MisterCosmicc 25.05.2018 08:37 |
They should have kept going with disco music... their disco singles were reaching higher in the charts than their rock singles in the USA. |
MisterCosmicc 25.05.2018 08:38 |
The USA never turned their back on Queen because of their disco music! They turned their backs on Queen when they started releasing rock singles again! |
MisterCosmicc 25.05.2018 08:43 |
During that time frame |
mike hunt 25.05.2018 13:21 |
Yea, but none of those songs aside from AOBTD are still played here. Even Radio Ga Ga is never played. |
matt z 25.05.2018 14:36 |
Hahaha OP, don't give Brian any ideas. We WILL BE broaching a new decade in a few years. Maybe a Q+A Disco Single. .. |
Star* 25.05.2018 14:47 |
Sorry in a few years time Queen wont be around and Lambert will be a forgotten embarrassment ! |
Jake12 25.05.2018 14:48 |
It’s funny I’m from the US and I know everyone always says they hate Hot Space but i don’t mind it really I actually find myself listening to that album a lot even tho I do prefer rock more than disco |
Your Fairy King 25.05.2018 19:32 |
Jake12 wrote: It’s funny I’m from the US and I know everyone always says they hate Hot Space but i don’t mind it really I actually find myself listening to that album a lot even tho I do prefer rock more than discoSame. I'm a 59 year old living in Ohio. I prefer the disco side of Hot Space to the "rock side" because the disco side does what it's supposed to do, make me get up and boogie, and the rock side simply doesn't rock. |
OhioMustapha 25.05.2018 22:53 |
Me too. Im an 11 year old living in Ohio. and I prefer Body Language to every Queen song there is. Best song ever, even better than that piece of crap Bohemian Rhapsody. |
Jimmy Dean 26.05.2018 02:40 |
i'm the average of both of your ages and i don't live in Ohio. i, too, love hot space. Maybe I should move :-) That piece of crap BohRhap? Try playing it backwards. and slow it down by 44%. Then play it in a loop. It provides a great soundtrack to Dances With Wolves, Extended Cut. The craziest part is at about the 239th minute. Remember, you heard it here first! |
Star* 26.05.2018 08:00 |
Hot Space was a decent album and just Queen taking a different musical direction, but Freddie was correct to explore fresh ground. What i dislike is some tracks on "Made in Heaven because they sound desperate and rushed and that last track is a waste of time and a rip off. |
Vocal harmony 26.05.2018 13:43 |
^^^ desperate and rushed" please explain. |
Star* 26.05.2018 16:39 |
Well some of the tracks have lost the Queen big production sound and the songs are rather depressing like "Mother Love" and "you dont fool me" There is no fun in that album whatsoever, and what Brian & Roger was thinking with track 13 was totally shocking. That pile of manure could have been replaced with other unreleased Queen tracks from other albums or there private home collections. Brian says they spent 2 years on that album and he would never do that again, well i would'nt want him too because it was awful. Decent tracks they have worked on are stuff like "Let me in your heart again" now that was a corker of a track. |
Graeme Arnott 26.05.2018 17:58 |
Happy Star - Freddie exploring new ground or after the success of bites the dust Freddie thinking there is more money to be made with the disco direction, the perception appears to be the band lost their rock audience in America following this change in direction and when the Break free video was shown it appears that was the final nail in the coffin. |
mike hunt 26.05.2018 19:35 |
In all honesty I don't think Break Free had much of a positive or negative Impact. The song was a non factor. Queen lost America due to the new direction with Hot Space. People forget that Bites The Dust was a huge song, but the rest of the album had plenty of traditional Queen songs like Play The Game and Save Me. Plus the album was a collection of very good songs....I think if The Hot Space songs were better It would be looked at in a better way. Made In Heaven I like. Of course they could have done it slightly differently and doesn't have any standout tracks, but I could say there is not one song I don't like on it...It has a nice flow from one song to the next. |
Star* 26.05.2018 21:07 |
Graeme: it was not about the money i think it was about Freddie been bored with yet another Queen rock album, so he wanted to explore that disco feel but in Queen fashion. |
mike hunt 26.05.2018 21:33 |
Freddie gets blamed for Hot Space, but it was Brian's writing took the biggest hit...think about it, compare his writing on The Game compared with Hot Space. Dancer, Put Out The Fire vs Dragon Attack, Sail Away and Save Me. Was the problems on Hot Space really all Freddie's fault? I think not...it was all their faults. |
OhioMustapha 27.05.2018 02:34 |
Jimmy dean it was a joke. |
Star* 27.05.2018 08:08 |
I guess Brians songwriting on "Hot Space" is lighter than "The Game" album, On The Game album they sounded hungry for a smash album and the songwriting is taken very seriously where on Hot Space they are a little more relaxed and easy going with the songs, but hey both albums are brilliant and get 10 / 10 from me. |
Vocal harmony 27.05.2018 09:26 |
happystar wrote: Graeme: it was not about the money i think it was about Freddie been bored with yet another Queen rock album, so he wanted to explore that disco feel but in Queen fashion.At that point it was about the money and trying to be the biggest thing in the states. Following the relative poor sales of Hot Space and The Works in America why do you think Freddie jumped ship for the huge CBS advance. At that time he believed he was in a position to be bigger than the band he fronted. As regards your point about Hot Space not having the big production of typical Queen albums, well The Game was also in that mode, even where there are touches of 70's type arrangements the production is quite dry sounding. |
Martin Packer 27.05.2018 13:50 |
I like YDFM and don't find it at all depressing. |
Star* 27.05.2018 14:13 |
VH: Doubt it was about money because they had massive success in America with "Another one bites the dust" and "Crazy little thing" so basically they had nothing to prove over there. Freddie was just bored with the same Queen formula and wanted new directions with the music. As for jumping ship with CBS and dumping EMI it was probably that Freddie wanted to be independent away from Queen or EMI would not fund the project, we know how funny they can be. |
mike hunt 27.05.2018 14:41 |
The bottom line is he was interested In dance music....being such a big part of the club scene in those days, So he went for it. They already made their money, and Freddie and Brian in particular didn't have the hunger and drive and patience to write brilliant type of songs anymore. In all honesty they were running out of Ideas by Hot Space, that's why every album after The Game was only half good. Hot Space as an album wasn't terrible in my view, but not nearly on the level of the first 8 records. |
Star* 27.05.2018 15:57 |
Mike Hunt : Try and tell that to Vocal Harmony who knows all the answers to all these questions apparently. He says it was all about the money, cos as you know when he states his case he knows he is right unlike me if i had said that he would want evidence and sources ! |
mike hunt 27.05.2018 17:26 |
How was Hot Space all about the money? Doesn't even make sense...It's a known fact Freddie enjoyed Dance music. That's not an opinion, It's a fact. He also liked Opera/Classical/Broadway and his early and late years showed that side of him. The only difference was the Broadway style worked for him and the dance/funk style didn't work as well. Queen did have some good dance tunes, but It wasn't their strength. Just like if Michael Jackson wrote a heavy Rock record it wouldn't be as good as The Who or early Queen. |
Vocal harmony 27.05.2018 18:23 |
mike hunt wrote: How was Hot Space all about the money? Doesn't even make sense...It's a known fact Freddie enjoyed Dance music. That's not an opinion, It's a fact. He also liked Opera/Classical/Broadway and his early and late years showed that side of him. The only difference was the Broadway style worked for him and the dance/funk style didn't work as well. Queen did have some good dance tunes, but It wasn't their strength. Just like if Michael Jackson wrote a heavy Rock record it wouldn't be as good as The Who or early Queen.Yes absolutely. But remember Another One Bites The Dust was a huge American hit for them, bringing in a whole new audience. It was this that drove them into the disco/funk of Hot Space believing it would be a huge success artistically, critically and financially. . . It failed especially when compared to the sales of The Game, they changed tac for a The Works which in America didn't achieve what was hoped. Freddie jumped ship into a solo career tacking a huge advance. You may not think it was money driven but. . . . |
Star* 27.05.2018 19:16 |
VH : Where is your evidence to support these claims then? Enlighten us all ! |
mike hunt 27.05.2018 20:00 |
In all honesty most big time bands like Priest, Metallica, Queen lost the plot at times. Everyone loves Money, but my point is it wasn't the only factor, or even the Main factor In recording Hot Space. Freddie was a man of many musical Influences and Disco was one of them....The Works first single was in the dance style of Radio Ga Ga, so they didn't back off from that style on their next album. The difference is is that it was a better song than the Hot Space tunes. After a huge failure like Hot Space it would take a great album to get back on the Map in America, and The Works wasn't great. It had a handful of good songs. They also didn't promote the album with a tour, which is a head scratcher since Ga Ga was in the top 40. |
Graeme Arnott 28.05.2018 04:53 |
This is a good debate with lots of different opinions. |
Star* 28.05.2018 09:06 |
Trouble is Queen were very British and the Americans could not understand the bands flamboyant nature, even when they dragged up for "I want to break Free" so today i wonder what they think of an out Homosexual like Adam Lambert who is in your face style of performance with his tranny looks and over the top persona? |
Martin Packer 28.05.2018 09:12 |
"Running out of ideas" is an interesting phrase: It's not like they walked into Queen with a stockpile of ideas, which is all they'd ever have. As a creative person I know ideas come at odd moments, all the time. Well, maybe fitfully, but you get the idea. I wouldn't even accept ideas come more slowly; Experience counters whatever youth brings. |
Vocal harmony 28.05.2018 13:20 |
happystar wrote: Trouble is Queen were very British and the Americans could not understand the bands flamboyant nature, even when they dragged up for "I want to break Free" so today i wonder what they think of an out Homosexual like Adam Lambert who is in your face style of performance with his tranny looks and over the top persona? |
Vocal harmony 28.05.2018 13:21 |
happystar wrote: Trouble is Queen were very British and the Americans could not understand the bands flamboyant nature, even when they dragged up for "I want to break Free" so today i wonder what they think of an out Homosexual like Adam Lambert who is in your face style of performance with his tranny looks and over the top persona? |
rockchic65 28.05.2018 13:33 |
happystar wrote: Trouble is Queen were very British and the Americans could not understand the bands flamboyant nature, even when they dragged up for "I want to break Free" so today i wonder what they think of an out Homosexual like Adam Lambert who is in your face style of performance with his tranny looks and over the top persona?Well judging by the response they get I'd say it's more accepted now, I guess 30 odd years is a long time, things have thankfully moved on. They aren't fully there yet but there is a lot more tolerance. |
Star* 28.05.2018 15:08 |
The way AL goes on they will never be fully there, he is a complete joke and dresses like TV. |
rockchic65 28.05.2018 16:22 |
happystar wrote: The way AL goes on they will never be fully there, he is a complete joke and dresses like TV.That's an onstage thing, the same as Freddie dressing in leotards, ballet shoes and that red sequined playsuit. He doesn't dress like that all the time and I've never seen a tranny wear the kind of things he does, even onstage. |
ITSM 29.05.2018 17:24 |
I think it's great that we have Freddie's voice over different kind of music, and I think the funky music is pretty good, and sometimes I'm in that funky mood. |
Star* 29.05.2018 17:43 |
rockchic : one of Lamberts most ridiculous costumes has to be the silver tin foil suit with bulky silver stilletoe boots looking like Gary Glitter from 1973 ! |
rockchic65 29.05.2018 18:05 |
happystar wrote: rockchic : one of Lamberts most ridiculous costumes has to be the silver tin foil suit with bulky silver stilletoe boots looking like Gary Glitter from 1973 !Ha ha, Gary Glitter - knew it reminded me of something. Yeah not his best look I'll grant you. Can't help laugh though, he's said a few times he sees himself in a photo or onscreen and thinks "what the hell was I wearing". At least he can laugh at himself. |
MisterCosmicc 30.05.2018 06:08 |
@MIKE Yes, Radio Ga Ga is played. It's a regional thing! |
MisterCosmicc 30.05.2018 06:10 |
Jake12 ..... everyone USA wise prefers 80's Queen. The obsessed Queen fans can't believe it! |
MisterCosmicc 30.05.2018 06:14 |
Body Language #11 Under Pressure #29 ENOUGH SAID! |
mike hunt 30.05.2018 12:34 |
Ga Ga hasn't been played In New York In years...the only other 80's songs the radio plays these days is Another One Bites The Dust and Under Pressure...chart position doesn't tell the whole story. Body Language had a good chart position, but no one has heard of it except for the fans at that time.... After 1982 that song was never played again. Crazy little thing was a 70's song. |
MisterCosmicc 30.05.2018 19:25 |
I hear Body Language sometimes but not as much as I should. Local rock radio isn’t as good as it was. We’ve got a local rock station and a local pop station that are sister stations. The pop station plays Radio Ga Ga. |
MisterCosmicc 30.05.2018 19:26 |
Queen doesn’t help when they only promote certain things. What’s really funny is Don’t Stop Me Now’s popularity |