Fake passports are obviously for fake holidays.
Question. Mark, what are you doing for your two week holiday?
Answer. I'm off to Rio for two weeks, can't wait.
Reality. Drinking heavily and masturbating to porn on my PC until I pass out.
It's a bit better in the past week than it was around 2 weeks ago, when you actually had to scan carefully through the posts to identify which were amongst the myriad of spam and which were actual normal user posts. Every other post was spam.
It really is sad when the second most popular Queen forum on the web (and the one with some of the most knowledgeable people about the band) has nobody with enough time to admin it.
Mr.Mouth wrote:
Yes Its a shame. Big shame for admin in terms for looking out for us and take care of this site.
Its real disgrace!!
you do realise that the guy whose site this is set it up for a hobby? it's NOT a business - he doesn't make any money from this, unlike QOL.
and the mods here have jobs/life/families etc
i think your comment is the only disgrace
Mr.Mouth wrote:
Yes Its a shame. Big shame for admin in terms for looking out for us and take care of this site.
Its real disgrace!!
you do realise that the guy whose site this is set it up for a hobby? it's NOT a business - he doesn't make any money from this, unlike QOL.
and the mods here have jobs/life/families etc
i think your comment is the only disgrace
Nonsense, he should at least take a little pride in his 'hobby'. If he doesn't have the time and makes no money from it he should pass it to people who do have the time and actually care.
This used to be a good site i used to look at it most days ,but at the moment it is so full of rubbish its not worth looking at.It is difficult i know to come up with new topics but some of the stuff on here must have been thought up whilst sat on the toilet.Anyway lets hope thing improve.This might make you laugh about a month ago i bought a 2015 copy of Fun In Space and Strange Frontier from Queen online cd versions.They should have been here this week.Got an email yesterday that due to stock problems there would be a delay same old ,same old.Phil.
just curious, but has Gerry's alias No 467 (aka Rugby_Guy) been ejected? if so, what has he said this time?
only ask because until this post: the last post in this thread was
This is a joke____________anniestu44b_______17________April 09, 2015 Rugby_guy
yet...no sign of it, weird.