Check this site : link
I made this test on my crappy laptop speakers (integrated) and I got 5 of 6 correct, I messed up Mozart - I did label the 320kbps mp3 as lossless
I plan to do it when I come home but on quality speakers the differences should be even more notable - at least I think :)
The think is that mp3 is deforming sounds like human voice and drums in a certain way and if you know what you should search for it's quite easy
No, I can't. 2/6 correct. Used headphones plugged into the PC. Don't have an amp or anything like that, so maybe that's why. But then again, I probably have shit ears.
Now that Chief Mouse said he got 2/6, I dare to confess that I also had the same score. However I got Mozart right !
I think it is due to listening too much to the Queen music on my phone which is MP3 :-)
You got 3 out of 6 correct!
Despite its bad rap, the MP3 is actually a remarkable feat of engineering, and pretty good at filtering out mostly the sounds you can’t hear. Depending on the quality of your headphones, you might be able to distinguish between the two MP3s, but you’re unlikely to do better without an amplifier or a digital audio converter.
I used generic headphones (not earbuds) plugged into a PC
Lossless audio is not supported in your browser. To hear the uncompressed WAV sample, visit this page Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Apple Safari.
Fuck me :-\
I got 5/6,
from my cheap laptop speaker.
I messed up Kate Perry, thought the 320kbps as the lossless.
But please, don't make me listen to Kate Perry again.
@ Beta: are you, by any chance, still using Internet Explorer 7? (:-<)
hobbit in Rhye wrote: I got 5/6,
from my cheap laptop speaker.
I messed up Kate Perry, thought the 320kbps as the lossless.
But please, don't make me listen to Kate Perry again.
@ Beta: are you, by any chance, still using Internet Explorer 7? (:-<)
Either you're really lucky or, I don't even know. I didn't hear much difference on headphones not to mention a bloody laptop speaker! :-P
Online quizz always tell the truth :D
Or, I can be randomly lucky sometimes.
But I did listen to the samples twice. Not that easy to decide after the first time.
The Kate Perry samples, I listened to it thrice but they all sounded bleh to me, hence the wrong decision. Not intentionally bashing her, of course.
Ditto BETA215's situation. I could've guessed by the lag time of the samples on my phone but until I get to a pc I'm not gonna participate
As a live sound engineer for many years I'm guessing I'd get at least 4/6. At least.
There are washy textures that come out in mp3 as well as decay differences and sibilance. Just alerted dynamics. At least they give you choices instead of "mp3 or wav"
That's very cool. I'm going to forward it to friends
BETA215 wrote:
Lossless audio is not supported in your browser. To hear the uncompressed WAV sample, visit this page Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Apple Safari.
Fuck me :-\
3/6, using decent but not perfect headphones. The 128kbps MP3s were obvious every time, the difference between 320 and lossless wasn't. I didn't have an ounce of doubt with the classical performance, as it has certain tell-tale signs I'm used to listening for, the others weren't quite so clear-cut.
This comment on the bottom is bang on:
"You have explained what is BOGUS about this "test": no instructions on what to listen for! The same is true in any similar endeavor: like wine tasting. Give inexperienced people great and cheap wine and many if not most can't tell them apart...but give them basic tasting/smelling instructions and quickly they get it."
This is the wrong compression discussion to be having. The fact that the Coldplay song (and virtually everything produced for mainstream radio today) is brickwalled with no aural space to breathe is one of the biggest problems in today's music industry. My favourite record of the last decade is Muse's Black Holes And Revelations, and it sounds like crap - the compression destroys the sound, as there is little peak to average ratio. Lossy/lossless doesn't begin to address that issue.
^hooray not for captain Spaulding. That visage was from the Obama campaign. . Possibly the FIRST TERM.
When will it change (again? ) who IS this THOMAS QUINN??
When's the "Marxism" motif gonna end?
Btw USELESS INFO FACT: as revealed through the biographies and information of the day. .. did you know that "captain Spaulding" of the teens and twenties was a drug dealer/bootleger?
You'll find plenty info about this character when studying early Hollywood and the Cukor/Arbuckle situation.