Just received my copy of 'Queen in 3D'.....one small picture and accompanying text jumped out at me;
A picture of Freddie at the mixing desk with John Etchells whilst mixing 'Live Killers' shows a video cameraman filming them. Brian states that the footage filmed is safely in their archive.
Did we know this exists??
Yeah this is great isn't it?
He also mentions, doesn't he, that Paris was multitracked and FILMED. OK we already knew that BUT was it a multiple camera shoot? Not just the one camera we have...
Anyhoo... really nice book!! Loads of unseen photos :-)
The Real Wizard wrote:
Are we sure that footage is of them mixing Live Killers, and not maybe recording a track like Coming Soon or Sail Away Sweet Sister?
Whilst Brian's memory is sometimes suspect, he does specifically say for this it is Live Killers. Did Etchells work on 'The Game'?
Biggus Dickus wrote:
It's kind of amusing that we even have footage of a recording session of a live album in a studio. But I guess that's Live Killers for you.
He he! Though to be fair to them, it could easily just be an editing and mixing session.
Biggus Dickus wrote:
It's kind of amusing that we even have footage of a recording session of a live album in a studio. But I guess that's Live Killers for you.
He he! Though to be fair to them, it could easily just be an editing and mixing session.
Yeah it could be. Even though the album has loads of overdubs.