DQ1 23.11.2014 01:14 |
Hi everybody, There's a new Dutch Queen documentary that will air this Sunday on the Dutch tv-channel 192TV. Can anyone record this and put it on Youtube or the download section of Queenzone? Youtube trailer link = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1J-RJo-Tw8&feature=youtu.be QUEEN FOREVER in Holland This is the First big Dutch Queen tv special. The Netherlands were always in love with Queen from the early beginning period of the band. This documentary was made by Queen fan Sikke van der Veen : “when we started this idea, I knew it had to be a projection of their success in my country. There are already so many documentaries made about Queen, so we had to do something new. I guess this is the first time it is done by this, it helped a lot that in The Netherlands a lot of footage was shot when the band came down for a visit”. The documentary will show a lot of unique Dutch recorded footage , some never seen before. “some footages are really great, when we started digging all those archives at the tv stations, we were thrilled to find some unbroadcasted stuff, and some 16mm film cans with thrilling content. We carefully restored the old fragile film reels, some were in poor condition. It is a pleasure to see these footages in this quality.” The documentary will feature interviews with famous Dutchies who had something to do with the band. The Dutch concert promotor reveals a unique fact about their live period. “We received only positive reactions to our promo dvd, everyone liked it.It is satisfying for the die hard Queenfan , and fun to watch for anyone who happens to “like” Queen. This is my personal tribute to the band” |
winterspelt 23.11.2014 02:33 |
Well, it was made by some Queenzone members, there are a few posts about that possibility in another threads in this forum. For those of us who live at the other side of the world it would be amazing but, TBH, given the fact that they spend their money, I think it would be better if they can get some money back first. |
zippo112 23.11.2014 05:45 |
I totally agree with you winterspelt ...they spend money and time into doing this one...they deserve to get some money back... I mean insted of sitting on their asses waiting for rare material to turn up..they decided to get them and share them in the form of a doc...for that...RESPECT!!! |
DQ1 23.11.2014 09:47 |
You're both right, a DVD would be nice. On the other hand it's on public television and anyone can record it. Sharing it is another matter, maybe they can distribute it digital through a website to make some return on their investment/effort. Selling it to other tv-stations is also very profitable. |
kosimodo 23.11.2014 10:00 |
I have a friend recording it.. |
bokkepoot 23.11.2014 10:27 |
I'm recording it too tonight. But i'm also wrestling with the same feelings what winterspelt has said. |
DepeX 23.11.2014 11:19 |
Yes, you are right. But you should think that there are loads of Queen fans, out of the Netherlands. |
zippo112 23.11.2014 12:10 |
i think that if they say its ok to share the doc share it...if not..respect their work:) |
Kuijpy 23.11.2014 13:18 |
Only a few people in Holland has 192TV so not all the Dutch fans can see it. |
thomasquinn 32989 23.11.2014 13:23 |
They could set up a PayPal account and receive donations from fans, I suppose. |
musicland munich 23.11.2014 13:38 |
Please if there is someone who record the show - that would be fine. remember the three hour german TV-documentary 40 Jahre Queen ( without TV ads) still hasn't seen a proper international release on any TV-station or DVD with english subtitles in full. |
kosimodo 23.11.2014 13:45 |
Days of our live was also recoeded for me from bbc... i happily bought the bluray afterwards... |
JackTorrance 23.11.2014 14:54 |
Kuijpy wrote: Only a few people in Holland has 192TV so not all the Dutch fans can see it.yes you're right... it is pay-tv... i cannot see it either :-( Hope i can watch it soon! a recording would be appreciated! thanks in advance! (alvast bedankt) |
bokkepoot 23.11.2014 16:17 |
I have seen this beautiful documentary. Full of new video's, outtakes and interviews. Sadly my decoder with HD has decided to stop after 20 minutes........ I would love that that stupid thing just does his thing when I press on record and to do again the right thing afterwards when I press on stop....... Lucky tomorow I will have another chance to record it. |
TomP63 23.11.2014 17:26 |
Here's the link: link Fill in the password which is mercury192 ENJOY! |
inu-liger 23.11.2014 19:36 |
Yeah, licensing this for a commercial DVD would be very cost prohibitive, because of all the separate licenses and copyright clearances involved. I don't think it's a problem to share this here. As far as PayPal donations, it's a kind gesture for sure, but you'd have to ask Sikke (Ghost with a Smile) about that :) It's one thing that we ran the Indiegogo campaign already, and I don't think we'd want to be asking for money again ;) |
tomchristie22 23.11.2014 20:08 |
Nice documentary and great quality footage, thanks all involved! A question - what show is the live clip of Somebody to Love from? It's mislabeled as Ahoy Rotterdam 1982. |
Nitroboy 23.11.2014 21:54 |
tomchristie22 wrote: Nice documentary and great quality footage, thanks all involved! A question - what show is the live clip of Somebody to Love from? It's mislabeled as Ahoy Rotterdam 1982.It's actually Rotterdam 1977 :) Great job on the documentary, a shame you couldn't secure more funding. |
Dubroc 24.11.2014 02:01 |
Ernst Daniël Smit makes a disturbing fact mistake... |
TomP63 24.11.2014 02:09 |
Dubroc, not only makes Smid a disturbing fact mistake, his whole story of Bohemian Rhapsody is utter crap. Besided that, You Take My Breath Away on a Night At The Opera. But Erik de Zwart, made a few mistakes. But nevertheless it is quite an enjoyable documentary! Tom |
tomchristie22 24.11.2014 02:32 |
Could you briefly say what the mistake and his Bo Rhap story are? I don't speak Dutch, and didn't have subtitles. |
TomP63 24.11.2014 02:43 |
Well Tom, He Smid that is, is trying to unwrap the story behind Rhapsody, like many people before that have tried. There is no unwrapping as Freddie more than once stated that he was working on three songs which merge into..... yep. But Smid thinks that Freddie was on a bad trip, drug related, he speaks about the intro, the close harmony part (is this the real life). He, Smid that is, thinks that it is Freddie who is struggling with life. Smid tries to figure out why there are so many things, and refference in the Opera section. Italian bits, Moslim pieces. I must admit Smid speaks about Rhapsody and Queen in great respect. A pity that he ends his tale by saying that You Take My Breath Away is another gem on the Opera. The funny bit is, after Smid Freddie speaks about BoRap and there is thé answer..... Tom |
brians wig 24.11.2014 03:31 |
TomP63 wrote: Here's the link: link Fill in the password which is mercury192 ENJOY!Cheers Tom! Got that downloaded :) A proper TV recording would still be appreciated though folks, if any of you have one :) Don't suppose anyone can rip transmission streams? |
Stelios 24.11.2014 04:53 |
Thanks Tom!!! Any possibility we could watch this with english subtitles? That would be great ! |
alberbal12 24.11.2014 05:14 |
Stelios wrote: Thanks Tom!!! Any possibility we could watch this with english subtitles? That would be great !+1, dutch language is like an extra-terrestial language for me! |
inu-liger 24.11.2014 06:14 |
At least now I can have the honour of saying I got "dicked over" by Freddie ;) (when you get it...) |
Barry Durex 24.11.2014 06:34 |
TomP63 wrote: Here's the link: link Fill in the password which is mercury192 ENJOY!Thanks, but the link does not work? just get a black screen. |
inu-liger 24.11.2014 06:36 |
Works fine for me ^ |
Barry Durex 24.11.2014 06:45 |
inu-liger wrote: Works fine for me ^As soon as I press play I get a black screen, there is also a ''Sorry, no videos found'' message at the top. Next try it said: Either it was deleted or it never existed in the first place. Such are the mysteries of the Internet. |
Ghostwithasmile is BACK! 24.11.2014 06:52 |
it is deleted now : 13.50 cet / 12.50 gmt It went off |
Barry Durex 24.11.2014 06:52 |
Ghostwithasmile is BACK! wrote: it is deleted now : 13.50 cet / 12.50 gmt It went offI see? |
Stelios 24.11.2014 06:54 |
inu-liger wrote: At least now I can have the honour of saying I got "dicked over" by Freddie ;) (when you get it...)something to do with the final footage (making of Play The Game) with Freddie " fixing his crotch" ??? |
Barry Durex 24.11.2014 06:54 |
Perhaps somebody would be kind enough to upload the file? |
Stelios 24.11.2014 06:57 |
Barry Durex wrote: Either it was deleted or it never existed in the first place. Such are the mysteries of the Internet.It was deleted. I watched 2 hours ago. Now there is nothing on that link. |
Ghostwithasmile is BACK! 24.11.2014 07:57 |
TomP63 wrote: Well Tom, He Smid that is, is trying to unwrap the story behind Rhapsody, like many people before that have tried. There is no unwrapping as Freddie more than once stated that he was working on three songs which merge into..... yep. But Smid thinks that Freddie was on a bad trip, drug related, he speaks about the intro, the close harmony part (is this the real life). He, Smid that is, thinks that it is Freddie who is struggling with life. Smid tries to figure out why there are so many things, and refference in the Opera section. Italian bits, Moslim pieces. I must admit Smid speaks about Rhapsody and Queen in great respect. A pity that he ends his tale by saying that You Take My Breath Away is another gem on the Opera. The funny bit is, after Smid Freddie speaks about BoRap and there is thé answer..... TomYeah mistake or not. For me as a director, we didn't influenced any of the people being interviewed. We loved to use every first take of those interviews, so we left it. Because that was a mirror of "their" personal expierence ... E.g. we told Smid afterwards it waqs the Races album he was reffering to. |Though the tour of the Miracle by the promotor is 100% real. He gave us the contracts, terms and conditions venue plans, makreting plans etc. So that one is legit for a 1000% There were even articles about a Rotterdam stadium concert for 1989, as many people can confirm. Hell that was for me a great story. This shows that it was a well kept secret about Fm his disease. |
Kuijpy 24.11.2014 08:12 |
I Can't see it anymore |
dastard 24.11.2014 08:48 |
I have been trying to download it all afternoon but i am not able too, no matter what program. It is opened in my browser (IE) so i can still fully play it. In my cache however, i find a 300+mb DAT file, i have tried to rename it to mp4, but it won't play...any ideas ?! |
DepeX 24.11.2014 09:00 |
Sikke, check your PM inbox :) |
Self Made Man 24.11.2014 09:01 |
Here it is: https://mega.co.nz/#!9I8A1aoK!YX7FVGkkRuscFmfpKvLAURe54UNrNPMZQwQGTfOgTbU |
Barry Durex 24.11.2014 09:04 |
^ Thank you. |
MackMantilla 24.11.2014 09:08 |
Self Made Man wrote: Here it is: https://mega.co.nz/#!9I8A1aoK!YX7FVGkkRuscFmfpKvLAURe54UNrNPMZQwQGTfOgTbUThanks a lot for the link :) |
TomP63 24.11.2014 10:07 |
Sikke, kerel, ik heb genoten hoor, maar de link Ernst Daniël kan ik niet leggen. De Zwart maakt ook een klein foutje, maar weet je Sikke, dat heeft mij het plezier van genieten niet ontnomen. Ik dank je heel hartelijk voor Queen in Nederland! Tom |
Ghostwithasmile is BACK! 24.11.2014 10:39 |
Shame we couldn;t do the promo clips afterwards. I really hope people noticed the "Nazi"version of Innuendo and the other hidden hints... |
Marknow 24.11.2014 11:31 |
I |
Queenman!! 24.11.2014 12:36 |
Loved the documentary.. Thanks.. Was all this footage from the original reels? Seems Some could be from YouTube ...? Remember to have à copy from Ahoy 1977 somewhere with à few minutes. Got it from technical engineer from the NOS back in THE ninetees . Recall death on two legs ... THE background music of THE doc was too loud when people were interviewed. Small thing though |
Ghostwithasmile is BACK! 24.11.2014 12:53 |
queenman!! 12321 wrote: Loved the documentary.. Thanks.. Was all this footage from the original reels? Seems Some could be from YouTube ...? Remember to have à copy from Ahoy 1977 somewhere with à few minutes. Got it from technical engineer from the NOS back in THE ninetees . Recall death on two legs ... THE background music of THE doc was too loud when people were interviewed. Small thing thoughI am so sorry but the Rotterdam 77 has nothing to do with the fucking Nederlandse Omroep Stichting (NOS). So you are sooooo wrong! The Rotterdam reels are 2 of them 16mm of them. Recorded by the famous camera man... and no where EVER in the hands of the NOS... don't talk about the brown stuff on this website... because I am still awaiting critical reviews... I am hoping for them the last 24 hrs.... Don;t talk bull shit or hoard anything about a camera man which does not excist from the Nederlandse Omroep Stichting (NOS) , they had nothing to do with rotterdam 77. So don't fucking hoard another Hangman acetate! |
Barry Durex 24.11.2014 13:11 |
Have another beer Sikke. |
brians wig 24.11.2014 14:01 |
Well, since you asked for it a critical review Sikke.... I could be a typical fan and moan about the shortness of the rare clips and that the Rotterdam 1982 label is STILL wrong after it was first noticed and pointed out on the promo advert what seems like ages ago, but instead I'll stick to a purely technical aspect of it and the only criticism I have: The Killer Queen piano towards the start of the programme is TOO loud from the left channel and VERY annoying, making it harder to hear what people are saying. Also, from my perspective, there's nothing worse than a documentary where music plays constantly in the background. Thankfully this didn't last, although there were again a few moments later where music played unnecessarily over archive interview clips. That aside, I thoroughly enjoyed watching it despite not speaking a word of Dutch myself. As a fan, it is, yet again, frustrating to know that there is more footage that wasn't used, but that, sadly, is the lot of a documentary. Thank you for researching and producing something new that contains unseen material :) |
pittrek 24.11.2014 14:51 |
I enjoyed it, but I agree about the 1982 label - what was the correct date? But seeing the new clips was great, I wish I understood Dutch :) |
Holly2003 24.11.2014 14:56 |
Ghostwithasmile is BACK! wrote:I think you must've gone to the Greg Brooks school of public relations.queenman!! 12321 wrote: Loved the documentary.. Thanks.. Was all this footage from the original reels? Seems Some could be from YouTube ...? Remember to have à copy from Ahoy 1977 somewhere with à few minutes. Got it from technical engineer from the NOS back in THE ninetees . Recall death on two legs ... THE background music of THE doc was too loud when people were interviewed. Small thing thoughI am so sorry but the Rotterdam 77 has nothing to do with the fucking Nederlandse Omroep Stichting (NOS). So you are sooooo wrong! The Rotterdam reels are 2 of them 16mm of them. Recorded by the famous camera man... and no where EVER in the hands of the NOS... don't talk about the brown stuff on this website... because I am still awaiting critical reviews... I am hoping for them the last 24 hrs.... Don;t talk bull shit or hoard anything about a camera man which does not excist from the Nederlandse Omroep Stichting (NOS) , they had nothing to do with rotterdam 77. So don't fucking hoard another Hangman acetate! |
inu-liger 24.11.2014 15:26 |
OK can we please not get into a slew of personal attacks everybody? Let's keep focused here :) |
Kuijpy 24.11.2014 15:51 |
I think its really too short, and i've seen everything that I know.. The German (40 jahre Queen), that was a really nice docu with new footage. But better this than nothing. |
Ghostwithasmile is BACK! 24.11.2014 16:28 |
queenman!! 12321 wrote: Loved the documentary.. Thanks.. Was all this footage from the original reels? Seems Some could be from YouTube ...? Remember to have à copy from Ahoy 1977 somewhere with à few minutes. Got it from technical engineer from the NOS back in THE ninetees . Recall death on two legs ... THE background music of THE doc was too loud when people were interviewed. Small thing thoughSorry my first reply was a little to much. Well there is nothing in the hands of the NOS from Rotterdamn 77 since it was recorded by Veronica and it was in Sbs-telemedia (Telegraaf) archive. So no NOS for sure.didn't want to makensuch a harsh reply but after 4 months of research I am pretty sure there is no such thing. |
winterspelt 24.11.2014 16:29 |
Ok, thanks for sharing it! Also thanks for all the QZers that did the documentary! Some stuff was totally new for me, so I thank you for all that! Many people will complain about the use of the same footage over and over again. I want to remind those people that Queen were famous for not giving too much interviews (compared to other artists) and its hard for someone in, lets say Netherlands, come to Mexico and try to get the interviews the band did for the mexican TV (in case they did any, which I dont know) or having a Japanese guy flying all the way to Venezuela to do the same... Still, I want to ask a question: Why did it end with Freddie's death? Why not going a lot far? I know it may be mentioned in the video but since I dont speak dutch, I could not understand! |
Ghostwithasmile is BACK! 24.11.2014 16:33 |
Kuijpy wrote: I think its really too short, and i've seen everything that I know.. The German (40 jahre Queen), that was a really nice docu with new footage. But better this than nothing.Agree we needed to cut it down from 130+'mins to 60 the broadcast still was 65 mins. Yes the German docu was great but it is to me only a version of Days Of Our Lives with some German interviews insersted. I remember watching it the day of the broadcast I fel a sleep after 150 mins without seeing new footage. When I woke up everyone mentioned the These Are The Days Of Our Lives footage that was for me the only new bit of footage. |
Ghostwithasmile is BACK! 24.11.2014 16:35 |
winterspelt wrote: Ok, thanks for sharing it! Also thanks for all the QZers that did the documentary! Some stuff was totally new for me, so I thank you for all that! Many people will complain about the use of the same footage over and over again. I want to remind those people that Queen were famous for not giving too much interviews (compared to other artists) and its hard for someone in, lets say Netherlands, come to Mexico and try to get the interviews the band did for the mexican TV (in case they did any, which I dont know) or having a Japanese guy flying all the way to Venezuela to do the same... Still, I want to ask a question: Why did it end with Freddie's death? Why not going a lot far? I know it may be mentioned in the video but since I dont speak dutch, I could not understand!1 lack of funds 2 general public doesn't care about Q + PR though we had great pro shots from these shows |
Ghostwithasmile is BACK! 24.11.2014 16:38 |
And nothing was from youtube : some from VHS or a predecessor of this format Philips VRC. E.g we wanted the 20.00 hrs news from Nov 25th but that wasn't saved in any format. Only the items footage was saved not the announcement by Harmen Siezen |
Ghostwithasmile is BACK! 24.11.2014 16:45 |
pittrek wrote: I enjoyed it, but I agree about the 1982 label - what was the correct date? But seeing the new clips was great, I wish I understood Dutch :)At the TV broadcast it was labeled correct : may 1977 The link showed a rough version without logo's and subtitles and skme further errors : faul frames, wrong inserts though 99,9% the same. |
people on streets 24.11.2014 17:24 |
Do you still have copies of all the footage? Pity you can never share it. |
musicland munich 24.11.2014 18:48 |
Well, first of all Thank You for keeping the spirit alive and put some work and maybe some finacial risks in that project. A real critical review isn't possible for me cause I can do only assumption on the Dutch language...:) There are some questions about the possible deal about Rotterdam 89' ...actually not that surprising to me...the rumor spread around here ocassionally since a few years, the same counts for a possible appearance of the band at "Wetten Dass"( German TV-Show) in 89'. They were announced by the host and billed in TV-Magazines as guests. Of course it turned out that there was nothing but "hot air" in the end. But again thanks. |
people on streets 25.11.2014 05:01 |
This whole docu is just a very smart move of its creators to get their hands on great pro shot footage. Well done! Hope you didn't have to pay too much! Will you ever trade the footage? Maybe only with people like Greg Brooks? He has enough rarities to offer/leak. :) |
Queenman!! 25.11.2014 07:19 |
Ghostwithasmile is BACK! wrote:============================queenman!! 12321 wrote: Loved the documentary.. Thanks.. Was all this footage from the original reels? Seems Some could be from YouTube ...? Remember to have à copy from Ahoy 1977 somewhere with à few minutes. Got it from technical engineer from the NOS back in THE ninetees . Recall death on two legs ... THE background music of THE doc was too loud when people were interviewed. Small thing thoughI am so sorry but the Rotterdam 77 has nothing to do with the fucking Nederlandse Omroep Stichting (NOS). So you are sooooo wrong! The Rotterdam reels are 2 of them 16mm of them. Recorded by the famous camera man... and no where EVER in the hands of the NOS... don't talk about the brown stuff on this website... because I am still awaiting critical reviews... I am hoping for them the last 24 hrs.... Don;t talk bull shit or hoard anything about a camera man which does not excist from the Nederlandse Omroep Stichting (NOS) , they had nothing to do with rotterdam 77. So don't fucking hoard another Hangman acetate! Hey man... chill out! This is about 22 years ago wjhen i saw the footage for the last time.I had a few minutes of footage from that era. Seem to remember Freddie wore the green.orange leotard, just like Earls Court. But the footage came from the archives of the NOS. and yes it could be another place in the Netherlands where Queen performed A no... it was no camera man but the technical director of the archive and program department. Must find a way to contact him for the right info. |
Queenman!! 25.11.2014 07:22 |
brians wig wrote: Well, since you asked for it a critical review Sikke.... I could be a typical fan and moan about the shortness of the rare clips and that the Rotterdam 1982 label is STILL wrong after it was first noticed and pointed out on the promo advert what seems like ages ago, but instead I'll stick to a purely technical aspect of it and the only criticism I have: The Killer Queen piano towards the start of the programme is TOO loud from the left channel and VERY annoying, making it harder to hear what people are saying. Also, from my perspective, there's nothing worse than a documentary where music plays constantly in the background. Thankfully this didn't last, although there were again a few moments later where music played unnecessarily over archive interview clips. That aside, I thoroughly enjoyed watching it despite not speaking a word of Dutch myself. As a fan, it is, yet again, frustrating to know that there is more footage that wasn't used, but that, sadly, is the lot of a documentary. Thank you for researching and producing something new that contains unseen material :)======================= True about the background music.... way too loud and annoying.Can imagine Kroon Media added music in the background as for copying reasons and make it more difficult spreading this content on You tube and Ebay etc. Futher than that. totally awesome documentary |
Ghostwithasmile is BACK! 25.11.2014 07:24 |
queenman!! 12321 wrote:Hi sorry man , I over reacted. Couldn't edit anymore since I was ready quoted. But sorry for being harsh.Ghostwithasmile is BACK! wrote:============================ Hey man... chill out! This is about 22 years ago wjhen i saw the footage for the last time.I had a few minutes of footage from that era. Seem to remember Freddie wore the green.orange leotard, just like Earls Court. But the footage came from the archives of the NOS. and yes it could be another place in the Netherlands where Queen performed A no... it was no camera man but the technical director of the archive and program department. Must find a way to contact him for the right info.queenman!! 12321 wrote: Loved the documentary.. Thanks.. Was all this footage from the original reels? Seems Some could be from YouTube ...? Remember to have à copy from Ahoy 1977 somewhere with à few minutes. Got it from technical engineer from the NOS back in THE ninetees . Recall death on two legs ... THE background music of THE doc was too loud when people were interviewed. Small thing thoughI am so sorry but the Rotterdam 77 has nothing to do with the fucking Nederlandse Omroep Stichting (NOS). So you are sooooo wrong! The Rotterdam reels are 2 of them 16mm of them. Recorded by the famous camera man... and no where EVER in the hands of the NOS... don't talk about the brown stuff on this website... because I am still awaiting critical reviews... I am hoping for them the last 24 hrs.... Don;t talk bull shit or hoard anything about a camera man which does not excist from the Nederlandse Omroep Stichting (NOS) , they had nothing to do with rotterdam 77. So don't fucking hoard another Hangman acetate! Well what you describe could only be Rotterdam 1978, at least the leotard. Do you still have the VHS ? |
Barry Durex 25.11.2014 07:32 |
I enjoyed seeing the footage very much even though I did not understand most of what was said. Thank you Sikke, and also to everyone else involved. |
Queenman!! 25.11.2014 08:33 |
Ghostwithasmile is BACK! wrote:================queenman!! 12321 wrote:Hi sorry man , I over reacted. Couldn't edit anymore since I was ready quoted. But sorry for being harsh. Well what you describe could only be Rotterdam 1978, at least the leotard. Do you still have the VHS ?Ghostwithasmile is BACK! wrote:============================ Hey man... chill out! This is about 22 years ago when I saw the footage for the last time.I had a few minutes of footage from that era. Seem to remember Freddie wore the green.orange leotard, just like Earls Court. But the footage came from the archives of the NOS, ....and yes it could be another place in the Netherlands where Queen performed. A no... it was no camera man but the technical director of the archive and program department. Must find a way to contact him for the right info.queenman!! 12321 wrote: Loved the documentary.. Thanks.. Was all this footage from the original reels? Seems Some could be from YouTube ...? Remember to have à copy from Ahoy 1977 somewhere with à few minutes. Got it from technical engineer from the NOS back in THE ninetees . Recall death on two legs ... THE background music of THE doc was too loud when people were interviewed. Small thing thoughI am so sorry but the Rotterdam 77 has nothing to do with the fucking Nederlandse Omroep Stichting (NOS). So you are sooooo wrong! The Rotterdam reels are 2 of them 16mm of them. Recorded by the famous camera man... and no where EVER in the hands of the NOS... don't talk about the brown stuff on this website... because I am still awaiting critical reviews... I am hoping for them the last 24 hrs.... Don;t talk bull shit or hoard anything about a camera man which does not excist from the Nederlandse Omroep Stichting (NOS) , they had nothing to do with rotterdam 77. So don't fucking hoard another Hangman acetate! Ik zal mijn best doen, is een lange tijd geleden en ben inmiddels 2 keer verhuisd; banden van Queen liggen bij ouders, zal van de week een poging doen.Heb veel banden van Marjan en Rinus Walstijn en ik geloof ook nog een paar opnames van Frank Palstra...die destijds de footage voor de Fanclubdagen verzorgde. will do my best to contact him.Vhs tapes of Queen are at my parents house. Got a lot of VHS tapes from Rinus and Marjan of the Queen fanclub conventions; will give it a try coming week to locate the VHS tape. |
Isle0fRed 25.11.2014 09:02 |
This is my first post in a very long time. I'm currently watching this documentary whilst at work, since my only speaking and listening tongue is English, I'm running the documentary in the background only checking up on it every now again (i.e when new archive footage appears) I will say from documentary and academic perspective; watching this reminded me a lot of my university days as the production work (i.e editing, narrative etc) was very amateur throughout. |
RafaelS 25.11.2014 16:12 |
Not a bad documentary, but I don't speak Dutch so it would be great to have subtitles...at least. |
Ghostwithasmile is BACK! 26.11.2014 06:57 |
people on streets wrote: This whole docu is just a very smart move of its creators to get their hands on great pro shot footage. Well done! Hope you didn't have to pay too much! Will you ever trade the footage? Maybe only with people like Greg Brooks? He has enough rarities to offer/leak. :)Indeed , the aim was that there are already so many Docu's out there. So we wanted to project their succes in The Netherlands, what really was a unique concept.People already now about their arguments after Hot Space, or how big the success was from the South American tour 81, or how their carreer went down after touring South Africa... there was no need to tell those stories again.... . And of course Queen in Holland : that goes a long with as many Dutch footage we could find/afford |
Ghostwithasmile is BACK! 26.11.2014 13:35 |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FezE2w9fsM&feature=youtu.be 15.48 mins it is corrected not Ahoy 82 |
Barry Durex 26.11.2014 16:04 |
Ghostwithasmile is BACK! wrote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FezE2w9fsM&feature=youtu.be 15.48 mins it is corrected not Ahoy 82So it was corrected on the second showing? |
akan 27.11.2014 04:05 |
I downloaded the video yesterday, still have to watch it but thanks fo sharing. |
people on streets 27.11.2014 05:21 |
Ghostwithasmile is BACK! wrote:Will you ever trade the footage? Maybe only with people like Greg Brooks? He has enough rarities to offer/leak. :)people on streets wrote: This whole docu is just a very smart move of its creators to get their hands on great pro shot footage. Well done! Hope you didn't have to pay too much! Will you ever trade the footage? Maybe only with people like Greg Brooks? He has enough rarities to offer/leak. :)Indeed , the aim was that there are already so many Docu's out there. So we wanted to project their succes in The Netherlands, what really was a unique concept.People already now about their arguments after Hot Space, or how big the success was from the South American tour 81, or how their carreer went down after touring South Africa... there was no need to tell those stories again.... . And of course Queen in Holland : that goes a long with as many Dutch footage we could find/afford |
inu-liger 27.11.2014 16:23 |
Barry Durex wrote:Yes it was.Ghostwithasmile is BACK! wrote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FezE2w9fsM&feature=youtu.be 15.48 mins it is corrected not Ahoy 82So it was corrected on the second showing? |
Barry Durex 27.11.2014 16:31 |
inu-liger wrote:Quick fix, impressive.Barry Durex wrote:Yes it was.Ghostwithasmile is BACK! wrote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FezE2w9fsM&feature=youtu.be 15.48 mins it is corrected not Ahoy 82So it was corrected on the second showing? |
Mr.QueenFan 02.12.2014 18:55 |
I'm watching it right now. Great stuff! I'm really happy that you decided to use subtitles in the Queen sections. I don't understand Dutch but i can stll enjoy the Queen interviews. It would be great to watch those Dutch interviews unedit. Fantastic stuff! And before i forget i really enjoyed Robby Valentine explanation of WATC. I don't know who he is, but i could feel his passion explaining the music. There's so much musical depth to it, specially on the left hand. Freddie Mercury was an exceptional composer. And by the way, this is the first time i heard of how Freddie composed CLTCL. I mean, i always knew he wrote in in the bath, but i've never imagined that he actualy asked for an acoustic guitar and played it in the bath. Genius! :-) Thanks again for those involved with the making of this documentary. |
Mr.QueenFan 02.12.2014 19:21 |
Ghostwithasmile is BACK! wrote: Shame we couldn;t do the promo clips afterwards. I really hope people noticed the "Nazi"version of Innuendo and the other hidden hints...That version of the video is beautiful. Thanks for that! At the time, some media stated that this video was inspired on the Iraq war that was going on. Is there a chance someone can share that video in this amazing quality? This version of the video makes an impact. Great stuff! link I hope that the complete videos release is near. |
cmsdrums 03.12.2014 06:58 |
With regard to the rare live footgae that you recovered from various sources - did you pay jsut to use this in your docuementary but the TV stations still own it, or do you now own the footage outright? Thanks |
Ghostwithasmile is BACK! 03.12.2014 08:09 |
cmsdrums wrote: With regard to the rare live footgae that you recovered from various sources - did you pay jsut to use this in your docuementary but the TV stations still own it, or do you now own the footage outright? ThanksWell to answer this one : we own some of it : and some we bought the broadcasting rights. All we got and found (even somethings that were cut out) will go to QPL it is up to them to decide the further use of these. |
Barry Durex 03.12.2014 08:20 |
Why are you giving to QPL to put in the vaults? |
Ghostwithasmile is BACK! 03.12.2014 08:51 |
Barry Durex wrote: Why are you giving to QPL to put in the vaults?Because $ |
Ghostwithasmile is BACK! 03.12.2014 09:04 |
Mr.QueenFan wrote:Ghostwithasmile is BACK! wrote: Shame we couldn;t do the promo clips afterwards. I really hope people noticed the "Nazi"version of Innuendo and the other hidden hints...That version of the video is beautiful. Thanks for that! At the time, some media stated that this video was inspired on the Iraq war that was going on. Is there a chance someone can share that video in this amazing quality? This version of the video makes an impact. Great stuff! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yvLl8eMB6E I hope that the complete videos release is near. Well cannot upload these alternate versions. But I hope you like these outtakes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2tvF0Wv-Cs&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvYkDh0SHZY&feature=youtu.be |
Barry Durex 03.12.2014 10:18 |
Ghostwithasmile is BACK! wrote:Ahhh, so you sold it not gave it?Barry Durex wrote: Why are you giving to QPL to put in the vaults?Because $ |
Ghostwithasmile is BACK! 03.12.2014 10:48 |
Barry Durex wrote:Ghostwithasmile is BACK! wrote:Ahhh, so you sold it not gave it?Barry Durex wrote: Why are you giving to QPL to put in the vaults?Because $ Wrong: We could not afford to broadcast all of that stuff. So we retrieved about 80% of the tapes. For research not for broadcast. The research tapes are copied and are off to QPL ! So no money was gained by us! This isn't a thing about money, just that we were lacking funds to broadcast it's content (due to clearing the rights) ! The $ meant it was to expensive, and QPL is the only one who could afford to use this for further purposes. |
Mr.QueenFan 03.12.2014 14:43 |
Ghostwithasmile is BACK! wrote: Well cannot upload these alternate versions. But I hope you like these outtakes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2tvF0Wv-Cs&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvYkDh0SHZY&feature=youtu.beThanks a lot! That was great and i already download it to my computer. The Innuendo video is a work of art from start to finish, and this alternate footage gives it a more epic look. Great stuff! |
cmsdrums 04.12.2014 00:41 |
Thanks for the info - you've done work retrieving these old clips that QPL should have done years ago; good work! :-) |
Supersonic_Man89 05.12.2014 04:59 |
Any English subtitles? |
Lamebert whoehahaha 29.12.2018 01:41 |
No, just Swahili subtitles |