Hi! I was reading about Bohemian Rhapsody purple vinyl that only was numbered around 1700 copies (the rest of copies unnumbered) but I saw this copy in this site link
What do you think????
Another explanation is somebody simply messed up whilst numbering 1700 discs!
The fan club sold off additional copies after the convention, perhaps ask them if they were sold with no numbers or if 1926 could be in the range.
I remember at the time, I bought one from the fan club for £6, and it was sent to me, can't remember the number off hand but it's upstairs so I can check, I think it's four hundred and something....
anyway, cut a long story short, Jacky said that there 2000 numbered copies, but that the pressing plant had knocked off a few (looks like more than a few) un-numbered copies, and these un-numbered copies were sold out the 'back door' as it were, and are now in circulation and have value. They're not bootlegs per se, but the record company didn't authorise them (apparently....)
So according to that story (and we know how accurate the fan club is with information.... ) having number 1926 is legit.