first of all have any of you ever actually had one of these, its pretty amazing. i want to know who made it, is it really the infamous queen mexico fan club's lp? it might be
it starts out w/ a brief radio clip of fred talking, and cuts into what a believe its the very start of the show....
...can queen fans confirm for me they started these 1981 shows w/ some sort of synthesizer-done sound, before brian runs out to start the 1st song, or some kind of low tone, does anyone know what im talking about.
anyways....the sound quality on that part is almost perfect, then cuts to a different source, or same source many generations remvoed, for a far far worse sound quality WWRY.
play the game suffers as well in SQ ***AND*** and edit, the piano improv before he starts the song (which is fantastic the next night), is cut, on the tape its cut to and about the same quality, so im pretty sure its the same source....
then SOMEBODY TO LOVE ---->THE 1st PART OF SIDE 2 sound real good and seem to match the tape.
so somebody to love, then save me, now im here, and to end side 1, fred + audience vocal exchange (which is almost perfect SQ, just for this......i swear it almost seems as if they mixed down some songs a few generations on purpose....but thats just me....i mean theres at least 3 levels of SQ on various parts of this lp.....
side 2:
dragon attack
love of my life
then sq gets real bad again, but not as bad as WWRY.......
GOD SAVE THE QUEEN (its cool cause freddies saying goodbye over it)
i also made sure everything on it actually is from the 17th and not the 18th.
Yes, the South American '81 shows did start with that drone if my memory serves me correctly. I used to own the bootleg LP's 'The Falklands Are Rocking' (Parts 1 & 2) which were perfect soundboard quality and I recall that drone being on those.
Wish I still had them but I sold my entire Queen collection about 20 years ago, something I regret now as it was pretty extensive.
ariceffron wrote:
i swear it almost seems as if they mixed down some songs a few generations on purpose...
Nice post !
Lucky you - only 100 copies exist.
More info here - link
And you may well be right - it's not out of the ordinary for bootleggers to purposely degrade sound quality for their own personal delight. It's all from the same source, and the uncut tape sounds excellent. Do you have a copy of that one too?
MINE IS DIFFERENT. if thats really no more mananas, than no more mananas is NOT the same stampers is what i have
i have the Queen ?– En Vivo Puebla 17 Octubre 1981
the radio intro is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT on mine, and is just Fred
i think that guy just used the boot cover and posted the whole show.
the interview on the actual record is from 10/18 as freddie mentions the night before being good, and he said he hopes the fans buy some records. completely different than that post above, mine is vinul from mexico, stamper info is simply QI and QII
heres a breakdown for edits::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
1[fred on radio as i describe above, compeletly different clip than than what that guy has posted above on his youtube
2 Drone Intro (VERY HQ SOUND)---->switches to a different source for WWRY (poorest sounding track on disc)
now that SQ gets better, play the game thru Love of my life match up w/ the online tape however in lower fidelity on the vinyl when compared w/ online, but they seem to match as sources
3, PLay the game (intro cut---and NOT cut on tape.....
4.somebody to love (intro cut)---> ON tape, cut from lp
5. save me
6. Now im here (cut)
7. Fred + Aud. vocal exchange (cuts in)----> JAM (no sound problems on this track, i wish the whole lp sounded like this one
1. dragon attack--> now im here (reprise)
2, love of my life
*****BIG SQ DROP*********
3. crazy
4. bo rhap (in full thank god)
5. dust
6. champions --> god save the queen
GOD SAVE THE QUEEN IS IMPORTANT TO HAVE ON THIS LP-- the fans still talk about how freddie said "thanks for the shoes"
ANYWAYS, god save the queen is awesome here cause u hear freddie say goodbye over it
ariceffron wrote:
MINE IS DIFFERENT. if thats really no more mananas, than no more mananas is NOT the same stampers is what i have
i have the Queen ?– En Vivo Puebla 17 Octubre 1981
the radio intro is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT on mine, and is just Fred
Right ! link
It's the next one down.
I'm pretty sure both LP versions have the exact same material - only the covers are different.
And the copy on YouTube isn't from the LP. There are plenty of radio spots and versions of the audience tape circulating.