Evening everyone,
So I have ANATO and The Game loving remixed into 5.1 and of course the 2 DVDs of Greatest Video Hits in 5.1
Just wondered if anyone had ever heard if there will be more in the future. Anything mentioned at conventions for instance? Brian actually said on his soapbox that ADATR would follow but it never has…
I love the ANATO 5.1. Other than the obvious amazing tracks, seaside rendezvous is fantastic in surround.
There was a HD mix on the recent release of ADATR. I didnt know Brian had said there were plans for the full album to be relased.Thx for sharing that.
I've wanted to hear the surround Game album. It's difficult to find the surround albums. I've seen them online for ridiculous amounts of money and I keep hoping for a re-pressing. Were did you get The Game? Does anyone know anywhere in Australia for sourcing surround albums?
I too remember Brian saying they had started work on ADATR 5.1 (this was not long after the others so is over 10 years ago now). Sadly it it another of those things that Brian gets excited about but then loses interest quickly when the next big thing/more profitable but less worthy release, comes along.
If ever a band was made for 5.1 mixes it's Queen - imagine Queen II, SHA, ADATR in proper surround!!!