Stelios 04.12.2014 05:12 |
1) Bono for Freddie & HIV link 2) For those who haven't seen this one( when Freddie met Bono + Status Quo + UltraVox). Quite entertaining... link |
Marknow 04.12.2014 05:40 |
Have to say I was impressed with Bono for doing the recent promo, he actually seemed genuine in it. I don't feel like punching him anymore... |
RafaelS 04.12.2014 09:17 |
Yeah Bono had so much class at Live Aid when he stole the mic from Freddie to prevent him from singing... |
Marknow 04.12.2014 09:26 |
RafaelSomma wrote: Yeah Bono had so much class at Live Aid when he stole the mic from Freddie to prevent him from singing... The best maneuver he made that day was hiding from the press all day after promising them a live interview and then magically making himself available 2 minutes before Queen went on, you can hear Ga Ga been played during his recorded interview. Queen still went out on the Live broadcast despite his efforts. Nice guys finish last as they say, and Bono never came in last in his life, he manages every small detail with the careful precision of a sociopath. |
The Real Wizard 04.12.2014 09:51 |
^ that's just not fair. Live Aid had an incredible lineup of bands, many of whom were way more popular than Queen at the time and, in some cases, playing for the first time in years, and thus way more highly anticipated. 1985 was not exactly Queen's shining hour July 12 and earlier. It's not Bono's fault that most of those bands sucked, leaving Queen, by comparison, as the best band of the day. Live Aid could've been known as the day that both Zeppelin and Sabbath rocked the world again, but that's not exactly how it turned out... |
gerry 04.12.2014 10:56 |
Real wizard: Even if zepp and sabbath had played Live Aid, Queen would still have stolen the show hands down, Freddie was magnificent on that day and no one could have stolen Freddies crown. |
Marknow 04.12.2014 11:30 |
The Real Wizard wrote: ^ that's just not fair. Live Aid had an incredible lineup of bands, many of whom were way more popular than Queen at the time and, in some cases, playing for the first time in years, and thus way more highly anticipated. 1985 was not exactly Queen's shining hour July 12 and earlier. It's not Bono's fault that most of those bands sucked, leaving Queen, by comparison, as the best band of the day. Live Aid could've been known as the day that both Zeppelin and Sabbath rocked the world again, but that's not exactly how it turned out... It is fair, because It's true, backed up by video evidence and comments from Bob Geldof re the difficulty the press had getting a hold of Bono, until Queen took to the stage. My comments are not performance related in any way, I am just pointing out the fact that Bono premeditated his actions and timed his interview to coincide with Queens performance thinking he would have the live feed. There is a video somewhere of his interview and you can see how distracted he is as many journalists leave the room to watch Queen from the balcony. |
Oscar J 04.12.2014 11:44 |
gerry wrote: Real wizard: Even if zepp and sabbath had played Live Aid, Queen would still have stolen the show hands down, Freddie was magnificent on that day and no one could have stolen Freddies crown.If? Zep and Sabbath did play at Live Aid. |
brENsKi 04.12.2014 11:57 |
Marknow wrote: I am just pointing out the fact that Bono premeditated his actions and timed his interview to coincide with Queens performance thinking he would have the live feed.that's such an unfair things to say. you have absolutely no idea what actually happened that day backstage - there could've been a thousand legitimate reasons why he was unavailable. it's your opinion and - without actual evidence from the horses mouth - you have absolutely no grounding for your conjecture. Marknow wrote: There is a video somewhere of his interview and you can see how distracted he is as many journalists leave the room to watch Queen from the balcony.wouldn't you be distracted? - there'd be screens nearby which would catch anyone's eye - it happens in interviews all the time when something live is going on out of eyeline - it's called "being interested". Palming off comments like the above as truth only adds to the Gerriracyists theories on "everyone but Freddie being an arsehole". honestly fella, unless you know 100% that you have all the facts - you really shouldn't be saying this. |
Marknow 04.12.2014 11:58 |
Brenski. The adults are talking. Shhhh! |
brENsKi 04.12.2014 12:03 |
Oscar J wrote:Oscar you're being stupid - surely you know by now - Gezza knows everything. neither band appeared that day, there was also, no status quo, u2, the who, or any other bands...every fucker knows that ONLY queen appeared at live aid - they performed a 6½ hr set at wembley, then flew across to Philly - did a 3 hr set, flew back to wembley to close the set then flew back to philly to close there also - it was all done with lights, mirrors and clever editing - but no-one even those in the stadiums saw any other band, and didn't even notice any gaps in proceedings....and let's not forget that Queen also did the whole australian live aid before jetting to london...Gezza, we're forever in a debt to your knowledge oh wise king of Moronica.gerry wrote: Real wizard: Even if zepp and sabbath had played Live Aid, Queen would still have stolen the show hands down, Freddie was magnificent on that day and no one could have stolen Freddies crown.If? Zep and Sabbath did play at Live Aid. |
brENsKi 04.12.2014 12:04 |
Marknow wrote: Brenski. The adults are talking. Shhhh!you may be an adult, and you may be talking, but you';re sounding more like Gezza with every sentence. |
Marknow 04.12.2014 12:10 |
brENsKi wrote:Marknow wrote: Brenski. The adults are talking. Shhhh!you may be an adult, and you may be talking, but you';re sounding more like Gezza with every sentence. Oh, u silly little girl.. Whats a Gezza btw? Jeramey Clarkson? |
gerry 04.12.2014 12:14 |
Brenski: why are you so full of shit and self worth? you think your right all the time and others are NOT allowed there actual opinion, who the fuck do you think you are Doris Day? Now your telling "marknow" not to say things unless proven 100% right. I have news for you, Mark can write down what the fuck he likes and its nothing to do with you Mr bully and know it all. |
brENsKi 04.12.2014 13:54 |
gerry wrote: Brenski: why are you so full of shit and self worth? you think your right all the time and others are NOT allowed there actual opinion, who the fuck do you think you are Doris Day? Now your telling "marknow" not to say things unless proven 100% right. I have news for you, Mark can write down what the fuck he likes and its nothing to do with you Mr bully and know it all.hahaha - you need to learn to read. i never told anyone not to speak - i said they should be accurate. secondly - you moron - it was marknow who told me to shhhh - and if you're calling me "Mr Know It All" - just because i know stuff you don't then that makes everyone on this site a genius compared to you |
Chief Mouse 04.12.2014 14:35 |
brENsKi wrote:gerry wrote: Brenski: why are you so full of shit and self worth? you think your right all the time and others are NOT allowed there actual opinion, who the fuck do you think you are Doris Day? Now your telling "marknow" not to say things unless proven 100% right. I have news for you, Mark can write down what the fuck he likes and its nothing to do with you Mr bully and know it all.hahaha - you need to learn to read. i never told anyone not to speak - i said they should be accurate. secondly - you moron - it was marknow who told me to shhhh - and if you're calling me "Mr Know It All" - just because i know stuff you don't then that makes everyone on this site a genius compared to you Why do you bother? :P |
BETA215 04.12.2014 14:54 |
The Real Wizard 04.12.2014 15:34 |
Oscar J wrote:It turns out they actually didn't. You heard the man.gerry wrote: Real wizard: Even if zepp and sabbath had played Live Aid, Queen would still have stolen the show hands down, Freddie was magnificent on that day and no one could have stolen Freddies crown.If? Zep and Sabbath did play at Live Aid. Shhhhhhh, quiet while our resident revisionist history expert is speaking... |
The Real Wizard 04.12.2014 15:40 |
Marknow wrote: It is fair, because It's true, backed up by video evidence and comments from Bob Geldof re the difficulty the press had getting a hold of Bono, until Queen took to the stage. My comments are not performance related in any way, I am just pointing out the fact that Bono premeditated his actions and timed his interview to coincide with Queens performance thinking he would have the live feed.I'm still not convinced. It's not like Bono spent all day watching all the other bands, realized they all sucked, and then thought, "bang, Queen is about to steal the show and create music history - time to put on my red bow tie and recite that poetry I've been working on." There are so many legitimate ways to take a dig at Bono, but this just ain't one of them. |
Stelios 04.12.2014 15:45 |
Well, Bono is the bomb. There is so much negative energy associated with his persona, that a post involving him soon turns to a riot. |
Marknow 04.12.2014 16:00 |
The Real Wizard wrote:Marknow wrote: It is fair, because It's true, backed up by video evidence and comments from Bob Geldof re the difficulty the press had getting a hold of Bono, until Queen took to the stage. My comments are not performance related in any way, I am just pointing out the fact that Bono premeditated his actions and timed his interview to coincide with Queens performance thinking he would have the live feed.I'm still not convinced. It's not like Bono spent all day watching all the other bands, realized they all sucked, and then thought, "bang, Queen is about to steal the show and create music history - time to put on my red bow tie and recite that poetry I've been working on." There are so many legitimate ways to take a dig at Bono, but this just ain't one of them. I am not trying to say that Bono knew Queen would have a great set, I am not saying that Bono studied other bands. Bono timed his interview for the exact time he knew was allotted to Queen. He had promised a live interview to the jouralists and tv crews. He went missing after his performance for some hours and only reappeared for his supposed live interview as Queen took to the stage. He wanted to be live on tv while Queen were playing but the BBC showed Queen instead of giving him his talked about live interview. Not because he somehow mystically knew Queen were going to have a good set, but to fuck them exposure wise, to take their moment of attention on the worlds stage. I really wish I could find this freaking video... Radio Ga Ga is playing in the background. Here he is being interviewed by Paul Gambaccini minutes after the interview I have mentioned You can clearly hear Queen on stage in the background. |
flash00. 04.12.2014 17:07 |
gerry wrote: Doris Day lmao Sure I read somewhere Freddie did not like Bono... Going by how Freddie grabbed his arm I think its more than likely true, something about he hated how U2 used there band as a platform for politics. With regards to Bono and his HIV video he can't exactly say no to doing it and in over twenty years that's the first time I can think of he has said anything positive about Freddie, just my opinion I think there is a ton of jealousy on Bono's part. It must piss him off keep seeing Freddie and Queen keep being voted best singer or band in the UK and so on. It's amusing to see how hated Bono is around the world and for what it's worth I think he is a narcissistic corporate whore. Brenski: why are you so full of shit and self worth? you think your right all the time and others are NOT allowed there actual opinion, who the fuck do you think you are Doris Day? Now your telling "marknow" not to say things unless proven 100% right. I have news for you, Mark can write down what the fuck he likes and its nothing to do with you Mr bully and know it all. |
tomchristie22 04.12.2014 20:00 |
gerry wrote: Even if zepp and sabbath had played Live Aid,Lol. It seriously would've taken you 5 seconds to google it and find out if they did before making your post. |
The Real Wizard 04.12.2014 20:20 |
Marknow wrote: Bono timed his interview for the exact time he knew was allotted to Queen. He had promised a live interview to the jouralists and tv crews. He went missing after his performance for some hours and only reappeared for his supposed live interview as Queen took to the stage. He wanted to be live on tv while Queen were playing but the BBC showed Queen instead of giving him his talked about live interview. Not because he somehow mystically knew Queen were going to have a good set, but to fuck them exposure wise, to take their moment of attention on the worlds stage.But why Queen and not some other band? Queen were just another band on the bill. They weren't highly anticipated. Their popularity wasn't what it was a few years prior, and they were getting a ton of bad press. Try not to see it in retrospect. On the day of Live Aid nobody was bracing themselves for Queen. It was only *after* Live Aid that Queen's set seemed to matter more than any of the other bigger bands on the day. Zeppelin were way more heavily anticipated. In fact, I'd say their appearance at Live Aid was the most anticipated rock performance ever at the time. If Bono was going to be a douchezilla it would've been during Zeppelin's set at JFK, not Queen's at Wembley. |
Doga 04.12.2014 21:34 |
Queen were musically better than most of the bands who played at Live Aid. Is very possible Bono identified Queen as his rivals that day, or maybe him doing the interviews at that time is just a random happenstance. Both things can be. In case affirmative is just another trick, everyone uses it, like Queen playing louder than the other bands at Wembley. Is not like i defend Bono, is subjetive, of course, but there is something negative in him, the kind of person i wouldn't want near. And his music is subpar, the real talent behind U2 is Edge. |
RafaelS 04.12.2014 21:40 |
The Real Wizard wrote: ^ that's just not fair. Live Aid had an incredible lineup of bands, many of whom were way more popular than Queen at the time and, in some cases, playing for the first time in years, and thus way more highly anticipated. 1985 was not exactly Queen's shining hour July 12 and earlier. It's not Bono's fault that most of those bands sucked, leaving Queen, by comparison, as the best band of the day. Live Aid could've been known as the day that both Zeppelin and Sabbath rocked the world again, but that's not exactly how it turned out...Yeah it's fair. Bono acted like an ass that day. Bottom line. |
The Real Wizard 04.12.2014 22:00 |
Doga wrote: Is not like i defend Bono, is subjetive, of course, but there is something negative in him, the kind of person i wouldn't want near.He has his many flaws, no doubt - but he did create that fair trade clothing company in Africa called Edun. That alone is worth a thousand standing ovations. That was a huge step forward in the third world. |
gerry 05.12.2014 04:20 |
You mean poor african people getting paid a peanuts for a hard days graft????? Bono used to take the piss out of freddie, but at the end of the day he may have now matured to understand that freddie was the biggest male singer in the 80s with this amazing voice & Queen better than U2 any day of the week! |
GERRYISADICK 05.12.2014 05:10 |
gerry wrote: Real wizard: Even if zepp and sabbath had played Live Aid, Queen would still have stolen the show hands down, Freddie was magnificent on that day and no one could have stolen Freddies crown.Really? What if Lennon was alive and the beatles reunited? Queen would be a footnote |
Oscar J 05.12.2014 05:15 |
gerry wrote: You mean poor african people getting paid a peanuts for a hard days graft????? Bono used to take the piss out of freddie, but at the end of the day he may have now matured to understand that freddie was the biggest male singer in the 80s with this amazing voice & Queen better than U2 any day of the week! |
cmsdrums 05.12.2014 06:11 |
Jefffabiano wrote:..and if Elvis were still alive and toured then The Beatles would be a footnote, etc..etc...etcgerry wrote: Real wizard: Even if zepp and sabbath had played Live Aid, Queen would still have stolen the show hands down, Freddie was magnificent on that day and no one could have stolen Freddies crown.Really? What if Lennon was alive and the beatles reunited? Queen would be a footnote |
Nitroboy 05.12.2014 07:34 |
Marknow wrote: Have to say I was impressed with Bono for doing the recent promo, he actually seemed genuine in it. I don't feel like punching him anymore... Funny, because to me, he didn't seem genuine/honest at all. |
Pingfah 05.12.2014 08:27 |
gerry wrote: You mean poor african people getting paid a peanuts for a hard days graft????? Bono used to take the piss out of freddie, but at the end of the day he may have now matured to understand that freddie was the biggest male singer in the 80s with this amazing voice & Queen better than U2 any day of the week!I absolutely guarantee you that Bono does not think Queen are better than U2. |
Vocal harmony 05.12.2014 09:57 |
gerry wrote: Real wizard: Even if zepp and sabbath had played Live Aid, Queen would still have stolen the show hands down, Freddie was magnificent on that day and no one could have stolen Freddies crown.You blinkered twat. Your memory of Live Aid probably goes no further than Freddie's white vest. In fact that's all you probably saw on the day. . . . Let's face it if someone had resurrected Jimi Hendrix and he'd appeared at Live Aid you wouldn't have noticed |
The Real Wizard 05.12.2014 11:37 |
gerry wrote: You mean poor african people getting paid a peanuts for a hard days graft?????No, you blithering fool. Again and again and again, your ignorance is staggering. I said *FAIR TRADE*. Use the internet. Find out what it means. Process the new information. Reflect. And then comment. |
Marknow 05.12.2014 12:39 |
This place is nuts! :P |
AlbaNo1 06.12.2014 04:59 |
Bono has been snidey about Queen and Freddie in the past. I think its fairly likely that when they were getting into music in Dublin in the late 70s inspired by the likes of The Ramones and the UK punk bands , Queen would have been perceived as the epitome establishment British band and, in a sense, the enemy. And for a right on guy like Bono , a member of Artists Against Apartheid , Queen playing Sun City was probably the ultimate faux pas that any rock band could make. I also dont see how Queen were in some way out of favour at the time of Live Aid, they were one of the major bands in the line up. The Works album was a smash not long before, and Greatest Hits was permanently in the charts. So Queen were serious rivals from the generation before and probably the antithesis of how Bono viewed U2 to be. In short, I dont doubt he is genuine about his charity work, but there is no way Bono ever liked Queen. |
Heavenite 06.12.2014 05:28 |
My recollection is Queen were not as big as they'd been. And that's despite the success of Radio Ga Ga and The Works. My feeling was that people outside the fan base for a group didn't get to hear their music the way they do now. So when Queen played Live Aid, the world stood up and took notice. They put some of the more respected bands to shame IMO and many others' of course as well. It's also when the critics pretty much had to buckle under and largely stop dissing Queen or face irrelevance. |
AlbaNo1 06.12.2014 08:13 |
Yes they definitely went back up a level in profile at Live Aid and the band have said they were rejuvenated by it. But in perspective The Works was the 10th best selling album in UK for 1984 and three of the seven Live Aid songs were taken from it, it was hardly a return from obscurity. Even Queens rehearsals were shown on the BBC Six o Clock News., Howard Jones , Sade and Nik Kershaw were among the competition that day, not to mention the Boomtown Rats. Queen were obviously going to nail it, but maybe not quite as dramatically as the did. |
brENsKi 06.04.2020 10:22 |
Marknow wrote: Bono timed his interview for the exact time he knew was allotted to Queen. He had promised a live interview to the jouralists and tv crews. He went missing after his performance for some hours and only reappeared for his supposed live interview as Queen took to the stage. He wanted to be live on tv while Queen were playing but the BBC showed Queen instead of giving him his talked about live interview. Not because he somehow mystically knew Queen were going to have a good set, but to fuck them exposure wise, to take their moment of attention on the worlds stage.just stumbled across this while looking for something else. something about Marknow's statement just didn't ring true. so i re-checked. 17:19 U2 18:41 Queen so, logically - U2 left stage at 17:40. Queen - Radio Gaga - 18:45 he did not going missing for "hours" after his set. at most he probably had 1 whole hour post gig to: clean up, have a drink, something to eat, and prepare for interview. there were no Bono Shenanigans, he probably had 15 minutes of "going missing" as you call it. |
pittrek 06.04.2020 10:37 |
This is the full Live Aid timeline link |