someonewholikesadam 26.06.2018 16:59 |
Go for it. |
princetom 26.06.2018 19:09 |
the queen is dead. long live the queen. |
Iron Butterfly 26.06.2018 19:18 |
someonewholikesadam wrote: Go for it.If you say so ;-) |
Iron Butterfly 26.06.2018 19:19 |
princetom wrote: the queen is dead. long live the queen.Queen Lives Forever! ;-) |
runner_70 26.06.2018 21:41 |
Fuck Lametart and his retarded fans |
Iron Butterfly 26.06.2018 22:12 |
runner_70 wrote: Fuck Lametart and his retarded fansNah. I don't want to f**k him or his fans ;-) xD. |
Russian Headlong 26.06.2018 22:37 |
Lambert is utter dogshite and has tarnished Queen's legacy. Bring back Paul Rodgers or better still get Justin Hawkins fronting the band! |
SweetCaroline 26.06.2018 22:54 |
Russian Headlong, we can’t do anything about it. Have you contacted B or R ??? |
princetom 27.06.2018 01:20 |
well. kind of progressive now: is the general fuzz about AL as a singer or against the same old, same old playlist they're doing ? |
Iron Butterfly 27.06.2018 02:36 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Russian Headlong, we can’t do anything about it. Have you contacted B or R ???Why would you want Russian Headlong to contact Brian and Roger? WTF. Do you not think Brian and Roger are busy enough? I think Queen fans can express their views without running to Brian and Roger. I remember a few years ago when a thread was locked on QOL, a few Glamberts tweeted Brian May for "help'" in hoping to get it unlocked. I say it's some of the Glamberts who could not accept things when thngs don't go the way they like by tweetng Brian May about a thread being locked back then. SMH. |
Iron Butterfly 27.06.2018 02:42 |
princetom wrote: well. kind of progressive now: is the general fuzz about AL as a singer or against the same old, same old playlist they're doing ?I'm going to be honest. Some of it is to do with the set list, sure. I'm a Queen fan who would love to hear deeper cuts in the Queen back catalogue. I think it's a shame the boring old gimmcks are still being done, the bike, the coronet...especially the coronet, that is one thing I don't think I ever will like. That's just screams crassness to me. My main beef is that there is less of Freddie and John sen during these shows. I think they should be shown more. It's discouraging to me as a Queen fan that AL is even singing the ending of Bohemian Rhapsody by himself, Freddie's vocals are simply not a part of the ending anymore. I think it's a big shame DOOL is rarely performed any more. Even if it was done every few shows, instead of rarely would be better than nothing. Love Of My Life which I adore isn't enough, IMO. Nor is that speech that AL does is enough. *All IMO.* |
snifflese 27.06.2018 03:01 |
Well, If John wanted to be featured in the show, he is still with us and he could be up on that stage. It is his choice not to do so. I see no reason for any fuss to be made over him. As far as Freddie, it is hard for Adam to be accepted if all you see is Freddie. Initially, there was great resistance and it was a hard road and a long road for Adam to be appreciated. I think the more Freddie is shown, the harder it is. This is not Queen with Freddie, as you guys always say. It is Queen with Adam which equals QAL. I see no good reason for more of Freddie, honestly. It undermines QAL and what they are trying to achieve. I think the right balance has been achieved as you don't want to make things harder for yourself. I think at this point Adam has earned the right to sing the end of BR. At some point the past is over and people are on to new things. That is just the way of the world and I think it is handled nicely in the show. Let Freddie sing The Dayoos and be by himself. |
Iron Butterfly 27.06.2018 03:17 |
snifflese wrote: Well, If John wanted to be featured in the show, he is still with us and he could be up on that stage. It is his choice not to do so. I see no reason for any fuss to be made over him. As far as Freddie, it is hard for Adam to be accepted if all you see is Freddie. Initially, there was great resistance and it was a hard road and a long road for Adam to be appreciated. I think the more Freddie is shown, the harder it is. This is not Queen with Freddie, as you guys always say. It is Queen with Adam which equals QAL. I see no good reason for more of Freddie, honestly. It undermines QAL and what they are trying to achieve. I think the right balance has been achieved as you don't want to make things harder for yourself. I think at this point Adam has earned the right to sing the end of BR. At some point the past is over and people are on to new things. That is just the way of the world and I think it is handled nicely in the show. Let Freddie sing The Dayoos and be by himself.Yes, he retired, as many people do. Would you want hm to throw his support for Q+AL or something? You don't see why an fuss should be made out John? He is a tremendous bass player and song writer for a couple of things. Plus he was a member of Queen for years. Do I even have to point that out? Do I have to point any of this post out? Obviously, I do. Oh dear. Queen with Adam? Erm, no thanks. It's not even close to being Queen. And AL himself has said he hasn't replaced Freddie, and nor is he the new singer for Queen. He sums it up when he says he a guest. A very fortunate guest, but still a guest. The very fact you say you don't know why there is a "fuss" made about John and no good reason for more of Freddie...that is mnd boggling honestly. Yikes at the things some Glamberts come out and say, sure I've read tweets and crap like that on AL boards, but this is actually a Queen board. Of course, I'm not going to be happy with less of Freddie and John. I'm not going to be sorry for wanting more of Freddie and John. Dayoos...that's hardly enough, IMO. Not near enough. For years I have been reading Q+AL is a celebration of Queen. How the f**k can it be a celebration with less of Freddie and John? I truly don't think showing more of Freddie and John would hurt anyone or anything. Well except for entitled Glamberts who want as much as AL and less of the two guys who put their blood, sweat and tears into Queen for years. History can't be erased. You know I have things to say about Q+AL. I'd feel alot better if Freddie and John were shown more during these shows. Don't ever forget this. AL would not be where is he is without Freddie, Brian, Roger and John. That's a fact. |
SweetCaroline 27.06.2018 04:00 |
The people who don’t go to the shows are the most offended by who and what is and is not included. QAL is Brian and Roger’s show and they don’t need any suggestions from the peanut gallery because what they are doing is magnificent! Get yourself to Vegas and it will blow your minds! |
Iron Butterfly 27.06.2018 04:08 |
SweetCaroline wrote: The people who don’t go to the shows are the most offended by who and what is and is not included. QAL is Brian and Roger’s show and they don’t need any suggestions from the peanut gallery because what they are doing is magnificent! Get yourself to Vegas and it will blow your minds!Who has ever said they were offended? Not me. You make it seem like it's a bad thing to want to see and hear more of Freddie and John. It's not a bad thing. Yes, of course, everything is magnificent according to you. Not all of us think it's magnificent. Actually, when Lady GaGa and Nate joined Brian and Roger for a couple of songs, you didn't think that was magnificent. So, I guess I'm long as AL is singing the Queen songs ever is peachy keen for you and that is what matters the most for you. I wouldn't put much stock in what a Glambert Granny like yourself has to say. You aren't even a Queen fan, that's pretty much it. You say people should go to Vegas because you are still trying to promote and sell tickets. LOL. |
snifflese 27.06.2018 05:03 |
Icy, it is great that John was part of the band, but he chose not to tour with them. You can see him up there during BR. Since when do they show the composers of a song when someone else is singing them? I really don't get that part at all. John doesn't have to approve QAL as I don't care what he thinks. He must not be opposed or they probably wouldn't be doing this. As long as the money keeps coming in, I am sure he is fine with all of that. Do other bands show the old band members when they switch them out or they die? I don't remember Iron Maiden showing the old singer. I just don't think that is done. Why would you want to remind everyone of a singer who is no longer in the band? Freddie is of coure an exception and he IS shown and homage is paid to him and he is often mentioned during the course of the concert. So how much is enough, without it reminding everyone too much of him and perhaps lessening their enjoyment of the concert? I have never heard this complaint other than from a few die hard Queen fans. I am not totally sure that the fans going to the shows would feel a lot better (like you do) with more John (don't think too many folks care about that one!) and they think proper respect is already given to Freddie. You may be an outlier here. If you just want to see Freddie and John, you can stay home and watch youtubes! Millions go even though they know neither John nor Freddie are really making any appearances! |
Iron Butterfly 27.06.2018 06:43 |
snifflese wrote: Icy, it is great that John was part of the band, but he chose not to tour with them. You can see him up there during BR. Since when do they show the composers of a song when someone else is singing them? I really don't get that part at all. John doesn't have to approve QAL as I don't care what he thinks. He must not be opposed or they probably wouldn't be doing this. As long as the money keeps coming in, I am sure he is fine with all of that. Do other bands show the old band members when they switch them out or they die? I don't remember Iron Maiden showing the old singer. I just don't think that is done. Why would you want to remind everyone of a singer who is no longer in the band? Freddie is of coure an exception and he IS shown and homage is paid to him and he is often mentioned during the course of the concert. So how much is enough, without it reminding everyone too much of him and perhaps lessening their enjoyment of the concert? I have never heard this complaint other than from a few die hard Queen fans. I am not totally sure that the fans going to the shows would feel a lot better (like you do) with more John (don't think too many folks care about that one!) and they think proper respect is already given to Freddie. You may be an outlier here. If you just want to see Freddie and John, you can stay home and watch youtubes! Millions go even though they know neither John nor Freddie are really making any appearances!Brian and Roger were obviously a huge part of Queen. Both are obviously a huge part of Q+AL., I dare say Brian and Roger are the most important parts of Q+AL. I shake my head sometimes after reading what some Glamberts say. You don't understand why I would like to see more and hear more of Freddie and John during Q+AL shows? Both were incredibly talented men and I feel like they deserve to be recognized for what they did for Queen. For sure, a hell of a lot more than what is currently in these shows. After all this time, you bet I think those two men should be shown more. Their talent is legendary, rightfully so, I think. People still care for John and Freddie. What gave you the impression that no one cares about John? Ouch at the things said by Glamberts at times. I've said before but I will say it again. The reason why into streams, etc is mostly for Brian and Roger, and of course the Queen music. I keep hoping against hope DOOL will be performed again. Brian and Roger want to squeeze AL is as much as possible in these shows. That doesn't sit well with me, even worse when it means less of a chance for Freddie and John to be shown. I've never had a problem with anyone who attends these shows, or have not attended. I watch and listen to my Queen stuff with Freddie and John. I watch and listen to Q+AL streams, videos etc. You can tell my loyalty is for Queen with Freddie and John. Every member of Queen literally worked their asses off, even one member while he was very ill. That might not mean much to you, but it does for me. I wonder if the other people who post here feel the way you do. Vocal Harmony, Holly, rockchic, Wizard, runner, happystar...I genuinely would like their thoughts if they feel Freddie and John are shown enough or not enough during these shows.Maybe they will share how they feel about it, maybe not. |
runner_70 27.06.2018 10:27 |
On the one hand it is a pity that they are not shown too much - on the other hand I feel it is better because showing Freddie next to this "thing" is just utter laughable and means to sell this tool to justify him destroyingthe songs with his screaming voice. Better distance Freddie and John from this tragedy. I wish John would give ONE interview or would write a book. I dont think Maylor would get too much praise for theit actions since Made in Heaven (which was the last project regarding Queen for me) |
rockchic65 27.06.2018 10:59 |
runner_70 wrote: On the one hand it is a pity that they are not shown too much - on the other hand I feel it is better because showing Freddie next to this "thing" is just utter laughable and means to sell this tool to justify him destroyingthe songs with his screaming voice. Better distance Freddie and John from this tragedy. I wish John would give ONE interview or would write a book. I dont think Maylor would get too much praise for theit actions since Made in Heaven (which was the last project regarding Queen for me)John retired for personal reasons, nothing to do with any of their collabs and since he's still getting royalties and they are successful why would he care. And as to Adam/the show being laughable, the only laughable thing is that people like you constantly put them down as being crap despite all eveidence to the contrary. Queen fans wouldn't constantly go to these shows if they were crap, that's just you being petty because it's not Freddie. It's pretty selfish IMO to not see that Brian & Roger deserve to still be out there playing the music they helped create simply because Freddie was taken too soon. |
mr mason 27.06.2018 19:09 |
Opinions are like Assholes! |
snifflese 27.06.2018 19:12 |
Every original composer who writes opera or classical music (and is now dead) worked his ass off as you put it. Doesn't mean that new singers are not constantly singing their music and pictures of the original composer is not shown at the opera or classical hall. It might be in the program, but that is about it. I am not sure why Queen is any different, although it is more current, but still the same kind of a thing? Most people who are in the entertainment business and are successful, work their asses off, but Broadway switches actors, movies are remade and new singers sing old tunes. That is just how it is! Why is Freddie different? He is shown so much love and appreciation during the concert and I think it is way more than is usual. Not sure how much grumbling there should be about this. |
andres_clip 27.06.2018 21:35 |
Broadway and opera to Freddie. What a comparison ffs... |
rockchic65 27.06.2018 21:57 |
andres_clip wrote: Broadway and opera to Freddie. What a comparison ffs...Ever heard of analogies? |
Iron Butterfly 27.06.2018 22:54 |
snifflese wrote: Every original composer who writes opera or classical music (and is now dead) worked his ass off as you put it. Doesn't mean that new singers are not constantly singing their music and pictures of the original composer is not shown at the opera or classical hall. It might be in the program, but that is about it. I am not sure why Queen is any different, although it is more current, but still the same kind of a thing? Most people who are in the entertainment business and are successful, work their asses off, but Broadway switches actors, movies are remade and new singers sing old tunes. That is just how it is! Why is Freddie different? He is shown so much love and appreciation during the concert and I think it is way more than is usual. Not sure how much grumbling there should be about this.To be fair, you grumbled when Nate joined Brian and Roger for ONE song because you thought he sang awful. I'm pointing out that I wish there was more Freddie and John during these shows. Because frankly, they deserve it. It would take nothing away from the shows for example if Roger sang DOOL every now and then. I think it would add to it. You think no one cares about John, and Freddie is shown enough as it is, and I disagree with that. |
Iron Butterfly 27.06.2018 23:03 |
rockchic65 wrote:John had something to say about Robbie Williams covering watch few years back. He didn't sound pleased.runner_70 wrote: On the one hand it is a pity that they are not shown too much - on the other hand I feel it is better because showing Freddie next to this "thing" is just utter laughable and means to sell this tool to justify him destroyingthe songs with his screaming voice. Better distance Freddie and John from this tragedy. I wish John would give ONE interview or would write a book. I dont think Maylor would get too much praise for theit actions since Made in Heaven (which was the last project regarding Queen for me)John retired for personal reasons, nothing to do with any of their collabs and since he's still getting royalties and they are successful why would he care. And as to Adam/the show being laughable, the only laughable thing is that people like you constantly put them down as being crap despite all eveidence to the contrary. Queen fans wouldn't constantly go to these shows if they were crap, that's just you being petty because it's not Freddie. It's pretty selfish IMO to not see that Brian & Roger deserve to still be out there playing the music they helped create simply because Freddie was taken too soon. No one here knows how John feels about Q+'s in the past few years, I'm thinking we may never know. What is selfish to me, is that AL is squeezed in every where possible during these shows, and that means less of Freddie and John. I do know this much. Many of my friends on the internet go to Q+AL because of Brian and Roger. That's who they want to see play, and yes some of them feel the way I do about Freddie and John. I love it when Brian sings LOML, I wish Roger would sing DOOL as a tribute to Freddie and John. That's more of a tribute to me, than the way some think Brian passing the Coronet to AL. |
rockchic65 27.06.2018 23:27 |
Iron Butterfly wrote: John had something to say about Robbie Williams covering watch few years back. He didn't sound pleased. No one here knows how John feels about Q+'s in the past few years, I'm thinking we may never know. What is selfish to me, is that AL is squeezed in every where possible during these shows, and that means less of Freddie and John. I do know this much. Many of my friends on the internet go to Q+AL because of Brian and Roger. That's who they want to see play, and yes some of them feel the way I do about Freddie and John. I love it when Brian sings LOML, I wish Roger would sing DOOL as a tribute to Freddie and John. That's more of a tribute to me, than the way some think Brian passing the Coronet to AL.I know what John thought about Robbie and you're right we probably never will hear from John about anything, he seems to have become almost a recluse, certainly he doesn't keep in touch with Brian & Roger. In the case of John, since he's alive and chose to retire I don't see that in the same way as Freddie. They do show him in the montage when they do DOOL, no idea why they only do it sporadically, I've never heard them talk about it in interview so it's anyone's guess why Roger seems to do AKOM more. They did it at the show I saw and I loved it. Regarding showing Freddie, I think they get it just right with the parts they show. I go to a show to have a great time, enjoy the music, sing a long and have fun, I don't want to go and be reminded of the fact Freddie's no longer here and have it turn into a nostalgic trip down memory lane for half the night, to me that wouldn't work, it's not what going to a show is about, and I personally think it wouldn't be fair to Adam either, every night he goes out there part of what he has to do is win over the audience, to me that would be made a lot harder if Freddie kept appearing, and would just lead to comparisons in people's minds. |
Iron Butterfly 27.06.2018 23:42 |
rockchic65 wrote:Just a guess on my part here. I don't think DOOL is the easiest song to sing, considering what the song is about. It may be hard for Roger to sing it night after night. To me, that song was the perfect way to pay tribute to Freddie and John. Even AL's speech can't hold a candle to DOOL for me. I'd rather hear and see DOOL than the gimmicks, or even an AL solo song. AL has managed one of his songs to be in the set list for awhile now...and that to me is too bad, because that's less of a chance and Freddie and John.Iron Butterfly wrote: John had something to say about Robbie Williams covering watch few years back. He didn't sound pleased. No one here knows how John feels about Q+'s in the past few years, I'm thinking we may never know. What is selfish to me, is that AL is squeezed in every where possible during these shows, and that means less of Freddie and John. I do know this much. Many of my friends on the internet go to Q+AL because of Brian and Roger. That's who they want to see play, and yes some of them feel the way I do about Freddie and John. I love it when Brian sings LOML, I wish Roger would sing DOOL as a tribute to Freddie and John. That's more of a tribute to me, than the way some think Brian passing the Coronet to AL.I know what John thought about Robbie and you're right we probably never will hear from John about anything, he seems to have become almost a recluse, certainly he doesn't keep in touch with Brian & Roger. In the case of John, since he's alive and chose to retire I don't see that in the same way as Freddie. They do show him in the montage when they do DOOL, no idea why they only do it sporadically, I've never heard them talk about it in interview so it's anyone's guess why Roger seems to do AKOM more. They did it at the show I saw and I loved it. Regarding showing Freddie, I think they get it just right with the parts they show. I go to a show to have a great time, enjoy the music, sing a long and have fun, I don't want to go and be reminded of the fact Freddie's no longer here and have it turn into a nostalgic trip down memory lane for half the night, to me that wouldn't work, it's not what going to a show is about, and I personally think it wouldn't be fair to Adam either, every night he goes out there part of what he has to do is win over the audience, to me that would be made a lot harder if Freddie kept appearing, and would just lead to comparisons in people's minds. Some people will always and obviously compare Freddie to AL. I think that will always happen. I don't expect Freddie to keep appearing throughout the show. DOOL and LOML were nice reflections as a look back, IMO. |
snifflese 27.06.2018 23:54 |
If singing a certain song is all you meant by honoring John and Freddie, that is fine by me. I thought you meant holograms and videos, etc. The problem is that I doubt most of the concert goers know who wrote the song and which one exactly is being honored! I don't think most people have any idea of the writer and many were written by several Queen members. And no, I don't think it is fair to take Lucy out at this point. Adam deserves one lousy song. How many did Paul do? Especially since Lucy fits better with Queen music and Brian played on it. Can't you give the poor guy a break? You keep on bringing up Nate and Lady Gaga. My problem with them is that they sounded awful. Nate just has a voice that is not suited to Queen and Gaga obviously didn't practice, as she can sing. If I pay to see QAL, I don't want other singers there! What bands have "random people" up on stage singing with the band? That is so weird. If that is something Brian and Roger wish to pursue, hopefully, it won't be as QAL. And since They said they don't want to work with anyone else, I think it is a moot point. |
rockchic65 27.06.2018 23:57 |
Iron Butterfly wrote: Just a guess on my part here. I don't think DOOL is the easiest song to sing, considering what the song is about. It may be hard for Roger to sing it night after night. To me, that song was the perfect way to pay tribute to Freddie and John. Even AL's speech can't hold a candle to DOOL for me. I'd rather hear and see DOOL than the gimmicks, or even an AL solo song. AL has managed one of his songs to be in the set list for awhile now...and that to me is too bad, because that's less of a chance and Freddie and John. Some people will always and obviously compare Freddie to AL. I think that will always happen. I don't expect Freddie to keep appearing throughout the show. DOOL and LOML were nice reflections as a look back, IMO.That could be it, I don't know if they've done it at all on this leg of the tour, I think they did on the Australia/NZ leg but like you say maybe he finds it hard to sing all the time. I was really glad I got to see that one live, I did love the video montage they played. They dropped Adam's song by the time they hit the UK last year so it wasn't in the show I saw. I wouldn't have minded Lucy, but I'm glad they didn't play Two Fux, really can't get on board with that one. |
Iron Butterfly 28.06.2018 03:58 |
snifflese wrote: If singing a certain song is all you meant by honoring John and Freddie, that is fine by me. I thought you meant holograms and videos, etc. The problem is that I doubt most of the concert goers know who wrote the song and which one exactly is being honored! I don't think most people have any idea of the writer and many were written by several Queen members. And no, I don't think it is fair to take Lucy out at this point. Adam deserves one lousy song. How many did Paul do? Especially since Lucy fits better with Queen music and Brian played on it. Can't you give the poor guy a break? You keep on bringing up Nate and Lady Gaga. My problem with them is that they sounded awful. Nate just has a voice that is not suited to Queen and Gaga obviously didn't practice, as she can sing. If I pay to see QAL, I don't want other singers there! What bands have "random people" up on stage singing with the band? That is so weird. If that is something Brian and Roger wish to pursue, hopefully, it won't be as QAL. And since They said they don't want to work with anyone else, I think it is a moot point.Honestly...I more often than not, hate holograms. Usually I'm not for it, but I think what was done at the London Olympics a few years back was done very well. I loved it. I love seeing Freddie and John during DOOL, it's obvious I love that too. I think that's the best way to pay tribute to Freddie and John. I'd be pleased with that. I do think both Freddie and John should be remembered more than what they are in the current shows, how about adding another John penned song, or Freddie's vocals at the end of Bohemian Rhapsody? I doubt any of that will happen. I hope I'm wrong. |
SweetCaroline 28.06.2018 04:18 |
When I watch videos of the original Queen shows I get the idea that Freddie was the whole show, never stops moving the whole time, up and down the ramps, and the other three guys are just there to support him in the background. I honestly think Brian and Roger get more individual closeup attention in the QAL shows! So that’s why I don’t get why icy thinks Freddie and John are being ignored in the current shows. Was John ever featured in a solo on his bass guitar? I haven’t seen it. |
Iron Butterfly 28.06.2018 04:29 |
SweetCaroline wrote: When I watch videos of the original Queen shows I get the idea that Freddie was the whole show, never stops moving the whole time, up and down the ramps, and the other three guys are just there to support him in the background. I honestly think Brian and Roger get more individual closeup attention in the QAL shows! So that’s why I don’t get why icy thinks Freddie and John are being ignored in the current shows. Was John ever featured in a solo on his bass guitar? I haven’t seen it.To me, Queen were the whole show, and not just Freddie. Their dynamic was like nothing I've seen and heard before or since. I've never said Freddie and John are being ignored. I wish there was more of him. AL does he's no Freddie speech, and nothing said about John. So I wish DOOL was done at least every now and then. Not sure how you think more focus is on Brian and Roger during these shows, unless you mean the gutiar and drum solo. Most streams I see are usually focused on AL. Look it up to find out if John ever had a bass solo. But I will tell you this, I miss his presence and talent as much as Freddie's. |
rockchic65 28.06.2018 05:19 |
Iron Butterfly wrote:I think what sc means, I could be wrong, is that Freddie was definitely the frontman, in that he took charge and was front and centre throughout most of the show. He interacted with the audience, the call & response, taking to them and he put on a show, but he didn't interact a lot with Brian, Roger & John during songs or even between them. Aside from the parts of the show where Adam actively interacts with them at the end of catwalk, i.e. STL, CLTCL, UP, he does a lot of going up to Brian, puts his arm round him, leans on him and vice versa, goes over to Roger and occasionally Spike and Neil, there's a lot of what I'd call camaraderie between them, so the focus is on them as a whole rather than Adam solely as a frontman.SweetCaroline wrote: When I watch videos of the original Queen shows I get the idea that Freddie was the whole show, never stops moving the whole time, up and down the ramps, and the other three guys are just there to support him in the background. I honestly think Brian and Roger get more individual closeup attention in the QAL shows! So that’s why I don’t get why icy thinks Freddie and John are being ignored in the current shows. Was John ever featured in a solo on his bass guitar? I haven’t seen it.To me, Queen were the whole show, and not just Freddie. Their dynamic was like nothing I've seen and heard before or since. I've never said Freddie and John are being ignored. I wish there was more of him. AL does he's no Freddie speech, and nothing said about John. So I wish DOOL was done at least every now and then. Not sure how you think more focus is on Brian and Roger during these shows, unless you mean the gutiar and drum solo. Most streams I see are usually focused on AL. Look it up to find out if John ever had a bass solo. But I will tell you this, I miss his presence and talent as much as Freddie's. |
SweetCaroline 28.06.2018 05:20 |
You are NOT seeing the whole sihow on a stream like you do when you are there in person. |
Iron Butterfly 28.06.2018 05:30 |
SweetCaroline wrote: You are NOT seeing the whole sihow on a stream like you do when you are there in person.Gee, can you give a break about that. I haven't been to a Q+AL concert, I have admitted that he never been to one, but I can and I will give my POV about it. |
Iron Butterfly 28.06.2018 07:05 |
rockchic65 wrote:Freddie was a natural. Sometimes with AL is comes across as a bit forced, and cheesy.Iron Butterfly wrote:I think what sc means, I could be wrong, is that Freddie was definitely the frontman, in that he took charge and was front and centre throughout most of the show. He interacted with the audience, the call & response, taking to them and he put on a show, but he didn't interact a lot with Brian, Roger & John during songs or even between them. Aside from the parts of the show where Adam actively interacts with them at the end of catwalk, i.e. STL, CLTCL, UP, he does a lot of going up to Brian, puts his arm round him, leans on him and vice versa, goes over to Roger and occasionally Spike and Neil, there's a lot of what I'd call camaraderie between them, so the focus is on them as a whole rather than Adam solely as a frontman.SweetCaroline wrote: When I watch videos of the original Queen shows I get the idea that Freddie was the whole show, never stops moving the whole time, up and down the ramps, and the other three guys are just there to support him in the background. I honestly think Brian and Roger get more individual closeup attention in the QAL shows! So that’s why I don’t get why icy thinks Freddie and John are being ignored in the current shows. Was John ever featured in a solo on his bass guitar? I haven’t seen it.To me, Queen were the whole show, and not just Freddie. Their dynamic was like nothing I've seen and heard before or since. I've never said Freddie and John are being ignored. I wish there was more of him. AL does he's no Freddie speech, and nothing said about John. So I wish DOOL was done at least every now and then. Not sure how you think more focus is on Brian and Roger during these shows, unless you mean the gutiar and drum solo. Most streams I see are usually focused on AL. Look it up to find out if John ever had a bass solo. But I will tell you this, I miss his presence and talent as much as Freddie's. Queen...and I mean all four members, were a powerhouse. Together they were brilliant and nothing could come close to it for me. When I watch vintage Queen concerts, it still blows me away, from the Rainbow DVD to Wembley. I don't think Freddie, Brian Roger and needed to put arms around each onstage, but I think there was usually a great deal of respect between the guys for the most part, especially in the last couple of years. True brotherhood right there. |
rockchic65 28.06.2018 07:38 |
Iron Butterfly wrote: Freddie was a natural. Sometimes with AL is comes across as a bit forced, and cheesy. Queen...and I mean all four members, were a powerhouse. Together they were brilliant and nothing could come close to it for me. When I watch vintage Queen concerts, it still blows me away, from the Rainbow DVD to Wembley. I don't think Freddie, Brian Roger and needed to put arms around each onstage, but I think there was usually a great deal of respect between the guys for the most part, especially in the last couple of years. True brotherhood right there.I don't mean from a friendship/respect point of view, just a different way of performing, a different dynamic onstage. Maybe because Adam comes from a theater background where you are mostly interacting with someone all the time, acting a part as opposed to just singing, he's used to that type of performing more. I do know he does it with his solo stuff as well, it just seems to be his way. |
Iron Butterfly 28.06.2018 07:53 |
rockchic65 wrote:I much prefer Freddie's prescence honestly. IMO, it was much more genuine and real. Hate to say this, but AL much of the time can still come across as acting.Iron Butterfly wrote: Freddie was a natural. Sometimes with AL is comes across as a bit forced, and cheesy. Queen...and I mean all four members, were a powerhouse. Together they were brilliant and nothing could come close to it for me. When I watch vintage Queen concerts, it still blows me away, from the Rainbow DVD to Wembley. I don't think Freddie, Brian Roger and needed to put arms around each onstage, but I think there was usually a great deal of respect between the guys for the most part, especially in the last couple of years. True brotherhood right there.I don't mean from a friendship/respect point of view, just a different way of performing, a different dynamic onstage. Maybe because Adam comes from a theater background where you are mostly interacting with someone all the time, acting a part as opposed to just singing, he's used to that type of performing more. I do know he does it with his solo stuff as well, it just seems to be his way. I guess most singers do act in a way. But there's the real deal, and there's not. I'd say for AL with Q+AL it isn't very real, after all, it's 99% not his music. |
rockchic65 28.06.2018 09:26 |
Iron Butterfly wrote:I really like Adam's way of doing things, but equally I like lots of other performers as well. I know from comments I see it's what a lot of people mention liking, the chemistry between them onstage and people used to mention it about him and Tommy from his original band. It is a lot different live, it doesn't seem as in your face and over hyped as it can appear on the vids when every little expression is so obvious. I do think all performers act to a degree to engage the audience, it's just a matter of preference what we like and don't like.rockchic65 wrote:I much prefer Freddie's prescence honestly. IMO, it was much more genuine and real. Hate to say this, but AL much of the time can still come across as acting. I guess most singers do act in a way. But there's the real deal, and there's not. I'd say for AL with Q+AL it isn't very real, after all, it's 99% not his music.Iron Butterfly wrote: Freddie was a natural. Sometimes with AL is comes across as a bit forced, and cheesy. Queen...and I mean all four members, were a powerhouse. Together they were brilliant and nothing could come close to it for me. When I watch vintage Queen concerts, it still blows me away, from the Rainbow DVD to Wembley. I don't think Freddie, Brian Roger and needed to put arms around each onstage, but I think there was usually a great deal of respect between the guys for the most part, especially in the last couple of years. True brotherhood right there.I don't mean from a friendship/respect point of view, just a different way of performing, a different dynamic onstage. Maybe because Adam comes from a theater background where you are mostly interacting with someone all the time, acting a part as opposed to just singing, he's used to that type of performing more. I do know he does it with his solo stuff as well, it just seems to be his way. |
runner_70 28.06.2018 10:02 |
Iron Butterfly - you hit the nail on its (ugly) head: Lamebird is ACTING as if he was a rockstar. And he is acting like some in a d-Movie. He comes across as a giant dick, completely unocnvincing , contrived boring - and his awful screeching voice is the icing on the shitfest. |
rockchic65 28.06.2018 11:18 |
runner_70 wrote: Iron Butterfly - you hit the nail on its (ugly) head: Lamebird is ACTING as if he was a rockstar. And he is acting like some in a d-Movie. He comes across as a giant dick, completely unocnvincing , contrived boring - and his awful screeching voice is the icing on the shitfest.Only to you and a handful of others, the majority are loving it and I suspect that's what really bugs you the most. And like I said, all performers act. |
Vocal harmony 28.06.2018 11:21 |
And again the ultimate reviewer who's never been to a show knows best. The truth is that anyone who is on stage and communicates with an audience in that way is acting "the part" Freddie included. Your perception is clouded by your preconceived hate for what Lambert does and who you think he is. If it was the other way around and he was the original singer in a band and Freddie came along now as a replacment/stand in aged 30 ish you'd hate him too. Meanwhile what really matters is the band and the thousands of ticket holders, each night, are enjoying what they do. |
Iron Butterfly 28.06.2018 18:22 |
rockchic65 wrote:I agree all performers act. Some are better than others. For me, Freddie was more genuine and natural than I've ever seen AL be singing the Queen songs.runner_70 wrote: Iron Butterfly - you hit the nail on its (ugly) head: Lamebird is ACTING as if he was a rockstar. And he is acting like some in a d-Movie. He comes across as a giant dick, completely unocnvincing , contrived boring - and his awful screeching voice is the icing on the shitfest.Only to you and a handful of others, the majority are loving it and I suspect that's what really bugs you the most. And like I said, all performers act. |
runner_70 28.06.2018 19:52 |
Freddie never ACTED the Rockstar he WAS a rockstar thru and thru. Lamerbird is acting as if he was one and is failing miserably. He is an EMO pop fluff wanker noone gives a shit about |
rockchic65 28.06.2018 20:01 |
runner_70 wrote: Freddie never ACTED the Rockstar he WAS a rockstar thru and thru. Lamerbird is acting as if he was one and is failing miserably. He is an EMO pop fluff wanker noone gives a shit aboutThere you go again spouting bullshit. No one? I think you'll find loads of people give a shit about him, in fact millions, just not a few Queen fans on here and dotted around on social media. If you must have a go at least stick to facts. |
runner_70 28.06.2018 20:04 |
As I said look into the forums. FOr most of the QUeen fans that go so far and visit this tragedy Lamebird is just there to make them see Maylor - no one is going because of Lamebird. Tehy would go there even if Kermit would sing (who would do a better job than the tranny) |
rockchic65 28.06.2018 20:26 |
runner_70 wrote: As I said look into the forums. FOr most of the QUeen fans that go so far and visit this tragedy Lamebird is just there to make them see Maylor - no one is going because of Lamebird. Tehy would go there even if Kermit would sing (who would do a better job than the tranny)Like I said, a few people on here, QOL etc, who go despite it being Lambert, just to see Brian & Roger but for the rest it's split between people who've already seen the show and love it, Adam's fans and Queen fans who are skeptical and end up loving him. You can keep insisting that isn't the case but all the evidence out there says otherwise. You can't base your opinion off a handful of die hard fans on a forum, that's just not realistic. Sorry if that upsets you, though why it should bother you as much as it does I really don't get tbh. Adam says at every turn he's just happy and grateful to be singing with his favourite band and loved Freddie as much as the rest of us. Even the fans who end up loving the show and loving Adam all say he's not Freddie and doesn't try to be, that's why it works, they aren't comparing him, he knows as well as anyone there is no comparing, they just accept him standing in and letting them enjoy the music they love in a live show. It really is that simple. |
runner_70 28.06.2018 20:33 |
If he loved Freddie then he should stay away from a microphone and Queen songs as far was he possibly can and stop ridiculing this once mighty band to a sad caricature that is QAL. Utter laughable |
rockchic65 28.06.2018 20:47 |
runner_70 wrote: If he loved Freddie then he should stay away from a microphone and Queen songs as far was he possibly can and stop ridiculing this once mighty band to a sad caricature that is QAL. Utter laughableWho would seriously pass up the chance to sing with their favourite band and hang out and travel with them. He never fails to say how grateful he is for the opportunity, he really does feel honoured to be asked. If people were hating it I'm sure he would have stopped by now but the reality is they don't. No one goes expecting a Queen show, but they still love the version of it they get. It's just a pity you can't be happy for Brian & Roger even if you don't like it yourself, you only need to look at their faces to see how much they are loving being back touring. I saw an interview with Brian on YouTube, a pretty old one, where he was talking about how excited he was to be touring again having thought it was over. I really couldn't begrudge them that joy even if I didn't like Adam. Just my opinion. |
Iron Butterfly 28.06.2018 23:01 |
runner_70 wrote: Freddie never ACTED the Rockstar he WAS a rockstar thru and thru. Lamerbird is acting as if he was one and is failing miserably. He is an EMO pop fluff wanker noone gives a shit aboutFreddie did act to a degree. He was very different onstage than he was off. His onstage persona was very genuine and very real. |
snifflese 29.06.2018 00:27 |
I am not sure how you know that Freddie was genuine and real on stage. To me he struts around and waves things about in lots of weird outfits and I never found that esp. natural or real. It is just a different way that he commands the stage. He had gimmicks and I hate it when you say they are "real gimmicks". A prop or gimmick is the same, no matter who works with them on stage. I think they are great because they are interesting, but the idea one is more real than the other is silly. Freddie looked anything but real on stage. It was almost as if he were attacking the stage and I told you once, he kind of frightened me when I was a young lady. I am sure he was not like that in real life. Adam and Freddie were acting and putting on a show and each does it in his own way, but neither guy is that stage person in real life. If you notice, Adam will do something really silly on stage and then make a face to the audience and bust out giggling. He knows he is silly and the audience knows it and it is just part of the show. I am sure Freddie was like that, too. A front man for a rock group has to be not only a singer, but a good actor with charisma, which they both have. People are drawn to watch them on stage. That is what made Queen and makes QAL fun to watch and a great concert! And of course, the music and singing have to be stellar, that goes without saying!! Everybody likes something different, which is a good thing! |
Iron Butterfly 29.06.2018 00:38 |
snifflese wrote: I am not sure how you know that Freddie was genuine and real on stage. To me he struts around and waves things about in lots of weird outfits and I never found that esp. natural or real. It is just a different way that he commands the stage. He had gimmicks and I hate it when you say they are "real gimmicks". A prop or gimmick is the same, no matter who works with them on stage. I think they are great because they are interesting, but the idea one is more real than the other is silly. Freddie looked anything but real on stage. It was almost as if he were attacking the stage and I told you once, he kind of frightened me when I was a young lady. I am sure he was not like that in real life. Adam and Freddie were acting and putting on a show and each does it in his own way, but neither guy is that stage person in real life. If you notice, Adam will do something really silly on stage and then make a face to the audience and bust out giggling. He knows he is silly and the audience knows it and it is just part of the show. I am sure Freddie was like that, too. A front man for a rock group has to be not only a singer, but a good actor with charisma, which they both have. People are drawn to watch them on stage. That is what made Queen and makes QAL fun to watch and a great concert! And of course, the music and singing have to be stellar, that goes without saying!! Everybody likes something different, which is a good thing!It's an impression I have after watching him and listening to him since he 1992. Yes, I wasn't a fan before then. Yes, he was out there with his outfits at times, but so was/is that other dude we discuss here ;-). To me, yes Freddie was genuine onstage. And yes it was acting to a degree, but he also had the talent and guts to pull it off. I'm disappointed in a way after these years regarding Q+AL that there's still the bike...and the Coronet especially. The banter... seriously, who came up with that? It would work better for me if the gimmicks were never a part of Q+AL. |
SweetCaroline 29.06.2018 14:34 |
The gimmicks! The gimmicks! What do you want him to do, stand there like a statue? When “Frank” comes up from the floor with Adam sitting on top and when he struts over to that silly tricycle, a ripple goes through the whole audience acknowledging how funny it is! If it was the ‘70’s again and they had the technology to do these kinds of stage effects, I bet Fteddie would have loved doing the same things! |
Vocal harmony 29.06.2018 15:13 |
runner_70 wrote: Freddie never ACTED the Rockstar he WAS a rockstar thru and thru. Lamerbird is acting as if he was one and is failing miserably. He is an EMO pop fluff wanker noone gives a shit aboutWrong. . . . Freddie acted the part on stage. Off stage he collected art enjoyed an inner circle of educated like minded people and lived the life of a wealthy artist. Roger was a genuin Rock star, big country house, a number of expensive cars, boats holiday homes home recording studio etc. Freddie switched on that character for gigs and some interviews, but very quickly became a much quieter person when he wasn't on "duty" |
Iron Butterfly 29.06.2018 17:50 |
SweetCaroline wrote: The gimmicks! The gimmicks! What do you want him to do, stand there like a statue? When “Frank” comes up from the floor with Adam sitting on top and when he struts over to that silly tricycle, a ripple goes through the whole audience acknowledging how funny it is! If it was the ‘70’s again and they had the technology to do these kinds of stage effects, I bet Fteddie would have loved doing the same things!I want focus to be on the Queen music instead of gimmicks. Isn't it obvious what I would like? Yes, sure, I bet you can see all the audience react during these shows. That's impossible for one thing. Oh dear. You are betting what Freddie would have loved, and I double you know much about the guy. If the only times you are going to post about Freddie is to compare him to AL, and bet Freddie would have loved this and that... STFU. Then again, you are the one here who didn't even understand the big deal about TSMGO. Now you bet Freddie would have loved doing the same things. Freddie's onstage persona changed through the years. One thing that never changed is that the music did the talking instead of relying on the same gimmicks. For years now, AL has been wearing a Coronet, for example. Freddie wore a crown for one tour. If he toured after that, I couldn't imagine him wearing it year after year. AL feels entitled to wear the Coronet for years now. |
SweetCaroline 29.06.2018 18:07 |
Icy go take a cold shower and leave me alone. You are not the be all end all authority on Freddie. You didn’t even know who he was until he died! |
Iron Butterfly 29.06.2018 19:02 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Icy go take a cold shower and leave me alone. You are not the be all end all authority on Freddie. You didn’t even know who he was until he died!You might need a cold shower after all the lusting you do about AL. Yep, I admitted I wasn't aware of Freddie before he died. What's your excuse, considering even now you don't care to know about the history of one of Queen's greatest songs. Your own words you "dont get the big deal about TSMGO". Then you turn around and bet Freddie would have loved Q+AL. I've never said I am an authority about Queen. That's what you throw around when I call you out on your bullshit. But at least I know about many things in Queen history. It's obvious you don't get it or even try to get it regarding many things about Freddie and Queen. Your loss, daring. You are missing out on a huge world of music with your AL fixation. |
snifflese 29.06.2018 19:29 |
To me it seems like too much Queen history keeps one from appreciating the current things going on with Queen. I bet not even 5% of people at the concerts know all the Queen trivia. All that matters to enjoy QAL now is a pair of ears and eyes. You either like the music/concert or you don't. Knowing the history of TSMGO is not a prerequisite! Knowing all that stuff keeps you from enjoying anything (with very few exceptions) QAL related. Not sure that is a good thing! I really don't think Caroline lusts after Adam, A little over the top on your part in saying that?? |
Iron Butterfly 29.06.2018 20:04 |
snifflese wrote: To me it seems like too much Queen history keeps one from appreciating the current things going on with Queen. I bet not even 5% of people at the concerts know all the Queen trivia. All that matters to enjoy QAL now is a pair of ears and eyes. You either like the music/concert or you don't. Knowing the history of TSMGO is not a prerequisite! Knowing all that stuff keeps you from enjoying anything (with very few exceptions) QAL related. Not sure that is a good thing! I really don't think Caroline lusts after Adam, A little over the top on your part in saying that??Honestly, snifflese, I've never said I knew or even know everything about Queen. I don't. I do enjoy learning about them, I swear for years every day I came online, I learned something new about the band. Sometimes I still do. I'm the type of person who would like to learn more, I always have been. I like back stories, people's experiences regarding the band, and I admit I'm jack shit compared to other fans knowledge. But it's a Queen board I post on here, so I do think it's important about Queen's history. What gets me most of all, is the careless view of sweetcaroline I don't get the big deal about TSMGO as she put it...especially when that song is such an important part of Queens history. Many things are important, I feel. If someone is going to be flippant about that, you bet I will have something to say about it. Yea, she lusts over AL. Her attempt at a thread where she wanted to say AL is so good looking is proof of that, and I've read her posts how gorgeous, sexy etc she thinks he is. Crap like that would be better off on AL's own sites. So, no, I'm not OTT in saying that. She has no qualms about comparing to Trump after all, and that's OTT in my view. What's worse, I say she lusts over AL, or her comparing me to Trump. One of those things is not like the other ;-). |
rockchic65 29.06.2018 20:15 |
The head and bicycle parts take up less than 6 minutes of a 2 hour+ show, and the rest is about the music. IMO there's actually less of the messing about in these shows than in previous years. I barely even remember those bits the show is that fast paced. |
Iron Butterfly 29.06.2018 20:49 |
rockchic65 wrote: The head and bicycle parts take up less than 6 minutes of a 2 hour+ show, and the rest is about the music. IMO there's actually less of the messing about in these shows than in previous years. I barely even remember those bits the show is that fast paced.I know it's short. I'm looking at this as a Queen fan, and maybe I'm the only one who wishes the gimmicks were not a part of it. It's not even orginal at this point. Thing is, Queen with Freddie kept evolving. Q+AL, not so much. |
rockchic65 29.06.2018 20:52 |
Iron Butterfly wrote:Adam seems to see it as a bit fun and the audience certainly seem to like it and think it's funny. If it weren't working I'm sure they would have quickly dropped it by now.rockchic65 wrote: The head and bicycle parts take up less than 6 minutes of a 2 hour+ show, and the rest is about the music. IMO there's actually less of the messing about in these shows than in previous years. I barely even remember those bits the show is that fast paced.I know it's short. I'm looking at this as a Queen fan, and maybe I'm the only one who wishes the gimmicks were not a part of it. It's not even orginal at this point. Thing is, Queen with Freddie kept evolving. Q+AL, not so much. |
Iron Butterfly 29.06.2018 20:56 |
rockchic65 wrote:I wonder what AL thinks about the Coronet. That will never be "fun" for me. I hate that more than anything...did you guess ;-).Iron Butterfly wrote:Adam seems to see it as a bit fun and the audience certainly seem to like it and think it's funny. If it weren't working I'm sure they would have quickly dropped it by now.rockchic65 wrote: The head and bicycle parts take up less than 6 minutes of a 2 hour+ show, and the rest is about the music. IMO there's actually less of the messing about in these shows than in previous years. I barely even remember those bits the show is that fast paced.I know it's short. I'm looking at this as a Queen fan, and maybe I'm the only one who wishes the gimmicks were not a part of it. It's not even orginal at this point. Thing is, Queen with Freddie kept evolving. Q+AL, not so much. |
rockchic65 29.06.2018 21:04 |
Iron Butterfly wrote: I wonder what AL thinks about the Coronet. That will never be "fun" for me. I hate that more than anything...did you guess ;-).He never mentions it but then he never gets asked and aside from one or two die hard fans on facebook no one ever seems to comment on it. A lot of what he does is based on honouring Freddie, especially clothes, he feels Queen were a very theatrical band and that by keeping up that side of things it's a tribute to Freddie and he feels the Queen legacy gives him the freedom to go wild with the outfits and theatricality. I wondered how it would go down at first but loads of people comment that they love it or at least it makes them laugh and they affectionately call him madam etc, if anything from what I see it endears him to people. |
Iron Butterfly 29.06.2018 22:18 |
rockchic65 wrote:I can see the bike being tounge in cheek, that sort of thing. The Coronet is gallng to me. I guess it doesn't help that some Glamberts look at that as Brian passing the torch to AL. Yep, I've read that even on Queen boards. It makes me hate it more.Iron Butterfly wrote: I wonder what AL thinks about the Coronet. That will never be "fun" for me. I hate that more than anything...did you guess ;-).He never mentions it but then he never gets asked and aside from one or two die hard fans on facebook no one ever seems to comment on it. A lot of what he does is based on honouring Freddie, especially clothes, he feels Queen were a very theatrical band and that by keeping up that side of things it's a tribute to Freddie and he feels the Queen legacy gives him the freedom to go wild with the outfits and theatricality. I wondered how it would go down at first but loads of people comment that they love it or at least it makes them laugh and they affectionately call him madam etc, if anything from what I see it endears him to people. I know some like it. I never have, and I never will. |
Iron Butterfly 29.06.2018 22:21 |
Another thing that bothers me. AL speaking about Freddie's sexuality. Again. Guardian article this time. Why is he doing it? He can and he sure has talked about his own sexuality, but Freddie's too. Everything from how AL didn't know how in the closet Freddie was from another recent article to AL now saying he has ascertained Freddie was fully bisexual. If AL wants to talk about his own sexuality go for it. Freddie's sexuality should not be, it's not his place. AL is singing Freddie's and Queen's songs, that doesn't make him an expert on Freddie's sexuality. SMH at Adam. |
snifflese 29.06.2018 23:03 |
Well, he didn't say alot, but you should know that when a reporter asks, you can never get away without answering something. It just won't happen, otherwise they will just make something up nowadays. I would be willing to bet the sexuality issue has been discussed at length with Brian and Roger. It would seem strange to me if they hadn't seeing as Adam is gay. I assume what he said would have been something he heard from them. I sam not sure what you found offensive, I thought it sounded pretty straight forward and as a gay man, he probably also has an opinion about that time in gay history and that was also a good part of the initial question, I found his answer thoughtful and nothing offensive or earth shattering. I don't understand why it offends you? |
rockchic65 29.06.2018 23:05 |
Iron Butterfly wrote: Another thing that bothers me. AL speaking about Freddie's sexuality. Again. Guardian artcle this time.He constantly gets asked that question in interviews, because he's always been so open I guess they feel they can ask him anything. I don't know what he said in that one but I didn't see anything wrong with what he previously said about thinking Freddie might be very open about his sexuality if he were living in these times. It isn't anything personal, it's not like he's giving away information about him, just his opinion. |
Iron Butterfly 29.06.2018 23:09 |
rockchic65 wrote:I added to my post. I wish he would not go there. Glamberts aren't happy to say the least when AL's sexuality is brought up at times, and I'm not happy when AL talks about Freddie's sexuality. Not his place. Plus he has contradicted what he said weeks ago. AL didn't know how in or or out of the closet Freddie was, but now AL has ascertained Freddie was bisexual.Iron Butterfly wrote: Another thing that bothers me. AL speaking about Freddie's sexuality. Again. Guardian artcle this time.He constantly gets asked that question in interviews, because he's always been so open I guess they feel they can ask him anything. I don't know what he said in that one but I didn't see anything wrong with what he previously said about thinking Freddie might be very open about his sexuality if he were living in these times. It isn't anything personal, it's not like he's giving away information about him, just his opinion. |
Iron Butterfly 29.06.2018 23:21 |
snifflese wrote: Well, he didn't say alot, but you should know that when a reporter asks, you can never get away without answering something. It just won't happen, otherwise they will just make something up nowadays. I would be willing to bet the sexuality issue has been discussed at length with Brian and Roger. It would seem strange to me if they hadn't seeing as Adam is gay. I assume what he said would have been something he heard from them. I sam not sure what you found offensive, I thought it sounded pretty straight forward and as a gay man, he probably also has an opinion about that time in gay history and that was also a good part of the initial question, I found his answer thoughtful and nothing offensive or earth shattering. I don't understand why it offends you?He could have said no. I'm not offended. I'm annoyed to be honest because after all Freddie was a very private person offstage. Freddie isn't here to give his POV or his truth. Why does AL feel entitled to speak about Freddie's sexuality? Because AL is more open about his own? I dunno. |
rockchic65 29.06.2018 23:23 |
snifflese wrote: Well, he didn't say alot, but you should know that when a reporter asks, you can never get away without answering something. It just won't happen, otherwise they will just make something up nowadays. I would be willing to bet the sexuality issue has been discussed at length with Brian and Roger. It would seem strange to me if they hadn't seeing as Adam is gay. I assume what he said would have been something he heard from them. I sam not sure what you found offensive, I thought it sounded pretty straight forward and as a gay man, he probably also has an opinion about that time in gay history and that was also a good part of the initial question, I found his answer thoughtful and nothing offensive or earth shattering. I don't understand why it offends you?He actually says he's discussed it with Brian & Roger and quotes something Roger said:- Understandably, Lambert thinks about Freddie Mercury a lot, discussing with Queen bandmates Roger Taylor and Brian May what he’d have made of a new pop movement that’s seen a raft of queer artists break into the mainstream. “Roger was like: ‘I think he would be really open and upfront about it, because that’s what he was like to all of us.’ [His sexuality] was just taboo in the media. But he was very matter of fact once he’d come to terms with it. |
Iron Butterfly 29.06.2018 23:39 |
rockchic65 wrote:As an aside, I don't mind that AL discussed it with Brian and Roger. I would hope that they would keep it between them. Not some tabloid ish statement that AL didn't know in or out of the closet Freddie was.snifflese wrote: Well, he didn't say alot, but you should know that when a reporter asks, you can never get away without answering something. It just won't happen, otherwise they will just make something up nowadays. I would be willing to bet the sexuality issue has been discussed at length with Brian and Roger. It would seem strange to me if they hadn't seeing as Adam is gay. I assume what he said would have been something he heard from them. I sam not sure what you found offensive, I thought it sounded pretty straight forward and as a gay man, he probably also has an opinion about that time in gay history and that was also a good part of the initial question, I found his answer thoughtful and nothing offensive or earth shattering. I don't understand why it offends you?He actually says he's discussed it with Brian & Roger and quotes something Roger said:- Understandably, Lambert thinks about Freddie Mercury a lot, discussing with Queen bandmates Roger Taylor and Brian May what he’d have made of a new pop movement that’s seen a raft of queer artists break into the mainstream. “Roger was like: ‘I think he would be really open and upfront about it, because that’s what he was like to all of us.’ [His sexuality] was just taboo in the media. But he was very matter of fact once he’d come to terms with it. Freddie didn't trust many reporters or press. Looking back, I don't blame him. As another aside. I think it's good that AL is speaking about his own sexuality. That could help people, in fact I know it has. Freddie was an immense talent. That's what I think about him. I don't think it's AL's place to speak about his personal life. Would AL want someone else to do the same to him? For what, to sell a few more papers? It's not worth it,IMO. |
rockchic65 29.06.2018 23:45 |
Iron Butterfly wrote: As an aside, I don't mind that AL discussed it with Brian and Roger. I would hope that they would keep it between them. Not some tabloid ish statement that AL didn't know in or out of the closet Freddie was. Freddie didn't trust many reporters or press. Looking back, I don't blame him. As another aside. I think it's good that AL is speaking about his own sexuality. That could help people, in fact I know it has. Freddie was an immense talent. That's what I think about him. I don't think it's AL's place to speak about his personal life. Would AL want someone else to do the same to him? For what, to sell a few more papers? It's not worth it,IMO.It was just a couple of lines in the article, I doubt he thought anything of it. Plus Freddie's personal life has been talked about in various places, documentaries and interviews, it's definitely no secret so it's not like he's talking about stuff people don't already know. I don't for one minute think he'd say anything told to him in confidence. |
Iron Butterfly 30.06.2018 00:22 |
rockchic65 wrote:Freddie's privacy is worth more than a line or two. If AL didn't think anything of that, well that's a shame.Iron Butterfly wrote: As an aside, I don't mind that AL discussed it with Brian and Roger. I would hope that they would keep it between them. Not some tabloid ish statement that AL didn't know in or out of the closet Freddie was. Freddie didn't trust many reporters or press. Looking back, I don't blame him. As another aside. I think it's good that AL is speaking about his own sexuality. That could help people, in fact I know it has. Freddie was an immense talent. That's what I think about him. I don't think it's AL's place to speak about his personal life. Would AL want someone else to do the same to him? For what, to sell a few more papers? It's not worth it,IMO.It was just a couple of lines in the article, I doubt he thought anything of it. Plus Freddie's personal life has been talked about in various places, documentaries and interviews, it's definitely no secret so it's not like he's talking about stuff people don't already know. I don't for one minute think he'd say anything told to him in confidence. And I get why Freddie's friends and even family would speak about his life. That's done with love and respect usually. When it's not, such as Freddie's Lovers I think the name of that crapfest was, you bet I'm not happy about that either. |
snifflese 30.06.2018 00:55 |
I don't think much was really said either, not in comparison to what is in most tabloids and even on TV. What Adam said was no different than things I have seen on the internet or in documentaries. There is not much in this world that is private anymore. I saw a bunch of pics on a documentary abiut Queen where they showed scenes from parties, now that was some pretty heavy stuff. If it was a big secret, I am sure that Adam would not reveal anything, but I don't think he said anything earth shattering. It was generic and stuff even I already knew. I am sure Freddie would not be treating his sexuality in this day and age like he did back then, but everyone knew he was gay even then. Where is the private, big secret stuff? Can you find anything else that Adam does that you find offensive? There sure seem to be a lot of things! |
Iron Butterfly 30.06.2018 01:11 |
snifflese wrote: I don't think much was really said either, not in comparison to what is in most tabloids and even on TV. What Adam said was no different than things I have seen on the internet or in documentaries. There is not much in this world that is private anymore. I saw a bunch of pics on a documentary abiut Queen where they showed scenes from parties, now that was some pretty heavy stuff. If it was a big secret, I am sure that Adam would not reveal anything, but I don't think he said anything earth shattering. It was generic and stuff even I already knew. I am sure Freddie would not be treating his sexuality in this day and age like he did back then, but everyone knew he was gay even then. Where is the private, big secret stuff? Can you find anything else that Adam does that you find offensive? There sure seem to be a lot of things!Again, I'm not offended. I just feel it's not his place to say it. AL is already singing the songs, but now he is saying what he is about Freddie's sexuality? Not cool in my book. The reason why I brought it up today was because of Guardian article. Like I said, it's a good thing Al is open about his own sexuality, because I know it helps people. I also know Freddie was a private man. I'm not getting into what he did in his private time. |
snifflese 30.06.2018 02:02 |
I am sure I would have been scandalized!!! Don't even want to go there!! Everybody deserves his privacy and all that crap that gets thrown on the internet is really sad. I hate those stalkers that try to catch someone in a compromising position and post pics and articles on-line.They are real bottom feeders! I am a firm believer in what goes around, comes around and eventually, they will get theirs. |
Iron Butterfly 30.06.2018 02:15 |
snifflese wrote: I am sure I would have been scandalized!!! Don't even want to go there!! Everybody deserves his privacy and all that crap that gets thrown on the internet is really sad. I hate those stalkers that try to catch someone in a compromising position and post pics and articles on-line.They are real bottom feeders! I am a firm believer in what goes around, comes around and eventually, they will get theirs.I think it was in good fun. Not to defend it, but it was a whole different time back then. You are right and I agree everyone deserves their privacy. It hurts my heart to know what Freddie went through with the tablods in his last years. No one deserves that. Some people are defensive about AL's weight for example. I'm a big defender of privacy. Always has been and will be always a staunch defender of that. |
Vocal harmony 30.06.2018 14:02 |
rockchic65 wrote:Iron Butterfly wrote:rockchic65 wrote: The head and bicycle parts take up less than 6 minutes of a 2 hour+ show, and the rest is about the music. IMO there's actually less of the messing about in these shows than in previous years. I barely even remember those bits the show is that fast paced.I know it's short. I'm looking at this as a Queen fan, and maybe I'm the only one who wishes the gimmicks were not a part of it. It's not even orginal at this point. Thing is, Queen with Freddie kept evolving. Q+AL, not so much. [/QUOTE) |
Iron Butterfly 30.06.2018 15:02 |
No, I haven't forgotten. Those were Queen shows with Freddie, so of course things were going to be zany, even gimmicky at times. When I watch and listen to Queen live, for me I feel like the things that they did back in the day, took nothing away from the music. Yes, Frank's iconic. Too bad AL takes the piss out of that by the banter about head. I don't find that funny. Queen always evolved, at the age Freddie was that WL is now, I couldn't imagine Freddie riding a bike on stage. The the worst of all. |
snifflese 30.06.2018 15:52 |
I really do think that if Freddie did the things Adam does, you would find it great, because it was Freddie. Freddie acted pretty outrageous on stage and had lots of ridiculous props that were no different and they weren't real or organic just because Freddie did it. They were part of the show to make it more outrageous and fun for the concert goers. There is no difference between the two, as far as gimmicks go. None of the gimmicks take away from the music. The music is pretty much without flaw. QAL is very much invested in the music and the little gimmicks are just for fun !I do agree about the head remark but I am good on all the rest. It is frivolous and fun and reinforce the song that they go along with! |
Iron Butterfly 30.06.2018 17:36 |
snifflese wrote: I really do think that if Freddie did the things Adam does, you would find it great, because it was Freddie. Freddie acted pretty outrageous on stage and had lots of ridiculous props that were no different and they weren't real or organic just because Freddie did it. They were part of the show to make it more outrageous and fun for the concert goers. There is no difference between the two, as far as gimmicks go. None of the gimmicks take away from the music. The music is pretty much without flaw. QAL is very much invested in the music and the little gimmicks are just for fun !I do agree about the head remark but I am good on all the rest. It is frivolous and fun and reinforce the song that they go along with!I don't know how I would feel if Freddie had done what AL does. I will say this again, Freddie was a very natural performer. AL seems at times as f he is in a Broadway show or something. Years now, with the Coronet all that changed about that is a cape added. Even Freddie didn't wear the crown year after year, it was for one tour only. AL's makes me cringe. The head, bitches, some of that would be better off for his own solo shows. These are not AL shows of course. |
snifflese 30.06.2018 17:53 |
Times have changed, I guess. Who know what outrageous things Freddie would say now that you can pretty much let it all hang out. I bet you would be surprised! |
Iron Butterfly 30.06.2018 18:07 |
snifflese wrote: Times have changed, I guess. Who know what outrageous things Freddie would say now that you can pretty much let it all hang out. I bet you would be surprised!Freddie changed so much in his last years. Always evolving. |
SweetCaroline 30.06.2018 18:35 |
So I guess it’s AOK that Fred said “F U” at the end of his Day-O call and response? |
Iron Butterfly 30.06.2018 19:19 |
SweetCaroline wrote: So I guess it’s AOK that Fred said “F U” at the end of his Day-O call and response?When Freddie did that, it was at a Queen concert. Are you insulted that he said it? You really don't know much about Freddie if you think him saying F U is bad. Or that you think I should be aghast at what Freddie said. The F bomb doesn't bother me. Q+AL concerts are not Al solo shows. |
rockchic65 30.06.2018 19:31 |
Iron Butterfly wrote:It's not his solo show but there's no way Adam could go out on stage fronting the band and not be himself, it wouldn't work. He admits at the beginning he was intimidated and checking in with them for approval of what he was doing but that just stilts your performance if you're constantly wondering if you're doing the right thing. IMO to make it work they have to be a band, not just him be like a guest singer, despite him calling himself that, but for the purposes of a performance he has to just go for it and treat it the way any band would, they're in it together and the performance has to be your own way of doing things.SweetCaroline wrote: So I guess it’s AOK that Fred said “F U” at the end of his Day-O call and response?When Freddie did that, it was at a Queen concert. Are you insulted that he said it? You really don't know much about Freddie if you think him saying F U is bad. Or that you think I should be aghast at what Freddie said. The F bomb doesn't bother me. Q+AL concerts are not Al solo shows. |
snifflese 30.06.2018 20:30 |
Icy, it may come as a surprise to you, but QAL shows are no longer Freddie shows. Just because Adam sings Freddie's music,(and the other member's music as it is NOT all Freddie's music), does not mean it is still a Freddie show. It is a Brian, Roger, and Adam show since that is who is performing at this point in time. I just read a brand new article and Adam says he has the permission from Brian and Roger to do his show, his way, which is so liberating. He also says, that if they wanted to tell him what to do, he would have said, "yes, Sir". So, this idea that because Adam is singing Freddie's music, he can't do certain things is ridiculous. Bands do switch members and the new band takes on the personality of the new member, just like here. It is no longer the Queen of old (which you know) and it will never be. It is a different time, but I will say that Adam has many similarities to Freddie in vocal range, being gay, loving fashion and other things. There is just a similar vibe that I feel. I don't think anyone else in the world is a better fit for Queen right now. That is why they keep on touring and playing to millions of people. |
Iron Butterfly 30.06.2018 21:05 |
rockchic65 wrote:That brings up how much how one can be himself while singing other people's songs. Some do it better than others. For me when AL sings Queen songs it can at times come across as scripted, cheesy, for example KQ. The head and finding somebody to love banter.Iron Butterfly wrote:It's not his solo show but there's no way Adam could go out on stage fronting the band and not be himself, it wouldn't work. He admits at the beginning he was intimidated and checking in with them for approval of what he was doing but that just stilts your performance if you're constantly wondering if you're doing the right thing. IMO to make it work they have to be a band, not just him be like a guest singer, despite him calling himself that, but for the purposes of a performance he has to just go for it and treat it the way any band would, they're in it together and the performance has to be your own way of doing things.SweetCaroline wrote: So I guess it’s AOK that Fred said “F U” at the end of his Day-O call and response?When Freddie did that, it was at a Queen concert. Are you insulted that he said it? You really don't know much about Freddie if you think him saying F U is bad. Or that you think I should be aghast at what Freddie said. The F bomb doesn't bother me. Q+AL concerts are not Al solo shows. And I will be the first to say how genuine he was with Save Me. I loved it. I still do, so it's not like I hate everything LOL. I think IL and SYW could have been something very special if it was kept. |
Iron Butterfly 30.06.2018 21:22 |
snifflese wrote: Icy, it may come as a surprise to you, but QAL shows are no longer Freddie shows. Just because Adam sings Freddie's music,(and the other member's music as it is NOT all Freddie's music), does not mean it is still a Freddie show. It is a Brian, Roger, and Adam show since that is who is performing at this point in time. I just read a brand new article and Adam says he has the permission from Brian and Roger to do his show, his way, which is so liberating. He also says, that if they wanted to tell him what to do, he would have said, "yes, Sir". So, this idea that because Adam is singing Freddie's music, he can't do certain things is ridiculous. Bands do switch members and the new band takes on the personality of the new member, just like here. It is no longer the Queen of old (which you know) and it will never be. It is a different time, but I will say that Adam has many similarities to Freddie in vocal range, being gay, loving fashion and other things. There is just a similar vibe that I feel. I don't think anyone else in the world is a better fit for Queen right now. That is why they keep on touring and playing to millions of people.I don't think I ever said these were Freddie shows. If anything I think it like this, two legends playing with a guest. These concerts are 99% Queen's music usually. There are things that Freddie and AL have in common, but differences too. One is more natural of a performer than the other. One who kept evolving throughout his career, onstage and in studio. |
SweetCaroline 01.07.2018 00:30 |
Icy you are the most stubborn human being I know and I really do not know you. You are so stuck and immovable. I don’t know if you are married or have a partner but I hope you are easier to get along with in your personal life than you are on the Internet! |
Iron Butterfly 01.07.2018 02:37 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Icy you are the most stubborn human being I know and I really do not know you. You are so stuck and immovable. I don’t know if you are married or have a partner but I hope you are easier to get along with in your personal life than you are on the Internet!Im actually going to take the stubborn part as a compliment. I know you don't mean as a compliment ;-). You are right though, you don't know me. I'm not stuck, although my life has changed so much in the past year, often heartbreaking. I would not wish constant stress and sadness on anyone. I know AL makes you happy. I think you are OTT, even when it's not needed. Hey, I think we both are stubborn, but we see things differently. Have you mentioned if you are going to Vegas? Guess what, I looked at some fliights from Calgary, and it was less expensive than I thought. I still won't be able to go though. If you go to Vegas for Q+AL, I genuinely hope you enjoy it. |
SweetCaroline 01.07.2018 03:13 |
I’m going to Florida soon and was in Vegas last summer with my cousin so don’t think I can go back there in September. If you have AXS TV, they are doing a Bad Company marathon. I’ve been watching for 10 minutes and haven’t fallen asleep — YET! LOL |
Iron Butterfly 01.07.2018 04:02 |
SweetCaroline wrote: I’m going to Florida soon and was in Vegas last summer with my cousin so don’t think I can go back there in September. If you have AXS TV, they are doing a Bad Company marathon. I’ve been watching for 10 minutes and haven’t fallen asleep — YET! LOLSafe travels. I hope the weather will good while you are there. Nope no AXS TV, or even TV at the moment. PR and BC aren't bad, all that bad, you know ;-) |
SweetCaroline 01.07.2018 06:33 |
I don’t like what Paul does with the microphone. Queen and Adam — exciting! Bad Company and Paul — repetitive and boring! |
Iron Butterfly 01.07.2018 06:43 |
SweetCaroline wrote: I don’t like what Paul does with the microphone. Queen and Adam — exciting! Bad Company and Paul — repetitive and boring!What does he do with the mircophone? At least he doesn't look like he about to lick it like AL does xD. It seems like you say everyone who isn't AL is boring. Sweetcaroline, both BC, PR and AL has their strengths and weaknesses. |
SweetCaroline 01.07.2018 17:29 |
He carries it around (mic and stand) like it is another appendage. They are a good rock band but just not exciting! |
Iron Butterfly 01.07.2018 19:01 |
SweetCaroline wrote: He carries it around (mic and stand) like it is another appendage. They are a good rock band but just not exciting!That's his 'thing'. Been doing it for years. I think they were exciting. Love what they did...some very very good music. |
someonewholikesadam 03.07.2018 12:21 |
All the whiners who say I won't go to see Queen because Adam sucks and there's no Queen without Freddie are missing out on some seriously good entertainment. And you can't really tell me you would rather see Paul Rodgers do this. This is some seriously great energy. link |
Vocal harmony 03.07.2018 12:40 |
Having been at Wembley on Sunday and the o2 last night, I can honestly say those two gigs are the best London shows Queen have played since the 80's The people moaning by in large haven't been to a gig, half of them can't even spell Freddie's name. The energy coming off the stage and in the audience both nights has been amazing. Also the pure joy that Brian, Roger and Adam are experiencing is there for all to see. As Brian says, life is made up of moments, we are all passing through and these moments won't happen again. . . . Opinions are fine, we all have them, and not liking AL's voice is fine, but to rubbish him and deny the band and audience the chance of doing this is ludicrous. Al's voice during who Wants To Live Forever and Under Pressure, alone, is worth going for. |
SweetCaroline 03.07.2018 12:53 |
Also dissing Adam for doing the QAL tours instead of his solo music is ludicrous and ridiculous. These guys are not getting younger except their talent and energy seems to defy that. Adam would be a fool to pass up this golden opportunity with them. Tyler Warren’s tweets show that he, too, is pinching himself that he has been so lucky to be part of these magical gigs. |
runner_70 03.07.2018 18:26 |
Still Lamebird is a talentless wanker destroying my favourite band and Maylor are embarrassing themselves to the max playing with this tool |
rockchic65 03.07.2018 18:31 |
runner_70 wrote: Still Lamebird is a talentless wanker destroying my favourite band and Maylor are embarrassing themselves to the max playing with this toolYeah, sold out show at the 02 last night, only the third sold out show there this year, Wembley the night before, tons of people on facebook & Twitter all saying it was the best show they've seen, all praising Adam. sounds really embarrassing ?? |
runner_70 03.07.2018 21:43 |
Absolutely embarrassing-Briteny Spears sells mor tickets than Maylor. Is she any good? No- same crap. TOo bad Maylor were once rock legends now they are sad caricatures of themselves teaming up with this asswhipe |
rockchic65 03.07.2018 22:47 |
runner_70 wrote: Absolutely embarrassing-Briteny Spears sells mor tickets than Maylor. Is she any good? No- same crap. TOo bad Maylor were once rock legends now they are sad caricatures of themselves teaming up with this asswhipeWhat's sad is someone so bitter that they can't see what's in front of them. You don't personally have to like it but you are talking rubbish when you're calling them, it's obvious to anyone it's successful and they and the fans are having a blast. We know you loved Freddie but taking it out on them and Adam ain't gonna bring him back. |
runner_70 04.07.2018 05:06 |
It wont bring him back but each time this "thing" is on stage he is mocking Freddie by destroying this great songs with his unlisteanble voice and his stage antics. And the crown/coronet thing is the epitome of bad taste and disrespect. Maylor should ask themselves who made Queen big. They are way past embarrassment now and every sane person/Freddie fan is shaking his head in disbelief that they team up with this tool, a karaoke loser that they despiced 10 years ago (see the song "C Lebrity", which is exactly what Lamefart is - a fucking karoake kid with no musical talent whatsoever) |
rockchic65 04.07.2018 08:53 |
runner_70 wrote: It wont bring him back but each time this "thing" is on stage he is mocking Freddie by destroying this great songs with his unlisteanble voice and his stage antics. And the crown/coronet thing is the epitome of bad taste and disrespect. Maylor should ask themselves who made Queen big. They are way past embarrassment now and every sane person/Freddie fan is shaking his head in disbelief that they team up with this tool, a karaoke loser that they despiced 10 years ago (see the song "C Lebrity", which is exactly what Lamefart is - a fucking karoake kid with no musical talent whatsoever)You can keep being bitter and harping on that same story if you want but it won't change a thing. People going to the shows don't care about petty things like stage antics, they take it in the spirit it's meant as a bit of fun and not to be taken seriously, they get it. There's nothing embarrassing or disrespectful about what they do and his voice is clearly very listenable to the fans or they wouldn't keep going back for more. Already had the karaoke argument, and anyone who can call him that after hearing his voice knows zilch about singing. Real musicians don't give a damn where someone got their start, they know how hard the music business is to break into, they don't class people off those shows as karaoke if they have talent, Slash sure didn't, he specifically put aside his principles of never going on those type shows just because of Adam. |
runner_70 05.07.2018 04:22 |
Slah told the tool not to screech that high because it sounds annoying. I wonder what he told him when the cameras were off |
snifflese 05.07.2018 04:32 |
Do you enjoy just making crap up? Adam's voice has been praised by too many famous singers to even mention. People like that appreciate the uniqueness of his voice, which you apparently don't get. Just leave it alone, dude! You are about as annoying as the average 2 year old. Go away and do something constructive. Are you 10 years old or what? No reasonable adult could ever behave as childishly as you do! |
rockchic65 05.07.2018 06:10 |
runner_70 wrote: Slah told the tool not to screech that high because it sounds annoying. I wonder what he told him when the cameras were offSlash actually said "maybe don't improvise so much in the high register because when you hit the low register it sounds really cool". Which part of that mentions screeching? And since he specifically asked to mentor on the show to meet Adam because of seeing him in previous weeks, where he "screeched" as you call it, I'm assuming Slash thought he sounded good then or he wouldn't have bothered. One of the songs he improvised most on regards his high register was the first week. Guessing Slash liked it, especially since he's used to that with Axl. |
runner_70 05.07.2018 19:33 |
snifflese stfu you sad Lamefart moron. I will always hate this asshole no matter what you write |
snifflese 06.07.2018 01:11 |
Runner, I think you know what you can do with yourself, but I am too much of a lady to write it. I don't need you calling me names. What is your problem because you certainly have a huge one. Please refrain from speaking to me again. I don't need to deal with nasty idiots. Go find a site where you might be appreciated as people here are very, very tired of dealing with your childish, moronic posts. |
Vocal harmony 06.07.2018 17:23 |
snifflese wrote: Runner, I think you know what you can do with yourself, but I am too much of a lady to write it. I don't need you calling me names. What is your problem because you certainly have a huge one. Please refrain from speaking to me again. I don't need to deal with nasty idiots. Go find a site where you might be appreciated as people here are very, very tired of dealing with your childish, moronic posts.snifflese, I agree. But being a hairy roadie and defiantly not a lady, please permit me to speak for you. . Mr 70 way don't you take your narrow minded idiotic views, your stupid name calling and insults turn them sideways and stick them up your poop chute. |
runner_70 06.07.2018 21:51 |
Sweet how this Lamefart fangrannies get upset when someone hates their crap idol. Lamebert career is finished after QAL |
snifflese 06.07.2018 21:59 |
Thanks Vocal Harmony! You are a true gentleman!! And you are not, Runner. No one is upset that you don't like Adam or QAL. It is just that you are so vile about it! No one expects everyone to like something, but you can say what you think in an intelligent manner and then let it go! Name calling and foolishness does not belong here. |
runner_70 07.07.2018 16:01 |
Lame-Bird is just fitting and has nothing to do with namecalling. He is just L A M E. Sounding like a lil girl, yodeling his annoying vibrato, looking like an overweight ladyboy |
rockchic65 07.07.2018 18:30 |
runner_70 wrote: Lame-Bird is just fitting and has nothing to do with namecalling. He is just L A M E. Sounding like a lil girl, yodeling his annoying vibrato, looking like an overweight ladyboyWow you really are in a tizz today, read too many glowing reviews of the "ladyboy" have you, too many people saying how brilliant he is, too many fans (non glamberts) raving about him. Clearly the more they rave the more you up the name calling, interesting. |
SweetCaroline 07.07.2018 18:49 |
This is for runner 70: My son always says that Freddie was a Thunderbird and Adam is a Lamborghini! |
runner_70 07.07.2018 20:09 |
Did he tell you when you were visiting him in the psychatry or was it when you habd both your free hour to walk around in the garden there? BTW: A Thunderbird is ways cooler than a gay Lambo |
Iron Butterfly 22.03.2020 08:27 |
snifflese wrote: I am not sure how you know that Freddie was genuine and real on stage. To me he struts around and waves things about in lots of weird outfits and I never found that esp. natural or real. It is just a different way that he commands the stage. He had gimmicks and I hate it when you say they are "real gimmicks". A prop or gimmick is the same, no matter who works with them on stage. I think they are great because they are interesting, but the idea one is more real than the other is silly. Freddie looked anything but real on stage. It was almost as if he were attacking the stage and I told you once, he kind of frightened me when I was a young lady. I am sure he was not like that in real life. Adam and Freddie were acting and putting on a show and each does it in his own way, but neither guy is that stage person in real life. If you notice, Adam will do something really silly on stage and then make a face to the audience and bust out giggling. He knows he is silly and the audience knows it and it is just part of the show. I am sure Freddie was like that, too. A front man for a rock group has to be not only a singer, but a good actor with charisma, which they both have. People are drawn to watch them on stage. That is what made Queen and makes QAL fun to watch and a great concert! And of course, the music and singing have to be stellar, that goes without saying!! Everybody likes something different, which is a good thing!Just reread this while looking for another post. You don't know how I could think Freddie was genuine and real onstage? His talent my dear. Freddie kind of frightened you? I don't even know you are even on a Queen board. For real. And you wonder why I doubt that you are a Queen or Freddie fan. SMH. If someone said AL kind of frightened anyone, you'd be jumping up and down in a rage. |
MisterCosmicc 22.03.2020 09:01 |
Iron Butterfly wrote:Oh my God, Icy. Did sniffy basically just say rock and roll scares her? I’m sure she’s got a big collection of Wayne Newton records.snifflese wrote: I am not sure how you know that Freddie was genuine and real on stage. To me he struts around and waves things about in lots of weird outfits and I never found that esp. natural or real. It is just a different way that he commands the stage. He had gimmicks and I hate it when you say they are "real gimmicks". A prop or gimmick is the same, no matter who works with them on stage. I think they are great because they are interesting, but the idea one is more real than the other is silly. Freddie looked anything but real on stage. It was almost as if he were attacking the stage and I told you once, he kind of frightened me when I was a young lady. I am sure he was not like that in real life. Adam and Freddie were acting and putting on a show and each does it in his own way, but neither guy is that stage person in real life. If you notice, Adam will do something really silly on stage and then make a face to the audience and bust out giggling. He knows he is silly and the audience knows it and it is just part of the show. I am sure Freddie was like that, too. A front man for a rock group has to be not only a singer, but a good actor with charisma, which they both have. People are drawn to watch them on stage. That is what made Queen and makes QAL fun to watch and a great concert! And of course, the music and singing have to be stellar, that goes without saying!! Everybody likes something different, which is a good thing!Just reread this while looking for another post. You don't know how I could think Freddie was genuine and real onstage? His talent my dear. Freddie kind of frightened you? I don't even know you are even on a Queen board. For real. And you wonder why I doubt that you are a Queen or Freddie fan. SMH. If someone said AL kind of frightened anyone, you'd be jumping up and down in a rage. It was Freddie’s job to ‘Tear It Up’ |
MisterCosmicc 22.03.2020 09:07 |
SweetCaroline wrote: This is for runner 70: My son always says that Freddie was a Thunderbird and Adam is a Lamborghini!I won’t forget you saying that previously. I’ll say this again, your son must be one fucked up individual. I’m sure he’s loaded with issues. Oh just kidding, but here’s what I really think. I doubt he gives a fuck about Adam Lambert. You probably said to him, “Son, isn’t Adam like a Lamborghini, and Freddie like a Thunderbird?” And he probably said, “yes, Mom” just going with the flow, not caring about Adam or Freddie. He probably listens to Bad Company. |
Iron Butterfly 22.03.2020 09:09 |
MisterCosmicc wrote:Freddie kind of frightened her because it looked to her he was attacking the stage. Plus his outfits. Wtf?Iron Butterfly wrote:Oh my God, Icy. Did sniffy basically just say rock and roll scares her? I’m sure she’s got a big collection of Wayne Newton records. It was Freddie’s job to ‘Tear It Up’snifflese wrote: I am not sure how you know that Freddie was genuine and real on stage. To me he struts around and waves things about in lots of weird outfits and I never found that esp. natural or real. It is just a different way that he commands the stage. He had gimmicks and I hate it when you say they are "real gimmicks". A prop or gimmick is the same, no matter who works with them on stage. I think they are great because they are interesting, but the idea one is more real than the other is silly. Freddie looked anything but real on stage. It was almost as if he were attacking the stage and I told you once, he kind of frightened me when I was a young lady. I am sure he was not like that in real life. Adam and Freddie were acting and putting on a show and each does it in his own way, but neither guy is that stage person in real life. If you notice, Adam will do something really silly on stage and then make a face to the audience and bust out giggling. He knows he is silly and the audience knows it and it is just part of the show. I am sure Freddie was like that, too. A front man for a rock group has to be not only a singer, but a good actor with charisma, which they both have. People are drawn to watch them on stage. That is what made Queen and makes QAL fun to watch and a great concert! And of course, the music and singing have to be stellar, that goes without saying!! Everybody likes something different, which is a good thing!Just reread this while looking for another post. You don't know how I could think Freddie was genuine and real onstage? His talent my dear. Freddie kind of frightened you? I don't even know you are even on a Queen board. For real. And you wonder why I doubt that you are a Queen or Freddie fan. SMH. If someone said AL kind of frightened anyone, you'd be jumping up and down in a rage. She says she's a Queen fan and a hard rock and metal fan...nah, I don't think so. Not for a second. |
MisterCosmicc 23.03.2020 07:46 |
She’s such a moron. |