Hello everybody!
I was just wondering if someone was interrested in having the full concert? I've recorded the whole thing in OGG, and have converted it to MP3 to share here. It was an amazing concert (and my first concert), despite Bri's illness. You'll sometimes here some chatter from my neighbours in the recording, I'm sorry about that. The crowd was great, clapping and singing along to almost every song! Anyway, if someone is interrested, just tell me and i'll upload it straight away!
P.S. sorry for my english.
People on here generally prefer lossless audio using FLAC or WAV, do you have that? If not then I think the OGG original recording would still be preferrable to MP3 since it removes a re-encoding step (and every lossless encoding adds more loss). If people want MP3 they can always convert to that themselves.
bootLuca wrote:
surely, i'm interested too... in lossless format if possible, otherwise mp3 is better than nothing! :)
madmega wrote:
I am surely interested, i do not care what kind of format it is, i will convert it to wav or mp3 myself :-)
convert mp3 to wav is absolutely useless because it does not make it lossless!
That is not what i am saying, i am converting the OGG to MP3...OR...WAV...because my car stereo won't read OGG, i didn't say anything about converting mp3 to wav
madmega wrote:
That is not what i am saying, i am converting the OGG to MP3...OR...WAV...because my car stereo won't read OGG, i didn't say anything about converting mp3 to wav