WKMahlerMahlers.Com 19.10.2014 11:59 |
"Something About Tomorrow" Made Electric (Cape Cod) compensation: Tour contract job internship part-time non-profit organization telecommuting okay I rather believe that Verscythe of Facebook Massachusetts, USA would steamroll Queen II with Brian May, Roger Taylor & W. K. Mahler sometime after the European Queen + Adam Lambert 2015. Adam is a solid singer from beginning of a show till the end and fine for retreading Freddie Mercury era greats but how about new material more culpable to the USA in terms of sold out stadiums and 10M webdev live stream as in Europe Ukraine with Paul Rodgers but here in America? I'm all for the negativity just a born and bred American singer songwriter capable of "The Loser In The End" by Roger Taylor, never performed live by Queen in the day either. I do wonder where Bruce Springsteen finds himself nowadays since "Radio Nowhere", "Gypsy Rider", "Human Touch", "Racing In The Street", "Thunder Road", "Badlands", "Cover Me", but "The Fever" still resonates as close to freestyle as you will find by the Boss. Just wondering really, what would it be like to create anew again while the last recorded demo has since garnered "Hotel California" & "Stairway To Heaven" Anyone wanna be willing to make electric personified the following? show contact info live in one take, harmonica and vocals, recorded with a Sony Mini Disc & Electronic Condenser Microphone, some wind effects streams link link link -----Original Message----- From: W. K. Mahler, Mahlers.Com Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2014 6:50 AM Newsgroups: soc.culture.usa,ne.general Subject: "Something About Tomorrow" --Something About Tomorrow-- July 2004 Recorded live and freestyle at the Hyannis Town Green, Hyannis, MA. RIP Clarence "Big Man" Clemons I can't tell you just call my name Lead me to where we could be For me it is always the same I can't ask you to stop me where I am Tell me it's you I chatted with But by text and email again I can't always know which way to turn To be with you new friend And this life that I have yearned Easy for me to believe you were waiting for me When I've yet to hear you call my name Make it so simple I'd never miss that meeting So life changes from being the same Something about tomorrow Brings me here today Something about the way you walk Makes me wanna walk and say Oh something about the living Is something I've yet to live today Something about tomorrow Brings me here today Yes I need you to stop me where I am It might not seem indeed that I am that busy I meant to be with you face to face Take me off to somewhere a different place Wherever you were coming to lead me Believe me as it is you are okay with me Take me to there your saving grace Remember it is you I meant to go to If I had only known for sure it was you Seeking me out to find there is living to do Oh no matter the situation good or bad Take me on, take me better than I have Something about tomorrow Brings me here today Something about the way you walk Makes me want to walk and say Something about the living Brings me here today Something about tomorrow Brings me here today Though maybe I am just the kind of person To keep missing what I am seeking Well I probably won't be around For so many say I ain't listening Well next time you are around Stop me there where I am And take me by the hand No matter who I am with It's you I want My new and old friend Call me to your place Wherever you may be As long as you and I are face to face You'll get the best out of me Yes you'll get the best out of me Something about tomorrow Brings me here today Something about the way you walk Makes me want to walk and say Oh something about the living I've yet to live today Something about tomorrow Brings me here today Something about tomorrow Brings me here today Something about the way you smile Makes me want to smile the same way Something about tomorrow Brings me here today W. K. Mahler link |
Fart Sandwiches 19.10.2014 16:59 |
Shhhhh |
waunakonor 19.10.2014 19:16 |
Yeah, you tell him Fart Sandwiches! |
pittrek 20.10.2014 06:02 |
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum." |
WKMahlerMahlers.Com 20.10.2014 06:33 |
pittrek wrote: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."mind writing in English? |
brENsKi 20.10.2014 16:28 |
WKMahlerMahlers.Com wrote:ok. i'll give translation a shot.pittrek wrote: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."mind writing in English? Are you on f*cking crack? |
Djdownsy 23.10.2014 20:23 |
Ohhhhhhhh, I knew I shouldn't have mentioned this guy a while back, next we'll see Treasure Moment back. |
mooghead 24.10.2014 15:22 |
I don't know if I actually envy idiots like this. They are so detached from reality that they must be happy in their own little world. They may spew verbal vomit on a regular basis but are no doubt happy with life. Because they have absolutely no conception of it. |
BETA215 24.10.2014 21:42 |
pittrek wrote: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."'Bacon ipsum dolor amet pork loin shankle doner chicken swine, venison shank short ribs corned beef. Shankle tenderloin sirloin short ribs, frankfurter kielbasa venison capicola pastrami pig meatloaf brisket hamburger. Bacon kevin meatloaf swine chicken. Kielbasa shankle salami spare ribs sausage porchetta swine strip steak kevin tail venison drumstick fatback shank'? 'Uuummmm, this is a tasty burger Well, the way they make shows is, they make one show. That show's called a pilot. Then they show that show to the people who make shows, and on the strength of that one show they decide if they're going to make more shows. Some pilots get picked and become television programs. Some don't, become nothing. She starred in one of the ones that became nothing.'? Or 'Lebowski ipsum okay, Jackie, done. I like the way you do business. Your money is being held by a kid named Larry Sellers. He lives in North Hollywood, on Radford, near the In-and-Out Burger. A real fuckin' brat, but I'm sure. Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit praesent ac magna justo pellentesque. It's all over, man! We call your fucking bluff! Ac lectus quis elit blandit. Where's my goddamn money, you bum?! Fringilla a ut turpis praesent felis ligula. You might fool the fucks in the league office, but you don't fool Jesus! Malesuada suscipit malesuada non, ultrices. Fine, Dude. As if it's impossible to get some nail polish, apply it to someone else's toe. Non urna sed orci ipsum, placerat id condimentum rutrum. Saturday is shabbos. Jewish day of rest. Means I don't work, I don't drive a car, I don't fucking ride in a car, I don't handle money, I don't turn on the oven, and I sure as shit don't fucking roll! Rhoncus ac lorem aliquam placerat posuere neque, at dignissim magna ullamcorper?' What is best? |
GERRYISADICK 24.10.2014 21:43 |
You bunch of idiots |
BETA215 24.10.2014 21:44 |
Jefffabiano wrote: You bunch of idiotsI love you, friend. |
GERRYISADICK 24.10.2014 22:05 |
BETA215 wrote:I love you tooJefffabiano wrote: You bunch of idiotsI love you, friend. |
thomasquinn 32989 25.10.2014 05:50 |
Jefffabiano wrote:You don't know how to love, you just hate.BETA215 wrote:I love you tooJefffabiano wrote: You bunch of idiotsI love you, friend. |
GERRYISADICK 25.10.2014 07:55 |
thomasquinn 32989 wrote:I love you and I would do anything for youJefffabiano wrote:You don't know how to love, you just hate.BETA215 wrote:I love you tooJefffabiano wrote: You bunch of idiotsI love you, friend. |
thomasquinn 32989 25.10.2014 07:59 |
"A false witness will not go unpunished, and whoever pours out lies will not go free." Proverbs 19:5 |
GERRYISADICK 25.10.2014 08:05 |
thomasquinn 32989 wrote: "A false witness will not go unpunished, and whoever pours out lies will not go free." Proverbs 19:5But the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, they shall have their portion in the pool burning with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. Revelation 21:8 |
GERRYISADICK 25.10.2014 08:13 |
11 And I saw a great white throne, and one sitting upon it, from whose face the earth and heaven fled away, and there was no place found for them. 12 And I saw the dead, great and small, standing in the presence of the throne, and the books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged by those things which were written in the books, according to their works. 13 And the sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and hell gave up their dead that were in them; and they were judged every one according to their works. 14 And hell and death were cast into the pool of fire. This is the second death. 15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life, was cast into the pool of fire. Revelation 20:11-15 |
thomasquinn 32989 25.10.2014 08:19 |
Quoting Revelation is never a good move, as not even the Catholic Church claims complete comprehension of that psychedelic nightmare. But that aside - I'm an unbeliever, so I don't care either way. If you're a believer, your violation of a commandment (a commandment which is reiterated more than any of the other 9 throughout the Bible, Exodus 20:16, Deuteronomy 5:20, Exodus 23:1-2, Proverbs 19:5, Isaiah 29:20-22) should be of a lot more concern to you. |
GERRYISADICK 25.10.2014 08:21 |
thomasquinn 32989 wrote: Quoting Revelation is never a good move, as not even the Catholic Church claims complete comprehension of that psychedelic nightmare. But that aside - I'm an unbeliever, so I don't care either way. If you're a believer, your violation of a commandment (a commandment which is reiterated more than any of the other 9 throughout the Bible, Exodus 20:16, Deuteronomy 5:20, Exodus 23:1-2, Proverbs 19:5, Isaiah 29:20-22) should be of a lot more concern to you.Which Catholic the one under the heretic Francis? No! I am a sedevacantist |
thomasquinn 32989 25.10.2014 08:30 |
Close - you're an idiot who will believe in any conspiracy theory he hears. You have that in common with most other sedevacantists. You do know there are an inordinate number of nazi sympathisers among the sedevacantists, right? Just so you know who your friends are... |
GERRYISADICK 25.10.2014 08:33 |
thomasquinn 32989 wrote: Close - you're an idiot who will believe in any conspiracy theory he hears. You have that in common with most other sedevacantists. You do know there are an inordinate number of nazi sympathisers among the sedevacantists, right? Just so you know who your friends are...Really? There are no Nazi sedes we are all that is left of the One TRUE Faith and when Christ returns you will see the error in your ways so convert now! |
GERRYISADICK 25.10.2014 08:40 |
Thomas why do you hate me I didnt come to QZ to fight I came to talk about Queen |
thomasquinn 32989 25.10.2014 08:43 |
You've just proven your idiocy - the presence of large numbers of nazi-sympathisers among the so-called "Radical Tradtionalist Catholic"-movements, which includes sedevacantism, is well-documented and intensely studied. "Radical Traditionalist Catholicism" is, in fact, "the single largest group of hard-core anti-Semites in America" ( link ) But that doesn't bother you in the least, because you've already amply demonstrated your own anti-semitism. |
GERRYISADICK 25.10.2014 08:44 |
thomasquinn 32989 wrote: You've just proven your idiocy - the presence of large numbers of nazi-sympathisers among the so-called "Radical Tradtionalist Catholic"-movements, which includes sedevacantism, is well-documented and intensely studied. "Radical Traditionalist Catholicism" is, in fact, "the single largest group of hard-core anti-Semites in America" ( link ) But that doesn't bother you in the least, because you've already amply demonstrated your own anti-semitism.They killed the Lord |
thomasquinn 32989 25.10.2014 08:52 |
That is the stupidest, most backwards medieval fallacy I've heard. That argument comes straight from the 14th century and its pogroms. You'd feel right at home among those illiterate supersticious peasants. Assuming Jesus existed in the first place, which is highly dubious in itself, it was the ROMANS who crucified him. But that quite aside - you don't even seek to deny your anti-Semitism. You merely come up with a pathetic excuse. If you had any decency, you'd shut up and leave forever. But clearly, you don't have any decency, any intelligence or any civilization in you. You are human filth, a nazi stooge, a mindless follower to two-bit conmen like your retarded sedevacantist bigots. You are a waste of oxygen. |
GERRYISADICK 25.10.2014 08:56 |
thomasquinn 32989 wrote: That is the stupidest, most backwards medieval fallacy I've heard. That argument comes straight from the 14th century and its pogroms. You'd feel right at home among those illiterate supersticious peasants. Assuming Jesus existed in the first place, which is highly dubious in itself, it was the ROMANS who crucified him. But that quite aside - you don't even seek to deny your anti-Semitism. You merely come up with a pathetic excuse. If you had any decency, you'd shut up and leave forever. But clearly, you don't have any decency, any intelligence or any civilization in you. You are human filth, a nazi stooge, a mindless follower to two-bit conmen like your retarded sedevacantist bigots. You are a waste of oxygen.No you are now dont you have to rape your mother you heartless prick |
thomasquinn 32989 25.10.2014 08:59 |
And here comes the predictable rant projecting your own incestuous fantasies. It's always good to see scum like you exposing yourself for what you are. I hope you really are deeply religious. If so, you are in deep trouble with your own religion for violating religious obligations and ignoring prohibitions left and right. So I guess I'll see you in hell, where you belong. |
GERRYISADICK 25.10.2014 09:00 |
thomasquinn 32989 wrote: And here comes the predictable rant projecting your own incestuous fantasies. It's always good to see scum like you exposing yourself for what you are.FUCK YOU! |
GERRYISADICK 25.10.2014 09:03 |
You atheists are pathetic heartless assholes of a kid scraped his knee you would fucking euthanize him! |
BETA215 26.10.2014 13:18 |
thomasquinn 32989 wrote: And here comes the predictable rant projecting your own incestuous fantasies. It's always good to see scum like you exposing yourself for what you are. I hope you really are deeply religious. If so, you are in deep trouble with your own religion for violating religious obligations and ignoring prohibitions left and right. So I guess I'll see you in hell, where you belong.Why do you keep answering the trolls? Or, why do you keep answering people from stone age? |
thomasquinn 32989 26.10.2014 13:43 |
In the (vain) hope that there might be one who finally picks *something* up. Hell, there's so much room for improvement here that I'd consider it a victory if he took up decent interpunction! |
The Real Wizard 27.10.2014 09:57 |
thomasquinn 32989 wrote: That is the stupidest, most backwards medieval fallacy I've heard. That argument comes straight from the 14th century and its pogroms. You'd feel right at home among those illiterate supersticious peasants. Assuming Jesus existed in the first place, which is highly dubious in itself, it was the ROMANS who crucified him. But that quite aside - you don't even seek to deny your anti-Semitism. You merely come up with a pathetic excuse. If you had any decency, you'd shut up and leave forever. But clearly, you don't have any decency, any intelligence or any civilization in you. You are human filth, a nazi stooge, a mindless follower to two-bit conmen like your retarded sedevacantist bigots. You are a waste of oxygen. |
BETA215 27.10.2014 21:39 |
^ You always have the right words. :) |
mooghead 28.10.2014 03:33 |
"You atheists are pathetic heartless assholes of a kid scraped his knee you would fucking euthanize him!" And why did god injure the poor innocent child in the first place? And what is so bad about sending the child to the magnificence of gods bosom in the kingdom of heaven? ;-) |