I have the French Mr Bad Guy cd with the extra tracks; bought it in about 89 before the internet so didn't really know if the prevalence of fakes so will check it out. Seemed real enough when I last looked at it.
I'd seen some of Roger's stuff released on Virgin but I had no idea Queen were released in the UK on Virgin. I always thought it was EMI/CAPITOL then UNIVERSAL? ?..
aren't they all somewhere under the same umbrella with some "spectre- like" industry for war weapons like. ....a Disney or something?
matt z wrote:
I'd seen some of Roger's stuff released on Virgin but I had no idea Queen were released in the UK on Virgin. I always thought it was EMI/CAPITOL then UNIVERSAL? ?..
aren't they all somewhere under the same umbrella with some "spectre- like" industry for war weapons like. ....a Disney or something?
I can't seem to keep up with the release label - because they are all owned by universal, it seems that sometimes the releases are branded Island, Universal, Virgin or EMI, UT I'm not sure of the logic behind it!
This promo is actually on 'Virgin EMI Records', not on 'Virgin Records', as can be seen on the logo.
In the past there were on EMI, which in practice became Parlophone in the later years.
Since 2011 they are on Universal, which in practice was Island Records in the begnning, but later became Virgin EMI Records (a joint venture between Virgin and EMI, which exists since 2013).
Since 2013 every Queen release in Europe is on Virgin EMI Records AFAIK.
(BTW, strange exception is the Tchibo Absolute Greatest reissue from this month, which is on Virgin Records)
As far as I know in short this is how it went through the years:
1973 - 1982:
Europe: EMI
USA, Australia, Japan: Elektra
1983 - 1990:
Europe, Australia, Japan: EMI
USA: Capitol
1991 - 2010:
Europe, Australia, Japan: EMI (or Parlophone in Europe, which is technically EMI)
USA: Hollywood Records
2011 - 2012:
Europe, Australia, Japan: Island (=Universal)
USA: Hollywood Records
2013 - now:
Europe, Australia, Japan: Virgin EMI Records (=Universal)
USA: Hollywood Records
Their timing was immaculate; left EMI for Universal, with Universal paying them a massive 'transfer fee' in the bidding war to get the back catalogue. A few months later EMI was bought by Universal, so if the band had renegotiated a deal with EMI they'd still have ended up with Universal anyway!
Sorry to insist on this! But does anybody have this promo cd and could share a picture of it! I'm interested on the printing quality on both insert and cd.
I'll appreciate it very much!