To Ty jestes tym cwaniakiem z YouTube. Tacy idioci tylko z Holandii, bo jestes z Holandii z tego co pamietam cwaniaku ?? nie bede pisac po angielsku, uzyj translatora
Jestes zerem, trollem internetowym. Przykre, bo nic soba nie reprezentujesz i sledzisz co robie i hejtujesz.moze Tobie sie podobam? Ale sorry nie interesuja mnie mezczyzni. Stara cioto
What does this have to do with people from the Netherlands.
I listened to your cover, your attempt is good, but you are singing a full tone above the chords. If you fix that, it's ok.
Yeah, I make it in one take. I know that I can do it better but this guy is a troll. He always say the same thing whatever I do. Sorry for Holland/Netherlands. It was stupid.
It is fine to do it in one take, but if you are not sure wether it is good or not, let some friends (musicians) listen to your song. Or just practice the lines, one by one.
You have a good sounding voice, but you're severely off tune. Fix that and it will be loads better :) Also, it is indeed a good idea to let someone else evaluate your work before showing it to world. I've done this mistake too several times and I always regret it.
Chief, yeah. I understand it.
Otherwise, if anyone can comment and give some advice, and someone else writes that everything is bad and that's it. STUPID. This is haters stuff.
My mistake is that it is recorded in one take. Without listening, only melody from the head
This is for fun, but yeah, I'll try do it better ;)
I have some better cover songs, but maybe in the future I will try them recording one more time harder and better