It's on a Saturday, so that makes a lot more things permissible.
My advice? Start by drinking 5 or 6 shots of vodka mixed with orange juice. Then come to QZ and post a few creative topics. Afterwards get hold of the best coke you can get, and sniff it up your arse. Then proceed to blow yourself while singing Happy Birthday Mr Bad Guy, in the style of Monroe's birthday song to JFK - be sure to film this, and post it on YouTube. Later come back to QZ and give us the link.
Hello malicedoom ! Long time no see :)
On this very special day think of all the great things that were brought to the world by Freddie. Give Mr Bad Guy a spin and maybe try to show towards other people some of the great character traits which Freddie had.
MercurialFreddie wrote:
Hello malicedoom ! Long time no see :)
On this very special day think of all the great things that were brought to the world by Freddie. Give Mr Bad Guy a spin and maybe try to show towards other people some of the great character traits which Freddie had.
Would that include asking people the opening line : "How large is your cock?"
Or would that be something to avoid?
I'll TRY to sing some songs and tell a room of people who could virtually care less that it's Freddie's birthday.
But you never know. Someone could care and give it a go as well. I know for sure I'll be hearing Bohemian Rhapsody on karaoke that night. 100% guarantee.
Cause no matter how bad an idea it is, it seems to be the only Queen song people are willing to sing
Oh and TRUE STORY: (related to FREDDIE FOR A DAY campaigns) the last time I went to see tribute band QUEEN NATION, I took this metro rail bus out there. On the rail was a guy in daisy duke cut off jean shorts nearly riding his ass and a white tank top, sporting a gay clone 80's Freddie Mercury moustache and hair cut. ... he was prancing around hairy body and all like some scary BORAT routine. Only the fear was real.
Whatever you do. Please don't do THAT. The dude was Hispanic and seemed pretty wasted. He was also laying around posing in the aisles. In a word FRIGHTENING.
It was seeing things like that that made me appreciate the exaggerated ads typical Freddie Wembley jacket get up instead of the attempts at a gyrating creep on a rail line in plain sight of young children.
I think the guy was looking for action, But he was conspicuously absent from the QUEEN NATION concert. .. which made me ponder for a second. ...
..."was he really dressed up that way JUST BECAUSE? "
^wow. Such contempt.
Really though.
Sing karaoke,
play a Queen song in your band if you have one,
dedicate a song on a radio station,
dust off your copy of Mr Bad Guy (*don't play it, just dust it off),
play Barcelona,
watch "The Untold Story",
pull a Queen marathon at home or in the office,
play a ton of Queen on a jukebox,
donate to the mercury Phoenix Trust,
have your name legally changed to Freddie Mercury.
There are many things to do. These are just some suggestions.
Luthorn said one too, if that's your thing.
Then there's always cocaine...
All I know is that the worst thing you could do would be to listen to the Freddie Mercury tribute songs online, especially the one by "Treasure Moment",... the treasure troll crew.
How about this one:
Dress like Freddie (*or not, even better) and go to a street corner shouting "Day oh!" ....:daaaaay dop!" .."de doh dee day doh day dop!"
Raising your fist with every syllable.
And of course have a friend record it from a determined outside vantage point.
Repeat this every year at a different corner, then compile it in 5 years for the world's enjoyment watching others react
What do you normally do to mark the birth of someone you never met, who is now dead and cannot therefore accept your birthday wishes or messages? Whatever that was, repeat it again now.
^ haha funny.
I sang some karaoke songs that people mostly didn't know. IWBTLY (*first time, very hard to do without backup)
Killer Queen.
Then listened to C_Matt revisions for a few after hours.
Playing through a new mixer I can hear the disparities much more than even headphones. Fucking excellent