I think Freddie's life was full of innuendo. E.g. when he jumped into a trash can and started yelling "I'm trash, I'm trash!". What did he mean? What would Freud think? How many lines of Bolivian marching powder were involved?
Day dop wrote:
What's the innuendo we're not to take offence at?
I don't know about the "offense" but the innuendo is all going back to the suggestion about the brief - chaotic nature of life - and it's impending .... ending.
I think the cover art starts it. with the banana thrown in.
but much of the album hints at his impending death; the nature of life, times passage ..whether written by Freddie, Brian or Roger.
explicitly: The Show Must Go On, I'm Going Slightly Mad, All Gods People, "if there's any to the questions" part of innuendo. etc
yeah^^ I knew I got it wrong. I woke up pretty trashed from a night of karaoke. *(hadn't done it in nearly two months) I looked at my posting and said "eh nobody will really mind"
imho he's looking back on the most successful part of his career, when Freddie was coy about his sexuality in the 70s. it's part of the theater of Freddie's exit, the irony of his health status being close to a public secret. but the show must go on...
An Innuendo can offend if its been done with sneaky or sexual purposes. Queen's or Freddie's innuendo its not of that kind. Its the perplexity of the situation that Queen chose to handle artistcly as an innuendo. They "named" the situation innuendo and treated it like one becouse the truth at that point was to grave to be handled in a more straightforward way.
So in the manner of Queen its again smokes and mirrors and escapism but this time the context is realy heavy and sad even weird . Everyone can feel it and soon we are all about to know why and become really upset.
But at that point Queen can't afford throw us the blatent truth in the face. Freddie asks to be taken with good intentions.He means no harm, its just the predicament of his/their situtation.