I'm doing this thread, basically, to honor all those people who make QueenZone a great place to chat, to download, to really enjoy Queen's music.
The Real Wizard, Pittrek, C_Matt, Gregsynthbootlegs, Sebastian, Nitroboy, Chief Mouse, tomchristie, Ghostwithasmile is BACK!... the list is endless.
Like Freddie said at his last concert with Queen: Thank you all.
PS: Thanks for all the effort spent in this page by Richard Orchard. Without him, this website wouldn't exist and this wouldn't happened.
PS 2: Sorry for any grammar mistakes, this is written by Cortana and my voice.
PS 3: I have to stop making PS, this isn't a letter.
EDIT: I'm not going to name every single QueenZone user here. But thank you all! Feel appreciated.
mooghead wrote:
You forgot me you massive bellend ;-)
And bollox to Richard Orchard who allows obvious trolls and spam bots to plague the board constantly
mooghead wrote:
You forgot me you massive bellend ;-)
And bollox to Richard Orchard who allows obvious trolls and spam bots to plague the board constantly
Well, the part "the list is endless.", is meant to be used like an etcetera.
You forgot me;). Hehe
By the way thanks friend,this is great tread and Thank you also nad thank you all for QZ friendships.
Love you all nad its a honor to ne part of you all nad part od Queen zone.
mooghead wrote:
You forgot me you massive bellend ;-)
And bollox to Richard Orchard who allows obvious trolls and spam bots to plague the board constantly
You are right mooghead..there are some treads wich must be sacked Wright away. I made a topic about that....Its here..
Cheers friend
mooghead wrote:
You forgot me you massive bellend ;-)
And bollox to Richard Orchard who allows obvious trolls and spam bots to plague the board constantly
Thanks Beta! It's true, this is a great forum. I love it with it's serious users and the trolls, everyone makes this place truly unique, surprising and funny, like a written sitcom, even with (RIP) Medusa, Microwave and Wkmahlers. I only use to be on the fan mixes part, but I had many great laughs here only by reading memorable posts, serious and silly. And Mooghead, please, never change, you make me laugh really hard. I would vote you for forum administrator.