According to, Doug Puddifoot recorded the video footage
"Doug also filmed the only known video footage of Smile (at the Royal Albert Hall in London, 1969) and later designed Queen's debut album cover using photos he took at a party in June 1971." link
I don't want to start a new thread, so... Where can we find the Smile bits? I mean, I found some of them in the new 2011 Days Of Our Lives doc and in the good-old Champions Of The World one. Any other source?
Ooh, they played Blag at 1:10 into that youtube vid, possibly during other spots as well. You can tell by the frenetic drumming, especially on the snare.
Bullub, is the channel you linked YOUR channel? If yes, can you send me a link of the original smile compilation, before you put it on YouTube? Thank you.
tomchristie22 wrote:
Do we know if they paid for the footage? It seems a pretty useless service to pay for without getting the sound recorded too.
There's plenty of silent footage even from the 70s and early 80s - it was expensive to have a camera that could do audio, and this looks like silent 8mm footage.
So indeed, if that wasn't in the budget, then neither was a proper soundboard recording to a mobile rig.
Real question is why was it such god awful bad quality. I mean people had not only color film in those days but they weren't of atrocious quality. Was it because the Brits had not yet caught up to the rest of society and civilization?