Hi there. I'm ashamed to admit this, but I felt I needed to hear an external point of view. Is it bad that listening to Queen has gotten me thinking about death a lot? I feel somehow drawn to it and I really can't understand it. I know it might not seem like much, but I just can't seem to shrug it off.
Do I stop listening? Is there something wrong with me?
I think you should probably talk to your doctor about this. He/she can probably help you a lot better than anyone on an online message board, and every conversation you have with him/her is completely confidential, also a decided benefit.
I followed your advice. I was looking for a therapist near me and I think that i am in the right direction. I hope there's nothing serious though. This kind of makes me nervous.
Hi princesslina, calm down. You're going to discover, sooner or later, why you relate Queen with death. There's nothing to be nervous about, just relax and go to a therapist to treat this.
Maybe you'll find even more things you didn't thought happened to you, or were that way. For now, it would be better to stop listening to Queen, if it makes you feel anxious or a bit depressed.
If there's any news, please post it. Thanks for asking here.
I don't know, music doesn't work on me like that.Some of songs make I am sad, some others cheer me up.
Maybe sometime something upset you, and the music you heard somehow pulled out such thoughts from you.
It may be something current and temporary.
I don't know how long you have such thoughts but if it makes you so nervously, I agree completely with what thomasquinn 32989 and BETA215 said to you.
Don't get too nervous, I think everything will be al right.
Yes please see a therapist. It might be a small problem or something more, but you probably should have it checked out.
Queen songs like Rain must fall, pain is so close to pleasure, keep passing the open windows, and don't try suicide have helped me with my depression in the past, but ultimately therapy helped me most.