beer on stage please leave us alone with your sad Queen knowledgeWhat's bad about him having a drink onstage anyway, he wouldn't be the first or the last. |