miraclesteinway 04.02.2015 11:11 |
link I had a feeling it might come to this actually! |
The Real Wizard 04.02.2015 12:44 |
Even if he doesn't gets elected, he may set some kind of record for number of votes for an independent. A lot of people respect him for the sheer breadth of things he's involved in. But if he does - we need more scientists writing and passing legislation about things that involve science, and ideology that is funded by special interests. And before people knock him - his platform would be about much more than animal rights. He's no idiot. He is an incredibly articulate and well-read man. And if this is true, then this may put a damper on a Queen+Lambert album. Many people may vote for him just to prevent that from happening. Make way for the guv'nor. He's politically incorrect. I wish him well. |
miraclesteinway 04.02.2015 15:59 |
I agree. Usually celebrities in politics turn me off. But I don't look on Brian May as a celebrity, I look on him as Brian May. I'm glad that he's using his voice to do something for good. People will say he's gone mad, and he's out of his depth, but I don't think he is. I think he has always made an effort to get to know his fans and listen to them, make time for them, and show an interest in them, and that will carry over in to his politics. Yes, he's a rich and potentially powerful man - of course he's rich, he is a founding member of what is basically the biggest rock band ever - but it does take someone with some kind of influence to start to make a dent in the world, and if Brian May is willing to stand up and give a voice to the poor and dispossessed, then more power to him. I'll bet Freddie would be on side, and at first he'd roll his eyes and go 'Oh my, here comes Brian on his soap box again', but after a few beers and a conversation, Freddie would say 'Brian, people listen to you and respect you, and if you believe you can make a difference for good, then go for it! By the way I love what you've done with Adam, and if some people think you're an arse, well, it doesn't matter. People always thought we were arses dear, but we were f*cking talented with it!' |
ActionThisDay 05.02.2015 06:21 |
I'm lucky enough to live in the area that he wants to stand as an MP and I would bloody vote for him as the rest don't know their arse from their elbows! |
Vocal harmony 05.02.2015 07:14 |
I am 100% behind this. If he decides to do it. However I think it will mean the end of Queen+ activity and a lot of other musical ventures. Also realistically how much inpact would an independent (if elected) have in the house of commons, where he'd not have the backing of party votes. It's ok having Joe public behind you but you still need a majority vote in any in house debate. I believe he could ruffle a lot of feathers and get peoples interest but I thinkif it will ultimately achieve little. |
miraclesteinway 05.02.2015 08:04 |
I think what he wants to try to achieve is a different way of thinking. Today he's a lone ranger, but in 20 years there may be a party that grows out of this. It may mean the end of Queen activity, but it doesn't have to. Paderewski was the prime minister of Poland for a short time in the early 20th Century and he maintained a concert career. I don't know if he'll manage it, but it's certainly no reason not to try! Let's see what happens! |
Champagne Freddie 05.02.2015 08:12 |
As much as i admire Brian May, i feel he is wasting his time, look were the badger topic got him, no where and that idiot David Cameron allowed thousands of badgers to get there head blown off even though many of them did not have the bovine virus. Brian is one hell of an intelligent man, but i fear he gets ridiculed often especially by parliament and the conservative twats.! We could do with more animal friendly humans just now, On monday in the news a halal slaughter house in Thirsk cruelly stamping on heads and necks of sheep, plus sawing lambs and sheep's throats, totally disgusting and inhumane. Muslims make all kind of excuses up to justlfy these animal murders, like it was for alah etc..... total crap. I am sure Brian was sick to the stomach reading that case. |
MercurialFreddie 05.02.2015 08:46 |
If I'd live in Uk then I'd go and vote for him..... but I don't think that politics is the best place for Dr. May. He will be getting older much faster, he will be facing many obstacles and there won't be that much time for music, studio, gigs. People like him are needed in politics but as a fan who likes when Brian is making new music or giving green light for GT, GB and others to bringing into life Queen projects, I say please Brian, you alone won't change the minds of conservatives. |
miraclesteinway 05.02.2015 09:05 |
I don't particularly like the sound of that slaughterhouse from that description either Champagne Gerry, but I think we should be very careful when commenting on religious issues on any public forum. As soon as you make a statement like 'Muslims make up all kinds of excuses to justify these animal murders' you are making a general statement it encompasses all Muslims as one type of person with one type of mind, and while you may get frustrated with certain issues facing us at this point in time, and you most certainly have the right to comment on these issues, we have to take care about how we speak to certain issues. Not out of fear, not out of fear of repercussions in whatever form they may take, but out of respect and the realisation that just because someone or a group of people follow a certain religion, it doesn't mean that everyone in that religion thinks in a certain way. |
The Real Wizard 05.02.2015 09:53 |
Vocal harmony wrote: However I think it will mean the end of Queen+ activity and a lot of other musical ventures.If anyone could still manage to do music while being in politics, it's Brian. Just look at how much he's been up to in recent years. He has the energy of a man in his 20s. Also realistically how much inpact would an independent (if elected) have in the house of commons, where he'd not have the backing of party votes. It's ok having Joe public behind you but you still need a majority vote in any in house debate. I believe he could ruffle a lot of feathers and get peoples interest but I thinkif it will ultimately achieve little.Ahh, but Rome wasn't built in a day :-) |
The Real Wizard 05.02.2015 10:04 |
Champagne Freddie wrote: As much as i admire Brian May, i feel he is wasting his time, look were the badger topic got him, no whereDefinitely not true - he ruffled a lot of feathers. When conservative MPs told him to back off, that meant he was making progress. It made him work all the harder. |
Nitroboy 05.02.2015 10:14 |
Even if he does get elected, he can still make music. Schwarzenegger never stopped making movies did he? |
brENsKi 05.02.2015 11:04 |
Nitroboy wrote: Even if he does get elected, he can still make music. Schwarzenegger never stopped making movies did he?semantics really. but as an politician Arnie makes a great actor, and vice-versa |
The Real Wizard 05.02.2015 11:16 |
brENsKi wrote:I was elected to lead, not to read...Nitroboy wrote: Even if he does get elected, he can still make music. Schwarzenegger never stopped making movies did he?semantics really. but as an politician Arnie makes a great actor, and vice-versa |
Champagne Freddie 05.02.2015 13:01 |
Hey that was not a discriminatory comment i made, it is a fact and there is more people who feel the same way about this disgusting practice they call halal slaughter, there was a huge amount of animal lovers campaigning today at thirsk, all sick to the stomach of these sick muslims who are breaking the law. By the way i am not jerry, the names stewart. |
ludwigs 05.02.2015 13:23 |
Champagne Freddie wrote: By the way i am not jerry, the names stewart. Hilarious! We all know you're NOT Jerry. You've certainly out-foxed us by mis-spelling 'Gerry' too. Surprised you didn't use a few more moments of wit to state your name was Tom? |
brENsKi 05.02.2015 13:31 |
Champagne Freddie wrote: Hey that was not a discriminatory comment i made, it is a fact and there is more people who feel the same way about this disgusting practice they call halal slaughter, there was a huge amount of animal lovers campaigning today at thirsk, all sick to the stomach of these sick muslims who are breaking the law. By the way i am not jerry, the names stewart.I never said your were "Jerry" - I said "Gerry". but whatever YOU are now calling yourself, no matter. YOU need to be able to distinguish and separate between what happened in Thirsk and traditional Halal religious practice . Do not confuse the two...and do NOT try and tell everyone they are the same thing. They are not. You insult a whole religion with ignorance of that volume. Finally, have YOU actually seen what goes on as normal practice in western "civilised" slaughterhouses? Time to prove who you really are now. A non-ignorant observer may accept having something explained that they otherwise didn't realise. Whereas Gerry (and his ilk) will counter with some inflammatory, ignorant, bigoted raging casting all people of a certain group as being "all as bad as each other". time to show who you are CF or Gezza? i think we all know whose mask is soon to drop. |
ludwigs 05.02.2015 14:06 |
My younger brother used to work for a slaughterhouse in Lincoln. The depraved acts that many of the 'killers' did (and still do I'm sure) is totally vile, inhumane and purely sick!! So, with that insight (Champagne Charlie/Stewart) I think I have a little more evidence into the tendencies of 'Western / Non - helal" sources for our meat. You tend to generalise faith, sexual tendencies, religions and whatever else. You ARE a thick twat!! |
miraclesteinway 05.02.2015 14:22 |
Yet again, Champagne Freddie, you have made another discriminatory comment, whether you like it or not. "all of these sick muslims" is a discriminatory comment. Now I am certain that you mean to be a bigot. You could have said "sick people", or any non race and religion related word. But no. You went for the kill on this one. I think it's patently clear that you are a twat. |
brENsKi 05.02.2015 16:22 |
miraclesteinway wrote: Yet again, Champagne Freddie, you have made another discriminatory comment, whether you like it or not. "all of these sick muslims" is a discriminatory comment. Now I am certain that you mean to be a bigot. You could have said "sick people", or any non race and religion related word. But no. You went for the kill on this one. I think it's patently clear that you are a twat.even tho' if I'd said this ^^^ i know Tero & Panchangani would be flaming the living breath out of me...i still applaud you fella. spot on. |
Costa86 05.02.2015 17:28 |
miraclesteinway wrote: I don't particularly like the sound of that slaughterhouse from that description either Champagne Gerry, but I think we should be very careful when commenting on religious issues on any public forum. As soon as you make a statement like 'Muslims make up all kinds of excuses to justify these animal murders' you are making a general statement it encompasses all Muslims as one type of person with one type of mind, and while you may get frustrated with certain issues facing us at this point in time, and you most certainly have the right to comment on these issues, we have to take care about how we speak to certain issues. Not out of fear, not out of fear of repercussions in whatever form they may take, but out of respect and the realisation that just because someone or a group of people follow a certain religion, it doesn't mean that everyone in that religion thinks in a certain way.Very true. Putting a label on a large group of people only leads to problems, and is unfair. This also applies to labels placed on Eastern Europeans (Polish plumber, etc). We should be more specific: -fuck fundamentalist Muslims -fuck animal abusers, including those cunts who do so on a religious basis -fuck those crazy extremist animal lovers who take the law in their own hands and harm animal abusers -fuck those Muslims who take part in female genital mutilation -fuck the corrupt politicians, celebrities and CEOs who kept child pedophilia under wraps, and who protected people like Jimmy Saville -fuck the ignorant, violent white trash chavs who have three kids by age 17, don't want to work, and claim benefits while staying home smoking pot -fuck those perverse Catholic priests, with one hand on the rosary and the other on a boy's arse -praise those priests who genuinely live the word of Christ (even if he wasn't the Son of God), and dedicate their life to helping others -fuck the Nazis -fuck the Allied criminals; the Bolsheviks and the liberal capitalists, who divided Europe for their own personal agendas I might be going off on a tangent here. |
brENsKi 06.02.2015 01:09 |
Costa86 wrote: -fuck those perverse Catholic priests, with one hand on the rosary and the other on a boy's arsethat's actually dangerously close to exactly what they want |
TomP63 06.02.2015 03:38 |
Champagne Freddie wrote: By the way i am not jerry, the names stewart. Hilarious! We all know you're NOT Jerry. You've certainly out-foxed us by mis-spelling 'Gerry' too. Surprised you didn't use a few more moments of wit to state your name was Tom? Uhm, Ludwigs, I'm Tom, I'm the real Tom, I'm not a Jerry either, I'm Dutch.... Tom |
Costa86 06.02.2015 04:59 |
brENsKi wrote:Haha, didn't see that one.Costa86 wrote: -fuck those perverse Catholic priests, with one hand on the rosary and the other on a boy's arsethat's actually dangerously close to exactly what they want |
Champagne Freddie 06.02.2015 06:28 |
i have no sympathy for muslims who want there meat (lambs or sheep) to be murdered so barbarically having there throats slit or hacked, it is cruel end off. Muslims have no excuse for disgusting cruelty to dumb animals, you need to toughen up softy. i will not appologise at all, because i am human which is more than those slaughter men are in that thirsk blood house. i know for a fact 100% Brian May would agree. |
Champagne Freddie 06.02.2015 06:39 |
Very true. Putting a label on a large group of people only leads to problems, and is unfair. This also applies to labels placed on Eastern Europeans (Polish plumber, etc). We should be more specific: -fuck fundamentalist Muslims -fuck animal abusers, including those cunts who do so on a religious basis -fuck those crazy extremist animal lovers who take the law in their own hands and harm animal abusers -fuck those Muslims who take part in female genital mutilation -fuck the corrupt politicians, celebrities and CEOs who kept child pedophilia under wraps, and who protected people like Jimmy Saville -fuck the ignorant, violent white trash chavs who have three kids by age 17, don't want to work, and claim benefits while staying home smoking pot -fuck those perverse Catholic priests, with one hand on the rosary and the other on a boy's arse -praise those priests who genuinely live the word of Christ (even if he wasn't the Son of God), and dedicate their life to helping others -fuck the Nazis -fuck the Allied criminals; the Bolsheviks and the liberal capitalists, who divided Europe for their own personal agendas -fuck Brenski for thinking he is god and been so self opinionated to many on here I might be going off on a tangent here. |
Vocal harmony 06.02.2015 06:55 |
The Real Wizard wrote:Mr Wiz you're right and I hope if he does follow this path, he will be in it for the long haul and can make a difference. However in the short term it will be difficult.Vocal harmony wrote: However I think it will mean the end of Queen+ activity and a lot of other musical ventures.If anyone could still manage to do music while being in politics, it's Brian. Just look at how much he's been up to in recent years. He has the energy of a man in his 20s.Also realistically how much inpact would an independent (if elected) have in the house of commons, where he'd not have the backing of party votes. It's ok having Joe public behind you but you still need a majority vote in any in house debate. I believe he could ruffle a lot of feathers and get peoples interest but I thinkif it will ultimately achieve little.Ahh, but Rome wasn't built in a day :-) |
brENsKi 06.02.2015 07:48 |
Champagne Freddie wrote: i have no sympathy for muslims who want there meat (lambs or sheep) to be murdered so barbarically having there throats slit or hacked, it is cruel end off..and what about OUR slaughterhouses, and battery-farms rammed tight with chickens standing motionless all day? i suppose you think our slaughterhouses are civilised. the halal slaughter is in accordance with genuine religious beliefs...our slaughterhouses and battery farms do what they do for economies of scale....i know which is more immoral. Champagne Freddie wrote: -fuck Brenski for thinking he is god and been so self opinionated to many on hereother people have corrected you also - but YOU single me out. I haven't insulted you - but YOU choose to insult me. If there were ever a nano-molecule of doubt that YOU ARE GERRY - you just dispensed with it. still, at least it won't be long before you are banned again. |
Champagne Freddie 06.02.2015 08:30 |
i am puzzled why you think i am someone else? Is it because you can not hold an intelligent conversation or is it because you know there is some grain of truth in what i am saying here? Our battery farms and slaughter houses are regulated but "Animal Aid" who do a brilliant job at sniffing out the culprits did say they found another nine slaughter houses in the uk, where cruelty and practices where bang out of order. There is nothing moral about slashing a lambs throat, and putting the fear of christ in to it, and this goes on in our country in the uk, jesus even the R.S.P.C.A have agreed that halal slaughter is wrong on every level. Religion fucks people up, and that was a comment from our Roger Taylor, he is spot on there. If all muslims demand halal meat then as far as i am concerned they are all cruel and not human. That is why this country is going to the dogs. |
Oscar J 06.02.2015 08:45 |
Oscar J 06.02.2015 08:51 |
Muslims aren't human? I suppose Jews aren't either, because of their kosher slaughter? Are you too stupid to even realise what you're saying? What we have here, is pretty much the purest form of racism. |
Champagne Freddie 06.02.2015 09:13 |
Anyone who puts animals under so much pain and cruelty are the scum of the earth. Be it jews, muslims or even joe public if he treats his dog badly. I like millions of decent people do not condone animal cruelty in any shape or form. If you can not understand that then your a sad person. |
miraclesteinway 06.02.2015 09:34 |
Look, I don't particularly like Halal killing either, but I'm not going to condone a statement or agree with a statement that says any group of people aren't human. Think about what you are saying! Yes, animal cruelty is wrong, we all know that. But it is equally, perhaps even more wrong, to dehumanise one group of people (any group of people) for their beliefs, EVEN if we disagree with their beliefs, even if at times it is ugly, we can't cope with it, and we can see that there should be little place for it in our world today. This is precisely the kind of talk, and I make no exaggeration here, that leads to genocide. Dehumanising one group of people for any reasons is you basically saying that they are not of the same species as you, and that you are superior. This kind of talk is dangerous and disgusting, and hugely disrespectful. No matter what anybody does or has done, a human being is still a human being whether we like it or not. It is not for you to decide otherwise. It is for you to decide whether or not you'll have anything to do with a particular person, or group of people. It is for you to decide whether or not you like someone. That is fine. It is for you to decide whether you agree or disagree with certain religious or social beliefs. That is your right as a human being. But it is not for you to decide someone else's humanity. Stop it right now. You are acting like a Neo Nazi or member of the BNP. At the very least here, you are inciting religious hatred, and you are committing a crime. You may think that you are hiding behind an Internet forum and that people can't get to you behind your mask on here, but you know what, they can. If you were reported to the police for this, there would be an investigation, they would find you and you would be penalised for this. So stop, now. Of course we can all see that animal cruelty is wrong, but if you think that combating it with cruelty towards a human is right, then you are seriously misguided. |
Gregsynth 06.02.2015 10:07 |
Hello Gerry! |
Champagne Freddie 06.02.2015 11:16 |
i was saying in my last post that any form of animal cruelty is wrong. Try telling all the people that turned up at this disgusting slaughter house protesting that this barbaric daily procedure is wrong! i am sorry if you think i am been disgusting towards certain religious cults but i am british and i can not bare anyone treating animals in that manner. i do not respect any one who treat animals in that manner no matter who they are. religion has destroyed this planet in so many ways and caused wars and murder, talking of which these animals are getting murdered on a daily basis, what human deserves rights from doing this? i am not reciting religious hatred i am defending the animals, who have not got a voice to speak. hope you get reincarnated as a sheep and you go to a halal slaughter house, you will shit yourself when the muslim slaughter man slices your throat. Get the picture? |
miraclesteinway 06.02.2015 12:23 |
Did I even suggest that animal cruelty was somehow right? Did I even suggest in any of my posts that it's OK to treat animals badly? There are humane ways of killing, that is true, better than Halal. I agree with you on that. Being British has nothing to do with this whatsoever. You're right, religion has been the excuse for many wars (when the real reason has been money), and we also know that some of the greatest genocides in history were nothing to do with religion. Stalin, for instance.... You have the right to petition to stop Halal slaughter, and if you can do that in a positive way, more power to you. However, sitting there and writing 'hope you get reincarnated as a sheep and you go to a halal slaughter house.....' and then spouting even more hatred is not really all that helpful or constructive, and has completely derailed the thread. What you can't even see through your hatred of Muslims - and lets be honest here, that's what this is about - you are actually xenophobic, racist and against anyone who holds a different belief system to your own and the halal slaughter is one chip you are playing to justify your narrow views - but anyway, what you can't see is that yes, I agree with you about animal cruelty. But you seem to think that animal cruelty justifies cruelty towards other people. No it doesn't. Never in the history of mankind has any kind of hatred or negative retaliation ever achieved anything more than more hatred, and set in motion a cycle that snowballs out of control into all out war unless it is nipped in the bud. But rather than learn that, you want to sit and spout more and more hatred. I don't care if you're British. It makes no difference, and in fact the idea of patriotism is absurd in many ways. I too am British. What does that matter? |
BETA215 06.02.2015 12:30 |
Gregsynth wrote: Hello Gerry! Hey! I made that joke earlier in other thread! |
brENsKi 06.02.2015 12:39 |
looks like CF/Gerry/Rugby guy/mr Music/queen2 has been removed again... i somehow think the Mods will have a job on their hands keeping him out of here though. |
Oscar J 06.02.2015 15:06 |
What a great loss for the community. |
Costa86 06.02.2015 17:00 |
Where's the champagne? |
The Real Wizard 07.02.2015 07:12 |
And, yet again - a troll posts one comment and two pages of comments follow. Stop responding to these morons, people. If someone with under ten posts to their name writes something so obviously intended to provoke a negative response, it's an old troll coming back for some more attention. Ignore them and they'll go away. |
brENsKi 07.02.2015 08:40 |
The Real Wizard wrote: And, yet again - a troll posts one comment and two pages of comments follow. Stop responding to these morons, people. If someone with under ten posts to their name writes something so obviously intended to provoke a negative response, it's an old troll coming back for some more attention. Ignore them and they'll go away.except in this case it was a troll with under ten posts + 1,000 previous posts. (gerry, mr music/rugby guy, queen2/ champagne freddie) just a fekkin' shame IP bans aren't possible - because "it" will be back update: rugby guy is back already [sigh] looks like gezza remembered one of his other logins/passwords |
The King Of Rhye 09.02.2015 13:41 |
To return to the original topic........I'm just trying to think of if there's been anything remotely equivalent in the US....a famous musician running for Congress or something? Hmm, I cant really think of anything! Ok, I googled it.......answering my own question here......lol I forgot Sonny Bono was a mayor and congressman.......and that Martha Reeves was on the Detroit City Council......... |
AlbaNo1 09.02.2015 16:05 |
The King Of Rhye wrote: To return to the original topic........I'm just trying to think of if there's been anything remotely equivalent in the US....a famous musician running for Congress or something? Hmm, I cant really think of anything! Ok, I googled it.......answering my own question here......lol I forgot Sonny Bono was a mayor and congressman.......and that Martha Reeves was on the Detroit City Council.........Id have thought it would be easier in the US for actors/musicians/sportsmen to cross into politics at some level, in terms of public acceptance. |
The King Of Rhye 10.02.2015 08:16 |
AlbaNo1 wrote: Id have thought it would be easier in the US for actors/musicians/sportsmen to cross into politics at some level, in terms of public acceptance.Well, I can think of way more sportsmen and actors than musicians in the US that have......right off the top of my head, there's Reagan, Steve Largent, Jack Kemp, Tom Osborne, Arnold, Ventura......... |