brENsKi 06.01.2015 09:56 |
Nice five-page article/interview on the eve of the new tour. definitely worth a read. some notable quotes: (awaiting a slagging here from Y-K-W. Roger : I understand people who say: "there is no queen without Freddie, Just leave it be", because that's what we felt following his death. All three of us said: "Right that's the end of the band" But the band just didn't seem to die. Roger: If we have the material, then I wouldn't go into making a record with any other singer than Adam. Brian: It's a queen show as much as it ever was. I don't think Freddie would mind me saying that Adam: I'm not replacing Freddie. I'm trying to keep the memory alive. and remind people how amazing he was, without imitating him. Surely, now the nay-sayers can finally see their point? Although i somehow doubt it. Anyone who can't get the mag - ie non-UK - want pdfs? let me know. |
Viper 06.01.2015 12:00 |
I haven't got it yet! |
mooghead 06.01.2015 12:15 |
"All three of us said: "Right that's the end of the band" But the income slowed right down... |
Oscar J 06.01.2015 13:50 |
"I don't think Freddie would mind me saying that" Keep telling yourself that, Bri. Apparently Freddie wouldn't mind Brian saying anything. |
winterspelt 06.01.2015 16:58 |
Sounds like an interesting interview... Somehow I prefer the Roger interviews, he doesnt try to be polite all the time like Brian. Roger may not give very deep, analytical answers like Brian, but his answers seems to be really honest! Oh yes, a PDF would be amazing! =D |
tomchristie22 07.01.2015 01:16 |
winterspelt wrote: Sounds like an interesting interview... Somehow I prefer the Roger interviews, he doesnt try to be polite all the time like Brian. Roger may not give very deep, analytical answers like Brian, but his answers seems to be really honest!Perhaps not analytical, but Roger's plenty capable of depth. His interviews in the 70's and 80's show him to be very intelligent, thoughtful, and in tune with the world around him. |
Stelios 07.01.2015 05:27 |
^^^ True. Agree with both posts above. |
MadTheSwine73 07.01.2015 11:55 |
A PDF would be really appreciated. |
The Real Wizard 07.01.2015 12:54 |
mooghead wrote: "All three of us said: "Right that's the end of the band" But the income slowed right down...Care to substantiate that with facts, or are you just on yet another hate mission? |
Apocalipsis_Darko 07.01.2015 14:49 |
Roger can give less extensive answers, but is an smart, and cinical sometimes, guy. Mick Rock told that the difference between Queen and other bands from the 70's wasthat Queen were very articulated and smart. Is obvious....They have studies, interests, etc... |
sinsome 07.01.2015 15:15 |
To those asking for a PDF - well, I don't have one but, AFAIK, this is the same article that was partially discussed in this thread: There are legible scans (individual hi-res images of each page of the article) here: If you register at the website I believe you can still read the full text without payment: Perhaps someone could make a PDF from one of those links. |
mooghead 07.01.2015 16:23 |
The Real Wizard wrote:Well they are hardly going to say they are in it for the money are they? They are though... bit greedy like. Its funny how Freddie referred to himself as a musical prostitute and heres Roger and Brian prancing around for the world to see under a giant red light every single day.mooghead wrote: "All three of us said: "Right that's the end of the band" But the income slowed right down...Care to substantiate that with facts, or are you just on yet another hate mission? Sad really. |
The King Of Rhye 07.01.2015 16:42 |
^^^^ And you're basing that on what then? What leads you to believe, as you infer, that Brian and Roger don't enjoy playing with Adam and vice versa? |
brENsKi 07.01.2015 17:27 |
hi all i've replied to the PMs i've received so far. but i'm not putting this up if you want it: 1] PM me your email addr: 2] make sure that email addr can accept large(ish) files - it's a 24mb (7-page) pdf |
The Real Wizard 07.01.2015 18:03 |
mooghead wrote:Dude - you have the burden of proof.The Real Wizard wrote:Well they are hardly going to say they are in it for the money are they?mooghead wrote: "All three of us said: "Right that's the end of the band" But the income slowed right down...Care to substantiate that with facts, or are you just on yet another hate mission? It's a classic logical fallacy to attempt to use your thesis as proof for the thesis you haven't yet proven. It's like when people say "God exists until you prove he doesn't." You've made your statement unfalsifiable. In other words - prove it, or don't say it to begin with as it doesn't contribute anything of substance to the discussion. |
Ken8 07.01.2015 19:38 |
mooghead wrote: "All three of us said: "Right that's the end of the band" But the income slowed right down...That's hardly the way royalties work |
Ken8 07.01.2015 19:48 |
Thanks for the link to the article, interesting read especially how The Cosmos Rocks (and Rodgers) has been disowned by all. I said this back in the day but the reason it wasn't in the shops was the record company knew it was a turkey the moment they heard it. Why spend money polishing a tu**? |
Sheer Brass Neck 07.01.2015 22:20 |
Can't agree with Mooghead's assumption. They have money unless Brian's bought mansions for every badger in Britain and Roger has pissed it away on his 27 alimony payments per month. However, they're not doing it for art. It's legacy. They want Queen music to be heard 50, 100 years from now. That's fine. I wish that Brian would quit speaking for what Freddie wants or wanted. If John Deacon said "don't make me boring, but for God's sake, don't use the Queen name with a reality show runner-up, I don't think Freddie would mind me saying that" people would shit all over JD saying he's a hater, a dinosaur who can't get over the glory days. Let's be honest: people who want Queen to continue exist would accept Adolf Hitler or Charles Manson as a singer if they could hit the high notes. They're Stepfords. people who don't want Queen to continue wouldn't accept a choir of angels replacing /freddie. They're haters. It's like religion, you believe or you think it's a crock of shit. |
The Real Wizard 07.01.2015 22:26 |
Sheer Brass Neck wrote: They have money unless Brian's bought mansions for every badger in Britain^ post of the day. |
cmsdrums 08.01.2015 04:23 |
The Real Wizard wrote:...and he probably has....!Sheer Brass Neck wrote: They have money unless Brian's bought mansions for every badger in Britain^ post of the day. |
MercurialFreddie 08.01.2015 05:37 |
"... but we have desire to do great things. That's never gone away. Like when I played on the roof of the Buckingham Palace. Freddie was nowhere near it...." Oh look, clearly Brian's ego hasn't changed. If Freddie would have played a gig in some local pub and connect with an audience, left his emotional imprint on someone to remember for the rest of his life it would still be greater than playing on the roof of the Palais Versailles. There are many posters here on Queenzone who either met Freddie personally or attended a gig and have a wonderful memories to reflect on. It is really greater achievement, one of the great things Freddie achieved than an opportunity to play on top of Eiffel Tower or whatever.... My 2 cents regarding the present collaboration = If I would have to choose between BM + RT staying in their homes and releasing remasters from time to time or playing with Adam, then I support them being out there and playing with Adam. |
brENsKi 08.01.2015 07:31 |
ok, have sent out some pdfs via email. any others - as i said make sure your email can accept large files |
winterspelt 08.01.2015 10:09 |
brENsKi wrote: ok, have sent out some pdfs via email. any others - as i said make sure your email can accept large filesThanks a lot! |
oliverd05 08.01.2015 10:55 |
sent you PM there Brenski thanks very much in advance :) |