well, my friends - I've just listened to the 3 new tracks from a 320 kbps mp3 rip, and compared with the versions we heard from the BBC radio broadcast: MUCH BETTER.
The radio compression really ruined the dynamic range. Freddie's voice is right where it should be on TMBMTLTT
Bottom line: all three sound better on Forever
They've leaked... several places online as of this morning... I wanted to hear them before spending money on it, but I'll definitely be buying. (I'm a bit of a Queen completist)
Yes, the whole album is on some site which kick[s]ass. Still, I doubt it that it's the final version, someone screwed up transfer and some parts are clearly louder on TMBMTLTT than others so one needs to be very careful while listening. The link posted by Mr Mouth goes to the same old leaked version (Radio BBC2) which you can recognise by the intro and the outro being cut so the effect of people cheering at the end is absent. The site which I've mentioned earlier has final version (more bass and Freddie is louder) but it doesn't maintain the same volume throughout the track so I personally will listen to TMBMTLTT when I'll buy the album.
I just wondered but what is the difference with the tracks that were remastered in 2014, I haven't noticed anything myself. Other than the first three which are all new mixes, originally the Amazon page stated that mixes were either from the 2011 remasters or from 2014.....
78% compressed mp3
Just listened and sounds shit and Freddies vocals are still drowned out, Jacksons voice is crystal clear and nice loud, imagine how much better this would of sounded had Mr Orbit not turned Freddies vocal down.
Jackson hardly sings on it what's the point having him on it i cant imagine loads of MJ fans rushing to buy it, it's more like a snippet.
It's basically another QPL stitch up. They couldn't even be arsed to give us proper and full stand alone versions of Nevermore and Lily of the Valley. They should just have put the three 'new' tracks out as a single or an EP and been done with it. I've bought it, for the sake of having it, but I doubt I'll even listen to most of it.
First Queen release I will not buy, just got the two "new" songs as mp3 from amazon. No way I'll ever buy anything with Michael Jackson on it. He liked little boys way too much. The duet is just an awfull remix anyway.
Plus, there's an awful mastering error in TMBMTLLT resulting in a surge of distortion at 2:09. How on earth did that get past whoever quality controls these things? Oh, wait... quality control?? At least it's a shit track I won't listen to again.
Lord Fickle wrote:
Plus, there's an awful mastering error in TMBMTLLT resulting in a surge of distortion at 2:09. How on earth did that get past whoever quality controls these things? Oh, wait... quality control?? At least it's a shit track I won't listen to again.
Lord Fickle wrote:
I've bought it, for the sake of having it, but I doubt I'll even listen to most of it.
Congratulations, you've confirmed QPL in their assumption - "the fans don't care what kind of crap we put out, they'll buy it anyway". Your attitude helps bring us more crappy releases like this. Thank you so much!
^ I didn't buy this or deep cuts.
I have all Queen and solo releases to this point.
I dont care if my collection has a hole where this sort of thing is missing.
I would have bought a cd single had it been released however.
No big loss.
Just seen the CD booklet correctly credits the writers of Love Kills as Freddie and Georgio Moroder. I'd like to know if there's a specific reason why the recent official video for it incorrectly credits Freddie as sole writer. Presumably this is just QPL's team just being totally incompetent yet again??