Now I'm Here was always a favorite of mine to play on the jukebox at my old local bar :D (the only Queen cd they had in it was the 92 USA Greatest Hits)
Or if I was at home, that's when I'd go for the more obscure stuff....I'd blast The Prophet's Song and watch the looks on everyone's
Millionaire Waltz is a good one. Also 'Leroy Brown', especially the bit with the low voice. I wonder if Home Free would cover that song, by the way, it'd be extraordinary.
I do call that one of my favorite Queen songs of all time....brilliant song by Brian........however, usually when am I a bit inebriated I just go to something more
scandal 12 inch version for me. I loved Scandal, always ranked it in the top 10 of my favorites ever but I don't listen to it anymore. The 12 inch is just so awesome and is the only 12 inch that improved a song. The rest are all rubbish.
Back in my single days when I wanted to irk my upstairs neighbors, it didn't matter what song I chose, YTMBA or even ITTWWC mainly because I would listen to them at "only person in the house" volume. When I really wanted to piss them off; Liar, GKR, TYMD it didn't matter to me. I liked to rattle the windows!