just to clarify folks, they're from 5th September, 1984.
I know half the world prints dates differently from the other half (goodness knows why, I mean how hard is it to start with the smallest and work up to the largest and say "day, month, year"?
I'll never understand why the Americans say "month, day, year": it's just ridiculous), so thought best to clarify.
Why would you buy those really bad quality prints?
Scans you mean - they sell them burned to a CD. And there's only one way to find out when buying these kind of things as seller didn't provide any previews apart from a small image of thumbnails which hardly shows anything, they could have as well looked better for all I know (less grain, higher amount of fine detail. Blur in some of them was expected though). I like to collect photos, I guess that's the only answer I can give.
Why would you buy those really bad quality prints?
Scans you mean - they sell them burned to a CD. And there's only one way to find out when buying these kind of things as seller didn't provide any previews apart from a small image of thumbnails which hardly shows anything, they could have as well looked better for all I know (less grain, higher amount of fine detail. Blur in some of them was expected though). I like to collect photos, I guess that's the only answer I can give.
Thanks for the fab pictures, scollins !
And assuming they were scanned in the chronological order they were taken (it seems so, as the first 15 photos go in the order of events on September 5), these have me thinking they could be from two different dates as per Mercury's trousers being different.
There's no complete video from the first month of the tour to indicate otherwise, but maybe Mercury did an outfit change during Brian's solo spot?
Because the red outfit pics don't match the September 8 ones - Mercury's belt is different, and he's in white on Sept 7. Generally it seems Mercury didn't change outfits until the encore on this tour, but maybe on some of the earlier dates he did? So maybe they're all indeed from the same date.
Pics are here now: link