Oh no, don't turn me into a puddle of gloom.
Or, is it the marketing plan to get more people to his tour? Because, if it is, then it works, I'm seriously considering going to Rock in Rio right now.
But, seriously. Again. That article makes me wanna visit the Canary Islands right now.
Nice article actually....I think the title is kinda misleading, he says it's where he 'probably' wants his ashes....
And he mentioned that cus it's where the next Starmus thing will be....
(and by the way, there was a cool article about the last Starmus festival in a recent issue of Astronomy Magazine, Brian's all over it....he's actually listed as a 'contributing editor' or something like that)
Well it's possible, he visited the canarys during his period with Queen a couple of times, somtimes before they go for touring etc.
Lovely place for sure.
A true atheist wouldnt give a flying fuck coz they are dead......., just kidding. I think a lot more about what will happen to his guitar rather than him after he departs this horrific sphere... what do you reckon? I think he will take it with him... can you image what it is worth money wise? His son would sell it for a tenner the day after....
Costa86 wrote:
Makes me sad to think of the rest of Queen dying one day.
don't see why. whatever - you'll always have the music...and at some point he will stop making music....
our heroes die all the time
personally i'm at an age where many many of my own musical/film heroes are gone or long gone
Bonham, Scott, Ruffin, Elvis, Dio, Lynott, Redding, Joplin, Harrison, Orbison, Gaye, Lord, Adams, Cocker, Montrose, Delph, Moore, Miller, sledge, rhoads, cook, hutchence and marley....the point is:
if you actually spend your time feeling "sad" over every artist you miss...you'll have very little time left for living. rejoice in what they left us...enjoy the music, because they ALL did something we never will
part of them - their very soul - has gained immortality - through their music.
Costa86 wrote:
Makes me sad to think of the rest of Queen dying one day.
don't see why. whatever - you'll always have the music...and at some point he will stop making music....
our heroes die all the time
personally i'm at an age where many many of my own musical/film heroes are gone or long gone
Bonham, Scott, Ruffin, Elvis, Dio, Lynott, Redding, Joplin, Harrison, Orbison, Gaye, Lord, Adams, Cocker, Montrose, Delph, Moore, Miller, sledge, rhoads, cook, hutchence and marley....the point is:
if you actually spend your time feeling "sad" over every artist you miss...you'll have very little time left for living. rejoice in what they left us...enjoy the music, because they ALL did something we never will
part of them - their very soul - has gained immortality - through their music.
Yeah I agree - good perspective.
Orbison is great, btw, "In Dreams" and "A Love So Beautiful" are just wonderful, and he has many more of course, all sung with that smooth voice.
To be honest this surprises me in a way - I'd have thought he'd want a woodland burial.
It's probably quite positive of him to talk about mortality - we, as a species, have this habit of pretending it doesn't exist and then being surprised by it.
miraclesteinway wrote:
To be honest this surprises me in a way - I'd have thought he'd want a woodland burial.
It's probably quite positive of him to talk about mortality - we, as a species, have this habit of pretending it doesn't exist and then being surprised by it.
Definitely. What always irks me is when a person dies and people say "we'll remember you forever", or something like that, with "forever" being the word I find ridiculous. I know "forever" is meant to mean till you die, but still. Just because somebody died before you, it doesn't mean you will necessarily outlive them by much. You might say "I'll remember you forever Joey!", and then get hit by a bloody bus.
Yup we will all die. I know where I want to be buried, but I haven't made arrangements for it yet - but I know, like everyone, I should. Nothing ostentatious you understand, just a simple pyramid, 500 metres square and 200 metres tall.
Na just a plot in a local cemetery in my home town. Yeah, so I won't see the view from inside the coffin, but before I die I'll know I'm there.... sort of....
When I saw that headline, I was half expecting that Brian wanted his ashes carried out into space or something like that..........lol
Actually, that would be fitting.......he did his PhD thesis on space dust, he'd become space dust himself.......