Hello friends, longtime lurker, first-time poster.
Anyway, I was looking to purchase authentic autographs by the band. Obviously, having an FM signature would be what I'm looking for most, but I would also settle for having things signed by Brian/Roger/John.
How/where would I go about finding a reputable autograph dealer? eBay and other autograph sites seem too fishy.
You may be better off dealing with reputable fans and private collectors than the 'high street' autograph dealers. Even the Queen fan club has 'authenticated' clearly faked signatures in the past. Always look for provence of when and how and where the signing of the item was obtained.
a very sticky business,,the only true way you know it is genuine,was if you were there at the time.....would i buy autographs on line.i doubt it...i have only one prog with true autograps.and thats an anthems prog,autographed by brian/kerry/ruffus......