I uploaded high quality audio files in several formats for the 2015-01-20 Leeds Queen + Adam Lambert concert.
Recorded in 24 bit, 96 KHz WAV format using Sony PCM-M10 recorder and Church CA-11 mics & ugly battery box.
**NEW** Individual FLAC files - 24 bit 96 kHz: link
Individual FLAC files - 16 bit 96 kHz (will be deleted soon): link
Individual M4A files: link
Full Show MP3 file: link
Check my twitter posts for full show MP3 downloads for all 6 UK QAL concerts that I attended. Working on splitting Nottingham audio next, then London 2 & 1. @DancyGeorgia
Hey Dancy, the files here aren't 24bit, it's 96kHz/16bit. I think you had a setting issue when you split the files in Audacity. You need to export it as a 24 bit WAV, not 16 bit (default).
terraj wrote:
Hey Dancy, the files here aren't 24bit, it's 96kHz/16bit. I think you had a setting issue when you split the files in Audacity. You need to export it as a 24 bit WAV, not 16 bit (default).
Thanks! I will redo them in 24 bit when I get home and upload. Look for them on Tuesday.