Is there any evidence or atleast good theories about the Great king Rat song meaning?
One thing I noticed is that it sounds like Mercury's prediction of his own death... he died at 44 and from a STD... just coincidence, right?
Also, is Mustapha just nonsense?
Freddie was 45 when he died, not 44.
And how could it have been a prediction? A self-fulfilling prophecy would have been an apter postulation - in that the kind of lifestyle he would eventually lead lent itself to an increased risk of acquiring an STD.
But it's obviously not AIDS related, for reasons I hope I need not enter into. It was written in the early 70s...
AIDS related??? Of course, Freddie looked into a crystal ball that he bought from Mary Austin at the Biba store and was channeling Nostradamus after smoking some bad weed! Bah humbug!
Costa86 wrote:
Freddie was 45 when he died, not 44.
And how could it have been a prediction? A self-fulfilling prophecy would have been an apter postulation - in that the kind of lifestyle he would eventually lead lent itself to an increased risk of acquiring an STD.
But it's obviously not AIDS related, for reasons I hope I need not enter into. It was written in the early 70s...
Of course it is about AIDS.
Fredy's prediction was off by about 6 months, and is essentially rounding error. That is pretty darn tootin' accurate if you ask me.
I don't know, I always thought that the titular Great King Rat was a metaphor for some kind of devil figure, opposing in concept the theme of 'My Fairy King' (which is the next song) and later on 'Jesus'.
stevelondon20 wrote:
Great King Rat is an odd one. It does sound Aids related.
no it doesn't. it clearly says syphillis. and how did Freddie know about AIDS 6 years before the world knew?
i always thought that despite the difference in age at death, there were obvious parallels to Henry VIII
stevelondon20 wrote:
Great King Rat is an odd one. It does sound Aids related.
no it doesn't. it clearly says syphillis. and how did Freddie know about AIDS 6 years before the world knew?
i always thought that despite the difference in age at death, there were obvious parallels to Henry VIII
It obviously refers to syphillis, so saying it's STD related is completely fatuous and superfluous and doesn't qualify as analysing what the song is about. It's like saying that Radio Ga Ga is related to radio, or Bicycle Race is related to bicycles
- and Mustapha is mostly nonsense. Some words might originate in some of the things he knew about Zoroastrianism, but mostly it's regarded as nonsense, isn't it?
master marathon runner wrote:
I read centuries ago that it was about Al Capone, consequently, my minds picture of the song has always been the ruffian himself.
You might or might not be thinking about Stone Cold Crazy, but it does make a little bit of sense. I remember reading an analysis on Great King Rat but don't remember much about the actual content.
Most people who are "proud to be British" display a low IQ and a tendency to support parties such as UKIP.
People who are proud of what is just an accident of birth are generally of a low intellect, and prone to personify stereotypical images of their culture. Be proud of what you achieve, not of what you are born into.
Costa86 wrote:
Most people who are "proud to be British" display a low IQ and a tendency to support parties such as UKIP.
People who are proud of what is just an accident of birth are generally of a low intellect, and prone to personify stereotypical images of their culture. Be proud of what you achieve, not of what you are born into.
Just been on Wikipedia, Al Capone wasn't "born on 21st May", so that theory is debunked. I'll have to wipe and reprogram my mind now. .......41 years of misinformed bollocks......
Costa86 wrote:
Most people who are "proud to be British" display a low IQ and a tendency to support parties such as UKIP.
People who are proud of what is just an accident of birth are generally of a low intellect, and prone to personify stereotypical images of their culture. Be proud of what you achieve, not of what you are born into.
Being British is more than an accident of birth, it's about having a shared history and a shared set of political, social and cultural values. And all of those were fought for and won by Britons from previous generations. I am therefore proud to be British and part of that heritage. I do not support UKIP. I am well educated. I'm proud of what I've achieved and also proud of my Britishness. In fact, I'm also proud of (much of) my irish roots too. Where does that leave your argument?
master marathon runner wrote:
I read centuries ago that it was about Al Capone, consequently, my minds picture of the song has always been the ruffian himself.
I saw that somewhere too, strange since it doesn't seem to be the case...
British Man wrote:
Is there any evidence or atleast good theories about the Great king Rat song meaning?
One thing I noticed is that it sounds like Mercury's prediction of his own death... he died at 44 and from a STD... just coincidence, right?
Also, is Mustapha just nonsense?
your thread says "THE ONE SONG MEANING"
but last time i checked - no one here had discussed the meaning of More of That Jazz either
That song is about Marie McCray! She is a porn star and was born at May 21!
I solved the mistery. link
P.S: Freddie wrote about her about 13 years before she was even born! He was so incredible.