Do you wish you could hear after the fade out until the recording either breaks down or concludes. SSoR was revealed a few years ago and was epic. Fat Bottomed Girls carries on to its natural end on the album version.
I would go for Now I'm Here/Crazy Little Thing and Play the Game
Pokemaniacjunk wrote:
I would like to how the end of drowse, action this day and scandal ended.
I think Drowse would have just carried on with the main riff until everyone stopped as with Action and Scandal would have just ended when the plugs got pulled from the synths but who knows?
Good point - the programmed stuff will just stop when the loop runs out.
A few of them you can hear the end very quietly if you turn the fade right up (Drowse on some releases for example (I think?)
SSOR of the first album is a great shout.
Killer Queen was a big one for me, but the stems answered that question.
Panchgani wrote:
Sail Away Sweet Sister, Hang on in There, Seven Seas of Rhye (off first album)
Hang On In There always bugged me. When it finally gets going, some genius fades it out. Why, oh why?!
Sheer Heart Attack also made me curious.
Man On The Prowl ends oddly, too.
dysan wrote:
SHA just ends don't it? Spliced on another chorus. Would be good to hear the bit going into the shit middle 8 without the shit.
SHA just ends, but I believe total silence out of the blue comes from turning down all volumes to zero abruptly. I would like to hear it once without that abrupt cut.
WWRY goes on further as confirmed by Brian a few years ago. You can hear the obvious edit point as it finishes abruptly.
Man On The Prowl ends like that as Fred Mandel presumed they'd fade out long before he finished.
'Hijack my heart', would love to hear how the new melody goes on that pops in in the last section.
'Sail away sweet sister', some more bass solo is always nice to hear.
Not Queen, but The Cross..... 'In charge of my heart'... at the end the sequenzer slides to a higher key and then suddenly a new melody comes in which fades out immediately.