can't find the 12 " IWTBF at the moment but I remember it sounded more like a composite where bits synced together at least on a note.
So that one's more sonically pleasing than More of that Jazz to me.
I've always felt awkward about the FBG ending rising in the mix on a different tempo. Who knows what the hell they were thinking.
it'd be a shameless plug for the album on a modern jukebox but that was not the case in 78'
It was pretty far out hearing the MOTJ mash up back in the day. It was too weird to not like. Nice they did it again.
Of course, it's a pun - More Of That Jazz? Yes, here's some more of Jazz.
was this common to do in those days? i seem to remember some mash-up in a song by another band that I can't for the life of me remember what it was. sorry if that phrase doesn't make sense.
i do like the rest of the song.
I really like the More of that Jazz ending... It's a clever pun and well put together. In fact you've made me go play it now.
Also to Thistleboy1980... Side 2 of Flash Gordon is a fabulous15 minutes.