At the Rosemont Theatre...
...was fucking incredible.
The best they've ever sounded. And they changed up their setlist this time around too. Great to hear I Want It All, '39, You're My Best Friend... just outstanding.
Amazing show.
Indeed. We saw them at The Lyric in Baltimore the week before.
I wasn't excited about it.....but we had a ball!!!!
I remember all the tracks, just not the order. OV and AKOM to open, the NIH/Dragon Attack/NIH medley, KQ w/complete Bicycle Race. Other surprising bits were Seven Seas/guitar solo/Brighton Rock ending, NIH, SCC, KYA, HTF, IWTBF, Jailhouse Rock. A set list for Queen fans, not just the hits.
Gary's voice broke at times (it has been cold as hell up here), but his (Freddie's?) stage antics made it worthwhile. He nailed the tough ending of STL, which I did not expect.
'39 was a treat, wasn't it?
The attendance was around 1800, and the joint was jumping. Way more enjoyable than expected.
master marathon runner wrote:
i'll reply when i solve your abbreviations puzzle, _ makes a change from the times crossword i suppose.
OMG, you've been here for how long? I mean, wtf, have you made the same comments on the 1000s of similar posts throughout the years? Good luck with that crossword puzzle. ROTFLMAO.....