noorie 19.01.2015 10:33 |
What would you do if you got to spend two hours with Freddie? |
Gregsynth 19.01.2015 12:06 |
Have a few drinks with him, talk about music, life, what's it like to be famous, etc. He'd certainly would be an interesting guy to have a chat with! |
Oscar J 19.01.2015 12:13 |
Call up my band and have the best jam of my life with him. |
Thistle 19.01.2015 12:45 |
Shit myself - he's dead ;) Seriously, though? This should be the sort of thing I'd have an answer for, but I really don't know. I think I'd be too awestruck to do or say much :) |
The King Of Rhye 19.01.2015 12:52 |
I'd probably just want to ask him questions about one song after the other! :D |
luthorn 19.01.2015 14:11 |
I'd ask him to do typical house wife things: dishes, laundry, walk the dog, clean the washroom, take the garbage out, maybe a neck rub too. |
flash00. 19.01.2015 16:15 |
Get absolutely wasted drunk with Freddie haa.. |
brENsKi 19.01.2015 16:49 |
noorie wrote: What would you do if you got to spend two hours with Freddie?if this hypothetical meet took place at the end of the 1980s...i'd tell him two things 1] "the 80's are going to be the decade that taste forgets. don't write, produce, perform stuff that adds to the shit....keep your eye on perfection, and don't get lazy with the song writing" 2] "be careful to make sure you YOU say which artists you like/love/hate or are your favourites....and insist on proper song-writing credits for ALL 1980s/90s songs, because after you're gone - your poodle-headed band mate will talk shit about "your favourite singers" and take credit for songs originally part-credited to you. |
Oscar J 19.01.2015 16:54 |
brENsKi wrote:noorie wrote: What would you do if you got to spend two hours with Freddie?if this hypothetical meet took place at the end of the 1980s...i'd tell him two things 1] "the 80's are going to be the decade that taste forgets. don't write, produce, perform stuff that adds to the shit....keep your eye on perfection, and don't get lazy with the song writing" 2] "be careful to make sure you YOU say which artists you like/love/hate or are your favourites....and insist on proper song-writing credits for ALL 1980s/90s songs, because after you're gone - your poodle-headed band mate will talk shit about "your favourite singers" and take credit for songs originally part-credited to you. 3] Don't contract HIV ...? |
BETA215 19.01.2015 20:05 |
Oscar J wrote:brENsKi wrote:3] Don't contract HIV ...?noorie wrote: What would you do if you got to spend two hours with Freddie?if this hypothetical meet took place at the end of the 1980s...i'd tell him two things 1] "the 80's are going to be the decade that taste forgets. don't write, produce, perform stuff that adds to the shit....keep your eye on perfection, and don't get lazy with the song writing" 2] "be careful to make sure you YOU say which artists you like/love/hate or are your favourites....and insist on proper song-writing credits for ALL 1980s/90s songs, because after you're gone - your poodle-headed band mate will talk shit about "your favourite singers" and take credit for songs originally part-credited to you. 3] Mantain a relaxed life. Don't be so promiscous. You can catch silly things that in the future will make you bang. But I think is better to tell him that after the 80's, maybe 1978. ... Now that I think about it: If Freddie never had AIDS, he wouldn't compose The Miracle, Innuendo, Barcelona (excepting the title track) and his last songs in Made In Heaven. _____________________________________________________ Also I would love to make a jam with him (and Quen and my expected band. Chat and chat about things like Greg said, and give him ideas I have in my mind about songs for him to sing/perform/play any instrument. |
brunogorski 19.01.2015 20:35 |
noorie wrote: What would you do if you got to spend two hours with Freddie?This is creepy! Talk to dead people! O_O |
Jimmy Dean 19.01.2015 20:53 |
Make jam with him. Apricot. Definitely. |
Jimmy Dean 19.01.2015 20:57 |
Now that I think about it: If Freddie never had AIDS, he wouldn't compose The Miracle, Innuendo, Barcelona (excepting the title track) and his last songs in Made In Heaven.Makin' AIDS positive. Thumbs up! Finally, we have a pro-AIDS spokesperson. (I kid - i liked where you were going, and i had to pick on it) |
Mr.Mouth 20.01.2015 06:26 |
Great music great voice..shame you gonna die. Than Freddie would ask who will day fucker Im immortal. |
andyb1968 20.01.2015 10:33 |
He wouldn't wanna spend two hours with the likes of me ! |
FlorianS 20.01.2015 15:04 |
Talk about safer Sex |
Mercuryman12 20.01.2015 15:29 |
FlorianS wrote: Talk about safer SexToo soon |
MercurialFreddie 20.01.2015 15:51 |
I'd say to him to run if he by any chance had met somebody named Paul Prenter. But seriously I'd say to him that Queen is very precious family and it's important to talk about things which buggers every member of it, no matter if it's something bothering mind or heart. Also it could be good to plant an idea inside Freddie's head that there is a secret government plan to eradicate gay community on earth using bio-weapon but telling him that in 80's wouldn't change his fate. |
FMercuryFan88 20.01.2015 20:44 |
Have a few drinks, play scrabble, sing silly shit, and try to make him my best friend. |
tcc 21.01.2015 00:44 |
I would ask him: 1. What is the real story behind the lyrics of Bohemian Rhapsody, 2. When did he realize that he had AIDS, 3. Why did he throw things back at the audience, 4. How should I defend him or myself against homophobic remarks. |
Gregsynth 22.01.2015 09:36 |
I would probably ask him - "how do you do it?" (in terms of being an amazing frontman). The guy could command audiences like no other! |
miraclesteinway 22.01.2015 11:47 |
I would probably talk about song writing with him, for a while, to find out how much was laboured and how much just came to him. Then I'd ask him a little about singing, but mainly I'd just have a drink with him, talking shit about nothing. That's the best way to know someone after all! OMG I had this really strange dream a few weeks ago that I DID meet Freddie, and he looked as he did in 1987. He was sitting on this bed, not sure where, and I asked him outright 'Did you not want to hang on a bit longer and see if you could have been cured? You could have stayed on the meds a bit longer and benefitted from some pioneering treatments!' (I know that's not actually true in reality, because the pioneering treatments took a few years to come round). He looked at me and said 'Darling, I knew before I came to the world that I'd only have a short life, and I realised when I was in the world that it wasn't actually big enough for me, and anyway, my life now is way better than anything I had back there!' I was quite shocked, and then I woke up. No. I'm not saying I think I had a visitation from Freddie. I'm saying I had a dream about Freddie. That said, stranger things have happened than a visit from Freddie Mercury. Like the deflation on the price of fuel. |
BETA215 22.01.2015 12:41 |
tcc wrote: 4. How should I defend him or myself against homophobic remarks. Freddie: "Telling them to fuck off! It's quite simple, my dear!" |
Pokemaniacjunk 21.06.2015 18:35 |
noorie wrote: What would you do if you got to spend two hours with Freddie?I would go out partying all night with him and take pictures of us and forget everything the next morning from being hungover |
raucousmonster 22.06.2015 03:32 |
Spend the first hour chatting about music, the next 55 minutes getting him to record some songs I'd written and the last five minutes arranging an auction! Actually maybe I'd just spend the whole two hours talking to him about life, love and music because you can't put a price on that. Unless I recorded the chat on tape... |
matt z 22.06.2015 04:45 |
I'd ask him. ... "Do you. ... Do you remember when you were in that band with the crazy opera song. .. That rock song. The band where you had that glove and the black nail polish. ..? That was soo cool. Do you remember? |
master marathon runner 24.06.2015 05:22 |
You couldn't lend 'us 20 quid Fred 'til I get put straight mate? |
Fat Bottomed Queen 24.06.2015 11:34 |
Sort of interview him with all of my questions i wondered about him. |
matt z 26.06.2015 08:10 |
In reality. ... I'd ask him a bunch of questions about how do you frame your mindset doing "x and y"... presenting sentimental songsto the masses while keeping your poise. Then I'd ask him about his ARTWORK. ... why haven't fans been able to get more than a few fleeting glimpses of it at small exhibitions and in documentaries. Maybe it's a family decision but that would have been an ideal topic and ideal DVD-ROM content for many a Freddie release. Lastly, I'd ask him to get John on the line so he could convince him to give me one of his basses. But inevitably, I figure he wouldn't have his number. Eh. I'd probably toss a few back with him and noodle on an acoustic guitar. Wouldn't that be something? I'm surprised no one here would ask him about Paul Rodgers or Adam Lambert! (though somebody came close) |
Costa86 26.06.2015 09:36 |
Lot's of interesting replies. Not sure all of them make sense - especially the ones about giving him advice, such as on AIDS. This assumes we are travelling back in time and have the advantage of knowing what his future would look like. The original question just asks us what we would do if we met him, with no mention of time travel. Even if we did go back in time, he wouldn't believe we were time travellers, and wouldn't head our advice (he didn't even head advice on the news about safe sex, so why would he listen to some guy giving him tips?). Also, who are we to give him our advice on music he should not make in the 80s? I'd just have a friendly general chat with him and then hope we could get drunk together. He hated interviews - so I wouldn't ask questions like some annoying two-bit journalist. |