Ok, most of you are familiar with the format - so let's see what creativity we have as a bunch. The modern broadcasts of the show allow a modicum of flexibility.
But basically, it's
8 pieces of music
1 book
1 luxury, + the bible and complete works of shakespeare.
my own list:
1. beatles - in my life
2. floyd - shine on you crazy diamond (pts I-V)
3. edwin hawkins singers - oh! happy day
4. thunderclap newman - something in the air
5. camille saint-saens - carnival of the animals
6. led zeppelin - thank you
7. green day - good riddance (time of your life)
8. queen - somebody to love
book: - Douglas Adams - The Long Dark Teatime of the Soul
luxury item: - a distillery full of Midleton Irish whiskey
one caveat: i'd remove shakespeare from the compulsories and replace with Oscar Wilde's complete works.
1. The Beatles - A Day In The Life
2. Bob Dylan - Jack-A-Roe
3. Queen - Mad The Swine
4. Bob Dylan - Things Have Changed
5. John Cale - Hallelujah
6. Leonard Cohen - Everybody Knows
7. Extreme - More Than Words
8. Johnny Cash - Hurt
Book: JK Rowling - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Luxury item: I honestly don't know. Maybe a lifetime supply of water?
I'm good with the Bible and the complete works of Shakespeare.
Hahahaha! It's a joke!
1. The March Of The Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen)
2. Stairway To Heaven (Led Zeppelin)
3. Californication (Red Hot Chili Peppers)
4. Nothing Else Matters (Metallica)
5. Highway To Hell (AC/DC)
6. Knocking On Heaven's Door (Guns N' Roses)
7. Persiana Americana (Soda Stereo)
8. Jailhouse Rock (Elvis Presley)
Classics list.
Book: Mundo Quino.
Luxury item: (A last generation PC (better than NASA PCs) full with all kinds of music and artists, videogames, movies, books and everything in 239 YB. And obviously Internet.) Hahaha. A Khashoggi's Ship!
I'd remove the bible and replace it with Todo Mafalda. I know the bible is a good story, but it don't get me. I prefer jokes and smart stories instead of stories about a man, the thoughts of what would happen when we're going to die, and a lot of other things.
Ok this took some thought
1. Queen- Bohemian Rhapsody
2Queen- We will rock you/ We are the champions
3.Queen- Don't stop me know
4. Queen- Radio Ga Ga
5.Queen- The miracle
6.Queen- The show must go on
7. Queen- These are the days of our lives
8. Queen mother love
Luxury item- Enough food and supplies so I don't die!
Book The Bible and the works of Shakespeare should occupy me for a while so. The complete lord of the rings / hobbit saga