I have question about Roger's Equipment for tours: 2012, 2014, 2015.
What kind of drum kit big and small?
No update on queenconcserts.com last 2008. And change from 2008?
Very curious about his latest kit from D.W. Toms are very different, all have same height but diameter is different and very small floor toms. Curious about the toms where his roto toms used to be, maybe tuned higher.
I hate those horrible short stack toms he's decided to use this time around; don't suit his sound at all, but they need less power to generate a decent sound or 'note' so the reason for him using them is pretty much down to his lack of fitness/power on the kit these days.
Well not sure I'd agree with that, smaller drums are much easier to mic, you get a more concentrateed sound with less odd sound reflections, larger drums are harder to tune as well to get rid of all the excess tones, he said as much once back in 84' he commented on the fact he wished he could use smaller drums like Stewart Copeland to get his sound.
You dont really choose smaller drums because your less fit, if he was that unfit he couldn't do a tour, fit he doesn't hit as hard anymore the engineers will ust turn the fader up a tad.
This is what Thomas Lang says about them...
Because there is less shell, and thus less opportunity for the sound
waves to interfere with each other, short depth toms give a stronger
fundamental note and sustain. You hear a little less of the attack of
the stick on the head, and they tend to be less loud as deeper toms, but
we've never heard anyone complain that drums are too quiet
His main kit is as follows (including cymbals & drum heads):
DW Collector's Series Solid Black with 24k Gold Hardware:
DW Short Stack Tom-Toms:
(Clear Remo Emperors over Clear Ambassadors)
DW Traditional Floor Toms:
(Clear Remo Ambassadors on both sides)
DW Short Stack Tom-Toms (Above Floor Toms):
(Clear Remo Emperors over Clear Ambassadors)
DW Fast-Tom Bass Drum:
(Remo Powerstroke 3 Clear)
DW 10+6 Ply Snare Drum:
(Remo Powerstroke 3 Coated over Hazy Ambassador)
Cymbals (All Zildjian):
15" Avedis New Beat Hi-Hat
17" K Dark Crash Medium Thin
19" K Custom Hybrid Crash
20" K Crash Ride
22" A Custom Ping Ride
20" FX Oriental Crash Of Doom
jsc2994 wrote:
His main kit is as follows (including cymbals & drum heads):
DW Collector's Series Solid Black with 24k Gold Hardware:
DW Short Stack Tom-Toms:
(Clear Remo Emperors over Clear Ambassadors)
DW Traditional Floor Toms:
(Clear Remo Ambassadors on both sides)
DW Short Stack Tom-Toms (Above Floor Toms):
(Clear Remo Emperors over Clear Ambassadors)
DW Fast-Tom Bass Drum:
(Remo Powerstroke 3 Clear)
DW 10+6 Ply Snare Drum:
(Remo Powerstroke 3 Coated over Hazy Ambassador)
Cymbals (All Zildjian):
17" K Dark Crash Medium Thin
19" K Custom Hybrid Crash
20" K Crash Ride
22" A Custom Ping Ride
20" FX Oriental Crash Of Doom
Thanks All.
Can I use this information new version of site rogertaylor.info ?
Any about info about smaller kit use for drum duet ect?
His smaller kit is as follows (including cymbals & drum heads):
Dw Collectors Series Solid Black with 24k Gold Hardware:
DW Fast-Toms:
(Remo Emperor Clear over Ambassador Clear)
DW Short Tom-Toms:
(Remo Ambassador Clear on both sides)
DW Fast Tom Bass Drum:
(Remo Powerstroke 3 Clear)
DW Exotic Icon Roger Taylor Snare:
(Remo Powerstroke 3 Coated over Ambassador Hazy)
Cymbals (All Zildjian):
19" K Custom Hybrid Crash
20" K Crash Ride
22" K Ride
15" Avedis New Beat Hi-Hat
During 2014-2015 the toms were small due to the fact that the drum set could not fit under the giant moving Q, so they used them and the microphones were set up below the drums instead of above.
Dim wrote: During 2014-2015 the toms were small due to the fact that the drum set could not fit under the giant moving Q, so they used them and the microphones were set up below the drums instead of above.
No, sorry that's not correct, the set design is created based around the equipment the band wish to use. You are correct in one sense however the microphone system on the drums had to be altered to make it fit under the Q, so boom mics were not used and they clipped them to the underside of the cymbals.
Smaller toms make no different to the height of the kit, the cymbals are the factor that dictates the height and width of a kit.
Roger decided to use this kit long before the tour was designed.
I would love to know why he chose this smaller kit? personally I didnt feel it sat well with Queen tracks, the toms just didnt have to rounded deep tone of the older kits, any info as to what his reasoning was after all the years of playing larger drums? just a change or did he feel it was a significantly better sounding kit?