dudeofqueen 12.05.2016 03:00 |
Remember the famous headline involving a Freddie Mercury interview? Well, it certainly applies to Brian May these days........ link I'm sure his multi-millionaire lifestyle must be severely rubbish in leafy Kensington. Oh, the inconvenience of living in the heart of one of the biggest cities in the world in one of its most exclusive and expensive boroughs. Surely all growth and development must stop because the rich say that they don't want the noise? Common decency? Get with it Brian you fucking idiot - and you claim that the current Government is bolshy and ignoring the common man? |
thomasquinn 32989 12.05.2016 04:03 |
He's rich enough. Get a home in the country, then. I don't like noise either, so I choose not to live in a big city. It's called common sense. Brian is increasingly turning into the cliché of an older-middle-aged guy who compensates his decrease in working hours by writing angry letters to the editor and complaining about kids playing in the street. |
Togg 12.05.2016 04:38 |
Well to be fair he has had almost all his neighbours building basements around his house for 7 years, and more planning permission being sort. He's moved once already to avoid it and is now moving again, so I can see his frustration, he needs to be in London for business/media and performing reasons so i'd say constant drilling all day for 7 years would piss anyone off |
master marathon runner 12.05.2016 07:33 |
Yeah Togg, 7 years of it would try your patience a bit. |
dudeofqueen 12.05.2016 07:53 |
Togg, re: >>Well to be fair he has had almost all his neighbours building basements around his house for 7 years, and more planning permission being sort. He's moved once already to avoid it and is now moving again, so I can see his frustration, he needs to be in London for business/media and performing reasons so i'd say constant drilling all day for 7 years would piss anyone off Why wait so long when he was fully kept in the picture about the developments and plans for on-going works? He simply has to sell the property - which will generate him a tidy little profit - like any other rational person would do and bugger off to his estate in the country where, incidentally, the great hypocrite allows the culling of deer. I'm sure his pocket can stretch to the fuel cost for the journey between there and QPL........... He's turned in to a sad old man that likes nothing better than to have his opinions plastered all over the media at any opportunity. All that gazing up in to the sky has made him dizzy. |
The Fairy King 12.05.2016 10:29 |
dudeofqueen wrote: Togg, re: >>Well to be fair he has had almost all his neighbours building basements around his house for 7 years, and more planning permission being sort. He's moved once already to avoid it and is now moving again, so I can see his frustration, he needs to be in London for business/media and performing reasons so i'd say constant drilling all day for 7 years would piss anyone off Why wait so long when he was fully kept in the picture about the developments and plans for on-going works? He simply has to sell the property - which will generate him a tidy little profit - like any other rational person would do and bugger off to his estate in the country where, incidentally, the great hypocrite allows the culling of deer. I'm sure his pocket can stretch to the fuel cost for the journey between there and QPL........... He's turned in to a sad old man that likes nothing better than to have his opinions plastered all over the media at any opportunity. All that gazing up in to the sky has made him dizzy.Are you RMT? :D |
brENsKi 12.05.2016 10:31 |
Togg wrote: he needs to be in London for business/media and performing reasons so i'd say constant drilling all day for 7 years would piss anyone offno he doesn't. at all. in the modern world there is NO need to live on the doorstep of your workplace. he chooses to be there. also, he's behaving like a prick. bet it was different when he was "renovating" "home improving" or building "home studios"....hypocrite |
mooghead 12.05.2016 12:08 |
This has nothing at all to do with wealth/Kensington/London. Its about constant noise from neighbours that goes on for years. I suppose everyone thinking he is being a dick would be alright if your neighbour was blasting out music or something every day for the last 7 years? Thought not. Just because he could afford it shouldn't mean he has to move from his home. |
victorvortex 12.05.2016 12:14 |
I like Brian a lot, he and Queen are my favourite musicians ever. I do think he moans to much though and he's lost sight of how normal people live. I admire his stance against the Tories, but it saddens me that it is only their attitudes towards animals that have made him this way. I don't recall him moaning about the way the Tories have ripped apart the lives of working class people in this country , the way Miners were treated, or the Poll Tax or the Tories attitude to the NHS, before all this badger stuff started. I guess they were ok if it meant Queen paid less tax. I also think he & Roger have lost the plot with this Adam Lambert collaboration. Can you imagine Rick Waller fronting Led Zeppelin or Gareth Gates and Will Young joining up with Paul & Ringo to reform The Beatles ? |
mooghead 12.05.2016 12:27 |
"he's lost sight of how normal people live." But why should he live his life thinking about how 'normal' people live? He is living his life, not ours. If I won 50 million on the lottery tomorrow I am going to buy an Aston Martin, I might buy 5. I am not going to stop walking into the showroom just because a 'normal' person can't afford one or thinks I'm being a show off. That's just ridiculous. He has worked fucking hard for the life he has. Most of the guff he has come out with in the past 20 years has been shit though to be fair.... |
brENsKi 12.05.2016 13:04 |
mooghead wrote: This has nothing at all to do with wealth/Kensington/London. Its about constant noise from neighbours that goes on for years. I suppose everyone thinking he is being a dick would be alright if your neighbour was blasting out music or something every day for the last 7 years? Thought not. Just because he could afford it shouldn't mean he has to move from his home.this has got nothing to do with a "neighbour blasting out music" - this ia about home improvements/developments. i'm pretty sure these kind of developments required planning permission, and unless loads of people object then these things get approved. best guess? there's only Dr May and "Our Ange" complaining - hence these things go ahead unopposed. |
victorvortex 12.05.2016 13:22 |
Because he just sounds churlish and ridiculous , that's why. There are many working class people who have worked a lot harder and have next to f*** all to show for it. There's not much worse than a moaning elderly multi millionaire. Let's face it, it needs to be happy that he has a home full stop, there are plenty out there that have no home at all. |
mooghead 12.05.2016 13:26 |
brENsKi wrote:Possibly, or maybe his neighbours aren't there at all but living in Dubai sticking a few more million on their investment before selling it on to their mate.mooghead wrote: This has nothing at all to do with wealth/Kensington/London. Its about constant noise from neighbours that goes on for years. I suppose everyone thinking he is being a dick would be alright if your neighbour was blasting out music or something every day for the last 7 years? Thought not. Just because he could afford it shouldn't mean he has to move from his home.this has got nothing to do with a "neighbour blasting out music" - this ia about home improvements/developments. i'm pretty sure these kind of developments required planning permission, and unless loads of people object then these things get approved. best guess? there's only Dr May and "Our Ange" complaining - hence these things go ahead unopposed. |
mooghead 12.05.2016 13:26 |
victorvortex wrote: Because he just sounds churlish and ridiculous , that's why. There are many working class people who have worked a lot harder and have next to f*** all to show for it. There's not much worse than a moaning elderly multi millionaire. Let's face it, it needs to be happy that he has a home full stop, there are plenty out there that have no home at all.FFS, seriously? When I were a lad..... |
mooghead 12.05.2016 13:30 |
"There are many working class people who have worked a lot harder" But he isn't working class. We all work hard, I actually have worked since the age of 16, I am now 40 and I have FUCK ALL. But I don't have an amazing talent like him. You are jealous, you begrudge him his life. He is being restrained. I would torch the fucking place. |
victorvortex 12.05.2016 13:42 |
I am not jealous, I love the guy and have tons of respect for him, especially his musicianship. But , has he really had it any harder than Doctors, Nurses, Policemen/women , Firemen/women, teachers, coal miners, service men & women ? His job has allowed him many privileges, he's seen the world many times over, hung out with the rich and famous and accumulated massive wealth. Am I jealous ? Not at all. Do I think he needs to stop publicly moaning about his basement ? Absolutely, it's doing him no favours. |
mooghead 12.05.2016 14:45 |
"has he really had it any harder than Doctors, Nurses, Policemen/women , Firemen/women, teachers, coal miners, service men & women ?" Define 'harder'. It's not just money. |
Sebastian 12.05.2016 20:07 |
link |
Haystacks Calhoun II 12.05.2016 23:22 |
Dear Mr. President, There are too many states these days. Please eliminate three. PS, I am not a crackpot. Sincerely, Brian May. |
brENsKi 13.05.2016 03:11 |
FFS - the man will complain about everything possible. has HE ever thought that perhaps his neighbours see him as an interfering old goat, with an axe on perma-grind? only difference is his neighbours appear to "live 'n let live" is there NOTHING that isn't a potential badger to the Mad Doctor? badger-badger-badger-badger-badger-badger-badger-badger, badger-badger-badger-badger-badger-badger-badger-badger, badger-badger-badger-badger-badger-badger-badger-badger, badger-badger-badger-badger-badger-badger-badger-badger! |
AlbaNo1 13.05.2016 03:50 |
Unfortunately Brian seems to have adopted a lot of causes that do not really connect with anybody else and gets given the air time to make his points. Even if he was right about this renovations situation in Kensington or the plight of badgers most people simply don't care. It's like all the right on 80s musicians like Bono got all the juicy causes and Brian arrived late to the party to find only badgers left. |
Togg 13.05.2016 03:57 |
I dont understand why this is being attacked as a rich persons problem? if you worked hard saved your money and bought an £80k flat somewhere and the guy next door spent all day drilling for 7 years, and you were on night shift at Tesco meaning you had to sleep during the day, why is that different to him having a £10m home? We all choose to live somewhere and have the ability to move again He moved a few years ago to get away from it and is now having to move again... seems reasonable to me, why attack him, this problem has no baring on how much money you have, if you spent you money on a mortgage you want to be able to live there right? |
AlbaNo1 13.05.2016 04:39 |
For me it's not the merits of each individual point he makes. It may be a fair point here.In terms of absolute relative everyone has a right to a peaceful home. But he has no credit in the bank due to the number of things he is coming out with these days. And it's hard to sympathise. |
Togg 13.05.2016 05:59 |
Such as? he's a passionate champion of wildlife, and expresses a desire to have more open trustworthy politicians, what's so bad about the fact he has views and expresses them? You dont have to agree with him, but what has he come out with that you are so upset about? its a pity more people dont get off their arses and do something, anything constructive, he has a public voice and he uses it for causes he believes in, why is that different to any other campaigner? |
Sebastian 13.05.2016 06:53 |
Freedom of speech anyway ... at the end of the day, he's entitled to say whatever he wants on his website. We're also entitled to say whatever we want on a public online forum. Whoever's too annoyed by Brian being annoyed can simply refrain from reading his Soapbox (it's been bloody ages since he wrote something interesting about Queen or music anyway). But, by that same logic, whoever's annoyed at people being annoyed can simply refrain from reading, let alone participating in, these threads. And so on... Dr Wig's a public person and, as such, what he says or writes or publishes will be scrutinised by thousands (sometimes even millions). That comes with the job. |
Togg 13.05.2016 07:31 |
I'm not annoyed at people being annoyed at him, I just a interested to see if there is a genuine reason or people simply jumping on the badwagon of bashing without really knowing why, Queenzone is full of comments from people who only have half the facts, no facts or incorrect facts. And so I'm curious what specific things he has said are aledgedly so irritating? Generally he is a pretty straightforward person, he wears his heart on his sleeve and tends to comment on it, I think you get more like that as you get older. People get so het up that he isnt always speaking about Queen, or music, but he has a lot of other things in his life that interest him, which personally i think is pretty healthy. I dont agree with his politics, I HATE Corbyn with a passion and cant see why Mr May would think he can run a country, but I am interested why he thinks that? He also brings to light a lot of the shitty stuff the Conservatives do that otherwise would be lost in the mist, so on balance I rather like hearing what he has to say, and I dont think I ever hear stuff that is ridiculous just stuff I dont always agree with, hes a highly intellegent man and I'm interested in his views. He forgets stuff about Queen... well I forget stuff i did 30 years ago as well... it's not top of his mind I guess so if someone asks him a question he may get it wrong, but I doubt hes as obsessive as most of Queenzone is. People hear saying this is rich mens problems.... nonesense it's a problem we all can relate to and it has nothing to do with money, which is why I can tell most of those people simply dont understand what he's saying and just focus on how expensive his house is which is irrelevant. |
victorvortex 13.05.2016 08:49 |
I love the guy but it's a shame he is gaining a reputation for being a grumpy old man. There's a lot to be said for Roger & John's social media absence. Long live Queen. |
Sebastian 13.05.2016 11:38 |
Togg wrote: I just a interested to see if there is a genuine reason or people simply jumping on the badwagon of bashing without really knowing whyI don't really think people are 'bashing without really knowing why.' Some people will defend him no matter what, some people will attack him no matter what, some people don't care, some people will have different views depending on the situation. Togg wrote: Queenzone is full of comments from people who only have half the facts, no facts or incorrect facts.Yes but that applies to virtually everyone everywhere. It could be argued that Brian's probably got only half of the facts, no facts or incorrect facts whenever he speaks about home improvement or politics. If he's still entitled to express himself, why shouldn't everybody else be? Togg wrote: People get so het up that he isnt always speaking about Queen, or music, but he has a lot of other things in his life that interest him, which personally i think is pretty healthy.I agree. Some of those things aren't interesting to me at all, which is why, in those cases, I simply refrain from reading his website or twitter or whatever. But best luck to him on any parallel activity, being Kerry or stereo photography or activism or whatever he sets his mind into, he's entitled to devote his time to whatever he wishes. Togg wrote: He forgets stuff about Queen... well I forget stuff i did 30 years ago as well... it's not top of his mind I guess so if someone asks him a question he may get it wrong, but I doubt hes as obsessive as most of Queenzone is.In his defence, there are varying degrees of how wrong you can be ('oh, how wrong can you be?' - Fred). The overwhelming majority of questions he's asked about Queen he gets right, so they go unnoticed. The ones he gets wrong, he's usually not too far off. He claimed 'She Makes Me' was from 1975 ... well, out of all the years he could've said, 1975 was the least wrong of all; he claimed 'Love of My Life' was from either 'Sheer Heart Attack' or 'A Day at the Races' ... out of fifteen albums, there were twelve options (80%) which would've been more wrong than those; he said 'Master-Stroke' was recorded at Wessex - he was off by four miles (there are plenty of wrong answers which would've been far worse); 'My Fairy King' on the second album ... same, out of fifteen options, fourteen would've been wrong, and the least wrong was the one he chose, not bad at all. I still bring up those slips simply to show he's human and he can and does make mistakes, just like everyone else would. That doesn't mean I'm offending or insulting him, it's just the way it is. Togg wrote: People hear saying this is rich mens problems.... nonesense it's a problem we all can relate to and it has nothing to do with money, which is why I can tell most of those people simply dont understand what he's saying and just focus on how expensive his house is which is irrelevant.There are quite a few sides to this IMO. He's entitled to go to bed whenever he wants, since that's nobody's business but his; if that causes him to lose sleep because when he's in bed other people are awake, then there's not really much that can be done. His rights aren't more important than anyone else's, and vice-versa. An important difference, though, is that (presumably) his going to bed at four a.m. doesn't affect anyone else, whereas his neighbours' basement expansions do affect everyone around them, what with the noise and the danger to pets and children. In that sense, he could make a really good point, as long as he's civil about it. As I mentioned earlier (on a previous post), he's a public person and what he says is scrutinised. It's not fair... well, life doesn't owe him (or me, or you, or anyone else) a sense of fairness. In that respect, sure, how much his house cost is irrelevant, but so is whether he goes to bed at four or at nine or whenever. It's not his neighbour's problem. I've pulled all-nighters in the past, only to have problems sleeping later on because my neighbours are using the lawnmower, or hosting a barbecue, or learning to play drums ... well, too bad for me - nobody forced me to go to bed at six a.m., they're not supposed to just re-schedule everything just because I decided to have a different bedtime. I just had to suck it up and be grateful the neighbour's kid wasn't learning to play the violin (which is far noisier and sloppier in apprentices). Of course, there's a difference between that and enduring, as he claims, six days a week of drills and lorries and all that. So perhaps 'suck it up' is not a sensible advice; neither is 'move' (though, it could be argued, if that problem's persisted for so many years, he should've done something about it a while ago and/or found another place); but, for the same reason, neither is 'get grumpy and let your anger control your words.' |
Graeme Arnott 13.05.2016 11:59 |
I choose not to be in the same place as Adam Lambert as the noise he inflicts on my ears annoys me. |
Sebastian 13.05.2016 12:08 |
Graeme Arnott wrote: I choose not to be in the same place as Adam Lambert as the noise he inflicts on my ears annoys me.Exactly, and I made the same decision for their New Year's Eve concert in London (2014, IIRC). Instead of buying a ticket, I could spend my money on something else, and someone else could go to the concert, someone who, unlike me, would love every second of it. That way everybody won... most of all Maylor and Lambert, who didn't lose a penny. |
coops 13.05.2016 13:45 |
mooghead wrote: "he's lost sight of how normal people live." But why should he live his life thinking about how 'normal' people live? He is living his life, not ours. If I won 50 million on the lottery tomorrow I am going to buy an Aston Martin, I might buy 5. I am not going to stop walking into the showroom just because a 'normal' person can't afford one or thinks I'm being a show off. That's just ridiculous. He has worked fucking hard for the life he has. Most of the guff he has come out with in the past 20 years has been shit though to be fair....If you win that kind of money and buy your car, are you likely to talk with your friends about how much of a drag is to you that your $100,000 car has crappy speakers? Or that you flew first class to a luxury resort and the beer on the plane was not so cold? I dont know you, but probably not. Now if Brian were to complain about needing medicine for his heart but did not have the money, many of us would have empathy for that. |
on my way up 15.05.2016 01:47 |
I feel sorry for Brian. He's clearly unhappy. We all know he suffered from severe depression before. Let's hope things will get better for him soon. I hate to see people unhappy and Brian is a hero of mine.... sobit saddens me to read that he says ge doesn't like himself anymore. I hope he gets the help he needs! |
brENsKi 15.05.2016 04:46 |
on my way up wrote: I feel sorry for Brian. He's clearly unhappy. We all know he suffered from severe depression before. Let's hope things will get better for him soon. I hate to see people unhappy and Brian is a hero of mine.... sobit saddens me to read that he says ge doesn't like himself anymore. I hope he gets the help he needs!how about trying to "feel sorry" for the people he's making life difficult for? all these people are doing is trying to improve their houses/lives...it's London FFS - it's meant to be busy, and space is also at a precedent - why shouldn't these homeowners have a right to improve their homes? if he doesn't like the noise and hassle of a modern city, then he has plenty f money to go and live in peace and solitude with the badgers the more we hear from him, the more Brian is starting to sound like the mad old man in the street shouting at and scaring pigeons |
on my way up 15.05.2016 05:31 |
brENsKi wrote:You are missing the point I was making entirely...on my way up wrote: I feel sorry for Brian. He's clearly unhappy. We all know he suffered from severe depression before. Let's hope things will get better for him soon. I hate to see people unhappy and Brian is a hero of mine.... sobit saddens me to read that he says ge doesn't like himself anymore. I hope he gets the help he needs!how about trying to "feel sorry" for the people he's making life difficult for? all these people are doing is trying to improve their houses/lives...it's London FFS - it's meant to be busy, and space is also at a precedent - why shouldn't these homeowners have a right to improve their homes? if he doesn't like the noise and hassle of a modern city, then he has plenty f money to go and live in peace and solitude with the badgers the more we hear from him, the more Brian is starting to sound like the mad old man in the street shouting at and scaring pigeons |
brENsKi 15.05.2016 06:54 |
on my way up wrote:no i am NOT missing your point. my point being that - if you really do feel sorry for Brian, then you should feel much sorrier for his neighbours. imagine having to live with a one-man-living-breathing-drum-beating-soapbox...it really must be a nightmarebrENsKi wrote:You are missing the point I was making entirely...on my way up wrote: I feel sorry for Brian. He's clearly unhappy. We all know he suffered from severe depression before. Let's hope things will get better for him soon. I hate to see people unhappy and Brian is a hero of mine.... sobit saddens me to read that he says ge doesn't like himself anymore. I hope he gets the help he needs!how about trying to "feel sorry" for the people he's making life difficult for? all these people are doing is trying to improve their houses/lives...it's London FFS - it's meant to be busy, and space is also at a precedent - why shouldn't these homeowners have a right to improve their homes? if he doesn't like the noise and hassle of a modern city, then he has plenty f money to go and live in peace and solitude with the badgers the more we hear from him, the more Brian is starting to sound like the mad old man in the street shouting at and scaring pigeons |
on my way up 15.05.2016 13:02 |
brENsKi wrote:Nope, you ARE missing the point completely. Brian is in a bad place psychologically/emotionally. It is - whatever the cause may be of this state of mind - a sad situation.on my way up wrote:no i am NOT missing your point. my point being that - if you really do feel sorry for Brian, then you should feel much sorrier for his neighbours. imagine having to live with a one-man-living-breathing-drum-beating-soapbox...it really must be a nightmarebrENsKi wrote:You are missing the point I was making entirely...on my way up wrote: I feel sorry for Brian. He's clearly unhappy. We all know he suffered from severe depression before. Let's hope things will get better for him soon. I hate to see people unhappy and Brian is a hero of mine.... sobit saddens me to read that he says ge doesn't like himself anymore. I hope he gets the help he needs!how about trying to "feel sorry" for the people he's making life difficult for? all these people are doing is trying to improve their houses/lives...it's London FFS - it's meant to be busy, and space is also at a precedent - why shouldn't these homeowners have a right to improve their homes? if he doesn't like the noise and hassle of a modern city, then he has plenty f money to go and live in peace and solitude with the badgers the more we hear from him, the more Brian is starting to sound like the mad old man in the street shouting at and scaring pigeons |
mooghead 15.05.2016 13:20 |
According to people here how dare he have any emotions at all, he is far too rich for that, fuck emotion and just be happy you are so rich. RICH I TELL YOU!!! |
brENsKi 15.05.2016 16:18 |
on my way up wrote:no. i'm NOT missing your point - and how insulting of you to imply that i can't follow your thinking. i think YOU miss mine. i understand fully what you're saying. but, his neighbours are bearing the brunt of his current imbalance...brENsKi wrote:Nope, you ARE missing the point completely. Brian is in a bad place psychologically/emotionally. It is - whatever the cause may be of this state of mind - a sad situation.on my way up wrote:no i am NOT missing your point. my point being that - if you really do feel sorry for Brian, then you should feel much sorrier for his neighbours. imagine having to live with a one-man-living-breathing-drum-beating-soapbox...it really must be a nightmarebrENsKi wrote:You are missing the point I was making entirely...on my way up wrote: I feel sorry for Brian. He's clearly unhappy. We all know he suffered from severe depression before. Let's hope things will get better for him soon. I hate to see people unhappy and Brian is a hero of mine.... sobit saddens me to read that he says ge doesn't like himself anymore. I hope he gets the help he needs!how about trying to "feel sorry" for the people he's making life difficult for? all these people are doing is trying to improve their houses/lives...it's London FFS - it's meant to be busy, and space is also at a precedent - why shouldn't these homeowners have a right to improve their homes? if he doesn't like the noise and hassle of a modern city, then he has plenty f money to go and live in peace and solitude with the badgers the more we hear from him, the more Brian is starting to sound like the mad old man in the street shouting at and scaring pigeons |
Doga 16.05.2016 03:56 |
People is criticising Brian? Really? I hated my neighbours, i wanted to burn their homes with them inside. Of course i never did that, i'm posting annonymously in the internet how i don't like 'em. Brian is a public figure and is taking action against annoying morons. I'm with him. Go, Brian, go! Make the life of that people a Hell on Earth. |
Togg 16.05.2016 07:05 |
brENsKi wrote:on my way up wrote: I feel sorry for Brian. He's clearly unhappy. We all know he suffered from severe depression before. Let's hope things will get better for him soon. I hate to see people unhappy and Brian is a hero of mine.... sobit saddens me to read that he says ge doesn't like himself anymore. I hope he gets the help he needs!how about trying to "feel sorry" for the people he's making life difficult for? all these people are doing is trying to improve their houses/lives...it's London FFS - it's meant to be busy, and space is also at a precedent - why shouldn't these homeowners have a right to improve their homes? if he doesn't like the noise and hassle of a modern city, then he has plenty f money to go and live in peace and solitude with the badgers the more we hear from him, the more Brian is starting to sound like the mad old man in the street shouting at and scaring pigeons So you think the 'right' to improve your home trumps the neighbours 'right' to a peaceful life? no matter how long it takes and how many people it inconvienences? 7 years of drilling is reasonable? he has two elderly neighbours that are in there 80's who are surrounded on four sides by basement building and can't go into there garden during daylight... is that reasonable? Seems like you just have a beef with Brian rather than a true understanding of what this would be like |
cmsdrums 16.05.2016 10:14 |
Whether you agree with Brian's argument or not, the level of contradiction on allowing these underground developments is baffling....if the extensions had been wanted above ground there is simply no way at all that they would be allowed; I can't even put up a fence in case it blocks a little of my neighbour's natural light! |
mooghead 16.05.2016 12:09 |
It cant be good for these buildings all this space being created underneath them... |
The Real Wizard 20.05.2016 11:18 |
Haystacks Calhoun II wrote: Dear Mr. President, There are too many states these days. Please eliminate three. PS, I am not a crackpot. Sincerely, Brian May.Ha, nicely played. Grampa Simpson for the win. |
brENsKi 20.05.2016 11:40 |
cmsdrums wrote: Whether you agree with Brian's argument or not, the level of contradiction on allowing these underground developments is baffling....if the extensions had been wanted above ground there is simply no way at all that they would be allowed; I can't even put up a fence in case it blocks a little of my neighbour's natural light! not exactly. unless you're planning a Great Wall of China UK rules are:- Planning Permission You will need to apply for planning permission if you wish to erect or add to a fence, wall or gate and: >>it would be over 1 metre high and next to a highway used by vehicles (or the footpath of such a highway); >>or over 2 metres high elsewhere; or >>your house is a listed building or in the curtilage of a listed building. >> the fence, wall or gate, or any other boundary involved, forms a boundary with a neighbouring listed building or its curtilage. You will not need to apply for planning permission to take down a fence, wall,or gate, or to alter, maintain or improve an existing fence, wall or gate (no matter how high) if >> you don't increase its height. In a conservation area, however, you might need planning permission for relevant demolition in a conservation area to take down a fence, wall or gate .>>You do not need planning permission for hedges as such, though if a planning condition or a covenant restricts planting (for example, on "open plan" estates, or where a driver's sight line could be blocked) you may need planning permission and/or other consent. |
Holly2003 20.05.2016 12:48 |
What about a bay window? Can Brian May put in a new bay window without seeking planning permission? |
brENsKi 20.05.2016 13:08 |
no. i think you'll find he has an aversion them - which is why he'll Keep Passing The Open (Bay) Windows |
mooghead 20.05.2016 14:40 |
But he does like a Long A(bay) window... |
brENsKi 20.05.2016 16:10 |
mooghead wrote: But he does like a Long A(bay) window...we know where this is going... keep yourself aLOUVRE SILLer queen PANE is so close to pleasure and for our German Friends tenement FENSTER and we stop now? |
Holly2003 20.05.2016 16:12 |
Perhaps, like Otis Redding, he is getting all the docs for the bay? |
musicland munich 21.05.2016 03:40 |
Holly2003 wrote: Perhaps, like Otis Redding, he is getting all the docs for the bay?No ! He 's just a great Prat-ender. |