Doga 26.10.2014 06:05 |
The Monkey Story The experiment involved 5 monkeys, a cage, a banana, a ladder and, crucially, a water hose. The 5 monkeys would be locked in a cage, after which a banana was hung from the ceiling with, fortunately for the monkeys (or so it seemed…), a ladder placed right underneath it. Of course, immediately, one of the monkeys would race towards the ladder, intending to climb it and grab the banana. However, as soon as he would start to climb, the sadist (euphemistically called “scientist”) would spray the monkey with ice-cold water. In addition, however, he would also spray the other four monkeys… When a second monkey was about to climb the ladder, the sadist would, again, spray the monkey with ice-cold water, and apply the same treatment to its four fellow inmates; likewise for the third climber and, if they were particularly persistent (or dumb), the fourth one. Then they would have learned their lesson: they were not going to climb the ladder again – banana or no banana. In order to gain further pleasure or, I guess, prolong the experiment, the sadist outside the cage would then replace one of the monkeys with a new one. As can be expected, the new guy would spot the banana, think “why don’t these idiots go get it?!” and start climbing the ladder. Then, however, it got interesting: the other four monkeys, familiar with the cold-water treatment, would run towards the new guy – and beat him up. The new guy, blissfully unaware of the cold-water history, would get the message: no climbing up the ladder in this cage – banana or no banana. When the beast outside the cage would replace a second monkey with a new one, the events would repeat themselves – monkey runs towards the ladder; other monkeys beat him up; new monkey does not attempt to climb again – with one notable detail: the first new monkey, who had never received the cold-water treatment himself (and didn’t even know anything about it), would, with equal vigour and enthusiasm, join in the beating of the new guy on the block. When the researcher replaced a third monkey, the same thing happened; likewise for the fourth until, eventually, all the monkeys had been replaced and none of the ones in the cage had any experience or knowledge of the cold-water treatment. Then, a new monkey was introduced into the cage. It ran toward the ladder only to get beaten up by the others. Yet, this monkey turned around and asked “why do you beat me up when I try to get the banana?” The other four monkeys stopped, looked at each other slightly puzzled and, finally, shrugged their shoulders: “Don’t know. But that’s the way we do things around here”… ---------- Now my question, does this behavior remind you to some human groups who are thousands years old? They don't know why they do things but damm they will bash the monkeys who don't do the same. |
brENsKi 26.10.2014 06:36 |
almost, but not quite. 1. I honestly believe that THEY DO KNOW why they do what they do. 2. Animals don't (as far as we know) have religious beliefs - so on this footing alone - they are better than man. |
GERRYISADICK 26.10.2014 08:50 |
brENsKi wrote: almost, but not quite. 1. I honestly believe that THEY DO KNOW why they do what they do. 2. Animals don't (as far as we know) have religious beliefs - so on this footing alone - they are better than man.I hope your father and brother died horrible and painful deaths |
mooghead 26.10.2014 08:55 |
Its to do with childhood indoctrination. If you are at school and get taught the alphabet, then 2+2=4 then the world was created by a mystical sky pixie you are going to believe it as fact. Schools should teach ALL religions or none. Otherwise its just brainwashing that make people come out with the kind of sentence spoken by the god fearer in the previous post. |
GERRYISADICK 26.10.2014 08:58 |
mooghead wrote: Its to do with childhood indoctrination. If you are at school and get taught the alphabet, then 2+2=4 then the world was created by a mystical sky pixie you are going to believe it as fact. Schools should teach ALL religions or none. Otherwise its just brainwashing that make people come out with the kind of sentence spoken by the god fearer in the previous post.Mooghead you act all high and mighty but that's just an act. You are a worthless piece of garbage. I hope you burn in hell for eternity. You piece of shit son of a bitch! |
mooghead 26.10.2014 09:07 |
Threatening me with burning in hell for eternity (neither of which exist) is like threatening to beat me to death with a feather. |
GERRYISADICK 26.10.2014 09:12 |
mooghead wrote: Threatening me with burning in hell for eternity (neither of which exist) is like threatening to beat me to death with a feather.Then just FUCK OFF |
mooghead 26.10.2014 09:46 |
#thingsthegodlysay |
GERRYISADICK 26.10.2014 10:22 |
mooghead wrote: #thingsthegodlysayJust fucking DIE then! |
brENsKi 26.10.2014 11:28 |
Jefffabiano wrote:honestly??? wtf is that ^^^ for???brENsKi wrote:almost, but not quite. 1. I honestly believe that THEY DO KNOW why they do what they do. 2. Animals don't (as far as we know) have religious beliefs - so on this footing alone - they are better than man.I hope your father and brother died horrible and painful deaths btw - you are an inexcusable waste of semen, ovum and genuinely are a c*nt of unparalleled measure. I won't wish you the harm YOU continually wish me (and others) - because it appears that Mother Nature has already done this - casting enough evil, stupidity, ignorance and downright moronical banality into one subhuman, that'd she'd usually cram into a thousand of life's turds... I never ever thought I'd say this...but Gezza fella, where are you? Queenzone is missing it's regular idiot - the replacement drong you sent really isn't working out for us. |
GERRYISADICK 26.10.2014 11:31 |
brENsKi wrote:Did they horrible deaths though? Im interested? Did you kill them?Jefffabiano wrote:honestly??? wtf is that ^^^ for??? btw - you are an inexcusable waste of semen, ovum and genuinely are a c*nt of unparalleled measure. I won't wish you the harm YOU continually wish me (and others) - because it appears that Mother Nature has already done this - casting enough evil, stupidity, ignorance and downright moronical banality into one subhuman, that'd she'd usually cram into a thousand of life's turds... I never ever thought I'd say this...but Gezza fella, where are you? Queenzone is missing it's regular idiot - the replacement drong you sent really isn't working out for us.brENsKi wrote:almost, but not quite. 1. I honestly believe that THEY DO KNOW why they do what they do. 2. Animals don't (as far as we know) have religious beliefs - so on this footing alone - they are better than man.I hope your father and brother died horrible and painful deaths |
mooghead 26.10.2014 11:57 |
Jefffabiano wrote:I will one day. As will you. And that will be the end of that.mooghead wrote: #thingsthegodlysayJust fucking DIE then! |
GERRYISADICK 26.10.2014 11:59 |
mooghead wrote:Yes you will burn in hell and I shall be welcomed into the gates of heaven by the saints and martyrs !Jefffabiano wrote:I will one day. As will you. And that will be the end of that.mooghead wrote: #thingsthegodlysayJust fucking DIE then! |
mooghead 26.10.2014 12:00 |
If the above did die horrible deaths then why did your god let that happen? Doesnt he love us all? Or does he only get credit when good things happen? Thought so. Live your own life. No one is watching and no one cares. |
GERRYISADICK 26.10.2014 12:02 |
mooghead wrote: If the above did die horrible deaths then why did your god let that happen? Doesnt he love us all? Or does he only get credit when good things happen? Thought so. Live your own life. No one is watching and no one cares.The saints and martyrs died for the glory of God and Christ. He does not help people because of people like YOU! |
mooghead 26.10.2014 12:05 |
Anyone who expects others to die for their 'glory' sounds like a bit of a cunt to me. PS, the Harry Potter books are definitive proof that wizards exist. They even made a film about it and everything! |
mooghead 26.10.2014 12:08 |
Why is god giving us the whole ebola thing right now by the way? Won't he think about the children??? And you do know this website is dedicated to a band with a homosexual lead singer don't you? |
The Real Wizard 26.10.2014 13:34 |
mooghead wrote: Schools should teach ALL religions or none.I vote for none. Simplify the equation and teach kids *how* to think, not *what* to think, and the overwhelming majority will grow up fully equipped not to rely on an invisible man in the sky in the 21st century. |
The Real Wizard 26.10.2014 13:36 |
To the topic starter.. There's no place as hell. Post as you please, guilt-free. |
The Real Wizard 26.10.2014 13:38 |
brENsKi wrote: btw - you are an inexcusable waste of semen, ovum and genuinely are a c*nt of unparalleled measure. I won't wish you the harm YOU continually wish me (and others) - because it appears that Mother Nature has already done this - casting enough evil, stupidity, ignorance and downright moronical banality into one subhuman, that'd she'd usually cram into a thousand of life's turds...Poetically put, sir. Clearly we saw the Christian interpretation of "love thy neighbour" in full force. But as always, arguing with someone who has suspended rational thought is a complete waste of time and energy. You will fall on deaf ears every time. It's like trying to explain calculus to a two year old. Their brain is not equipped to process it. |
brENsKi 26.10.2014 17:09 |
edit: dbl pst |
brENsKi 26.10.2014 17:11 |
you gotta hope - nay, pray beyond reality, that, on his exit from here...the door slamming behind him, hits him so hard it actually knocks some fucking sense into him although, "lost" and "cause" spring to mind sad really, that he's been away so long - that the good citizens of Moronica have felt the need to elect a new president...still Sarah Palin makes and admirable replacement |
GERRYISADICK 26.10.2014 17:18 |
brENsKi wrote: you gotta hope - nay, pray beyond reality, that, on his exit from here...the door slamming behind him, hits him so hard it actually knocks some fucking sense into him although, "lost" and "cause" spring to mind sad really, that he's been away so long - that the good citizens of Moronica have felt the need to elect a new president...still Sarah Palin makes and admirable replacementWhat are you talking about? BTW I'm not leaving I decided to stay! ;) |
brENsKi 26.10.2014 17:32 |
glad to hear you're hanging around longer: why?. think about it - if, and it really is a huge "IF" - there is any God, and he's the same God YOU worship...consider this: the longer YOU stay here spouting bile and uttering verbal excrement, then the more likely the chance of YOUR God dispatching you somewhere that the ambient daytime temperature is 7800degs your ass is gonna fry you nasty little fuckwit must be a sad state of affairs for you when even your "imaginary friend" (God) hates you too lol |
The King Of Rhye 26.10.2014 18:06 |
Jefffabiano wrote: What are you talking about? BTW I'm not leaving I decided to stay! ;)That doesn't surprise me in the least.........freakin drama queen............ |
GERRYISADICK 26.10.2014 18:12 |
The King Of Rhye wrote:Thank you!Jefffabiano wrote: What are you talking about? BTW I'm not leaving I decided to stay! ;)That doesn't surprise me in the least.........freakin drama queen............ |
The King Of Rhye 27.10.2014 13:37 |
Jefffabiano wrote:Well havent you said you were leaving a few times before????The King Of Rhye wrote:Thank you!Jefffabiano wrote: What are you talking about? BTW I'm not leaving I decided to stay! ;)That doesn't surprise me in the least.........freakin drama queen............ Notice, by the way, that no one asked you not to leave............ |
Holly2003 29.10.2014 16:25 |
link Freewill by Rush :) |