Everybody has a very strong opinion about who should have played Freddie in the biopic. So, give us your personal pick - and why.
Marc Martel ( quite a few pounds lighter)
Luke Spiller (from The Struts)
Russel Brand (I know everybody hates him, but this is not about him but how he'd portray Freddie.)
Marc and Luke could easily get acting lessons. Luke would make a very credible Freddie, he's got rock band experience, and the right look and attitude, even if it is put-on. That's what acting is about anyway.
And I think Russel would make a very interesting Freddie!
noorie wrote:
Marc and Luke could easily get acting lessons. Luke would make a very credible Freddie, he's got rock band experience, and the right look and attitude, even if it is put-on. That's what acting is about anyway.
Not really sure about your logic there... just cause you've got acting lessons doesn't mean you're good enough for a Hollywood movie. You and me could very well go out and shell out for some acting lessons but it doesn't really mean we'll end up good enough to be the lead in the next summer blockbuster, will it?
Russell Brand? There'd be no way I'd part money to watch him for a couple of hours. And why him? He's nothing like Freddie. He has a ratty face and acts like a complete idiot.
If there's one sure way to shit on the memory of Freddie it'd be having that twat attempt to play him.
Day dop wrote:
Russell Brand? There'd be no way I'd part money to watch him for a couple of hours. And why him? He's nothing like Freddie. He has a ratty face and acts like a complete idiot.
If there's one sure way to shit on the memory of Freddie it'd be having that twat attempt to play him.
Oh my god, Luke Spiller makes me cringe. I am glad he wasn't picked, though I heard he was preparing for a screen test last October that thankfully never came.
People often remark on his 'uncanny' resemblance to Freddie, but if you look at photos of him from his previous band, before the long black hair, darkened brows and contoured cheeks, you'll find he was an average, mousey-haired indie stoner kid: link link